4.1. Alloying technology as reflected in the slags from the Xincun and Baidian foundry sites
Some differences were observed between the copper slags from the Xincun and Baidian foundry sites. Although both slags consisted of pure copper, the copper is present as copper prills in the Xincun slag, whilst it is present as copper matte prills in the Baidian slag, indicating different raw materials or smelting processes used in the production of copper between those two sites. The nature of copper slag needs to be discussed, since copper smelting, refining, and melting can all generate copper-rich slag free from alloying elements. The Xincun slag H91:4 had a heterogeneous matrix with relatively low iron but high silicon contents. The presence of unreacted copper-bearing minerals in the slag matrix (Fig. 4b) suggests that this slag probably resulted from smelting of natural ores. The absence of sulfur (S) in the slag indicates the likelihood of oxidised ores or ores with little sulphied being smelted at the site. The presence of copper matte in Baidian slag BH2:07 suggests possible use of sulphide ore-copper matte-copper smelting process at the site. This process is described in Eibner‘s model, i.e. the matte resulted from the roasting was then smelted to metallic copper (Eibner 1982). However, the copper matte found here was too small both in size and amount to reflect the true grade of the copper matte produced, therefore, it is difficult to conclude that a sulphide ore-copper matte-copper smelting process was used at the Baidian foundry site. A direct reduction of sulphide-bearing oxide ores or mixed ores was also possible (Li et al. 2020).
The copper smelting process represented by the copper smelting slag of Xincun and Baidian foundry sites provided a foundation for bronze production at the sites. Previous researchers have suggested several ways of bronze production: co-smelting a mixture of copper-tin ores; alloying of copper with mineral cassiterite (SnO2 present in nature); melting metallic copper and tin in right proportions; remelting of waste bronze, with the possible addition of copper/tin metal or ore (Sloley and Lucas 1948; Rovira et al. 2009; Rademakers and Farci 2018).
It is noteworthy that a large number of tin-bearing phases are retained in the matrix of Xinxun slag H98:3. Rademakers et al. (2018) reconstructed bronze production processes by identifying tin oxide and cassiterite in slag through experimental archaeology. While the remains of unreacted mineral cassiterite can be easily identified, indicating the use of tin ore. The presence of partially re-crystallised mineral cassiterite which are typically composed of euhedral cluster crystals, could also point to the use of tin ore. Therefore, it is likely that the clustered crystals in this sample are the mineral cassiterite. Additionally, malayaite in slag is often resulted from the reaction between cassiterite and calcium-rich pyroxenes and can be taken as an indication of the use of tin ores (Rovira et al. 2009). Furthermore, malayaite occurs in tin-rich contact metamorphic skarn deposits and is also a hydrothermal metamorphic product of cassiterite or other tin-bearing minerals. No phases associated with copper smelting were found in slag H98:3, so it has probably resulted from a co-melting process using tin minerals and metallic copper.
The slags from the Baidian foundry site reflect the diversity of alloying technologies compared to the Xincun foundry site. The enrichment of copper&lead-rich silicates in the matrix of slag BH20:045 may be indicative of the use of copper-lead symbiotic ores (as opposed to metal) in the alloying process, which would be more reactive to form silicates (Julia 2020). For the alloy prills, antimony (Sb) was not detected in the lead-rich phase metal prill, but a significant amount was found in the high-tin prills. Thus, antimony is more likely originated from the tin materials, e.g. tin ores or tin ingots. However, the presence of a large lead particle suggests the possible use of lead ingots (Fig. 5c). Lead ingots were reported to have been found in the Houma foundry (Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology 2012).
In slag BH2:09, the metal prills were found to be of ternary alloys, but none containing extraordinarily high-tin. The extraordinarily high-tin prills indicate that metallic tin or cassiterite was freshly added to the melt, which appeared not the case for this slag (Rademakers and Rehren 2016; Liu et al. 2020). Remelting of waste bronzes for alloying could have produced such a slag. Additionally, the irregular shape of the metal prills in this sample may be related to melting (Cui et al. 2021). The presence of stokesite and lead silicate in the matrix indicates possible addition of tin (lead) minerals to recycled bronzes in the melting process.
As mentioned previously, the presence of barite in the matrix of Baidian slag BH20:044 indicates the use of tin ore. Higher iron content detected in the high tin bronze prills than in the copper-bearing phase implies that most of the iron may have been introduced from the tin materials into the alloy. Iron minerals tends to react with cassiterite under high temperature at reducing conditions during roasting to form tin&iron-rich compounds, which may attribute to the presence of iron-rich calcium-tin silicate in slag BH20:044 (Annemie 1996; Su 2014). As tin is preferentially oxidised over copper, there should not be a situation in which copper is oxidised while tin is still present as a metal (Rovira 2007; Dungworth 2000). This suggests that the copper-rich phase present in the slag had formed before tin was added to the charge (Li et al. 2007). During melting, metallic copper can turn into cuprite due to poorly controlled redox conditions (Liu et al. 2020). The copper-rich phase was likely the outcome of such an operation. Slag BH20:044 may represent a process in which tin ores were added to the molten copper to make bronzes. The bright area in the SEM image of crucible BH20:043 (Fig. 6b) appeared to have a similar composition to a barite particle present in slag BH20:044 (Fig. 7e), suggests that the crucible could have been used for an activity from which slag BH20:044 was produced.
4.2. Possible use of flux in the slags of the Xincun and Baidian foundry sites
The significant level of calcium detected in Xincun slag H98:3 and Baidian slag BH20:044 is worth noting, and in the latter the high iron content was also noted. Both furnaces and crucibles at these sites have low calcium content. It is therefore possible that the calcium comes from an external addition, i.e. a gangue in the ore or calcareous fluxes. However, the contribution of the calcium content of the gangue to the slag composition cannot be conclusive due to the lack of original ore in this study. Calcareous fluxes were reported to have been used in the iron smelting industry of the pre-Qin period, and similar levels of calcium (to that reported here) were found in iron-smelting slags (Qin et al. 2016; Du et al. 2011). In contrast, such a high calcium content (Tables 2&5) has rarely been found in copper slags, and no calcareous fluxes such as limestone (CaCO3) or dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) have been found from bronze smelting and casting sites.
The different chemical and mineralogical compositions observed in the two very different areas (Figs. 4e&f) of Xincun slag H98:3 indicate its heterogenous feature. The central area of the slag has a high tin content and promoted the formation of some tin-bearing phases such as tin oxide, malayaite and stannous calcium silicate. While the outer area is more enriched with calcium and magnesium than the central area (Fig. 8). A slag found at a Bronze Age mining site at Mušiston (Tajikistan) was reported similar to this situation. The slag from Mušiston (Tajikistan) contained higher tin and zinc contents in the central area, and much richer in iron in the outer area than in the centre. Berger suggested that the predominance of tin and zinc (compounds) in the centre together with the numerous metallic inclusions limits the zone of ore reaction to this area, thus the sample may have experienced a low smelting temperature or insufficient smelting time (Berger et al. 2022; Hauptmann 2007). Based on these points, the central area of slag H98:3 is probably closer in chemical composition to the original tin ore than its outer area, and the original tin ore type could have been a calcium-rich vein type. The higher calcium content in the outer area may not be entirely derived from the ore (Berger et al. 2022). The calcium content of the crucible was only 1.6%, which is much lower than that in the slag, indicating an introduction of considerable amount of external calcium during the smelting process. The poor homogeneity of the slag may be due to the uneven distribution of tin in the ore, resulting varying degrees of reaction between the ore and the calcareous fluxes in different areas (Berger et al. 2022).
The Baidian slags show higher calcium content than the Xincun slags, with most slags containing approximately 10% calcium. In particular, slag BH20:044 contains an extraordinarily high level of both calcium and iron in the matrix (41.7% CaO, 15.5% FeO). The calcium oxide in the slag is predominantly present in the glassy phase and there is a large amount of calcium-rich pyroxene dispersed in the matrix. Presently it is difficult to ascertain whether this attribute deliberately added flux or to the gangue in the ore, but there is a greater likelihood that it is the former. The iron and silicon in slag BH20:044 facilitated the formation of iron silicate phases, hematite and iron-rich tin-calcium silicate phases. Such iron-rich phase in the slag is believed to have formed during smelting or refining iron-containing copper and/or tin ores. Hauptmann (2003) argued that early Bronze Age smelters used high-grade copper ores containing silicon and iron to facilitate the smelting reaction, referring this phenomenon to self-fluxing, suggesting that people were already aware of the role of silicon and iron in the slag-making process. In contrast, a smelting slag of the Zhou dynasty found at the Yangxin Dalupu site in Hubei province contained more than 70% FeO, less than 12% CaO and 25% SiO2, respectively. This suggests that smelters at that period have intentionally added iron ore to lower the slag viscosity, and facilitate its discharge from the smelting furnace (Zhu 2021). Despite of a higher iron content (15.5%, Table 5) found in slag BH20:044 than in other samples, the phase identification and iron content alone are insufficient to point to a deliberate use of iron ore fluxes. The iron could have also been impurities present in the tin ore.
4.3. Smelting conditions in the Xincun and Baidian foundry sites
Viscosity is a critical property of slag material that determines the separation of silicates from metal melt. Exploring the range of viscosities of slags offers insight into the smelting process for different types of slag. The addition of fluxes is a usual way to decrease viscosity and increase fluidity. However, the presence of a large amount of metal prills in the centre of the Xincun slag H98:3 indicates that the viscosity of the slag was not low enough to facilitate complete separation of the metal from slag.
The model proposed by Bachmann (1989) was used in this study to calculate the viscosity index (K) of slag, i.e. the ratio of the viscosity-decreasing to viscosity-increasing oxides based on the following equation:
K= (CaO + MgO + FeO + TiO 2 + Na2O + K2O + PbO) /(SiO2 + Al2O3 + SnO)
A higher viscosity index (K) generally corresponds to lower slag viscosity and higher fluidity at a certain temperature. The calculation of the viscosity index based on the analytical results (Tables 2&5) shows high values for Xincun slag H98:3 and Baidian slag BH20:044. Table 7 shows that the central and outer areas of Xincun slag H98:3 have viscosity index values of 0.6 and 1, respectively, which explains the abundance of alloy prills in the centre of the slag. In contrast, the viscosity index of Baidian slag BH20:044 is as high as 1.7, indicating a significantly more efficient separation of metal from silicate slag compared to Xincun slag H98:3. Additionally, the viscosity index values for the other samples from both Xincun and Baidian foundry sites are less than 0.5, points to high viscosity of those slag samples.
Table 7
The viscosity index (K) results of the slags from the Xincun and Baidian foundry sites (data: C Wang )
Xincun foundry site
Baidian foundry site
Centre area
Outer area
Viscosity index (K)
The viscosity of the slag is also affected by smelting temperature. However, the complex chemical composition of the charge and disequilibrium conditions during the smelting process results in varied solidification temperatures for different slags or at different zones (Kresten 1986). We attempted to use the ternary state diagram (Fig. 9) to estimate the smelting temperature at these two sites. Data used in the figure are that of the high-silica region (slag matrix), except for Xincun H98:3 and Baidian slag BH20:044. However, since the liquidus temperature in the high-silica region is higher than what is typical for ancient smelting, incomplete melting may occur (SÁEZ et al. 2003). The high silica content in the slag contributes to its high viscosity, which hinders homogenisation of the mixture, thus explaining the inhomogeneity observed in the slag.
As shown in Fig. 9, Xincun slag H98:3 and Baidian slag BH20:044 showed relatively high smelting temperatures, but the presence of Na2O, K2O, Cu2O and PbO in the slag may alter the estimates (Hauptmann 2007; Ströbele et al. 2010). Therefore, the smelting temperature depicted in Fig. 9 may fluctuate slightly. A large amount of malayaite present in slag H98:3 is often produced through the reaction between cassiterite and wollastonite (CaSiO3) or calcium-rich pyroxene, which are frequently formed during the smelting process (Rovira et al. 2009). As the transformation of wollastonite to pseudowollastonite (Ca3Si3O9) begins at roasting temperatures above 1100°C, wollastonite almost completely disappears when the temperature exceeds 1200°C, and is transformed to mainly pseudowollastonite and silica (Sheng et al. 2015). The calcium-rich phase may be a product of the transformation process, and the absence of wollastonite in this slag suggests a smelting temperatures of exceeding 1200°C.
Similarly, a large amount of calcium-rich pyroxene and high calcium content were observed in the matrix (41.7% CaO) of Baidian slag BH20:044, with a smelting temperature of up to 1500°C, which is even higher than that of Xincun slag H98:3. This suggests that the slag from both the Xincun and Baidian foundry sites were probably formed at extremely high temperatures. However, the formation of slag melts was reported to possibly up to about 1100–1300℃ in early metallurgy (Hauptmann 2007). Experimental tests have shown that higher temperatures inside the furnace indicate forced ventilation in the smelting system, and air input enhanced the combustion reactions, and led to temperature increases in the furnace (Rovira 1999). Therefore, it is doubtful that the Zhou dynasty bronze smelting process could have reached such high temperatures, and more research is needed to confirm or refute this hypothesis.
The atmosphere of the furnace is another important factor affecting the smelting process. A strong reducing atmosphere is necessary for the reduction of minerals in the ores to metals, without remnant unreacted ore components (except for quartz) (Berger et al. 2022). The analysis of the Xincun slag H91:4 suggested a weak reducing atmosphere during the smelting of the copper ores, resulting in incomplete ore reduction and leading to a heterogeneous microstructure with a mixture of malayaite and lead-bearing aluminate particles present (Fig. 4b) (Elin et al. 2010). The presence of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) in the copper prill indicates an incomplete reduction of cupric oxide (CuO). Certainly, it is also possible that oxidation occurred during the final stage of smelting or cooling of the melt, causing some of the copper to oxidise to Cu2O.
In the Xincun slag H98:3, the well-developed chain-like clusters from the recrystallisation of cassiterite, appeared to retain within the original mineral grains (Fig. 4c), indicating an inadequate reducing atmosphere during the smelting process (Rademakers et al. 2018). The presence of CaO and SiO2 drives the formation of the stannate and stannous silicate phases under weak reducing atmospheres, therefore, the reduction of stannate and stannous silicates requires a stronger reducing atmosphere (Su 2014). Thus, the stannous-calcium-silicate phase in slag H98:3 may indicate a weak reduction. Additionally, oxidising atmosphere is evidenced by the presence of tin oxides around the metal prills (Rademakers et al. 2018), which could have entrapped in the slag and oxidised during cooling.
Iron oxidation or silicate phases are often used to infer smelting atmospheres due to the prevalence of iron-bearing phases in the slag and their variation in oxidation state (Stolarczyk 2013). Iron-bearing phases such as iron silicate (3FeO ▪SiO2) and pyroxene, both containing Fe2+, were observed in the Baidian slag BH20:044 (Fig. 7c), indicating a strong reducing atmosphere during the smelting (Katarzyna et al. 2021). However, the presence of hematite, which contains Fe3+, in slag BH20:044 (Fig. 7e), indicating a weak reducing atmosphere. This, on the one hand, may be due to the heterogeneous feature of smelting using an open crucible that may have created weak reducing atmospheres in some areas (Rovira 2004). On the other hand, oxidation may have occurred during the cooling process, with some of iron silicates being oxidised, and precipitated to hematite (Hauptmann 2007; Berger et al. 2022).