Researchers have utilized human behavior theory for many years to examine the acceptance and use intention [15]. Various theories have been proposed to explain technology acceptance, including Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2), Motivational Model (MM), Model of PC Utilization (MPCU), Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT))[15–17]. The UTAUT, which combines eight of these theories, has been used to validate learners' behavioral intentions(Venkatesh et al., 2003). This model consists of four main constructs: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions (Fig. 2) [18]. The UTAUT is one of the most widely used theoretical models to predict technology acceptance and adoption [17, 19]. The UTAUT model, which had an adjusted R2 of 69% and was superior to the eight individual models, could account for up to 70% of the variance in usage behavior variance [18]. Research indicates that the UTAUT is a dependable model for understanding global technology adoption factors (Arifet al., 2018). As a result, the UTAUT serves as the theoretical foundation for our investigation. After reviewing the literature, the following relationships were proposed as hypotheses.
2.1. Performance expectancy. PE can be defined as the degree to which a student believes that using Rain Classroom will help him or her improve academic performance [18]. Some research has shown the positive impact of PE on behavioral intention[4, 20–22]. A pupil will have a favorable attitude in regard to the system that is being discussed and be more likely to use Rain Classroom if they anticipate improving their academic performance. Thus, the following is a statement of the hypothesis.
H1: Performance expectancy has a positive impact on medical students' behavioral intention to use Rain Classroom.
2.2. Effort expectancy. EE is the degree to which an individual perceives using a particular technology as easy or difficult [18]. This construct is analogous to the "ease-of-use" component of the Technology Acceptance Model [10]. Research has shown that EE can be a significant predictor of an individual's intention to use an online educational system [4, 21–24]. A meta-analysis of 52 studies found that ease of use had the strongest relationship with users' intentions to adopt new technologies[25]. Based on this evidence, we can formulate the following hypothesis.
H2: Effort expectancy has a positive impact on medical students' behavioral intention to use Rain Classroom.
2.3. Social influence. SI refers to a student's perception of others' beliefs about their use of Rain Classroom (Venkatesh et al., 2003), which has been found to positively impact their behavioral intentions toward technology adoption in the workplace. Numerous studies have shown that SI significantly influences the behavioral intention to adopt online learning systems[24, 26–28]. C-M Chiu and ET Wang [29] suggested that a more favorable social influence on a behavior, such as using an online course system, increases the likelihood of students carrying it out [30]. Hence, this study postulates the following hypothesis:
H3: Social influence has a positive impact on the behavioral intention to use Rain Classroom.
2.4. Facilitating conditions. The level of FC indicates a student's belief in the existence of an administrative and technological framework to enable the usage of an online course management system (Venkatesh et al., 2003). According to Venkatesh et al. (2003), FC has a favorable impact on how often people use technology at work. In this regard, many studies have indicated that FC has a considerable influence on users' intentions to use digital information systems [4, 15, 27, 28]. However, some research reports have indicated that FC has no significant impact on their intentions to use e-learning [24, 26, 31]. Based on what we already know, we have come up with the following research hypothesis.
H4: Facilitating conditions have a positive impact on the behavioral intention of medical students to use Rain Classroom.
2.5. Self-efficacy. SE is the degree to which one believes in their ability to complete a task[32]. According to several studies, self-efficacy is one of the important factors determining the acceptance of an educational system [33–35]. Several studies have endorsed the SE variable as an integral part of promoting the adoption of MOOCs by students [16, 21, 36, 37]. These findings contribute to the extension of the UTAUT model related to the construct of SE on computers. Based on this, the study posits the following.
H5: Self-efficacy has a positive effect on the behavioral intention of medical students to use Rain Classroom.
2.6. Motivation. Self-determination theory (SDT) is a theory that explains human behaviour and motivation[38]. It focuses on fulfilling basic psychological needs and improving intrinsic motivation for learning [39]. The theory categorizes motivation into autonomous and controlled based on the level of autonomy or control [38]. Therefore, by integrating SDT and UTAUT, this study can address the limitations and improve the accuracy and comprehensiveness of its findings. Autonomous motivation, which meets individual autonomy needs, is a critical driver of behavior[31]. Therefore, we assume the following:
H6: Motivation has a positive effect on medical students' behavioral intention to use Rain Classroom.
2.7. Stress. ST is defined as a particular relationship between the person and the environment in that the person is taxing or exceeding their resources and endangering his or her well-being[40]. Online learning has been used to assess the daily course and academic performance of students, and in some ways, students felt stressed [41]. MA Islam, SD Barna, H Raihan, MNA Khan and MT Hossain [42]noted that the pressure of online lecture tasks is a contributing factor to students' ST levels. These tasks require students to use online media that they may not be familiar with, leading to the need for immediate comprehension. As a result, the study proposes the following.
H7: Stress has a negative impact on medical students' behavioral intentions to use Rain Classroom.
2.8. Anxiety. AN is a negative emotional reaction that adversely affects a person's intention to perform a particular task[43]. In this study, task anxiety is defined as the fear of being unable to accomplish tasks[44]. The term "technology AN" refers to people's anxiety or unease when using computers or other forms of technology.[45]. Empirical research has indicated that anxiety directly affects behavioral intention negatively [46–48]. Some research has demonstrated the importance of predicting use behavior [49]. Therefore, we propose the following hypothesis:
H8: Anxiety has a negative impact on the behavioral intention of medical students to use Rain Classroom.