The duration of magnetic field reversals at locations on Earth is variable, with estimates ranging from less than one hundred years [1–3] to thousands of years [4– 7]. Simple physical models of the reversal process predict short reversal duration near the poles, and longer duration near the equator [8, 9]. However, a compilation of palaeomagnetic observations finds the opposite [4]. Here we resolve this long-standing paradox using palaeomagnetic data and an Earthlike [10], reversing dynamo simulation. We identify two types of local reversals for a global magnetic reversal in our simulation. Simple local reversals (SLR) undergo a single polarity flip, with durations of 109 years – 2.32 kyr. Complex local reversals (CLR) flip more than once, with durations of 1.40 kyr – 13.2 kyr. While SLR occurrence and duration peaks near the equator and diminishes at mid-latitudes, CLR occurrence and duration peaks near the poles. Surprisingly, equatorial latitudes are free of CLR and polar regions are free of SLR. These results are consistent with the simple physical models and palaeomagnetic observations. We find that analysis of the local and global magnetic field behaviour in our dynamo model can reconcile the complex and seemingly contradictory picture of magnetic reversals that has emerged from the analysis of high-quality volcanic and sedimentary records.