4.1. Results of hydrological performances of RGs
Results of overall visual inspection of RGs and their establishement are presented trough Figs. 7 and 8 and Table 8. Overall results indicated that both RGs infiltrate runoff during rain and snow events, with no presence of standing water after 24 hours respectively, that RGs can reduce peak flows and total flow volume in a short time period. Although, during higher rain events, water remained on the surface of RGs slightly longer, that is over 2–3 hours. As regards, both RGs found to detain 100% of the rainfall connected with different 24 - hour storm events. Due to very short ponding time in both RGs and rapid infiltration after receiving runoff, soil texture has shown to correlate with high infiltration rates. Both RGs are defined by the native soil texture of loamy sand with high saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) values and high percentage of sand. Measured time of infiltration prior to construction of RGs ranged from 28–60 mm/hr with an average infiltration rate of 44 mm/hr for RG1 and 38 mm/hr for RG2. This value is within the recommended optimal Ksat of soil for RGs, that is from 36–180 mm/h (Melbourne Water, 2005). In comparison to the initial infiltration rate, RGs maintained their average infiltration values. On the other hand, analysis of soil moisture levels has shown that the soil in RGs retains moisture for long which is, from the aspect of vegetation growth and support very preferable factor.
Studies have shown that the use of compost increases the porosity of the soil, affects the rate of infiltration and increases water retention capacity in the soil (Zemánek 2011). Organic matter is also an important source of carbon for microorganisms (Prince George’s County 2009). Ratio of compost in soil mixes in RGs was higher in RG2, that is 20% higher for RG2 relative to RG1. Although, compost is primarily used to improve soil properties and not as a fertilizer, higher percentage of compost may have contributed to stimulate vegetative growth in RGs and overall long water holding capacity of soil. Sand as a medium added to the soil improves hydraulic conductivity of RGs (Prince George’s County 2009). The native soil texture of RGs was already rich with sand, but it can be assumed that the addition of sand in soil mixtures has increased the infiltration capacity of RGs. The analysis of pH shows that the pH values of soil are in the range of neutral (for RG1) to low acid (RG2), with no difference relative to soil before construction. Recommended pH for RGs is variable, but preferably neutral, with nominal pH 6.0 to pH 7.5 range (Prince George’s County 2007). Additionally, after the rain in both gardens the presence of earthworms was noted. Soil fauna has the potential to substantially alter plant growth, water infiltration rates and the retention and removal of pathogens, nutrients, heavy metals and other contaminants, enhance denitrification and nutrient uptake (Mehring and Levin 2015). Organisms in RGs can also capture and convert pollutants from stormwater runoff that may filter or infiltrate through the soil profile (Erickson et al. 2013).
4.2. Vegetation performances under RGs conditions
Visual inspections results about vegetation performances indicate an excellent plant growth rate and plant cover, rapid plant establishment and adaptation on environmental conditions in RGs. Besides a few plant damage and replacement, no modifications were made to the original planting scheme. In RG1, Juncus plants are shown to be more resilient to environmental conditions in the RGs. Other studies reported similar findings about the ability of Juncus in adapting and tolerating different physical, climatic, and biological stresses and it is among plants that is highly recommended for RGs for its nutrient removal dynamics and year-round green aesthetics due to root architecture and physiology (Read et al. 2008; Muerdter et al. 2020). In RG2, Equisetum plants had the greatest and fastest biomass increase. Marsh et al. (2000) reported high nutrient cycling in an Alaskan shrub wetland by these plants. Overall vitality and survivorship of plants was higher in RG2 than in RG1, where only one Festuca plant was detected as dry. Issue of dried Carex plants in RG1 can be connected with extreme changes in weather conditions after the first months of planting. After frequent rain events and winter months, plants were exposed to drought stress. Although, Carex plants are among vegetation that can potentially survire in wet conditions and were planted in RG zone which is receiving more runoff (referred as emergent zone). Moreover, in RG1 some Carex plants were planted further from the gutter in RG, the area that was least receiving runoff during some rain events. Plants selected for these areas may therefore need to be more drought resistant (Hunt et al., 2015). However, due to very rapid infiltration after rain events RGs in this study were never filled with water more than 5 hours, what may influence to the correct drawing of conclusions relating to the survival of plants in extended inudation conditions. On the other hand, plants near the entrance of runoff in RG1 (Juncus) and RG2 (Equisetum) that were more frequently inundated and impacted by higher flow velocities, have shown a high ability to develop resistance on environmental conditions in RGs.
Density of planted vegetation is singled out as an important factor for effective water treatment and reduced maintenance requirements (Payne et al. 2015). Rain gardens should be densely planted to control weeds and maximize water treatment (Hunt et al. 2015). This influence on dense planted vegetation can be noted on an example on RG2. Relative to RG1, RG2 was less affected with weeds. As stated by Vasić et al. (2012) many perennial weed species in Serbia, have well-developed underground organs and are great problems not only in agriculture, but also in nursery production of forest planting materials during the entire spring and in early summer. Some species like Plantago major, Taraxacum officinale, Polygonum aviculare, Cynodon dactylon stand out pioneering character in Serbia and ability to adapt to diverse conditions (Gavrilović, 2016). Therefore, these weeds are a far greater challenge due to difficulties employing mechanical measures because perennials are often stimulated to grow and disperse even more intensively. Moreover, densely planted vegetation can increase the density of the roots, the infiltration capacity and porosity of the soil and also increase the degree of evapotranspiration (Hunt et al. 2015). Rain gardens planted with a variety of vegetation are more efficient than those planted with only one plant species (Read et al. 2008). In regards to RG1, RG2 is planted with more diverse plant species. The total number of different plant species in RG1 is three, while in RG2 this number is seven. Beside primary functions of infiltrating runoff, this makes RG2 more pleasant in a visual context thanks to different form, color, bloom and texture of planted species.
During rainfall events, it was noted that the mulch has the tendency to float into a basin of RG2. RGs can be generally designed with or without a layer of mulch cover. Nevertheless, preference is always given to mulch application because in addition to protecting the soil from drying and erosion, it also provides a medium for microorganisms that participate in the process of decomposition of organic material and adsorption of heavy metals (Hsieh and Davis 2005; Prince George’s County 2009). Furhermore, mulching of RGs is recommended as an important maintenance measure in order to maintain the infiltration rate of rain garden with age once every 2 to 3 years (Li et al. 2010).
Table 8
Results of overall visual inspection of RGs
Visual inspection results | RG1 | RG2 | Total number of observations | Time of inspection | |
Primary hydrological functions indicators | 1-yr | 2-yr | 3-yr | 1-yr | RG1 | RG2 | RG1 | RG2 | |
Water present for no more than 24–48 hours | No | No | No | No | 256 | 158 | 24-48h after rain/snow | 24-48h after rain/snow | |
Clogged gutters | No | No | No | No | 256 | 158 | 24-48h after rain/snow | 24-48h after rain/snow | |
Overflows | No | No | No | No | 256 | 158 | 24-48h after rain/snow | 24-48h after rain/snow | |
Visible erosion or mulch material spreads | After first rain event | No | No | After first rain event | 256 | 158 | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
Presence of sediments or debris in inflow or the RGs’s bottom area | In gutters during autumn | In gutters during autumn | In gutters during autumn | In gutters during autumn | 256 | 158 | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
Insect and animal utilization | Presence of earth worms and butterflies | Presence of earth worms and butterflies | Presence of earth worms and butterflies | Presence of earth worms butterflies | 256 | 158 | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
Soil and vegetation performance indicators | 1-yr | 2-yr | 3-yr | 1-yr | 1-3yr | 1-yr | 1–3 yr | 1-yr | |
Soil compaction | No | No | No | No | From Oct, 2019 year to Oct 2021 year | From Oct, 2020 year to Oct 2021 year | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
The presence of wetland plant species | No | No | No | No | -II- | -II- | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
Presence of invasive plants | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | -II- | -II- | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
Health of the plants | Very good | Excellent | Excellent | Excellent | -II- | -II- | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
Visible damage of plants | Three Carex plants | No | No | One Festuca plants | -II- | -II- | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
Plant diversity and coverage | 50–60% | 80–90% | 90% | 80–90% | -II- | -II- | Monthly/yearly | Monthly/yearly | |
4.3. The influence of age, the size and character of the catchment area of RGs on the results of hydrological performance
The ratio of the area (size) of RGs in relation to the total impermeable surface to be treated (Contributing Drainage Area-CDA) is much higher for the RG1 than for the RG2. On the contrary, the total size of RG1 area is smaller than RG2, but it is predicted to manage the higher amount of generated runoff compared to RG2. According to Davis et al. (2009), RGs should be used as a source control for small drainage areas, maximum approximately 8,000 m². Larger CDA will require larger RGs for achieving goals like runoff reduction and increasing water quality. Therefore, the amount of runoff has a great influence on sizing RGs. In the case of RG1, although it is designed with smaller area compared to RG2, however, it is characterized by greater ponding depth, providing greater initial storage volume to capture stormwater runoff and therefore, increasing the percentage of captured runoff volume (Prince George’s County 2009). The medium depth also plays an important role in the effectiveness of the RGs. Thicker soil section can provide more opportunities for adsorption, filtration and contact with decomposing microorganisms by increases exfiltration i.e. infiltration to native soils below the excavated area of the rain garden itself and providing more detention capacity, affect plants’ growth or even survival (Ewing 2013). Based on this statement, RG1 has a potential for managing and infiltrating higher volumes of runoff than RG2. The main consideration in determining the size of RG, is achieving a specified design storm volume and treat the runoff from the "first flush", respectively 25 mm of rainfall (US EPA 1999). The results of this study show that both RGs have the capacity for infiltrating rainfall depths that are 25 mm and higher.
Although there is a limited literature on performance of mature RGs, some existing research results have shown that RGs maintain high hydrologic performance over the years (Spraakman et al. 2020). According to Malaviya et al. (2019) RGs have a predicted design life of about 25 years. Compared to RG2, RG1 is a three-year old established garden but comparing overall results in this study, it can be noted that RGs did not differ much in their primary functions and there was no great influence of RGs age on hydrological and ecological performances.
4.4. Future challenges for developing RGs on a larger scale in Serbia
There are many aspects to be considered before further implementation of RGs and other NbS in Serbia. Primarily, community acceptance of RGs in general as more desirable and ecological solution is essential for their wide range of applications and improving sustainability of cities. Rain gardens presented in this study are implemented on a suburban area and have been properly and regularly maintained by the homeowners. For more urban conditions in Serbia, performances of RGs and their maintenance may differ. However, even at the level of the individual, private yards, implementation of RGs can contribute to climate adaptation with NbS and provide multiple ecosystem services. In a denser urban areas, many limitations impact the challenge in implementing RGs like achieving harmonization of the existing and planned networks of installations while simultaneously satisfying all other functions such as traffic. Besides that, the primary consideration for implementing RGs at the locations along streets and roads are connected with finding the appropriate plant species subjected to combined stresses including periodic inundation, de-icing salts, road dust, splashes etc. (Laukli et al. 2022).
Climatic conditions in Kać and generally in Serbia are distinguished with the majority of annual precipitation and maximum measured daily and monthly precipitation to be in June and July, that is during the summer months, so future RGs need to be designed according to these events with special reference to prolonged drought periods, with a few months without rainfall which can have a negative impact on soil and plants. It is necessary to develop more RGs projects that will be sized and designed properly, in order to accommodate to a site specific characteristics in accordance with different urban and suburban conditions and also, to manage rainfall depths associated with different return period. Suburban areas of the city of Novi Sad also have implications for water quality, primarily in water pollution caused by runoff and due to the common sewage system. Therefore, NbS examples in this paper can contribute to the better understanding of likages between urban cities and associated suburban areas.