A complaint management system is the state of the art tool to enhance efficiency of all companies and management institutions. It enable customer to register online complaint to eradicate corruption and for smooth service delivery.[9] District Lahore has witnessed the huge displacement of people toward city due to irregular distribution of resources and opportunities. Increase in population asks for more roads, institutions, infrastructure and dwellings to survive in a small area. To provide quality services has always been a challenge for government.
To cope with such miserable conditions, the government has to move forward towards state of the art technology and concepts like the E - governess. In this regard, GIS is being employed as a best practice in managing water utilities and in sanitation. Geography Information System (GIS) provides a system which is used for capturing data, storing, arranging, managing and displays as spatial data in a software. [10] It facilitates through providing specific tooIs like geo-technics, geophysics, navigation, Global Positioning System (GPS), Surveying, photogrammetry and remote sensing. [12] Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) has emerged as most reliable technique for spatial data collection pertaining to all stakeholders of landscape values to produce an integrated approach for policy.[14,15] It is evident from the practices that PPGIS can be empolyed to map landscape of various types [16] and later it is used in different GIS applications for visualization.
PPGIS techniques are applied in several ways like quantitative, qualitative or hybrid studies. [17] Qualitative techniques permit participants to classify and find issues on landscape and gather spatial data relating to specific study area maps drawn through polygons.[18]
An online complain management system provides reports department wise showing different status like pending, closed or open complains along with performance reports. [9] GIS based Web application which is made available on web browser. This application can easily be opened through internet network for gathering data and can be used as web based GIS interactive application.[10]
The McDonald’s outlet situated in Watu Gong, Malang branch have improved service quality through adaptable and most reliable form of complaint management which is Web-GIS based Complaint Management System. [11] For complaint registration in colleges, students have write application on paper which is not so user friendly environment. To cope with issue, a Grievance redressal system was developed. A web based interface allows users to register and login before to file a complaint against desired issue which are further sent and resolved by competent authority. The proposed model for the Complaint Redressal System will help to lessen people’s disappointment on this complaint system and will increase participation at through easy way of filing system at everyone ease.[13]
Water Supply is one of the most important services delivered by Municipal Coorporation [1].Water utilities include clean water supply and sewage. To provision of these facilities to Denizen of a particular area, there must be a network of pipeline, storage reservoir, pump stations, hydrants, manhole, meters and other network accessories. On the basis of structure, it can be classified as horizontal and vertical assets. Vertical assets correspond the assets which reside above the ground, for example storage reservoir, pump stations, etc.
Proper maintenance of these assets is as important as the provision of services to customers. This can enhance asset's life and helps in the provision of quality services. Developing countries like Pakistan, water supply and sanitation has been an ignored issue since it is considered as a secondary issue in the priority list. To eradicate this problem in the provision of quality services, prime objective is to identify the possible cause. So that it can be remedied through systematic planning and management. Current structure fails due to following reasons given below:
Poor or no maintenance structure of assets due to low budget
Lack of planning by the government
Feeble institutional structure and intensive inference of politician
Nonexistence of clear water policies in relation to service coverage and standards
Poor monitoring and evaluation
Lack in imposing service standards
Plenty of legal obstacles and barrier for local service providers
Few things are necessary to address in provisioning of public utilities like water supply etc. which given as follow.
Provision of utilities without competitive environment
No incentives for organizations or individuals for the provision of services
Nonexistence of community in planning and delivery
In this regard, to provide quality services, grievance and complaint from the customers must be responded within the prescribed time span. The study introduces a real-time map sharing along with location among the entire stakeholder (Service provide, rescue service provider 1122 etc.) to come up with an integrated approach to cope the issue either it belongs to maintenance or emergency/accidental. Location of water utility objection is the key element while addressing grievance from any customer. GIS technology in water service maintenance can be fruitful.
Following are types of complaint expected from the user:-
Bill issues
Pipeline leakage issue
Quality of service issues
Field Staff issues
Android application carries real-time map sharing facility and geo-tagging of water service delivery assets. Location of assets like valve, meters, hydrants, pumps, manhole cover will be displayed on map as user log in. By signing in application, user location will be shared with WASA, Rescue 1122 and associated agencies. These agencies already have a database of assets regarding all the relevant networks like water supply and sewage line with complete attribute information and status. This would lead to set up a collaborative and integrated system to address the customer’s complaints and emergency services with furious response.