With our lab’s recent optimized FMRP assay that can detect levels at very low values1, it has become paramount to establish the clinical utility of this highly quantitative continuous measure. We replicate ours and others previous findings that FMRP expression and IQ are not related in males with FXS10, but are related in females with FXS10,11,19. However, when examining the distribution of IQ scores in males with no or low FMRP expression, we found a remarkably near-normal distribution. Hessl and colleagues20 reported that normalized cognitive scores “exhibited a more ‘normal’ distribution”, but ours is the first study that has specifically examined the skewness and kurtosis of the distribution of IQ scores in males with FXS whose FMRP expression is known.
We found that full mutation, fully methylated males with FXS demonstrated a near normal distribution of Deviation IQ scores. The mean Deviation IQ for this subgroup was shifted approximately 5 standard deviations (SDs) below the population mean of 100, but with a SD of 15 and acceptable kurtosis and skewness values it still demonstrated a normal distribution. This is the first time, to the best of our knowledge, this has been systematically examined in FXS, and specifically within this subgroup of males.
Our current finding of a downward shifted, but otherwise normal distribution of IQ scores in FXS, previously has been observed in multiple other genetic syndromes associated with intellectual disability (ID) including Prader-Willi Syndrome21, Williams Syndrome22, Velo-Cardio-Facial-Syndrome23, and Tuberous Sclerosis24. In Down Syndrome, IQ scores demonstrate negative skew, but mental-age (MA) scores demonstrate near-normal distribution25. Thus, each of these genetic syndromes seemingly have their own “standard curve” with their own mean and SD of IQ scores. Thus, in conjunction our findings emphasize the global effect of the disorder-specific genes on IQ. Within context of FXS, we propose that one effect of the absence of FMRP in FXS(M) is to shift the cognitive ability distribution downwards by about 75 IQ points (or 5 SDs).
It largely remains unknown in FXS as well as in these other syndromic IDs what accounts of the remaining ‘normal’ variance in IQ. We suspect factors known to impact IQ in typically-developing children including maternal IQ, parental education, SES, and and/or social-environment and health factors (i.e., nutrition, growth) would similarly impact IQ in FXS and other syndromic IDs. Only a few studies have explored whether these factors account for variance in IQ in syndromic IDs. For example, De Smedt and colleagues identified a positive effect of parental educational attainment level on FSIQ of individuals with VFC23. In FXS, Dyer-Friedman and colleagues found that both biological/genetic factors (i.e., parental IQ score) as well as social-environmental factors (i.e., parental support for learning and enrichment) accounted for variance in cognitive function in males and females with FXS13. Of note, biological/genetic and social-environmental factors affected specific aspects of cognition somewhat differently for males and females with FXS. Specifically, parental IQ broadly accounted for variance across cognitive domains in females, whereas parental IQ only impacted areas of fluid intelligence like processing speed and perceptual organization in males. In contrast, a more enriching home environment was related not only to overall cognitive development in males and females with FXS but also verbal and attention skills. These findings implicate a complex mechanism in which a combination of biological/genetic and social-environmental factors in addition to FMRP impact cognitive outcomes in FXS. Thus, future studies are needed to best understand facilitators and risk factors for optimal cognitive outcomes in FXS.
FMRP levels at higher values and/or within mosaic males and females with FXS may on their own be better able to predict intellectual ability. However, in the absence or near absence of FMRP, we propose that the approach to predicting ability level shifts to examining IQ relative to other FXS(M). Our findings in conjunction with those discussed above, suggest that within each syndromic ID, we would expect syndrome-specific standard, or “normal”, curves, with individual profiles within that standard curve as a result of individual genotypic and environmental influences. Although our study shows the most normalcy of IQ scores within FXS(M), it is possible that with a larger dataset we also will see a more normal distribution of IQ scores in FXS(F). A larger sample also would allow us to determine whether FXS males with mosaicism have a normal distribution of IQ scores.
We propose one way to conceptualize these “syndromic standard curves” is to think of them as ability distributions. This can help parents and providers identify where a child with syndromic ID falls on that specific syndrome’s standard curve. In other words, where does the individual’s IQ score fall relative to other individuals with that same syndromic ID? Typically, IQ scores of individuals with syndromic ID are presented relative to typically-developing controls, which only provides minimum information of ability and impairment given the majority of syndromic IDs fall within the moderate to severe intellectual disability range. One can image the immense benefit to families and providers to be able to communicate cognitive ability in this “new” way. Providers with a caseload of a specific syndrome will be able to help caregivers more effectively discuss short- and long-term treatment planning when IQ is thought of in this lens.
For example, think about a male patient with FXS with a Deviation IQ of 10. Based on our findings, this score falls 1 SD below the “FXS” mean. In contrast, think about a male patient with FXS with an IQ of 40 is 1 SD above the “FXS” mean. Ability level, expectations for academic achievement and functional daily living skills, and planning for adulthood would look different for those two patients based where they fall on the “FXS” standard curve. Thus, replicating and extending findings with a much larger sample of individuals with FXS is critical to being able to put these standard curves into clinical practice.
It is important to note our current sample overwhelmingly identifies as White, non-Hispanic, and thus our “standard curve” may be biased towards this population and not adequate represent individuals with FXS from under-represented, minority populations. In addition, we did not collect parental educational attainment or socioeconomic information from participants, furthering limiting the ability to generalize our findings. Examining these social-environmental factors as well as other biological factors contributing to this variation in cognitive ability is outside the scope of the current study, but remains an essential future direction. Further, familial studies are needed to estimate the heritability of intellectual ability in the FXS population and determine the relative contribution of biological/genetic versus social-environmental factors to variability within the distribution. Last, future studies should determine whether similar “standard curves” exist for other clinically-relevant factors, including adaptive skills.
In conclusion, among males with near or complete absence of FMRP, we provide novel evidence that IQ is downshifted 5 standard deviations, but is otherwise relatively “normally distributed” indicating FMRP is responsible for this downward shift, but does not account for the remaining variance in cognition. This is in contrast to ours and others’ findings indicating FMRP has a dose-dependent effect on IQ in mosaic males and full mutation females who express higher levels of protein. There is much future work to better understand the mechanism by which deficient or absent FMRP leads to clinical phenotype and what biological/genetic and/or socio-environmental factors contribute to variation in IQ scores among these males. Still our novel work is a critical step towards establishing molecular markers of disease severity in FXS and has critical clinical implications for treatment and care planning, especially for full mutation males with FXS.