2.2 Spatialized LCA
2.2.1 Goal and scope
Farm-gate spatialized LCAs were conducted for 45 farms from the study area. The functions of agricultural activities are often multiple, including but not limited to producing food, managing agricultural resources, and providing ecosystem services (e.g., eco-tourism). Several measures of functional unit (FU) have been proposed based on a single product (Baldini et al. 2017), multiple products (Parajuli et al. 2018), nutrient content (Kristensen et al. 2011), land (O’Brien et al. 2012, Raschio et al. 2018), or income (van der Werf et al. 2014). The goal of our LCA is to assess impacts and production/economic efficiency associated with pastoral farming and identify the influence of their spatial locations. Each farm has multiple outputs; we defined the FU as one unit of gross income (in Chinese yuan RMB) earned by each farm in the year 2018, regardless of what agricultural products were produced and sold.
We split the LCA into two modules: 1) direct emissions and resource consumption from onsite processes, including emissions from diesel combustion for hay production and transportation; emissions from coal-burning for onsite heating; emissions from animals (e.g., livestock raising, housing, and grazing), and direct resource consumption (e.g., water intake); and 2) associated emissions and resource consumption from upstream processes for everything else, including the production of energy carriers (e.g., electricity, coal, and diesel) and materials (e.g., purchased feed). While the system boundary is set at individual farm level, shared resources (e.g., water and pasture) are used by multiple farms. Due to a lack of data, we did not include land occupation in the onsite processes. The grazing and haying locations are slightly different but not far from the farm locations (i.e. where household and livestock housing are located), and their spatial differentiation is considered during LCI. Allocation was not performed because FU is income-based instead of product-based. Manufacturing of capital goods (e.g., agro-machinery) and infrastructure are not included in the system boundary. Farm-site and livestock housing construction/maintenance are not included. Bedding materials are excluded, as most farms apply waste product (e.g., solid manure), and the amount of materials is not measurable. Transportation of purchased feeds is excluded due to a lack of data, as they are typically transported by suppliers to the farm site.
Due to the nature of the pastoral farming system, the overall quality of the field-surveyed data is relatively low in regards to precision, completeness, and representativeness. Unlike industrial processes, where precise measurements are often possible, these farmers did not keep detailed records of their production activities. The survey data supplied by farmers is mainly based on experience and roughly estimated from annual total energy costs. Consequently, we prefer not to conduct a quantitative uncertainty analysis, as such analysis will only provide useful information when inventory data are precisely measured and their probability distribution is properly defined and established.
For impact assessment, midpoint impact categories on climate change, fossil fuel consumption, freshwater eutrophication, terrestrial acidification, and water scarcity were selected because they are considered important to agricultural activities and relevant to the study site. Geo-spatial analysis is applied to LCA results to statistically identify emission clusters (if any) and their relationship with location factors.
2.2.2 Life cycle inventory
Following the principles laid out in the goal and scope of the study, we included LCI from two separated subsystems: 1) resource consumption and direct emissions from direct onsite processes, and 2) resource consumption and associated emissions from upstream processes for all other activities required to support onsite activities. Primary agricultural activity data were collected for the onsite processes, including 1) daily climate data and farm features (e.g., livestock and feed structure, manure characteristics, soil structure etc.) that were used as inputs for onsite emission modeling; 2) onsite energy consumption (diesel, coal, and electricity); 3) feed input (self-produced hay onsite and purchased feed); and 4) natural resources input (water resources). There are no agrochemicals used in the pastoralism farming system. Secondary data, including emissions associated with onsite processes as well as all other upstream activities and their associated emissions, were simulated using the DairyGEM model (v3.3) (DairyGEM 2020) and collected using the Ecoinvent database (v3.6 cut-off) (Wernet et al. 2016). Primary agricultural activity data were obtained from our field surveys conducted with farm owners during the summer of 2018. Spatial information were collected for onsite processes, while upstream processes were not spatially differentiated in our study. Onsite processes
Emissions associated with livestock raising from housing, grazing, and manure management were modeled by DairyGEM, which is a farm-level model estimating emissions of dairy production systems as influenced by climate and farm management (DairyGEM 2020). Onsite emissions from diesel combustion and coal burning were obtained from Ecoinvent database. Natural water resources are a major input for livestock raising in the pastoralism farming system. While the water intake for animals and pasture growth can not be measured or estimated directly, we used the DiaryGEM model to simulate the onsite water use, which was further determined through climate data (DairyGEM 2020). Water embodied in purchased feed was considered in the upstream processes by using the Ecoinvent database.
Spatial information for onsite processes included collecting location data as well as daily climate information for each farm in 2018. Daily climate data on solar radiation (MJ/m2), average temperature (oC), maximum temperature (oC), minimum temperature (oC), total precipitation (mm), mean daily wind velocity (m/s) at 2 m above the ground were downloaded from NASA POWER Data Access Viewer, which was used as the weather input for the DairyGEM model.
The farm location is associated with the emissions from housing animals (e.g., onsite enteric fermentation and manure management) and emissions from coal-burning. The grazing location is associated with the natural resource consumption (i.e. animal water intake) and emissions during grazing (e.g., animal excrement). The haying site as well as the route from the farm to the haying site is associated with the emissions from diesel-burning for tractors and agro-machinery such as hay mower. For simplicity, we assume that haying and grazing locations are also point-data and are the same as the farm location, because these sites are generally not far from each other for individual farm households. This assumption is based on the fact that for even the most spatially-sensitive impact category (i.e. freshwater eutrophication), its characterization factor is differentiated at a spatial resolution of 0.5° × 0.5° (i.e. around 50 km for the latitudes of our study site). Moreover, direct emissions from grazing locations such as ammonia and nitrous oxide are not relevant to the assessment of freshwater eutrophication, which assumes phosphorus as the limiting factor. Other impact categories have SCFs at a much coarser spatial resolution, so detailed spatial differentiation for the farm/haying/grazing locations for the same farm household at the inventory stage is not necessary, as it does not influence the impact assessment and the final spatialized LCA results. Upstream processes
The activity data for the energy and material input were obtained from field surveys while their associated emissions and resource consumption were obtained from Ecoinvent database.
Table 1. Life cycle inventory data – primary and secondary data for onsite and upstream processes used in the LCA modeling
1. Primary agricultural activity data (surveyed and/or expert estimated)
Reference / description
1.1 Farm features
Small Holstein, Guernsey (cow breed in the DiaryGEM model that is most close to the local cow breed raised onsite)
Grazing period (time on pasture)
Full days during grazing seasons (6 months per year)
Number of lactating animals
23 on average, with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 105
Young stock under one year old
16 on average, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 80
First lactation animals (%)
3.25% on average, with a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 15%
Pasture areas
125 ha shared usage for each farm, ranging 10-400 ha
Cow/heifer housing
Free stalls and open lots
Solid manure or no bedding
Soil type and acidity
Loamy soil, sandy loam, or sandy soil, with average pH of 6.8
Climate condition
According to its latitude and longitude, each farm has its own climate data obtained from NASA POWER Data Access (https://power.larc.nasa.gov/data-access-viewer/), used as input in the DiaryGEM model
1.2 Self-produced hay onsite
Crude protein (%DM)
Degradable protein (%CP)
Acid detergent insoluble protein (%CP)
Net energy of lactation (Mcal/kg DM)
Neutral detergent fiber (%DM)
1.3 Purchased feed
Types and amount of purchased energy and protein feed are obtained for each farm, with upstream production obtained from Ecoinvent database
1.4 Energy consumption
Amount of diesel, electricity, and coal (lignite) are obtained via survey for each farm
1.5 Manure management
Collection method
Hand scraping
Storage method
Stockpiling and dry stack
Manure type
Dry (70% DM) and solid (20% DM)
2. Secondary data source
2.1 Onsite emissions from livestock and resource input
Onsite emissions from livestock raising, housing, and grazing
Simulated using DairyGEM v3.3
Water use for livestock raising and hay production onsite
Simulated using DairyGEM v3.3
2.2 Onsite emissions from coal and diesel combustion and upstream production of energy sources and purchased feed
Diesel production (upstream processes) and onsite emissions during combustion
Ecoinvent v3.6 cut-off: unit process 'diesel, burned in agricultural machinery' – with input attributed to upstream production while the output/emissions to onsite processes
Coal production (upstream processes) and onsite emissions during burning
Ecoinvent v3.6 cut-off: unit process 'heat production, lignite briquette, at stove 5-15kW' – with input attributed to upstream production while the output/emissions to onsite processes
Electricity consumption (upstream processes)
Ecoinvent v3.6 cut-off: unit process 'market for electricity, low voltage, SGCC (State Grid Corporation of China)'
Purchased feed production (upstream processes)
Ecoinvent v3.6 cut-off: with following unit processes used as input for different farms: 'market for protein feed, 100% crude', 'soybean meal to generic market for protein feed', 'cottonseed meal to generic market for protein feed', 'distiller's dried grains with solubles to generic market for protein feed', 'rape meal to generic market for protein feed', 'wheat bran to generic market for energy feed', 'maize chop to generic market for energy feed', 'market for maize grain', 'market for maize silage', 'market for hay'
2.2.3 Life cycle impact assessment
For the three impact categories that are spatially dependent (i.e. water scarcity, freshwater eutrophication, and terrestrial acidification), we adopted the characterization methods of IMPACT World+ (Bulle et al., 2019) with SCFs developed for each impact category at different levels of spatial resolution. For the two impact categories that are not spatially dependent (e.g., climate change and fossil fuel consumption), the same CF is used throughout the calculation for different farm locations. Climate change uses the impact method of IPCC 2013 – global warming potential (GWP) 100a, and the fossil fuel consumption uses the impact method of 'cumulative energy demand – non-renewable energy resources, fossil'.
The study areas are generally not sensitive to eutrophication or acidification problems, nevertheless, they are included in the assessment, as manure management and animal excrete are extensively involved. Only freshwater eutrophication is selected as we focus on onsite processes, and marine eutrophication is irrelevant due to the study location. The eutrophication model adopted by the IMPACT World+ is the one developed by Helmes et al. (2012) with characterization factors at a spatial resolution of 0.5° × 0.5° globally. Terrestrial acidification is included with an SCFs at a spatial resolution of 2° × 2.5° following Roy et al. (2012a, 2012b). Water scarcity has a relatively coarse spatial resolution following the AWARE model (Boulay et al. 2018, Boulay and Lenoir 2020) at the watershed level. For the study area, a total of three, four, and one set(s) of SCFs are identified for onsite eutrophication, acidification, and water scarcity, respectively.
Freshwater eutrophication is as unique at approximately half of the farms are located in grid cells with null values of CFs. And three sets of applicable CFs are identified for the remaining half of the farms, which are all located around Hailar city. In contrast, no corresponding eutrophication CFs are applicable for those farms located below 49°00'N in the study area, which means those farms will have zero potential eutrophication impact in the LCA results. This is explained by Helmes et al. (2012) during the model development, as one-fifth of all grid cells have a discharge of zero; these are arid, and evaporation exceeds precipitation on a yearly basis at global scale.
We differentiated calculation procedures for the site-dependent impact categories from the two impact categories that are not (i.e. climate change and fossil fuel consumption). For the latter, the same default CFs was applied to both onsite and upstream processes. For the site-dependent impact categories, we separated LCI obtained from onsite processes for each farm from LCI of upstream processes, which were obtained through modeling with Brightway2 framework (Mutel 2017). The onsite SEFs were then multiplied with the corresponding SCFs associated with individual farm locations. The site-dependent impact categories were downloaded directly from the IMPACT World+ (IMPACT World+ 2020); we used R to locate SCFs for each farm and do the impact assessment calculation (supplementary information). For all other activities (i.e. upstream processes), the default global CFs were applied to calculate the impact. Together with the site-dependent impact results, they were combined as the final farm-gate LCA results.
2.2.4 Geospatial Analysis
To understand the influence of the spatial distribution of farms on the outcome (i.e. environmental impacts), LCA results are shown on the map spatially. In addition, we performed the Moran I test under randomization to see if there is any spatial autocorrelation in the LCA results to understand the degree to which an LCA result of a farm is similar to its nearby farms.