4.1 Effects of GenX on growth and biomass of rice and wheat
The 30-day exposure of GenX at the rate of 0.4 and 2.0 mg kg− 1 significantly affected the growth parameters of both tested crops, but most notably the rice. The results demonstrate that the rice shoots’ dry biomass significantly reduced under 2.0 mg g− 1 compared to the dry shoot biomass of wheat (Fig. 1). The growth of the rice was more inhibited in non-flooded soil than was wheat, indicating that rice is more sensitive to GenX than wheat. Similar findings have been reported by Chen et al. (2020), who found that in a hydroponic experiment, plant species A. thaliana and N. benthamiana did not exhibit any growth issues when exposed to 5 mg L− 1 GenX but when GenX dosage increased, shoot growth was affected. Both the growth and development of the shoots and roots of N. benthamiana were severely hindered when exposed to the highest level of GenX (20 mg L− 1). N. benthamiana showed reduced root and shoot biomass, with tolerance index values for GenX decreasing from 100–40% and 55%, respectively (Chen et al. 2020). A recent study that investigated the phytotoxicity of GenX in lettuce showed that the shoots’ dry biomass remained unaffected when treated with a concentration of 100 µg L− 1 of GenX. This suggests that at this concentration, GenX does not have a significant adverse effect on the growth and development of lettuce plants (Wang et al. 2023). These findings suggest that the effects of GenX on plant growth and development are concentration and species-specific.
4.2 Uptake of GenX
While a proportional uptake of GenX was observed for both crops (rice and wheat), the amounts as measured by their biomass quantities differed. This observation further confirms that uptake and bioaccumulation does not only depend on GenX properties and chemical characteristics but also on plant species and its capacity for bioaccumulation. As Doucette et al. (2018) noted, the differences in PFAS uptake among species are generally due to varying biotransformation capacities, rates of dissipation, ease of root uptake and temperature (Doucette et al. 2018). Further, Zhao et al. (2016) found that wheat’s uptake of PFCA increased by 1.5- to 2.3-fold when the temperature increased from 20 to 30°C (Zhao et al. 2016). In our study, the rice and wheat were grown in different greenhouses with different temperatures. The rice was grown at 28°C, while the wheat was grown at 15°C. This may have impacted the uptake of GenX between the wheat and non-flooded rice. Zhao et al. (2016) found that the growth of wheat at a temperature of around 30°C can lead to nutrient diffusion rates increase, water viscosity decreases and photosynthesis is given more energy, all of which increase the uptake of pollutants (Zhao et al. 2016). To avoid changing the PFAS uptake, plant growth conditions must be carefully monitored.
4.3 GenX mechanism of intoxication and growth inhibition
Despite the different uptake and bioaccumulation capacities, GenX was found to inhibit the growth of shoot biomass more in rice. GenX, like other PFASs, initiates a mechanism that inhibits shoot growth in plants, but this appears to be species-specific at the concentration used in this study. Our findings are in line with studies involving both human cells in vitro and plant species. Such studies have concluded that exposure to GenX induces an intracellular toxicity mechanism that leads to apoptosis and a reduction of cell viability (Yoo et al. 2021). Similarly, GenX uptake has been observed to have an adverse effect on lettuce even at low concentration levels (100 µg L− 1), which suggests that GenX could induce oxidative stress in lettuce plants (Wang et al. 2023). The H2O2 content in lettuce tissues revealed that GenX causes stronger oxidative stress than does PFOA. Previous research also found that 100 to 200 mg L− 1 of GenX increased H2O2 in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. These findings suggest that even low concentrations of GenX can cause significant oxidative stress in plants, even more than the phased-out PFOA (Chen et al. 2020). Both outcomes indicate that a similar mechanism of GenX inhibition affects the growth and development of different species, albeit at different intoxication levels.
4.4 Impact of soil conditions on GenX bioaccumulation
Apart from the plant species and chemical properties of GenX, soil conditions also impacted the uptake and bioaccumulation of GenX in rice. In this experiment, the rice grown in non-flooded soil had higher concentrations of GenX compared to that grown in flooded soil (Fig. 2). This observation is in line with findings from studies that revealed that efficient transpiration facilitates the translocation of more molecules through the water gradient (Lesmeister et al. 2021). Similarly, it has been established that flooding reduces transpiration rate, thereby affecting the distribution of the substance located in the soil and the plant tissues. In non-flooded conditions, the rate of transpiration is generally higher than in flooded conditions, which can lead to higher rates of PFAS uptake by plants. This causes less GenX to be concentrated in the flooded plant comparing to the non-flooded one. It has been suggested that the amount of water that transpires during growth can explain the various absorption and translocation abilities among crops (Blaine et al. 2014).
Anaerobic (flooded) and aerobic (non-flooded) soil conditions cause the soil to exhibit different biological and chemical characteristics. For example, there is less oxygen in flooded soil because the soil pores fill with water. In the absence of oxygen, the reduced chemical forms of compounds predominate. When oxygen availability is limited, bacteria opt to use other compounds as electron acceptors to maintain their metabolism, thereby reducing the elements in these compounds. The result of such microbial metabolism is the conversion of oxidised elements to their corresponding reduced forms under anaerobic conditions. In non-flooded soil, oxygen is available for bacterial metabolism, so the compounds stay in their oxidised forms. Although the degradation of such PFAS compounds as FTOH has been reported under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, the degradation of GenX has not been studied in much depth. One study on the sorption of GenX onto sediments found that within 14 days, the concentration of GenX in freshwater and estuary sediments decreased by 40 to 59%. Moreover, there were no statistically significant variations in GenX loss between the bioactive and autoclaved sediments, so the decrease could not be explained by biological degradation (Harfmann et al. 2021).
4.5 Translocation factor (TF)
At higher GenX exposure in the present study, its concentration in both wheat and rice shoots rose as well, but not proportional. Moreover, higher transfer factor (TF) values were found at higher exposure levels, indicating that the plants were taking up more GenX with increasing exposure levels. Interestingly, the TF values for GenX in rice shoots were higher in non-flooded soil than in flooded soil conditions. This suggests that rice plants in non-flooded conditions can translocate GenX more easily from the roots to the shoots compared to rice grown in flooded conditions. This can be explained by the higher concentration of GenX in the soil porewater under non-flooded conditions compared to flooded conditions. This difference in concentration of GenX in the soil porewater can be attributed to the lower mobility of GenX in flooded soil conditions due to its strong adsorption to soil particles, which reduces its availability for plant uptake. Conversely, in non-flooded soil conditions, GenX is more mobile and has a lower Kd value, which allows it to move freely in the soil water, making it more accessible for plant uptake. This would mean that when rice is grown in non-flooded conditions to safe water, it would increase the uptake of GenX, which may have implications for human health and the environment. Zhang et al. (2021) (Zhang et al. 2021) found that among the five ether-PFAS studied, GenX had the highest translocation factor (TF) value in wetland plants (C. comosa ) exposed to 500 ng L− 1 for 52 days, which indicates that GenX can be translocated easily to shoots of a wetland plant. Gu et al. (2023) (Wang et al. 2023) also reported that short-chain PFAS accumulate more easily in the edible parts of plants compared to long-chain PFAS. Overall, in both the flooded and non-flooded rice, TF was statistically different between the GenX treatments. This suggests that the increase in GenX exposure impacted the crop’s efficiency of GenX uptake as well.
4.6 Fluorine mass balance and EOF
The results of the fluorine mass balance analysis show that higher exposure levels of GenX significantly contribute to the total extractable fluorine. These results suggest that a close fluorine mass balance exists at high exposure levels, and that most of the extractable fluorine can be accounted for by the presence of GenX. The high contribution of GenX to the total extractable fluorine in rice shoots, porewater and soil implies no GenX degradation in the plants. However, discrepancies between the EOF and GenX concentrations in the soil at low exposure levels suggest that GenX may degrade to other short-chain PFCAs not included in the targeted LC-MS/MS analysis. A recent study examined the effects of fluoroalkylether compounds, including GenX, on the microbial community in soil–plant systems. The results of the study showed that the structure of the community and species diversity were significantly impacted by ether-PFAS at concentrations of 500 ng L− 1 and 2,000 ng L− 1 (Jiang et al. 2021). Although the study did not find any evidence of biodegradation of the spiked ether-PFAS, it did reveal that the presence of these compounds seemed to stimulate the growth of certain microbes with the ability to break down hydrocarbon chemicals and contaminants. In our study it is significant that at low exposure level the mass balance between GenX and EOF shows unaccounted organofluorines, which however were not detected in the targeted LC-MS/MS analysis. The unaccounted organofluorines might however be ultra-short chain PFAS as degradation products which were not monitored. It is important to note that our study did not aim to investigate the mechanisms or pathways of GenX degradation in these plants. Therefore, further research is required to understand the course of this compound in agricultural environments comprehensively in the field.
4.7 GenX distribution coefficient
In this experiment, the substance molecule distribution was determined using the distribution coefficient, Kd.
An earlier study assessed the behaviours of a wider selection of PFAS on soils of different properties. The study found that per- and polyfluoroalkyl ether acids, including GenX, have low Kd values, which means that they are very mobile. This indicates the hydrophilic nature (hydrophilicity) of these compounds and the ease by which they may be taken up in groundwater to pollute waterways and the environment [18].
As indicated in Table 2, the present study observed Kd values for GenX in rice are influenced by treatment conditions (flooded vs. non-flooded) and exposure levels. A lower Kd value for GenX suggests a higher degree of mobility, allowing it to be present in the water phase instead of adsorbing onto soil particles. In this study, it has been found that GenX had the lowest Kd value in non-flooded conditions, especially at low exposure levels, which suggests that it is more likely to be taken up by rice under non flooding conditions compared to flooded conditions. In other words, the mobility of GenX is higher under non-flooded conditions, resulting in its increased presence in the water phase. This characteristic makes it more available for plant uptake by rice, resulting in a higher likelihood of accumulation. Hence, the results of this study suggest that the risk of GenX accumulation in rice is higher under non-flooded conditions, particularly at low exposure level. These findings are in line with previous evidence indicating that short-chain PFASs like GenX are more readily absorbed through a water gradient and anion channels when in adequate concentrations in the growth medium (Li et al. 2022).
To our knowledge, the uptake mechanisms of new alternatives like GenX in plants have not been well studied. Gu et al. (2023) investigated the differences between PFOA and its alternatives, finding that PFOA and GenX were likely transported via a diffusion process. Water channels only have a limited effect on the uptake of PFOA and its alternatives, and slow anion channels rather than rapid ones were mainly responsible for the uptake of PFCAs (Gu et al. 2023). If this applies also to rice and wheat, the difference in GenX uptake of the plant species in our experiment can therefore not be a temperature effect but rather a plant species effect.
As observed previously, despite being industrially used as a short-chain alternative to PFOA, GenX still has similar properties that make it unsafe for the environment. According to recent research, PFASs such as GenX accumulate to different degrees in crops, depending on the components of said crops (Krippner et al. 2015; Bizkarguenaga et al. 2016). PFASs have been reported to accumulate in protein-rich plant parts; as a result, GenX may accumulate in the bran and germ of rice and wheat. Although wheat and rice are the model crops for this study, other findings raise concerns about the safety of crops whose shoots are consumed directly, such as lettuces. In China, for instance, water scarcity has forced a shift from cultivating rice in traditional high-water-consuming lowlands to controlled and non-flooded irrigation approaches. Although non-flooded conditions have been tested successfully for the reduction of other contaminants of concern, such as arsenic (as rice grown in traditional flooded paddies has been found to contain arsenic levels 10 to 15 times greater than rice cultivated in non-flooded conditions (Li et al. 2019)), here we observed higher GenX concentrations in rice shoots grown under non-flooded conditions. This may increase safety risks for crops cultivated under water stressed and rainfed areas.
In contrast to the available published information on PFAS and PFOA substances, this study’s findings are crucial because they demonstrate that despite being a short-chain alternative to PFOA, GenX exhibits chemical properties and environmental safety concerns. Even more than long-chain PFAS (like PFOA), the industrial use of which has been replaced, GenX has the potential to impede plant growth. Studies in line with our findings on shoot biomass and growth length indicate that due to GenX’s high solubility in water, it can enter the environment and affect plants more easily than other PFAS (Ahrens et al. 2010, 2011). Prior studies in rice paddy fields, which are consistent with the present flooded soil conditions, have determined that due to their high mobility in water, short-chain PFAS like GenX are likely to leach into groundwater systems, thereby reducing their availability for plant uptake (Eun et al. 2022). This explains our observation that less GenX accumulated in the shoots of rice grown in flooded soil. Based on these study findings, GenX is not better for the environment because of its higher bioaccumulation and poor degradation. Further, GenX is only poorly absorbed in flooded conditions and better taken up by the rice under non-flooded conditions, making it a concern for modern crop irrigation approaches that aim to optimise production with minimal water use.