Patient safety is defined as the “reduction of risk of unnecessary harm associated with health care to an acceptable minimum” (p. 19) [1]. It has become one of the chief concerns in contemporary healthcare systems [2]. The matter is of even greater importance in emergency room (ER) settings, where healthcare professionals, specifically nurses, must make complex clinical decisions rapidly based on limited information [3–6]. Clinical decision making is defined as “a contextual, continuous, and evolving process, where data are gathered, interpreted, and evaluated in order to select an evidence-based choice of action” [7](p. 401). This is the basis of almost all ER activities, including triage, that is, the task of sorting and prioritizing patients at arrival by urgency and need for care. In the interest of providing safe healthcare services efficiently, triage must also aim to allocate available human and physical resources as best possible. Given the complexity of this clinical decision-making process and triage being a human-driven activity, it is prone to errors that can have serious consequences for patient safety[8, 9]. On the one hand, underestimating a patient’s condition can lead to delayed emergency care and/or insufficient medical treatment with consequent risks for patient health[10] .On the other, overestimating a patient’s conditions can result in ERs being needlessly overburdened and in more urgent cases not receiving more immediate care[11].
To facilitate this process and to reduce the possibility of errors, various emergency triage scales have been created in the past decades based on scientific research and professional experience. Widely used in many countries, they comprise two components, namely, the scale itself, which often has four or five emergency levels[12–15], and a procedure for categorizing situations by level. The situations are then prioritized, and resources allocated accordingly. In French-speaking Switzerland, the Swiss Society of Emergency and Rescue Medicine currently recommends using the Swiss Emergency Triage Scale or SETS®[16] for patient triage. This instrument has been scientifically validated and is used also in France and Belgium [11, 17]. The SETS rates four emergency levels: 1. acute; 2. urgent; 3. semi-urgent; 4. non-urgent.
To assess the validity and accuracy of triage scales, studies [18–20] have relied on precise procedures to create gold standards to hold nurses’ decisions up against. The advent of triage scales has also given a boost to research on ER activities [21], as it has largely facilitated the study of clinical decision making in this setting. This is because triage scales yield a standardized output, that is, an emergency rating and sometimes the motivation behind it, which can easily be used for testing and comparison purposes. After the introduction of triage scales, research into how accurate they were in attributing emergency levels flourished. Researchers had at their disposal a precise procedure and a limited set of outputs that provided the basis for creating gold standards against which to compare nurses’ decisions [22]. Numerous studies have used this approach and, as Farrohknia et al. [22] pointed out in their systematic review, found the level of accuracy of emergency nurse decisions to be medium to low, with nurses erring on the side of both over-triage[23, 24], that is, assigning a higher level than the gold standard, and under-triage[10, 25], that is, assigning a lower one. While nurse performance has been researched extensively[22], the reasons behind this performance have been little investigated, especially the hindering factors. Generally, the studies that have addressed this issue have focused on two groups of factors as possible causes: individual and contextual [26–28]. Individual factors include characteristics specific to nurses, such as personality (flexibility, decision-making autonomy), cognitive processes (critical thinking, prompt decision making), behavioral processes (working under pressure, being organized), and nursing experience (confidence in one’s decision making)[26, 29, 30]Contextual factors include distractors present in the environment [31–34], such as task interruptions, noise, and workload changes. All these factors can affect nurse performance by causing information to be lost and concentration to drop, particularly when performing complex activities. These elements have been the subject of very little exploration in the literature. Studies have underscored the link between environmental distractors and nurse performance [35], but still little is known about the types of effect (e.g., linear, presence of thresholds), which distractors have the greatest impact, and how distractors interact.
Where method is concerned, most of the research on ER nurse clinical decision making has been based on either the retrospective review of records or nurse-assessed written clinical vignettes, that is, texts describing a clinical situation. The two methods share one major shortcoming, namely, a lack of realism, which some authors[36] consider a critical element in evaluating ER nurse performance and clinical decision making. A proposed solution to the problem has been the use of serious games (SG) that simulate both ER nursing tasks and the ER triage environment[36, 37]. SG are defined as games for learning more that for entertainment. They are widely used in the fields of professional development and training, education, and scientific research[38, 39], especially in environments where there is a high risk for adverse events, such as air traffic control[40] and the military[41]. In the medical field, SG have already been used to show that interruptions lengthen the duration of medical evaluations and affect subsequent decisions, which begin by being more disorganized and deviate from prescribed standards [41]. SG provide a unique opportunity that allows immersing nurses in more realistic situations (compared with paper-based vignettes), that are useful to investigate triage and clinical decision making[32, 42]and that has already proven to be a pertinent method of research[43, 44].
The Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) is a theoretical framework developed by Carayon et al.[45–47].Its purpose is to explain how the design of a work system can impact not only patient safety, but also employee and organization performance. The model is based on Donabedian's dimensions of structure, process and outcome[48], but with structure reformulated as a work system. The work system is the starting point of the model, which is built around five components: person, task, tools and technologies, physical environment, and organizational conditions. These components interact and influence each other within the work system. The result of these different interactions and influences impacts the care process and ultimately the outcome at the level of both the patient (e.g., safety) and the organization/employee (e.g., job satisfaction). The physical environment is considered an integral part of the work system. Task interruptions and noise, too, have been proposed as constitutive elements of the work system, especially in one such as the triage area[35, 49].
Serious Game Triage (SGTRI)
Triage is a rather difficult activity to simulate on account of the variety of cases that ER nurses must face and the multiple instruments that may have to use to evaluate patients. Despite the presence of standardized procedures, the decision tree and the tools used vary greatly across cases. Consequently, any sort of simulation must first create a vast matrix that covers all the outputs to all the questions or actions that the player may have to consider. This matrix is the core of any simulation as it provides the answers to nurse enquiries. Based on these answers, nurses reach a conclusion, set the emergency level, and motivate their choice. Whereas paper-based simulations stop here, more complex instruments, such as SG, add a further layer. To increase immersivity and to test other aspects of clinical decision making beyond the mere outcome, it is necessary also to simulate the framework in which the clinical decision-making process occurs by adding elements such as human interaction, noise, and visual indications.
The SGTRI aims to simulate all these elements. We started creating a matrix of questions and answers based on an existing interactive simulator enabling a simple exploration of clinical vignettes[17]. A vignette is no more than the written description of a clinical situation. The situation, symptoms, biological values, and other characteristics of patients are pre-defined based on emblematic cases. We created 20 such vignettes. Triage nurses can investigate them by entering keywords that lead to pre-defined questions or by clicking on icons representing parameter values, such as a pulse oximeter, and receiving feedback. When satisfied with the collected information, the user assigns an emergency level and enters the chief complaint justifying it in a specific window of the SG. Once the answer is validated, a new vignette is presented for evaluation. As the vignettes are presented in a pre-determined order, there is no need for users to manage the wait line. This is the core of the SGTRI. For the sake of greater immersivity, users complete vignettes in a 2D virtual environment replicating an emergency waiting room, rather than text-based vignettes. Moreover, in each vignette the patient is represented by a 2D avatar. As for the sound environment, there is permanent background noise, including the hum of ventilation, doors opening and closing, footsteps approaching, and voices chattering, at a level varying from 40 dB to 50 dB, depending on how many people are in the waiting room.
As we were interested in how distractors affect triage performance, we added to the simulation the two distractors most frequently indicated in the literature[32, 33, 50]: noise and task interruptions. Noise refers to recurrent salient sounds frequently occurring in ER: phone ringing, drilling, helicopter landing, baby crying, medical equipment alarm pinging, and thunder clapping. According to previous research [50, 51], these noises can interfere with nurse activities such as anamnesis and vital sign measurement. To stand out from the low-level background noise, these sounds effects are played at levels up to 80 dB. The use of headphones is recommended to have the sound environment more immersive. Task interruptions, for their part, are implemented via modal pop-ups, such as the image of a disturbing person or a telephone. The player then must think of a response to type into a text pop-up. Unbeknownst to the players, their responses are irrelevant. What counts is returning to the triage task to complete it after being interrupted. Again, research has shown that task interruptions have a disruptive effect on the performance of cognitive processes[49, 52, 53]. Both distractors are programmed to occur at random during the game.
At the technical level, the SGTRI is a browser game developed using Wegas [54], an execution platform that supports the generation of trace data to systematically record all of the user’s choices. This solution provides very extended raw output that includes any single operation the user performs. This makes it possible to have highly refined learning analytics[55], for example, to compare problem-solving strategies [56]. This being a web-based game, technological constraints exist. An extended description of the SG, along with a few images, can be found in Delmas et al. [57] and Hulaas et al. [58] Pre-tests to identify possible technical shortcomings were conducted on-site in all the hospitals that participated in our study.