Data sources
This study uses cross-sectional data from the sixth Belgian Health Interview Survey (BHIS) [27] and the first Belgian Health Examination Survey (BHES) [28], both conducted in 2018. The BHIS is a recurring cross-sectional survey (at four-to-five-year intervals) that collects information on the health status, health behaviour and health consumption of a representative sample of the Belgian population, through a combination of face-to-face interviews and self-administered questionnaires. Respondents were selected from the national population register using a stratified multi-stage cluster sampling procedure [27,29].
The BHES was organized as a second stage of the BHIS and collects additional health information through clinical examinations and analyses of blood and urine samples among a subsample of the BHIS respondents [28]. The BHES contains, for instance, data on BP readings, allowing a reliable estimation of the prevalence of hypertension (including the diagnosed and non-diagnosed). During the BHIS interviews, all respondents at least 18 years of age, excluding proxy respondents and residents of the German-speaking community, were recruited to partake in the BHES. Recruitment continued until predefined regional quotas were achieved, which totalled a sample size of 1100 respondents [28]. A detailed elaboration on the methodology of both surveys is described elsewhere [27-29].
In line with prior research [4] and the target age group of the guidelines for the management of hypertension in Belgium [30,31], the current analysis has been restricted to individuals aged 40-79 years. This resulted in an analytic sample of 5932 and 813 respondents for the BHIS and BHES, respectively. Both data sources were linked using a unique identifier code, so that for the BHES sample both the BHIS and BHES data were available.
Measures and Definitions
The cascade of hypertension Care
To construct the cascade of hypertension care, we distinguish between 7 sequential stages: (1) prevalence, (2) screening, (3) diagnosis, (4) linkage to care, (5) treatment, (6) follow-up, and (7) BP control.
To estimate the prevalence, hypertension was defined as either having a systolic BP (SBP) ≥ 140 mmHg or a diastolic BP (DBP) ≥ 90 mmHg, or reporting to have used antihypertensive medication during the past two weeks or having hypertension during the past year [7]. Standardized BP measurements were obtained by trained nurses during a home visit as part of the BHES fieldwork, using an electronic tensiometer (type Omron M6) [28]. Respondent’s SBP and DBP were determined by taking the respective averages of the last two out of three BP measurements [28].
The proportions of the hypertensive population reaching the different stages of the CoC were estimated using the following definitions. Being screened for hypertension was defined as having had a BP measurement less than 5 years ago [7,32]. This cut-off was chosen as guidelines recommend that BP should be measured at least every 5 years, and more frequently when opportunities arise [32]. Being diagnosed was defined as self-reported hypertension in the past year [7]. Being linked to care was defined as being followed by a health care professional for hypertension in the past year. Being in treatment was defined as either self-reported use of medication or following a diet to treat hypertension in the past year [23,30]. As the overall cardiovascular risk of the hypertensive patient needs a yearly reevaluation [30] being followed up was defined as having had a blood cholesterol level measurement in the past year. Finally, being controlled for hypertension was defined as being treated for hypertension and currently having SBP <140 mmHg and DBP <90 mmHg [7,23].
Potential determinants of hypertension care
Socio-demographic factors included age, sex (male [ref.], female), marital status (married/cohabiting [ref.], single, divorced/widow(er)) and educational level. The latter is recoded into three categories: low (lower secondary education or lower) [ref.], middle (higher secondary education) and high (higher education).
In line with similar studies [23-26], we also included body mass index (BMI) and current smoking status as potential determinants of hypertension care. BMI is measured as kg/m² based on self-reported weight and height and included as a continuous predictor. Smoking status is a dummy variable indicating whether the respondent is a current smoker (i.e. having smoked at least 100 cigarettes in a lifetime and reporting to currently smoke ‘daily’ or ‘occasionally’) or not.
Apart from sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics, we also included several variables that are presumed to be related to hypertension care and outcomes based on previous literature. First, as Belgium performs poorly in ensuring the financial accessibility of healthcare to the least well-off — with levels of unmet medical care for the lowest income quantile as high as 5.6-6.7% [17,18] — we included a categorical predictor perceived financial hardship. It was measured using the survey question: Thinking of your household’s total available income, is your household able to make ends meet?”. Answers ranged on a 6-point Likert scale and were recoded into three categories: high (‘with great difficulty’ and ‘with difficulty’), moderate (‘with some difficulty ‘fairly easily’) and none (‘easily’ and ‘very easily’).
Poor health literacy may be a potential cognitive barrier to optimal hypertension care, as recent meta-analyses showed that it was associated with increased non-adherence to treatment recommendations among patients with chronic diseases [33,34]. Respondents’ health literacy was assessed using the shortened 6-item version of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q6) [35] and included as a continuous predictor ranging between 1 and 4, with higher scores indicating higher levels of health literacy.
Numerous studies reported a positive association between depression and uncontrolled hypertension [36,37]. Apart from sharing common pathophysiological pathways, thereby potentially negatively affecting one another [36], depression and anxiety may lead to lower treatment adherence [37,38] by reducing one’s perceived self-efficacy [39] and impairing one’s interest in and cognitive ability to follow treatment recommendations [40]. We included psychological distress as a continuous predictor, measured using the 12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) [41]. The scale resulted in a score ranging between 0 and 12, with higher scores indicating higher levels of psychological distress.
Finally, previous studies have shown a higher overall quality of care for patients with multiple chronic conditions [42-45], in particular among patients with concordant conditions [43,45]. Hence, we expect that comorbidity is associated with an increased likelihood of progressing through the continuum of hypertension care. In the current analysis, comorbidity was included as a dummy variable indicating whether the hypertensive patient self-reported to have at least one co-occurring chronic condition (out of a total of 24 conditions) in the past 12 months [46,47]. The full list of chronic conditions is provided in the supplemental digital content (Text S1).
Statistical analysis
The analysis consisted of two steps and was performed in R (version 4.2.0) [48]. The stratified multistage clustered survey design was accounted for at both steps using the Survey package [49], resulting in estimates that are representative at the level of the Belgian population.
First, we followed a CoC approach to identify points of greatest attrition along the hypertension care trajectory [19,20]. The proportions for each cascade step were estimated using a fixed denominator (i.e., the number of hypertensive individuals aged 40-79 years). As our data comes from two sources, it does not allow to follow the same set of individuals across all stages of the CoC[1], and hence, to estimate the proportion reaching any given stage conditional on having reached all previous stages. This resulted in a hybrid approach: for consecutive cascade stages based on a single data source, the proportions reaching a particular stage are estimated conditional on having reached the previous stage; for the remaining bars, the proportions are estimated following an unconditional approach. Participants with missing information on the cascade stages (12 of the BHIS and 8 of the BHES sample) were excluded from the CoC analysis. A more detailed elaboration on the operationalization of each bar is summarized in table S1 in supplemental digital content.
Second, high-risk groups for attrition from hypertension care were identified by quantifying the drops in the cascade as dependent variables and analysing its associations with several predictor variables. Due to the small sample size of the BHES, this was only assessed for the conditional cascade stages based on the BHIS. Hence, the associations with three outcome variables were studied: (1) unlinked vs. linked to care (among diagnosed individuals, sample 1); (2) untreated vs. treated (among those diagnosed with hypertension and linked to care, sample 2); and (3) not followed up vs. followed up (among those diagnosed with hypertension, linked to care and following a treatment, sample 3). Both bivariate and multivariate Cox regression models with equal follow-up times and robust variances [50] were fitted, yielding interpretation of the exponentiated parameter estimates in terms of prevalence ratios (PR). Statistical significance was considered in case of a two-sided p-value of < 0.05.
Because of the high proportion of observations with a missing value on at least one variable—in the first sample for instance, this amounts to 30.3% —missing values were multiple imputed by chained equations using the MICE package [51] prior to analysis. The imputation process generated 100 datasets for each of the three samples and was informed by all variables included in the analysis and several additional auxiliary variables (birth country, employment status, equivalent household income in quantiles and an indicator of polypharmacy). The Cox regression models were subsequently fit on each of the imputed datasets and the resulting parameter estimates were pooled according to Rubin’s rules [52].
[1] Strictly speaking, the BHES sample provides individual-level linked data across all stages of the CoC. The sample size is, however, too small to get efficient estimates for each bar, especially at the later stages in the cascade due to attrition along the continuum of care.