Our objective was to characterize the microhabitat preferences of an iconic poison frog in Madagascar and determine the environmental variables influencing their seasonal activity. Our results show M. baroni activity is associated with warm temperatures and frogs prefer relatively open areas of forest with deep leaf litter in valleys near streams. Their increased activity during warmer months likely relates to breeding season, however eggs and tadpoles of M. baroni have never been observed in the field and are only described from captivity (Jovanovic et al. 2009a). Considering temperature regulates the physiology of amphibian reproductive cycles (Delgado et al. 1992; Saidapur and Hoque 1995), frogs should maximize their reproductive success by timing breeding activity to coincide with warmer temperatures. As such, the increased detection of M. baroni at warmer temperatures can be explained by their seasonal reproductive behavior, similar to M. aurantiaca (Edmonds et al. 2020). However, other environmental factors can influence amphibian breeding phenology, especially photoperiod and rainfall (Saenz et al. 2006; Borah et al. 2019), which we did not measure in our study. Additionally, temperature could serve as a proxy measurement for unidentified causal stimuli regulating amphibian behavior because temperature often covaries with other environmental conditions (Canavero and Arim 2009). Still, mean 24-hr temperature was the best indicator of M. baroni activity compared to the other environmental variables, which aligns with previous work showing temperature driving seasonal frog activity in Madagascar and daily activity patterns of captive Mantella species (Heinermann et al. 2015; Dubos et al. 2020; Edwards et al. 2022).
We offer several explanations for why litter depth and number of small trees were the most important microhabitat variables influencing M. baroni presence. First, leaf litter offers amphibians microhabitat with lower temperatures, increased moisture, and overall greater heterogeneity (Burrow and Maerz 2022), and in other tropical regions deeper litter is associated with higher frog species richness and abundance (Fauth et al. 1989; van Sluys et al. 2007). At the same time, open areas in tropical forests with a sparser understory reach higher temperatures (Fetcher et al. 1985; Tymen et al. 2017). Thus, we believe M. baroni is primarily selecting habitat to meet eco-physiological requirements, choosing relatively open areas with deep litter because the sites offer large thermal and moisture gradients to select from. Second, M. baroni might favor deep leaf litter for egg deposition. Aside from M. laevigata, Mantella species deposit masses of 20– 193 eggs on land near water (Vences et al. 1999; Tessa et al. 2009; Edmonds et al. 2015), and in captivity choose dark secluded locations, so deeper litter might provide better egg deposition sites. A third possible factor is that deep leaf litter can decrease predation risk (Folt and Guyer 2021). Although Mantella species display aposematic coloration to warn predators of their poisonous skin alkaloids, there are records of predation by skinks and beetles (Heying 2001; Jovanovic et al. 2009b; Garcia et al. 2018). Finally, the seasonal availability of arthropod prey appears to play a role in M. laevigata habitat use (Moskowitz et al. 2018), so areas of the forest with deeper leaf litter and fewer small trees could support greater arthropod abundance. Future research should examine the costs, benefits, and tradeoffs of these four factors affecting Mantella habitat preferences.
We based our study on the work of Edwards et al. (2019) and found some notable similarities and differences between M. aurantiaca and M. baroni. At the microhabitat level both species prefer relatively open areas of forest, with measures of leaf litter and woody structures influencing quadrat use. For M. aurantiaca, percent litter cover best explained frog presence rather than litter depth as in M. baroni, and number of tree roots in a quadrat was important rather than number of small trees. However, the greatest difference between the species relates to seasonal habitat use. Whereas M. aurantiaca moves down from forested hills to ephemeral breeding ponds in the rainy season (Randrianavelona et al. 2010; Edwards et al. 2019), we only detected M. baroni in valleys along streams, likely reflecting different breeding strategies for the two species. Considering M. baroni is widely distributed and sympatric or syntopic with several other Mantella species (M. cowanii, M. madagascariensis, and M. pulchra; Andreone 1992; Schaefer et al. 2002; Chiari et al. 2005), future research could explore competitive shifts in microhabitat use within and outside areas of sympatry. M. baroni should be less specialized in its habitat requirements than the other Mantella species with which it occurs, and in areas of sympatry might rely on slightly different microhabitat features than at sites where it is the only Mantella species present. Our results can be used for such a comparison because M. baroni occurs together with M. pulchra in Vohimana Reserve.
The population sizes of M. baroni differed between sites, with Site A supporting < 15% the number of frogs at Site B. Amphibian populations naturally fluctuate in size and may be in decline much of the time following short periods of high recruitment that sustain populations (Meyer et al. 1998). As such, long-term data are needed to determine if Site A supports a smaller population than Site B as our results suggest, or if the difference between Sites A and B can be attributed to demographic and/or environmental stochasticity. Species with fast life histories, which are short-lived and highly fecund, experience greater population growth rate variation than species with slow life histories (Sæther et al. 2013). For M. baroni, skeletochronology suggests the lifespan of wild frogs is typically 1–3 years (Guarino et al. 2008; Jovanovic et al. 2010) and gravid females have been found with 53–64 eggs (Tessa et al. 2009). Thus, due to the life history traits of M. baroni, population growth likely varies considerably and our estimates from a single year are not adequate to fully compare population sizes. Alternatively, or additionally, population size at Site B may be larger because it could be a source for A, in which case further studies on habitat use and resource availability are needed to examine factors influencing frog abundance.
Population size estimates of M. baroni in the literature are limited to the work of Rabemananjara et al. (2008) who used batch-marking and the Schnabel estimation method to rapidly assess the size of three populations exploited for the pet trade. They found population sizes of 49–108 frogs at three sites (Fanjavala, Ampasimpotsy, and Kidonavo), which is within the range of our estimates at Vohimana. Importantly, Rabemananjara et al. noted their estimates could be male-biased if outgoing territorial males were captured more often than females during the breeding season, and our results have the same limitation since we were unable to accurately record sex. Population size estimates would be biased low if females were not captured at the same rate as males. Still, taken together with the results of Rabemananjara et al., our estimates show that although M. baroni is widespread, population sizes are not large. Such observations have implications for the international pet trade. Records from the CITES Trade Database show 54,211 wild M. baroni exported during 2001–2021, averaging 2,802 individuals/year during the most recent decade (CITES 2022). Though collection for the pet trade provides economic benefits for biodiverse developing countries like Madagascar (Robinson et al. 2018a, b), exporting such large quantities relative to population sizes may not be sustainable. Andreone et al. (2021) conducted a population viability analysis for nine Mantella species, and although there was large uncertainty in the inputs of their model, their results show extinction probability increases when > 20% of the population is harvested. Additionally, considering the short lifespan and highly seasonal behavior of M. baroni, if frogs are collected early in the year before reproducing, the impact on populations may be greater than if collected after. Therefore, collection of M. baroni for the pet trade could easily cause local extirpation if exported frogs are sourced from very few sites, especially if harvested early in the season before reproducing.
A final implication of our results relates to ex situ conservation. Mantella baroni is closely related to M. cowanii, one of Madagascar’s most threatened amphibian species and the focus of a national conservation action plan (Andreone et al. 2020). In the action plan, one of the priorities is establishing an ex situ survival assurance population to safeguard against extinction. While there is a lack of information about the captive requirements of M. cowanii, some zoological institutions maintain M. baroni (Ziegler et al. 2022). As such, M. baroni could serve as a surrogate for developing captive breeding protocols for the highly threatened M. cowanii. Zoological institutions and breeding programs can use the microhabitat temperature and humidity measurements we collected to refine M. baroni captive breeding protocols. Our findings point towards a benefit of providing relatively large thermal and moisture gradients for captive frogs to select from, and varying temperature seasonally to replicate natural breeding conditions.