Seagrass beds provide critical ecosystem services including the provision of food and shelter for a host of benthic, epiphytic and pelagic organisms (Hutchings et al., 1991; Schneider & Mann, 1991; Edgar & Robertson, 1992; Larkum, Orth, & Duarte, 2006; Bell, Fonseca, & Stafford, 2006). In Florida Bay, and other areas in the Northern Caribbean, seagrass beds are major nursery areas and lifetime habitats for a number of species, including some commercially important species: grunt, groupers, snappers, sea bream, pink shrimp (Penaeus sp.) and spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804;Robblee, 1989; Sogard et al., 1989; Thayer and Chester, 1989; Van der Velde et al., 1992). Many of these species feed on various forms of marine macrofauna associated with seagrass beds. Where seagrasses are present, the feeding guilds of macrobenthic faunal communities differ to areas where they are absent (Han, Han, Zheng, & Han, 2017)
When the benthic communities in William’s Bay are compared to those in BAL there is a stark difference in terms of diversity, abundance and number of species. The benthic community at BAL showed increased abundance, diversity and number of species over a similar time period. This supports the hypothesis that seagrasses are influential in the structure and composition of benthic communities leading to increased diversity and abundance and its loss leads to reduction in these parameters. It is likely these effects are secondary through its influence on local hydrodynamics, food availability and quality and protection from predators (Alsaffar et al., 2020).
Not all studies agree with the view that seagrass canopy cover leads to increased diversity and abundance in benthic fauna (Attrill, Strong, & Rowden, 2000; Lee, Fong, & Wu, 2001; Nakamura & Sano, 2005; Barrio Froján et al., 2009; Barnes & Barnes, 2014). However, this study demonstrates a clear decrease in the number of taxa, species abundance and biomass of benthic macrofaunal communities at the same location, which was vegetated and then unvegetated due to the decimation of the seagrass meadow. Several authors have noted that macrofaunal densities at sites vegetated by seagrasses were higher than nearby unvegetated sites (Thayer et al. 1975; O’Gower & Wacasey, 1967; Orth, 1973; Santos & Simon, 1974) however, all except Santos and Simon (1974) found sediment granulometry correlated with macrophyte biomass.
Chi squared test showed no significant difference between the sediment composition in 2007 and 2016. Data presented here show that abundance, diversity and species number of the macrobenthic community may be a function of macrophyte cover and not fine sediments. The disappearance of the seagrass beds would favour the increase in deposit feeders as they usually find it difficult to flourish in heavily vegetated habitats due to heavy rhizome mats, and show lower abundances (Stoner, 1980; Cardoso et al., 2004). However, the effects of sediment granulometry and seagrass cover on benthic communities are difficult to disaggregate therefore it is impossible to state for sure whether observed changes on the benthic community are a direct result of the loss of seagrass meadows. It would appear however, that water quality parameters such as total suspended solids, nitrates and ammonium concentrations negatively impacted the seagrass community as significant negative correlations were found between these parameters and seagrass productivity and biomass at the two stations. Nutrient over-enrichment of coastal waters has been cited as the main reason for seagrass loss (Orth & Moore 1983, Short & Wyllie-Echeverria 1996).
As the seagrasses gradually disappeared from 2007 to 2016, deposit-feeding polychaetes would have found a favourable environment hence a greater proliferation of these organisms. A common assumption is that deposit-feeders are abundant in muddy habitats while suspension feeders dominate in sandy habitats (Gray, 1981). Mud percentages decreased from 2007 to 2016; however, the classification of the sediment changed from coarser, gravelly sand to finer sand (Table 2). This supports the theory that deposit feeders prefer finer sediments. The suspension feeders did not appear to be affected as both species were still present in 2016. Some species can modify their trophic habits in response to food availability, and also their ability to colonize bottoms with high sediment mobility, for example, spionids, (Maurer, Leathem, & Menzie, 1981). Not all species are associated with a single sediment type, but their trophic organization can relate to associated factors such as organic content and granulometric properties of sediments (Snelgrove & Butman, 1994).
Several epifaunal amphipod species were no longer present in 2016 such as E. brasiliensis and Neomegamphopus hiatus (Barnard & Thomas, 1987) (Table 6). The number of epifaunal species decreased from 13 to 7 across both sampling periods while infaunal species remained the same with the exception of Laticorophium baconi (Shoemaker, 1934) which was present in 2007 but disappeared in 2016. Stoner (1979) showed that for amphipods, seasonal abundance patterns were related to reproductive seasonality and abundance of predatory fish. Limited experimental evidence suggests that some amphipods actively seek certain vegetation (Stoner, 1980) and that these species, are more vulnerable to predation when outside the protection of the seagrass blades (Nelson, 1979; Coen et al., 1981; Stoner, 1980).
Epifaunal species would be more protected from predation among the fronds of Thalassia testudinum leaves. Upon disappearance of the seagrasses, their numbers would naturally decrease as protection is no longer available. The top three most abundant species in 2016 were two infaunal species E. honduranus and Gibberosus myersi (McKinney, 1980) along with the epifaunal Grandidierella bonnieroides Stephensen, 1957. Traditionally, infaunal species have a harder time with dense rhizome mats although this does not appear to be the case as the number of infaunal species remained relatively constant. Infaunal species appear to have been less affected by the disappearance of seagrasses resulting in small shifts in community composition. Apart from changes in sediment type, location played an important role in the distribution of the macrobenthic community.
Stations A and B are located in popular bathing areas of William’s Bay. Both of these stations showed marked decreases in number of macrofaunal species, abundance and biomass compared to the other four stations sampled (Table 8). Continuous disturbance by beachgoers may negatively affect the benthic fauna leading to there being smaller populations in the area (Vieira, Borzone, Lorenzi, & de Carvalho, 2012).
William’s Bay showed an overall decrease in the benthic macroinvertebrate population in terms of abundance, diversity and number of species upon disappearance of the Thalassia testudinum meadows from 2007 to 2016.
Table 10 shows a comparison of the species density and number of species among William’s Bay and two sites in Florida (Stoner, 1980; Orth, 1973) and one site in Venezuela (Arana & Diaz, 2006).
Table 10
Comparison of macrobenthic species density and number of species between various sampling locations in Trinidad, Florida and Venezuela at different time periods
Country | Trinidad | Florida | Venezuela |
Location | William's Bay | Apalachee Bay | Chesapeake Bay | Chacopata Beach |
Year | 2007 wet | 2016 dry | 2016 wet | 1980 | 1973 | 2006 |
Species density (no. m− 2) | 33373 | 16126 | 15797 | 8301 | 14284 | 4409* |
No. of species | 206 | 72 | 48 | 170 | 117 | 51* |
*Polychaetes only |
The vegetated site in William’s Bay, recorded in 2007 showed greater species density when compared to all other sites. The number of species recorded in William’s Bay in 2007 was also greatest of all sites compared.
The percentage of carnivorous polychaetes in 2007 accounted for 14% of the number of species while deposit feeders accounted for 63%. In the Thalassia testudinum beds of Venezuela, carnivorous polychaetes were the most abundant accounting for 40% of all polychaete species (Arana & Diaz, 2006). Stoner (1980) reported 41% carnivorous and omnivorous polychaetes, 45% deposit feeders and 11% suspension feeders in Apalachee Bay Florida.
The species density recorded at William’s Bay in 2007 can be considered very high as the other studies yielded square metre averages far below this number. Stoner (1980) reported a species density which is half the density of the unvegetated sites in 2016. Zostera marina beds in Chesapeake Bay (Orth, 1973) had a similarly lower number, and Arana & Díaz, (2006) reported a much smaller range of macrobenthos in Venezuela although this was for polychaetes only. When compared to the polychaete densities in William’s Bay (Table 5), this number is still comparatively much lower. The number of polychaete species reported by Arana and Diaz (2006) is also lower than that recorded in 2007 wet season but greater than both of the 2016 sampling seasons (Table 5). Trinidad has a rich biodiversity that is reflected from its location close to the South American continent and proximity to the outflow of the Orinoco River Delta (Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, 2010). This has direct impacts on the marine biodiversity that is common to the nearshore benthic communities of the twin island state. It is possible the benthic macrofaunal biodiversity observed in William’s Bay is a reflection of these factors.
Polychaete density in William’s Bay for 2007 was found to be 17,354 polychaetes m2. This number decreased to 7,579 ind. m2 for the 2016 dry season and 8,530 ind /m2 for the wet season. Thalassia testudinum beds in Venezuela recorded a monthly polychaete density ranging from 387 ind m− 2 (September) to 1 735 ind m − 2 in May, mean density = 989 ± 449 ind m− 2 (Arana and Diaz, 2006). The number of polychaete species described in 2007 (106) in William’s Bay was far greater than the number of species found by Arana and Diaz (2006) who described a range of 21 to 51 species recorded in Thalassia testudinum beds from the Atlantic coast in Venezuela, with an average of 35.71 ± 10.71 species. The number of species recorded by Arana and Diaz (2006) in Venezuela was similar to that found in 2016 when Thalassia testudinum beds in William’s Bay had been decimated. Differences were also reflected in polychaete populations between the sites. Polychaete abundance decreased overall.
The composition of the polychaete communities in William’s Bay experienced notable change from vegetated to unvegetated habitat over this study period. Lumbrineris januarii (Grube, 1878) a carnivore, dominated the environment in 2007 and in 2016, A. agilis, a deposit feeder, was the dominant species. The data from 2007 showed the presence of carnivorous families such as Lumbrineridae, Nereididae and Orbiniidae. In 2016, opportunisitc deposit feeding families such as Opheliidae, Paraonidae, Capitellidae and Spionidae were dominant, possibly due to an increase in organic load or a change in the availability of food, which favours these families (Sivadas, Ingole, & Nanajkar, 2010). In Apalachee Bay, Florida there was an abundance of carnivorous and suspension feeding species with increased seagrass biomass compared to increased abundance of deposit feeding and omnivorous species as seagrass biomass decreased (Stoner, 1980). Similarly, Arana and Diaz (2006) found tube building deposit feeders and carnivorous polychaetes to be dominant in Thalassia testudinum beds of Venezuela.
This study found a decrease in carnivorous, omnivorous and deposit feeding families from 2007 to 2016. The number of suspension feeding families remained the same (Table 3). Stoner (1980) postulated that increased carnivory associated with seagrass biomass can be due to the higher number of prey species such as protozoans, nematodes and other small organisms, and suggested that decreased deposit feeders at highly vegetated sites might be due to the presence of dense rhizome mats. This does not appear to be the case in William’s Bay in 2007.
Ecosystem changes are also reflected by a change in the feeding habits of macrobenthos (Tilman et al., 1997) as such the loss of seagrass beds and the loss of smaller prey species would have prompted a response in the feeding habits of the polychaete communities. This was seen in the percentages of polychaete carnivores, omnivores, and deposit feeders, which varied between Trinidad communities and other communities studied. The Florida stations studied in Apalachee Bay had a gradient of macrophyte biomass ranging from 9 to 320 g dry wt m− 2, (Stoner, 1980). Macrophyte biomass recorded in William’s Bay in 2007 fell within this range with a value of 191.0 ± 55.9 g dry wt m− 2. By 2016 this value decreased to 51.37 ± 52.7 g dry wt m− 2 in the dry season and eventually to 0 g dry wt m− 2 in the wet season