Through the manuscript, we mentioned several morphological differences between A. mellifera and G. acapulconis. We suggest that the content of RJPs is related to those morphological differences. Because some of those proteins that have been described are involved into pigmentation and larval development. We used a transcriptomic approach by HG, which produce RJPs to identify their coding sequences. Transcriptomic analysis shows that the transcription profiles for A. mellifera and G. acapulconis are similar, but the differences are in the diversity from RJPs.
Regarding MRJP family, it has been described MRJP1 to MRP10, which are related to different activities (Ferguson et al., 2011). MRJP1-5 have nutritional and defense function while, MRJP6, MRJP7 and MRJP10 activity remain unknown (Schmitzová et al., 1998). On another hand, MRJP8 and MRJP9 are related to honeybee venom (Blank et al., 2012; Peiren et al., 2008). We found that A. mellifera had coding sequences to MRJPs and YPs. On the contrary, G. acapulconis showed a higher diversity to YPs, and MRJP were absent, instead those proteins found were RJPL. In relation to MRJP family, we found transcripts coding for MRJP1 to MRJP5, MRJP8 and MRJP9 in A. mellifera.
Concerning MRJP1, it is expressed in HG and brain (Hojo et al., 2010; Kucharski et al., 1998; Peixoto et al., 2009). MRJP1 is related to different activities such as a growth factor in the worker/queen transition (Kamakura, 2011). MRJP1 is closely related to apisimin, a 54-residue alpha-helical peptide that promotes the non-covalent assembly of MRJP1 into multimers (Bíliková et al., 2002, 2009). High-resolution structural data for these complexes are not available, and their binding stoichiometry remains uncertain. To date, MRJP1/Apisimin has been studied using a range of biophysical techniques (Mandacaru et al., 2017). Also, the expression of this protein in the brain has been reported in mushroom bodies (MBs) or in stalk-shaped Kenyon cells, which could indicate a non-nutritive function. MBs have been shown to be involved in sensory integration and learning and memory in bees (Hourcade et al., 2010; Komischke et al., 2005; Menzel, 2001). One possibility could be that they have function as a growth factor involved in Kenyon cells growth or plasticity (Kucharski et al., 1998).
Also, a single-copy of MRJP-like has been found in bumblebees, which may represent the ancestral state of MRJP evolution (Kupke et al., 2012).
There is evidence that MRJP2 protect larvae from infections because they are homologs of apalbumins which are antimicrobial peptides (Bíliková et al., 2002, 2009). In a similar way, MRJP3 could be act as defence protein, because they had influence in T-cell immune response by regulating the production of IL-4, IL- 2 and IFN-γ (Kohno et al., 2004). They also report that MRJP3 inhibits IgE and IgG1 production and effectively acts as an anti-allergy agent. Additionally, MRJP3 is known to act as an anti-inflammatory agent both in vitro and in vivo in macrophages. The presence of MRJP2 and MRJP3 in A. mellifera could be related to differences in bees’ development that we mentioned before. After the workers build the brood cells, G. acapulconis provide them with larval food and close the brood, while the A. mellifera keep the brood cell open, so that the workers can feed the brood from time to time. This developmental difference makes A. mellifera more susceptible to diseases. For that reason, MRJP2 and MRJP3 could play as defense proteins, and so far, what is known about MRJP4 and MRJP5 is that they contain nutritional function.
As we mentioned before, in G. acapulconis the MRJP were absent, but instead those proteins we found RJPL. This protein has been reported in bumblebees (Albert et al., 2014; Kupke et al., 2012; Terzo et al., 2007). It has been described that RJPL expression occurs in both HGs and Kenyon cells of the brain, suggesting that this type of expression pattern is not bee-specific, but may represent an ancestral rather than a derived state (Albert et al., 2014). In relation to YPs, they were found in both bees. However, the diversity of this kind of proteins was higher in G. acapulconis. YPs have multiples activities, they have been associated with development, regulatory functions, and behavior of bees (Buttstedt et al., 2014; Drapeau et al., 2006; Ferguson et al., 2011). Specifically, YPs are the oldest and best characterized proteins in the Yellow/MRJP family. Since MRJP and YP are multifunctional, the exact biological function of several MRJPs remain unknown; so, we do not know the repercussions for the bee species. For example, several Yellow/MRJP family have the intrinsic ability to bind and modify biogenic amines such as DOPA and dopamine (Qian HAN et al., 2002; Xu et al., 2011); therefore, they affect neuromodulation and dopaminergic transmission, which it is common in the insect brain (Blenau & Erber, 1998). It is possible that neuronal MRJPs are directly or indirectly involved in this mode of neuronal communication (Albert et al., 2014). Also, YPs have been found in other insects as Drosophila melanogaster, in which is synthesized in the brain. Further, this protein plays a critical role for male courtship behavior modulation (Radovic et al., 2002), but also is related to fly pigmentation. Therefore, the diversity of YPs in G. acapulconis could be explain the pigmentation differences. However, since other YPs had been described to have multiples activities, some of them have similar MRJP activities, suggesting that the YPs in G. acapulconis replaced MRJP.
In G. acapulconis, it may has greater YP diversity than A. mellifera to reinforce the remaining MRJP proteins of G. acapulconis. If MRJP proteins are absent in G. acapulconis a higher amount of RJPL would be expected. The predominant proteins found in G. acapulconis were YP and RJPL. However, G. acapulconis does have proteins that react with MRJP1, which is MRJP1VIT, it could be that RJPL, or some YPs play a similar role as MRJP1.
Finally, in both bees we found Vitellogenin (MRJP1VIT) a protein that has a close relationship to MRJP proteins because they bind to MRJP1 proteins to facilitate the transport.