Heat transfer by phonons
In the case of diffusive phononic heat transfer via the solid skeleton of a porous material Fourier’s law holds:
$${\overrightarrow{q}}_{c}= -{\lambda }_{s}\bullet \nabla T$$
with \({\overrightarrow{q}}_{c}\): heat flow density, λs: solid conductivity and \(\nabla T\): temperature gradient. In this case the mean free path length of the phonons are small in comparison to the sample dimensions. Various theoretically models have been proposed for the description of the solid conductivity in porous material composites [13–16]. Most of these models describe the macroscopic heat flow based on the assumption of a characteristic microscopic geometry of the solid structure, e.g. within a unit cell, thus limiting the application of a specific model to other porous materials. However, in order to make general statements, simplifying models with general assumptions are beneficial. The so-called percolation model fulfills these aspects. In this model, a randomly distributed two phase medium is considered and can be simplified described by a randomly arranged three-dimensional network of thermal resistances [17]. The solid conductivity as a function of density ρ of the porous media follows a scaling rule [18–22]. Lu [20] proposed for the effective solid thermal conductivity λs the proportionality:
$${\lambda }_{s}\propto {(f-{f}_{c})}^{\alpha } and f=\frac{\rho }{{\rho }_{0}} ,$$
with α: scaling exponent, ρ: density of the porous media, ρ0: bulk density of the porous media and the solid volume fraction f. fc is the percolation threshold, which is defines the minimum solid volume fraction from which on a continuous path for heat transport between the considered macroscopic temperature gradient is present. The above mentioned two phase medium built a resistance network which consists of thermally conducting elements and non-conducting elements with zero thermal conductivity. In the vicinity of the percolation threshold Eq. (2) holds, i.e. \(\left(f-{f}_{c}\right)\ll 1\). Thovert et al. provided theoretically scaling exponents for the effective thermal conductivity of two- and three-dimensional random media [23]:
α = 1.300 ± 0.002 for two-dimensional systems,
α = 1.9 ± 0.1 for three-dimensional systems. (3)
Assuming that the percolation threshold is negligible compared to the actual sold fraction and for low density materials, Eq. (2) can be simplified:
$${\lambda }_{s}\left(T\right)={\lambda }_{0}\left(T\right){f}^{\alpha }$$
with \({\lambda }_{0}\): intrinsic thermal conductivity of the solid structure from which the porous solid is built. Looking at Eq. (4), the similarity with Archie’s law is striking, which describes phenomenologically the effective electrical conductivity of a water-saturated porous non-conducting rock. Nielsen et al. found for crushed and compressed polyurethane foam with different densities a scaling exponent of α = 1.2 ± 0.3 [24]. Lu investigated different porous non-metallic powders and derived scaling exponents from 1.1 to 1.9. For highly porous monolithic opacified silica aerogels a scaling exponent of α = 1.5, for non-opacified silica aerogels α = 2.0 was reported [20, 25]. In both cases the experimental values were not corrected for the radiative contribution to the total effective thermal conductivity. Weigold et al. investigated the correlation of microstructure and thermal conductivity in polyurea aerogels and found a scaling behavior with α-values close to 1 [26]. In general, it can be simplified that in the case of fully connected structures, e.g. foams, α = 1 holds, which is already described by Gibson and Ashby [27]. In systems with a structurally fully connected skeleton, such as foams or even bonded fiber insulation, an increase in density leads to a proportional increase in sold phase thermal conductivity, since all material is always involved in heat transport. In porous structures, which also contain material areas that are not fully connected, containing e.g. dead ends, an increase in density can lead to the opening up of new heat flow paths and thus to an over proportional increase in heat conduction leading to scaling exponents α > 1.
In the further course of this work, it is assumed that Eq. (4) can be used as a good and simple approximation for the description of the effective solid conductivity.
Heat transfer by thermal radiation
Besides the heat transfer via the solid skeleton, radiative heat transfer is present in evacuated insulation materials. In optimized, i.e. IR-optical opaque thermal insulations considered here, it can be assumed that the radiative heat transfer is diffusive. In this case, a radiative thermal conductivity λr can be defined [28]:
$$\overrightarrow{{q}_{r}}=-{\lambda }_{r}\left(T\right)\bullet \nabla T= -\frac{16}{3}\bullet \frac{\sigma {\bullet n}^{2}\bullet {T}_{r}^{3}}{\rho \bullet {e}^{*}\left(T\right)}\nabla T$$
with \({\overrightarrow{q}}_{r}\): radiative heat flow density, σ: Stefan-Boltzmann constant, n: effective index of refraction, ρ: density, e*(T): temperature-dependent effective specific extinction coefficient and Tr: mean radiative temperature. The specific extinction coefficient e*(T) is derived from the wavelength dependent specific extinction coefficient e*(Λ) and depends on the geometry and complex index of refraction of the material which interacts with the thermal radiation. For an isotropic, gray, highly porous media the radiative conductivity can be simplified:
$${\lambda }_{r}\left(T\right)= \frac{16}{3}\bullet \frac{\sigma \bullet {T}^{3}}{\rho \bullet {e}^{*}}$$
In this case, the effective index of refraction can be assumed to be close to one. For a gray media the specific extinction is independent of the wavelength and therefore constant with temperature [25].
Effective total thermal conductivity
The effective total thermal conductivity for evacuated porous thermal insulation materials with a diffusive radiative heat transfer is given by the sum of the effective solid thermal conductivity (Eq. (4)) and the radiative thermal conductivity (Eq. (6)):
$${\lambda }_{t}\left(T,\rho \right)={\lambda }_{c}\left(T,\rho \right)+{\lambda }_{r}(T,\rho )$$
$${\lambda }_{t}\left(T,\rho \right)={\lambda }_{0}\left(T\right){\left(\frac{\rho }{{\rho }_{0}}\right)}^{\alpha }+\frac{16}{3}\bullet \frac{\sigma \bullet {T}^{3}}{\rho \bullet {e}^{\text{*}}}$$
In real technical thermal insulation systems in many cases additional components are added to the primary material system, like IR-opacifier, binder material or other mechanically stabilizing additives. The effect of these materials on the solid conductivity is assumed to be neglected because of the small concentrations.