Model exercise
Our work evaluates the role of international shipping as part of the much broader challenge of limiting global warming to relatively safe levels. To this end, we use IAMs to develop low-carbon scenarios for the energy and industrial systems (and, in some cases, for agriculture and land use systems as well), focusing our results analysis on international shipping, a sector whose modelling has been recently improved across these models.
Integrated Assessment Models
Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) describe key processes in the interaction of human development and natural environment. Typically, they are designed to assess the implications of achieving climate objectives, such as limiting global warming to 1.5 or 2oC9,50. The six global models used in this study are COFFEE51,52, IMACLIM-R49,53, IMAGE13,34, PROMETHEUS52,54, TIAM-UCL55,56 and WITCH57,58.
COFFEE is a process-based IAM41 that utilizes intertemporal linear programming optimization with perfect foresight to model global energy, agricultural, and land-use systems. The energy sector is at the core of the model. Each of the model’s regions has a detailed representation of energy extraction and conversion technologies, and individualised estimates of energy resources (both in terms of volumes and costs) in the form of cost-supply curves. Divided into five main sectors (energy, industry, transportation, buildings, and agriculture), the model accounts for all primary energy produced by energy systems and its later transformation into secondary and final energy. The detailed modelling of international shipping is one of the most recent refinements in COFFEE. The approach used for modelling this sector focused on accurately representing the demand and potential alternative fuels. Shipping demand is based on the representation of 31 products/product groups, with most of them modelled endogenously. The energy modelling of ships is based on 10 illustrative motorizations, ranging from conventional two-stroke diesel engines to advanced electrochemical powertrains. Meanwhile, candidate fuels are grouped into eight categories, with each one potentially applicable to different powertrain types. In their turn, technological routes that produce these fuels are represented in each COFFEE region, ranging from technologically mature processes (e.g., oil refining, vegetable oil extraction) to advanced energy conversion processes (e.g., Fischer-Tropsch synthesis). The improvement of ship energy efficiency over time is modelled exogenously based on conservative assumptions. Detailed information on COFFEE can be found in subsection 1.2 of the Supplementary Information.
IMACLIM-R is a multi-sectoral Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model representing the global economy as a set of 12 production sectors with input-output trade links. It is primarily based on macroeconomic theory, featuring consistent input-output accounting of both economic and physical energy flows. The demand for international shipping is influenced by the trade volume of physical goods but also by the price of freight transport. In its turn, this price is strongly influenced by energy carrier prices and energy efficiency. Maritime energy sources are determined by the relative prices of energy, also considering carbon taxation and exogenous hypotheses for energy efficiency improvement. Detailed information on IMACLIM-R can be found in subsection 1.3 of the Supplementary Information.
IMAGE is an intermediate complexity IAM that provides a process-oriented representation of human and earth systems, which are connected by emissions and land use. The model is driven by various factors, including demographic, economic, and technological development, as well as resource availability, lifestyle changes, and policy. The model's energy module simulates long-term trends in final energy use, depletion, energy-related GHG, and other air pollution emissions, as well as land-use demand for energy crops. The results are obtained using a single set of deterministic algorithms, which derive the system state in any future year entirely from previous system states. The model projects freight service demand using a constant elasticity of the industry value added for each transport mode, with international shipping being one of six freight transport modes. The competition between vessels with different energy efficiencies, costs, and fuel type characteristics is described using a multinomial logit equation. These substitution processes capture the price-induced energy efficiency changes, and over time, more efficient technologies become more competitive due to exogenous decreases in costs, representing the autonomous-induced energy efficiency changes. The model assumes that each type of vehicle uses only one fuel type. Therefore, this process also describes the maritime fuel selection. Detailed information on IMAGE can be found in subsection 1.4 of the Supplementary Information.
PROMETHEUS is a global energy system model covering in detail the interactions between energy demand, supply, and prices. Its main objectives are to assess mitigation pathways, analyse the implications of policy measures and quantify impacts of climate policies on energy prices. The model quantifies CO2 emissions and represents abatement technologies and policy instruments (e.g., carbon pricing, efficiency standards). In terms of mathematical formulation, PROMETHEUS is a recursive dynamic simulation model, with investment and operation decisions mostly based on the current state of knowledge of parameters such as cost and performance. Recently, PROMETHEUS was enhanced with an improved representation of international shipping. Several technologies and emission reduction options were included in the model, with focus on low-carbon fuels. Maritime activity is split by segments (i.e., dry bulk, general cargo, container, and tankers). For tankers, the demand is endogenously estimated from interactions with the energy sector, while other segments have exogenous projections based on the literature. Emission reduction options include energy saving alternatives, speed reduction and the deployment of a wide range of alternative fuels. Detailed information on PROMETHEUS can be found in subsection 1.5 of the Supplementary Information.
TIAM-UCL is an energy-economy model of the global energy system that uses a linear programming optimization approach to explore cost-optimal systems. Features of its formulation include perfect competition and foresight. The representation of the global energy system encompasses primary sources from production through their conversion into final energy and utilization to meet service demands across a range of economic sectors. Using a scenario-based approach, the evolution of the system to meet future energy service demands can be simulated driven by the least-cost objective solution. Decisions around investments are determined based on cost-effectiveness, using the existing system in 2015 as a starting point. Energy resource potential, technological availability and policy constraints are other important aspects considered by the optimization. In TIAM-UCL, the transport sector is also fully based on this cost-optimisation paradigm, with international shipping being a part of the freight module. The demand for shipping is split by product group. For non-energy commodities, activity is exogenous, calculated and mapped using trade projections from an auxiliary sectoral model. For energy commodities, activity is endogenously estimated in TIAM-UCL, driven by the trade of fossil fuels and other energy carriers. Emission reductions are mostly achieved by the deployment of low-carbon fuels, whose selection is based on fuel and carbon prices. Ship and logistic efficiency are introduced exogenously in the model. Detailed information on TIAM-UCL can be found in subsection 1.6 of the Supplementary Information.
WITCH is a comprehensive tool designed to examine the interplay between climate change, energy systems, and economic development. It has a hybrid structure, combining top-down and bottom-up features. The top-down component includes a macroeconomic intertemporal optimization model while the bottom-up component captures technological details of the energy sector. The model generates optimal mitigation and adaptation strategies in response to climate damage or emission constraints. Strategies result from a maximization process involving regional welfare, capturing free-riding behaviours and interactions induced by externalities. An iterative algorithm implements the open-loop Nash equilibrium in a non-cooperative, simultaneous, open membership game with full information. The model uses a social planner to maximize the sum of regional discounted utility, with a constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility function derived from per-capita consumption. Climate impacts affect gross output, with fossil fuel and GHG mitigation costs subtracted from them. Energy services are provided by a combination of physical energy input and a stock of energy efficiency knowledge. Shipping demand for each region is the total global demand allocated with respect to its GDP share. Then, future demand is estimated using the elasticity of GDP. Elasticities are distinguished for different cargo types. The international shipping module within WITCH is currently in its early stages and remains highly aggregated. On the supply side, the maritime sector has access to conventional oil-based fuels and a few alternative fuels. Energy efficiency improvement is modelled exogenously. Detailed information on WITCH can be found in subsection 1.7 of the Supplementary Information.
We work with three sets of scenarios, resulting in a total of 18 scenarios. Reference scenarios (NDC) do not restrict total global emissions in any way but assume the fulfilment of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as stated in the 2015 pledges. These policies (e.g., GHG reduction targets, energy and land-use policies) are assumed to be fully implemented for the period 2010–2030 according to information from the NDCs50,59 and considering the regional aggregation of each model. For the longer term (2030–2100), we assume that mitigation efforts continue at a pace consistent with that observed during the period covered by the NDCs. Demographic, socioeconomic, and technological assumptions follow the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) no. 2, which describes a middle-of-the-road development in mitigation and adaptation challenges space. In many aspects, SSP2 can be seen as in line with historical trends45,60.
The other two scenario groups (C1000 and C600) derive from the first one, but additionally impose carbon budgets of 1,000 and 600 GtCO2 for the global economy in the period 2020–2100. Net negative CO2 emissions (and therefore temperature overshoot9) are not allowed, meaning that budgets refer to the sum of annual net CO2 emissions until the year of net zero (“peak budget” scenarios). The choice of carbon budget values is based on model capabilities and warming categories defined by the IPCC in its most recent assessment report2,3 (see Supplementary Information – section 2). More stringent carbon budgets (e.g., 400 GtCO2) were not assessed because most of our models do not find solutions for such low values.
In all three scenario groups, international shipping emissions are not restricted in any aprioristic way. As shipping is the focus of our analysis, leaving its emissions unconstrained is a way to compare the results of our models with existing sectoral targets such as IMO2050.
Results organization for shipping energy carriers
Since the modelling of fuel conversion processes is not identical across the six IAMs, we use energy carrier categories to harmonize and compare our results (see Supplementary Information – section 4). These categories seek to group energy carriers according to common features, such as feedstock type, energy density and applicability. The Conv category corresponds to conventional fuels based on petroleum, such as HFO and MDO. The Oilseed category represents fuels based on vegetable oils obtained from oily crops, such as palm, soybean, and sunflower, and eventually also from animal fats such as beef tallow. The D-synt bio and D-synt other categories include fully drop-in renewable fuels produced through advanced processes such as the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis that are often chemically indistinguishable from fossil products. While the former relates to biobased feedstocks, the latter includes every other type of resource, most notably renewable-based electricity. The three AG categories correspond to groups of alcohols and gases (e.g., ethanol, methanol, and LNG), whose use in ships is typically made possible using dual-fuel engines. As in the case of drop-in fuels, they differ from each other by the type of primary source. Finally, the H2/NH3 category includes hydrogen and ammonia, while the Elec category refers to the direct use of electricity.