This study determined the range of QEEG parameters in healthy neonates in the awake, active sleep, and quiet sleep states. The QEEG parameters best at discriminating between awake and sleep states were entropy beta and SEF50, with entropy beta having the highest overall discriminatory power (AUC ROC: 0.87), similar discriminatory power (AUC ROC: 0.88) to a prior study that used different QEEG parameters.[13] In infants under anesthesia, entropy beta has been shown to decrease with increased anesthetic dose, suggesting potential commonality with decreased consciousness as seen in sleep.[14, 15]
The QEEG parameters best at discriminating between quiet sleep and active sleep were theta power % and SEF90, though both had lower discriminating power (AUC ROC: 0.66–0.69) compared to ones used to distinguish between awake and sleep states. This is different from a previous study in which active and quiet sleep could be discriminated, but not awake and sleep states.[16] That study solely relied on multi-scale permutation entropy and power spectral analysis, indicating that alternative QEEG parameters could potentially offer improved discriminatory capabilities for specific states.
QEEG analysis, which involves extracting multiple statistical and signal-processing parameters from the raw EEG, provides objective and consistent analysis.[17] This study benefited from using a combination of static (spectral power ratio) and non-linear dynamic (entropy and coherence) QEEG parameters, which yield better discrimination between awake and sleep stages.[18] Prior studies reporting normative QEEG parameters in neonates have focused on pre-term neonates,[7, 13, 19–21] EEG recorded during the first hours of life,[22] or in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.[23] Few studies have reported on QEEG in healthy full term neonates,[24] especially comparing all three states.[25, 26] However, this baseline data during awake and asleep states is essential to develop QEEG parameters for intraoperative EEG monitoring in the neonatal anesthesia population. Most commercially available intraoperative EEG monitors were developed in adults and do not work well in children under one year old.[3] Furthermore, neonates are particularly sensitive to the effects of excess anesthesia so it is imperative to develop EEG algorithms that can be reliably used in this population.[27]
SEF90, the frequency below where 90% of the EEG activity/power is accumulated, decreases with decreased consciousness in older children,[11] but not in infants ≤ 2 months.[28] In one study, SEF90 was different in infants who were awake vs quiet sleep vs active sleep (9.3 vs 8.6 vs 7.1Hz, p = 0.003), though no AUC ROC values were provided to delineate discriminating power.[29] SEF90 has also been used extensively in children > 6 months as an index to assess anesthetic depth.[11, 30] SEF50, the median frequency, is used less commonly than SEF90. However, this study showed that SEF50 may discriminate between states better than SEF90 in infants less than 2 months, likely due to infants having more EEG power concentrated in lower frequencies regardless of sleep state. Therefore, during decreased consciousness associated with sleep, SEF50 may be better at detecting the smaller shift of power in the lower frequencies.
This study has several limitations. The sample size is relatively small, though similar to other studies.[16, 29] Although all neonates in this study had EEGs clinically interpreted as normal, EEGs were obtained due to a clinical concern for seizures rather than being recorded from a cohort of neonates recruited specifically to establish normative EEG data. Finally, only individual QEEG parameters were compared; combinations of high performing parameters in the future may discriminate better between states.
In conclusion, this study identified QEEG parameters that differentiated awake vs sleep states, with entropy beta having the highest overall discriminatory power. In the future, QEEG parameters with high discriminatory power can be combined to further improve ability to differentiate between states of consciousness, with the goal of developing neonatal specific EEG algorithms to assess anesthetic depth during anesthesia.