DH16-3-15C-4 | Figure 1A | a) Bimodal: larger lenticular, ca. 30 µm, non-lamellated, hilum invisible; smaller grains frequently polyhedric, hilum punctiform b) Ellipsoid, 26.0–28.0 × 12.7 µm, l/w = 2.05–2.20, hilum elongated, layers absent | a) Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013) b) Vicia faba L. or Lathyrus spp., less probably Lens culinaris Medik. (Monge-Calleja et al., 2020; Ahituv and Henry, 2022; personal data) |
Figure 1B | a) Bimodal: larger lenticular, non-lamellated, 17.0-19.7 × 16–17 µm; smaller frequently polyhedric, hilum? b) Ellipsoid, 18.6 × 7.3 µm, l/w ca. 2.5, non-lamellated, hilum elongated. | a) Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno er al., 2004, Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013) b) Fabaceae-Fabeae – Vicia faba, Lathyrus spp. (probably L. sativus L.) or Lens culinaris (Monge-Calleja et al., 2020; Ahituv and Henry, 2022; personal data) |
Figure 1C | a) Bimodal: larger lenticular to ovoid, 24.5–27.3 × 16.4–21.8 µm, l/w = 1.25–1.66, non-lamellated (?); smaller frequently polyhedric, hilum centric, punctiform b) Sub-triangular to concave-convex, 19.7 × 15.9 µm, l/w = 1.24, with pori at the apices | a) Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno er al., 2004, Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013) b) Fagaceae - Quercus faginea Lam. or Q. suber L., less probably Q. ilex L. [Boukhelkhal and Moulay-Moustefa, 2017; Zarroug et al., 2022; personal data (see Fig. 4B-D)] |
Figure 1D | Lenticular, 23.6 µm, non-lamellated, hilum invisible, with reticulate depressions | Poaceae-Triticeae, probably Triticum spp. |
Figure 1E | Ellipsoid, 30 × 21.1 µm, l/w = 1.42, non-lamellated, smooth, hilum invisible | Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013) |
Figure 1F | Lenticular, 21 × 18.3 µm, l/w = 1.15, lamellated (lamellae indistinct), hilum distinct, centric, elongate. | Poaceae-Triticeae (Hordeum spp. or Triticum spp.) (Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013) |
DH17-6-Locus 2 − 1 | Figure 1G | Pyriform, 48.1 × 32.1 µm, l/w = 1.50, lamellated (lamellae indistinct, concentric), hilum indistinct. | Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum, probably T. aestivum L. (Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013) |
Figure 1H | a) Bimodal: larger lenticular (rarely plane-convex or trilobate), 20–24.8 µm, hilum invisible, non-lamellated, sometimes with reticulate depressions; the smaller frequently polyhedric, hilum punctiform. b) Sub-trilobate, diameter = 16 µm, non-lamellated, hilum distinct, centric, fissures radial, delicate, short | a) Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry 2013) b) Poaceae-Triticeae - Hordeum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry 2013) |
Figure 1I | a) Bimodal: largest lenticular, 28.5 µm, lamellated (lamellae distinct, concentric), medium 16–18.5 µm, hilum invisible except in the largest grains, non-lamellated; the smaller frequently polyhedric, hilum punctiform. b) Ellipsoid, 11.6–16.4 × 8.2–10.9 µm, l/w = 1.4–1.5, non-lamellated, hilum elongated, sometimes more or less ramified. | a) Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry 2013). b) Fabaceae-Fabeae – Vicia faba, Lathyrus spp., Lens culinaris and/or, less probably, Fabaceae-Cicereae - Cicer arietinum L. (Zapata et al. 2004; Ahituv and Henry 2022, personal data). |
Figure 1J | a) Bimodal: larger till 35.5 × 31.0 µm, lenticular to broadly ellipsoid; smaller frequently polyhedric, hilum punctiform. b) Sub-triangular, 20.0 × 10.0 µm, l/w = 2.0. | a) Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum sp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry 2013). b) Fagaceae - Quercus faginea or Q. suber, less probably Q. ilex (Boukhelkhal and Moulay-Moustefa, 2017; Zarroug et al., 2022; personal data). |
Figure 1K | a) Bimodal: larger 22.7–25.5 µm; smaller frequently polyhedric, hilum punctiform. b) Ellipsoid, 19.5–21.0 µm × 9.3–13.2 µm, l/w = 1.5–2.2, non-lamellated, hilum distinct, centric, elongated. | a) Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry 2013). b) Fabaceae-Fabeae - Vicia faba, Lathyrus spp. or Lens culinaris and/or, less probably, Fabaceae-Cicereae – Cicer arietinum (Zapata et al. 2004; Ahituv and Henry 2022, personal data). |
Figure 1L | a) Bimodal: larger lenticular to broadly ellipsoid, till 23.6 × 21.4 µm; smaller frequently polyhedric, hilum punctiform. b) Ellipsoid, 20.0-21.8 µm × 10.9–13.4 µm, l/w = 1.5-2.0, non-lamellated, hilum distinct, centric, elongated, non-ramified. | a) Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry 2013). b) Fabaceae-Fabeae – Vicia faba, Lathyrus sp. or Lens culinaris (Monge-Calleja et al., 2020; Ahituv and Henry, 2022, personal data). |
Figure 3A | Ellipsoid in equatorial optical section, P = 19.0 µm, E = 21.5 µm, P/E = 0.88, oblate spheroidal, caveae present, echinate, spines 1-1.5 µm. | Pollen grain of an Asteraceae-Gnaphalieae (Dimon 1971; Diez, 1987; Reille, 1992; Pereira Coutinho 2002). |
DH19-4-74-Flot.69.2 | Figure 2A | Lenticular, 46.6 × 38.1 µm, l/w = 1.22, treated with Lugol’s iodine, showing a strong reaction. | Poaceae-Triticeae – Triticum spp., probably T. aestivum (Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013). |
Figure 2B | Prolate-ellipsoid, 46.9 × 21.3 µm, l/w = 2.20, treated with Lugol’s iodine, showing a strong reaction. | Fabaceae-Fabeae - Vicia faba, less probably Lens culinaris (personal data). |
Figure 2C | Sub-campaniform, 29.5 × 23.0 µm, l/w = 1,28, lamellated (lamellae concentric, indistinct), hilum invisible. surface with a depression. | Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013). |
Figure 2D | Ellipsoid, 40.5 × 27.9 µm, l/w = 1.45, lamellated (lamellae concentric, distinct), with one pressure facet (?), hilum eccentric. | Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013). |
Figure 2E | Ovoid-reniform, 30.7 × 26.6 µm, l/w = 1.15, lamellated (lamellae concentric, distinct), hilum centric, indistinct. | Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013) |
Figure 2F | Ellipsoid, 27.9 × 14.0 µm, l/w = 1.99, non-lamellated, hilum centric, distinct, elongate, refractive. | Fabaceae-Fabeae - Lathyrus spp. (probably L. sativus), less probably Vicia faba (Ashogbon and Akintayo, 2013; Sofi et al., 2013; Ahituv and Henry, 2022; Punya et al., 2019; personal data). |
Figure 3B | Ellipsoid, 11.5–18.8 × 7.5–8.0 µm, two-celled, echinulate to verrucate, dark, with a thick wall and septum. | Phaeodidimospores of a fungus, possibly Cladosporium spp. or Asperisporium spp. (Smith, 2000; Sáenz-Laín and Gutiérrez-Bustillo, 2003; Fungi of Great Britain and Ireland, 2023). |
DH19-4-74-Flot.71 | Figure 2G | Ovoid, 31.6 × 30.8 µm, l/w = 1.03, lamellated (lamellae concentric, indistinct), hilum centric, punctiform. | Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013). |
Figure 2H | Reniform, 23.6 × 20.0 µm, l/w = 1.18, lamellated (lamellae concentric, distinct), hilum eccentric, indistinct. | Poaceae-Triticeae - Hordeum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013). |
Figure 2I | Concave-convex, 14.4 × 12.1 µm, l/w = 1.19, lamellated (lamellae concentric, indistinct), hilum indistinct, elongate. | Poaceae-Triticeae - Hordeum spp. (Piperno et al., 2004; Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013). |
Figure 2J | Ellipsoid-curved, 75.7 × 11.4 µm (extended), l/w = 6.61, non-lamellated, hilum centric, distinct, elongate, refractive. | Fabaceae. |
Figure 2K | Reniform, 46.5 × 37.2 µm, l/w = 1.25, lamellated (lamellae concentric, indistinct), hilum centric, indistinct, punctiform (?), treated with Lugol’s iodine, showing a mild reaction. | Poaceae-Triticeae – Triticum spp., probably T. aestivum (Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013). |
Figure 2L | Ellipsoid, 35.3 × 30.7 µm, l/w = 1.15, treated with Lugol’s iodine, showing a strong reaction. | Poaceae-Triticeae - Triticum spp., less probably Hordeum spp. (Aceituno-Bocanegra and López-Sáez, 2012; Yang and Perry, 2013). |
Figure 3C | Spheroidal, ca. 8.6 µm, micro-echinate (less probably, reticulate), hyaline, with a thick wall. | Hyaloamerospore of a fungus (Smith 2000; Almaguer et al. 2015), probably Ustilago sp. (Zundel, 1939; Kruse et al., 2018; Watt, 2023), less probably, Tilettia sp. (Župunski et al., 2012). |
Figure 3D | Ellipsoid-oblong, 13.4 × 4.7 µm, four-celled, smooth, hyaline, with a thin wall. | Hyalophragmospore of a fungus (Smith 2000; Almaguer et al. 2015), possibly Cochliobolus spp. (Nitiu et al., 2010) or Pirenophora spp. (Herbario Virtual Fitopatología, 2023). |