FEG-SEM of dry BC membranes treated with methanol (BC-MetOH) and deionized water (BC- dH2O)
The FEG-SEM comparative analysis dry BC-MetOH and BC-dH2O discs showed significative difference in relation to fiber interlacing, thickness, arrangement, and pore size as can observed in the Figure 1.
Several authors described different techniques to produce physical, chemical, and mechanical modifications, using polymers, solvents and biosynthetic pathways. This, is to prepare advanced BC-based functional materials with superior properties for drug delivery application (Picheth et al. 2017; de Oliveira et al. 2017; Badshah et al. 2018). However, information regarding methanol usage to produce physical modification in BC membranes to application as drug delivery system is scarce.
FTIR analysis
The FTIR spectra of pristine BC membranes are shown in Figure 2, bands in the range 3350-3500 cm-1 of pure cellulose are attributed to O–H stretching, while bands from 2800-2900 cm-1 are assigned to C–H stretching. The band at 1160 cm-1 is attributed to C–O–C stretching (Leal et al. 2020; Kotcharat et al. 2021).
The FTIR analysis shows a difference between pristine BC and the BC-RIF-MetOH and BC-RIF-dH2O. However, FTIR spectra curves suggest that there was no change in the chemical composition of RIF, both in BC-RIF-MetOH and BC-RIF-dH2O, because the absorption peaks of pure RIF were maintained equally in BC-RIF-MetOH and BC-RIF-dH2O. These results demonstrate the incorporation of RIF into the BC-MetOH and BC-dH2O.
The FTIR spectrum of the commercial sample of RIF (Figure 2, Panel A) is similar to that published by Agrawal et al. (Agrawal et al. 2004), demonstrating the incorporations of RIF in the BC membranes BC-MetOH and BC-dH2O using both solvents.
TGA/DTG analysis
According to the TGA / DTG curves (Figure 3), and with the data compiled in Table 1 presented below, the pristine BC curve (Figure 3.A) shows three mass loss events. The first loss event, approximately 2% mass, occurs between 30 °C and 100 °C and is available for loss of water molecules adsorbed on the material surface, subsequently, two significant mass loss events are observed: the first is about 70% in the 160-360°C range; the second is approximately 26% in the range of 360-500°C. These events are associated with the thermal degradation of cellulose, which concerns the depolymerization processes, the decomposition of the glycosidic units and the formation of gaseous residues as already observed by De Salvi et al. (De Salvi et al. 2012).
It is observed that the RIF sample (Figure 3.B) presents the characteristic profile of the drug, with mass loss of about 2% up to 100 °C, another loss between 200-250 °C with about 10%, a third loss in the range 250-450 °C having lost about 29% and finally a fourth loss between 450-600 °C losing about 33% of the mass, as already demonstrated by Alves et al. (Alves et al. 2010). In addition, the RIF sample has about 22% residue at 600°C, demonstrating that its degradation is not complete at this temperature.
The MetOH-treated sample (Figure 3.C) showed a profile like the characteristic profile of BC, with three significant mass loss events and low residue at 600 °C (about 2%). The difference observed between the treated sample and the pure BC sample is that the BC-MetOH sample showed an increase in mass loss in the first event (4%) compared to the pure BC sample (2%). This event, as already presented, refers to the loss of water adsorbed on the surface of the material and is related to the fact that the treatment makes the BC more porous and its fibers less dense, as pointed out in the FEG-SEM analysis, facilitating the evaporation of water molecules.
The samples containing RIF, on the other hand, have different characteristics. The BC-RIF-MetOH (Figure 3.D) sample has an intermediate degradation profile, showing characteristic peaks of BC and RIF. The BC-RIF-dH2O (Figure 3.E) sample has a profile similar to pure BC, however, the last event of thermal BC loss of mass at approximately 500°C, while the sample with RIF extends to 600°C, thus demonstrating a possible increase in degradation temperature. Furthermore, it is verified that RIF increased the stability of BC-MetOH, passing the initial temperature of the first mass loss event from 30°C for BC-MetOH to 45°C for BC-RIF-MetOH, which may to suggest that the RIF was in fact impregnated on the BC membrane treated with MetOH, thus corroborating the other analyzes presented.
Table. 1. TGA results of the samples, showing mass loss events, their temperatures, and the final residue at 600°C.
First mass loss event (%)/ temperature range (°C)
Second mass loss event (%)/ temperature range (°C)
Third mass loss event (%)/ temperature range (°C)
Fourth mass loss event (%)/ temperature range (°C)
Residue at 600°C
Pure BC
From the data obtained by the DTG curves, it can be confirmed what was said from the TGA curves: the treatment with MetOH increased the thermal stability of the membrane at ~9°C, while the RIF decreased the stability of the membranes, both the MetOH-treated and the untreated membrane. Despite the decrease in thermal stability, there will be no loss in the use of this material in any case, since it will be used at body temperature (~37°C). In addition, it is possible to verify in the BC-RIF-MetOH sample DTG curves (Figure4.D) the appearance of the RIF characteristic curves, confirming again that the RIF was in fact incorporated in the treated sample, corroborating with the other analyses. While this profile is not found in the untreated membrane (BC-RIF-dH20), demonstrating that there was not the expected interaction for this material.
Analysis FEG-SEM of BC-RIF-MetOH and BC-RIF-dH2O
The SEM images of BC-RIF-MetOH and BC-RIF-dH2O are showed in Figure 4. As can observed It is possible to see that this difference is related to the network interlacing, and density of the fibers. Although the membranes were produced under the same conditions, it is possible to report the structural difference with treatment of BC membrane and the solubilization of the RIF drug using MetOH, as can observed in the Figure 1A, that showed the membrane treated with MetOH.
The Figure 4 demonstrates that, in addition, to the change in the physical characteristics of the BC membrane by treatment with methanol, the solvent also produced chemical and physical changes in the RIF drug, demonstrated by the RIF crystal structure shown in Figure 3B, characteristic of RIF after water dilution and drying (Schianti et al. 2013).
As can be observed, the BC-RIF-dH2O showed RIF in crystal forms and superficial distribution, while the RIF (amorphous structure) contained in the BC-RIF-MetOH device is more integrated into the BC membrane, which probably promoted greater capacity retention, providing a sustained and controlled release of the antibiotic, when compared to the BC-RIF-dH2O device.
Determination of volume/area ratio of swelling and RIF/disc mass
The volume / area of swelling allows the approximate calculation of the amount of drug that was adsorbed by the BC discs used in the release test. The results obtained (Table 2) showed that there was a difference of approximately 1mg of incorporated RIF mass between the discs with BC-RIF-MetOH (3.45 mg) and BC-RIF-dH2O (2.44 mg), considering that, in both conditions, the stock concentration of methanolic and aqueous RIF solutions was 20mg×mL-1.
Table 2. Determination of volume/area ratio of swelling and RIF/disc mass
Ms (mg)
Md (mg)
Sm (mg)
Sv (µL)
Mr (mg)
VA (µL×cm2)
Ms = BC membrane mass swollen; MD = BC membrane dry mass; Sm = swelling mass; Sv- volume of RIF solution (20mg×mL-1) adsorbed; Mr = mass of 180 µL of RIF solution; VA volume/area ratio of swelling.
Interaction analysis of the BC-RIF-MetOH and BC-RIF-dH2O by using molecular dynamic simulations
During the equilibration step, water molecules are capable of separate BC from RIF, while methanol ones not. As a result, the value of the interaction energy in methanol is more favorable than water (Table 3).
Table 3. Average interaction energies and average number of hydrogen bonds formed between RIF and BC and with the solvents.
Interaction Energy (kcal/mol)/ Hydrogen bonds formed
-14.9909 (0)
-17.486 (~0.5)
-98.9638 (~1.7)
-52.5644 (~2.5)
+ 0.0000 (0)
-2.818 (~1.0)
-51.1307 (~1.1)
-28.2307 (~2.0)
As can be seen in the above table, the interaction energy related to the BC-RIF interaction is stronger in methanol solution than in water. This fact is attribute to the average hydrogen bond formed during the system trajectory in methanol where at least HB ~0.5 is formed and no HB in water was noticed. Additionally, the distance observed in the last frame of the trajectory shows that cellulose is totally surrounded by water molecules, this fact was not observed in MetOH.
Interactions analysis of BC-RIF in MEtOH (Figure 5) showed that in this solvent hydrogen bonds between RIF and BC molecules are formed, while in water environment, interactions between RIF and the solvent are more likely to occur (Figure 6). Besides, the alignment of RIF structures after MD simulation showed an overlay of 74%, with 1.8 RMSD (Figure 7). In this sense, the difference observed in experimental RIF release, in both environments, are probably due to solvent and RIF interactions, rather than major structural changes in RIF.
Sustained/controlled RIF delivery by disc diffusion methods
The results showed that the BC-RIF-MetOH showed 696 hours of uninterrupted release, and the BC-RIF-dH2O were able to maintain the release for 120 hours. The Figure 8 show the results of the release with BC-RIF-MetOH. The Figure 9 shows the obtained results using BC-RIF-dH2O as support of the release.
Although, as described in the results of determination of volume/area ratio of swelling, where there was a mass of about 1mg of incorporated RIF in the BC-RIF-MetOH in relation to BC-RIF-dH2O, this difference in mass does not justify the maintenance of the RIF release by BC-RIF-MetOH for an additional 576 hours. Thus, it can be inferred that the greater capacity for RIF release by BC-RIF-MetOH is due to changes in the physical characteristics of BC, by MetOH and by the change in the physical and chemical characteristics of RIF impregnated in the BC-RIF-MetOH membrane as can be observed in the Figure 1 and 4.
Results obtained by Demir et al. (Demir et al. 2016) was demonstrated that the topical of RIF was an easy and effective method for reducing surgical site infections SSIs and meningitis/ VP shunt infections related to neural tube defects surgery.
Hartinger et al. (Hartinger et al. 2020) developed two types (homogeneous and sandwich structured) carbodiimide-cross-linked fresh water fish collagen wound dressings for in vivo use as rifampin-release device and were tested by means of a series of incubations in phosphate- buffered saline. The microbiological activity was tested against methicillin-resistant S. aureus employing disc diffusion tests. The results demonstrated that rifampin-release devices delayed the release of rifampin in vitro, which translated into at least 22 hours of RIF release in the rat model.
These results demonstrate that, even the BC-RIF-MetOH containing 1 mg more RIF than BC-RIF-dH2O the release maintenance for 696 hours was due to the treatment of BC membrane with MetOH and the use of methanolic solution of RIF, also demonstrating that the treatment with MetOH provided an increase in the surface area of the membrane, allowing an increase in the volume of swelling and greater RIF interaction with the BC membrane, as can be seen in Figure 8 and 9.
The Figure 10 and 11 showed the Sustained / controlled release using BC-RIF-dH2O by disc diffusion assay.
The Figure 12 shows the results of diffusion disc test evaluating the toxicity of BC-MetOH compared to BC-dH2O after heat treatment (Panel A and Panel B). The results demonstrate that BC-MetOH did not show bacterial growth inhibitory activity, as well as the BC-dH2O control, compared to discs impregnated with MetOH before heat treatment (Panel C) presence of inhibition halo demonstrates that the treatment promoted the removal of MetOH. The absence of an inhibition zone around the BC-MetOH disc (Panel B) demonstrates that MetOH was completely removed after heat treatment, does not present toxicity risks.
According to Pötzinger et al. (Pötzinger et al. 2017) , the selection of the drug-loading method for a certain application should be based on the physicochemical characteristics of the drug, including molar mass, solubility, stability during each process step, therapeutic dose and the characteristics of BC membranes as pristine wet, semidried, freeze-dried and structural modifications da BC membrane or the drug loading procedure. Despite substantial structural variabilities of the loaded drugs regarding size, hydro-/lipophilicity and stability, the published drug-loading strategies for BC are almost comparable and quite limited up to now.
As described by CLSI 2022 (CLSI 2022), the sensibility of S. aureus for RIF, by disc diffusion, is ³ 20mm, with the RIF concentration per disc being 5 µg. The obtained results showed that the inhibition zone, in triplicate, for each 24 hours were greater than 20 mm, suggesting that the concentration of RIF released, every 24 hours, BC-MetOH-RIF devices were able to maintain the release of concentrations above that considered to be the minimum for inhibiting the growth of S. aureus for 576 hours. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of retention and sustained release of RIF by the BC-MetOH-RIF device, which may increase the therapeutic arsenal in the treatment and prevention of SSTIs and SWI.