3.4.1 Monotonic stress–strain behavior: orientation effect
The mechanical behavior of TPVs is described by their stress–strain response. Figure 9 presents the longitudinal and transverse monotonic stress–strain curves of TPV samples with different orientation. The longitudinal samples were located in the middle and side of the injection molded plaques, the transversal ones were located near the gate and at the end of the filling path.
When comparing the stress–strain curves of the PP/EPDM TPV orientations, it can be observed that the stress–strain behavior can be divided in three phases: 1st phase with ε = 0% – 10% with elastic-like behavior and increasing stress up to ~ 8 MPa; 2nd phase at ε = 10% – 200% with a distinct stress plateau ~ 8 MPa; 3rd phase for ε > 200% with increasing stress until rupture. The three phases can be characterized by the elastic modulus, stress at 100% strain and elongation at break.
Orientation on panel nearly has no influence on the 1st phase of elastic-like behavior. The changes are at the 2nd phase: The stress at 100% strain and stress plateau is significantly higher for samples oriented parallel to flow. There is also a significant influence of the sample orientation regarding elongation and stress at break. Perpendicular orientation has ~ 100 MPa higher strain values at break compared to longitudinal ones.
Position on the panel has only little influence on the stress-strain behavior. The stress plateau is ~ 5% higher for longitudinal samples when they are oriented in the middle (Pos. C). The transversal samples show no significant differences according to the distance to gate. Regarding elongation at break, the tests reveal no significant influence of the position on panel, independently of orientation.
This demonstrates the influence of the microstructural orientation. Beside the polypropylene crystals and chain orientation, the alignment of the EPDM particles within the PP matrix is important as observed by TEM measurements [30] [31]. During injection molding EPDM particles are stretched to ellipsoids which has a significant impact on the stress–strain properties. As EPDM has a higher Young’s modulus than PP, tensile strain along the longitudinal axis of the ellipsoidal EPDM results in higher stresses and reduced elongation at break; correspondingly strains perpendicular to the longitudinal axes result in lower stresses but higher elongation at break. This observation is comparable to glass fiber reinforced plastics – the effect of EPDM orientation goes along with fiber orientation.
3.4.4 Monotonic stress–strain behavior: effect of multiple recycling on stress at 100% strain
Figure 11 shows stress-strain dependence for different recycling steps for positions B and E on the panel, both longitudinally oriented. Changes due to recycling are small, especially stress and strain at break are not significantly changing by recycling. Stress at 100% strain is slightly decreasing due to recycling.
Transversally orientated specimen also do not show a strong influence of recycling on stress and strain at break, shown for positions C and D (Fig. 12). But a tendency for higher stresses and strains due to recycling can be observed. The reason for the bigger influence of recycling on strain at break can be found in the orientation of the EPDM droplets. They reduce strain at break for longitudinal orientation, but not for transversal orientation. Therefore changes in the PP matrix due to recycling can be seen more clearly when EPDM droplets are oriented transverse to strain direction. Stress at 100% strain is again slightly decreasing due to recycling, as already observed for longitudinal orientation.
Having a closer look on stress at 100% strain, an interesting effect of recycling can be observed (Fig. 13). Stress plateau values decrease linearly by ~ 50 kPa (~ 0.5% of 10 MPa) with every recycling step. Stress levels at 100% strain are ~ 1.5 MPa lower for transversal orientation, but stress decreases by recycling with the same rate. This decrease of stress at low strain levels of ~ 100% implies again that the recycling first of all changes the PP matrix.
3.4.5 Cyclic stress-strain behavior
When trying to replace traditional thermoset rubbers with TPVs, one of the required key properties is the elastic recovery ability. The elastic recovery ability is a key property for anti-vibration products, for which a value as high as possible is sought. The elastic recovery ability can be characterized by measuring permanent deformation in cyclic stress–strain tests. Low permanent deformation correspond to a good elastic recovery ability [32].
The cyclic stress-strain level of the longitudinal PP/EPDM TPV is increased sequentially from 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% as shown in Fig. 14 (a). A stabilized state, characterized by a constant stress amplitude and constant hysteresis loop, was achieved after four cycles. As a result, the fifth cycle was considered as the stationary state. As shown in Fig. 14 (b), the PP/EPDM TPV shows a large hysteresis loss in the first loading–unloading cycle, together with a pronounced loss of hysteresis when moving from the first to the fifth stabilized cycle, suggesting a significant Mullins softening effect. The Mullins softening phenomena is schematically shown in Fig. 14 (b) [33]. Several physical interpretations exist for the Mullins softening behavior, however a general agreement for the cause of this effect at the microscopic level is still absent.
Figure 15 presents the permanent deformation of the 1st and 5th cyclic deformation after (a) 1st injection molding (0x Rec.), (b) first recycling step (1x Rec.) and (c) 10th recycling step (10x Rec.). Recycled, as well as original TPVs show a more or less linear increase of permanent deformation at 1st cyclic deformation. 5th cyclic deformation shows a constantly rising increase of permanent deformation with higher strains. The permanent deformation is slightly higher after 10 times recycling, what may be attributed to the degradation and fracture of the PP due to the recycling.
Figure 16 shows the corresponding increment of permanent deformation due to recycling after (a) 1st cyclic deformation and (b) 5th cyclic deformation. The increments show the differences between the recycled TPV in comparison with the original one. So the increments after ten recycling steps show the summed permanent deformation of 10 recycling steps. The permanent deformation increments are highest around 20% strain. If the strain is further increased, the increment is more or less constant. For the 5th cyclic deformation, most of the permanent deformation growth is due to the 1st recycling. The increase doesn’t rise much further by the nine additional recycling steps. Only the 1st cyclic deformation shows additional changes around 20% strain.
Cyclic deformation and microstructural changes of PP/EPDM TPVs are rarely correlated by models in the literature [34] [35] [36] [37]. Soliman et al. reported the deformation behavior of a PP/ EPDM TPV compound cured with a phenolic resin [38]. They performed combined infrared spectroscopy and tensile stress-strain tests in order to measure the orientation of the rubber and thermoplastic phases during the stretching of the sample. They found that the whole rubber phase was stretched, while only a small portion of the thermoplastic phase was stretched. According to them, the plastic deformation of the thermoplastic phase is concentrated at the boundary between the rubber droplets. During the unloading process the previously deformed thermoplastic portion is pulled back to some extent owing to the elastic recovery capacity of the rubber. A schematic representation of the Soliman model is depicted in Fig. 17.
Based on the Soliman model, the cyclic deformation behavior of TPV samples may be mainly driven by the yielding, buckling and bending of the thin PP matrix ligaments and the elastic recovery ability of the rubber droplets. At low strains up to 10% both the PP matrix phase and the rubber droplets may deform elastically and so the permanent deformation (without recycling) is quite minimal at the initial strain levels. With increasing the strain level, the semicrystalline PP matrix will start to yield in the regions where matrix ligaments are thinnest. Upon unloading, the elastic forces of the stretched interconnected rubber network are able to pull back the plastically deformed thin ligaments by either bending or buckling. The loss of stiffness during the reloading step may be attributed to the damage generated by the bending or buckling of the thin plastic ligaments during the unloading. The thicker thermoplastic ligaments of the matrix will interconnect the rubber droplets, forming an elastic interconnected network structure of rubber droplets and slightly deformed thicker zones of the PP matrix. When the strain level is increased the thin matrix ligaments will continue to yield in order to continue to the elastic deformation of the rubber droplets.
Analyzing the effect of recycling, original PP/EPDM demonstrate lower permanent deformation compared to recycled parts (Fig. 16). Until 10% strain level, the effect is marginal. Original and recycled TPV compounds present similar permanent deformation as long as we stay in the elastic region. PP phase crystallinity degree and crystalline lamellae thickness are important for elastic recovery [39]. As found out by DSC analysis, crystallinity is not affected by recycling and so the elastic recovery at small strains more or less stays the same, independently of recycling steps. If the strain is increased to 20 %, Mllins softening occurs and the TPV samples present an increase of the permanent deformation by recycling. 1st recycling already weakens this elastic interconnected network structure between rubber droplets and PP matrix. With subsequent recycling steps this rise slowly goes on. It may be attributed to the damage generated by recycling that affects not only thin PP ligaments, but also thicker ones that interconnect the rubber droplets. These results are consistent with DMA results, that indicate network interactions are stronger in the original TPV compound, which means that they are able to dissipate more strain energy in terms of viscous losses [40] [41] compared to the recycled TPV.
Above 30% strain level, the increment of permanent deformation by recycling goes down and stays more or less constant. No more tremendous weakening of the matrix ligaments seem to occur and recovery ability is less affected by recycling.
In this work, authors propose that worsening of elastic recovery capacity by damaging the PP is the main reason for the early rise of permanent deformation at 20% strain level after 1st recycling.