To our knowledge, our study is the first to combine comprehensive blood gas/pulse oximetry data and echocardiogram findings to create a combined score to assess hypoxemia and severity of pulmonary hypertension. In addition, we preliminarily validated this score in relation to short-term outcomes in a small sample of patients with HRF/PPHN.
Classic RCTs evaluating therapy for HRF/PPHN such as iNO have used OI as entry criteria and often also as secondary outcome [4, 5, 17] with primary outcome being death or ECLS. Authors assessing whether echocardiographic findings serve as prognostic factors have also used these primary outcomes [18–22]. Except CDH, the rates of ECLS and death have decreased for PPHN. Recruitment to trials evaluating PPHN and HRF have been difficult with many trials stopping early due to poor enrollment [23–26]. An effective strategy to enhance enrollment would be to broaden inclusion criteria to accept patients without an indwelling arterial line (to calculate OI) and use a combination of pulse oximetry and echocardiographic criteria. Our score correlates well with not only mortality and ECLS cannulation, but also need for most intensive supportive care measures. This may be of particular interest in periods of critical shortage, when it is important to gauge not only likelihood of mortality, but need for limited resources.
A major limitation to our study is the small sample size used to validate this score. Although we had a small number of patients, they were representative of HRF/PPHN patients from other studies. Similar to other studies, our patient population with moderate to severe HRF/PH showed a male predominance [27] had associated fetal distress and required intubation for PPV during resuscitation after birth. Meconium aspiration and sepsis/pneumonia were common causes for PPHN, similar to epidemiological studies from California [28].
We attempted to utilize commonly used echocardiographic parameters to create the PH component of the HRF/PH score. While it is difficult to use any single aspect of echocardiography to diagnose PPHN or determine its severity, a variety of echocardiogram findings have been used in conjunction with clinical findings as inclusion criteria in studying patients with PPHN [29–31]. The IVS normally bows into the right ventricle (with a O-shaped left ventricle and a crescent or D shaped right ventricle). A flat septum indicates moderate PPHN and a septum bowing into the left ventricle suggests suprasystemic pulmonary hypertension. Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) jet serves as a proxy for systolic pulmonary artery pressure (SPAP) using the modified Bernoulli equation. TR jet is an attractive measure for use in our score as it is the most direct non-invasive measure of SPAP, it is quantitative, it has been shown to correlate with poor outcomes specifically in infants with PPHN [27], and it has previously been shown to correlate to cardiac catheterization data exceptionally well in adult patients with pulmonary hypertension [32–35]. However, it cannot always be observed – it is present in approximately 60–85% of patients with PPHN and may not be visible on echocardiography in the setting of poor right ventricular contractility [5]. Additionally, its correlation with cardiac catheterization data in children under 2 appears to be poor, though such studies are extremely limited and only in specific populations such as those with chronic lung disease, and its performance is improved when used in combination with other echocardiogram findings [36]. In the current study, we used estimated RVsP in relation to systemic blood pressure to assess severity of PPHN. TAPSE was included as the second measure of severity of PPHN. It is a simple but highly reproducible and robust measure of right ventricular deformation that is minimally influenced by imaging artifact, and reference values in neonates are published [37]. Additionally, Malowitz et al. found that infants with PPHN who died or needed ECLS had comparatively higher OI and lower TAPSE than those who survived without ECLS. Right ventricular dysfunction worsens the outcome in PPHN [22]. Hence the presence of right ventricular dysfunction was added as factor.
Frequently used in other studies is bidirectional or right-to-left shunting through a PDA, which theoretically indicates pulmonary pressures near or above systemic pressures. However, shunt directionality is also influenced by intrathoracic pressure and may change minute-to-minute in response to ventilator adjustments, physical pressure, and pain or agitation. Authors that have assessed whether directionality of shunt correlates to PPHN outcomes have found mixed results [18–20, 22], and have suggested that bidirectional shunting should not rule out severe disease. Interestingly, a more recent prospective study [38] employed serial echocardiography, showing that right-to-left ductus arteriosus shunting on second echocardiography after initial stabilization is associated with death before day 28. It is possible that persistence of right-to-left shunting may represent more severe disease; however, we opted not to use this measure as a single visualization is unlikely to be useful for stratification into severity categories.
Newer modalities of assessing pulmonary hypertension such as pulmonary arterial acceleration time (PAAT) and PAAT/Right ventricular ejection time (RVET) ratio are being increasingly used in diagnosis and management of neonatal pulmonary hypertension. Indices of left ventricular dysfunction, which can cause pulmonary venous hypertension and worsen outcomes, have also been used. However, they have correlated largely to the infrequent outcomes of ECLS cannulation and mortality [18, 20, 22]. As our priority was determining a range in severity of pulmonary hypertension and maintaining relative simplicity in our score, we excluded these measures. The precise components of the HRF/PH score may require modifications to include newer modalities of assessing hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension and optimize its utilization in clinical practice and trials.
Our HRF/PH score and score categories correlate well to several outcomes that may make them useful at the bedside, as well as in research. Score category predicts requirement for iNO, IMV, HFOV, vasoactive infusions, and ECLS. This could be utilized in clinical settings to facilitate timely transport to appropriate centers, particularly as ECLS remains a limited resource, and HFOV and IMV management in neonates is dependent on skilled, pediatric-specific clinicians. HRF/PH score did not correlate with ICU or total LOS; we suspect this is for multiple reasons. Several infants required surgical intervention unrelated to PPHN during hospitalization, including duodenal atresia repair (n = 2), urethral valve ablation (n = 1), and gastrostomy tube placement (n = 8). One patient with an omphalocele, though only scored as mild PPHN with minimal oxygen requirement, was unable to wean from PPV after a long period in the ICU and ultimately had a tracheostomy placed – this patient had the longest ICU and total LOS by more than 70 days. This patient appeared to have primarily hypercapnic respiratory failure, presumably in part due to inadequate ventilation from abdominal competition. Other patients required medical management of pathologies unrelated to PPHN which prolonged their course, including refractory hypoglycemia, unexplained hypercalcemia, and infections. Future studies with larger sample sizes should attempt to control for these factors in analyzing correlation between HRF/PH score and LOS. Our score categories also did not correlate with duration of iNO, IMV, or ECLS. However, this may be due to relatively smaller proportion of patients in the severe category. When assessing duration of iNO and IMV against the total HRF/PH score as a continuous variable opposed to the score category, it was significant, but with few patients with an HRF/PH at the most severe end of the range. The scatter plots of score total and duration of iNO, IMV, and LOS are shown in Supplement Figure.
There are additional limitations to our study. The retrospective design limited us only to data that were available from the care the patients received. For example, infants were scored at different days after birth depending on when an echocardiography was obtained. As pulmonary hypertension changes with time, it is possible that infants would score higher or lower if echocardiography was performed sooner or later. However, a majority of patients were scored on the first day after birth and no infants were scored later than three days from birth, meaning echocardiograms included were likely to capture PPHN at a similar acute phase without chronic structural remodeling. We also did not assess longer term outcomes such as neurological development, which should be considered in future studies.
In conclusion, we attempted to combine the hypoxemia and echocardiographic evidence of pulmonary hypertension into a combined score for assessment of neonates with HRF/PH. Our findings suggest that the HRF/PH score developed for the purpose of assessing PPHN offers a promising representation of combined disease severity of hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension, particularly when it comes to need for of intensive supportive care measures, and possibly the duration. Validation and further refining of this score might be beneficial using large, multicenter datasets.