Study region. The study was conducted on the Bogong High Plains (36° 53’ S, 147° 19’ E), Alpine National Park, ∼320 km north-east of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The region is characterised by low mean monthly daily maximum temperatures (1.2–17.9°C), frequent frosts (> 100 per annum, that can occur at any time of the year) and high precipitation (> 1300 mm per annum), much of which falls as snow (Bureau of Meteorology recording station #083084, 1765 m asl; Soils are organic, highly acidic loams of variable depth57.
Climate change context. The Australian Alps have been warming at about 0.2°C per decade over the past 50 years33,58, a higher rate than many other areas of Australia18. The rate of temperature increase from 1970 to 2005 was approximately 2.6 times faster than the fastest rate of warming during the Medieval Climate Anomaly43. There has been a significant decrease in both maximum snow depth, total snow accumulation35 and snow persistence23. Indeed, the Australian snowpack is now at a 2000 year low43. Recent rapid decrease in snow cover over the past five decades is at least an order of magnitude greater than for similar periods over the past 2000 yrs43. Spring thaw has been occurring, on average, two days earlier per decade, with very low snow years (e.g. 1999, 2006) represented by the earliest thaws on record33. Predicted decreases in albedo caused by declines in snow depth and snow cover during the cold season59 will mean that precipitation will increasingly fall as rain. Climate change predictions identify that the area sustaining snow in Australia for more than 60 days per annum may be reduced by up to 96% by 205060.
Community description. Snowpatches are one of 10 major structural assemblages of Australian alpine vegetation41,61. Early-melting snowpatches are plant communities that occupy areas on moderate (10–15°), south-east-facing (85–170°) slopes with late lying snow and hence, reduced growing season length, enhanced water supply in summer, and protection from early growing-season frosts15,40. Snowpatch vegetation in Australia is physiognomically similar to that of snowbed vegetation in alpine and subalpine regions elsewhere in the world (e.g. 9,12,62,63).
In our study area, early-melting snowpatches were historically dominated by low statured (< 10 cm tall) graminoids (Agrostis venusta, Carex hebes, Poa hothamensis, Rytidosperma nudiflorum) and herbs (e.g. Celmisia spp.)31,40. Tussock forming grasses and shrubs were virtually absent when surveyed by McDougall40, although Wahren et al.31 note that while shrubs were relatively uncommon, some subalpine snowpatches were covered by open heath, with shrubs overlying herbfield. We focus on early-melting snowpatches (1670–1850 m), those at the lower elevation range of snowpatch distributions in Australia (Fig S1; 23,31,32); i.e. the most marginal for snowpatches in Australia. Wahren 31 estimated that the average duration of snow days into the growing season (in the southern hemisphere, days post-October 15) for early-melting snowpatches in the study area was 23–53 days, while for alpine snowpatches, those that occur at higher elevation (> 1850 m), average number of snow days was 53–83.
Data on snowpatch fauna are sparse15. An undescribed spider from the genus Micropholcomma is thought to be an obligate snowpatch species, while one collembola - Australotomurus montanus - is a cold specialist (M.Nash, pers. comm.).
Extent of early-melting snowpatches. The areal extent of 14 early-melting snowpatches on the Bogong High Plains was compared between 1982 and 2022 to assess how the area of snowpatch vegetation is changing over time. The size of each snowpatch in 1982 was extracted from vegetation maps created by McDougall40 who determined the types and extent of major vegetation types on the Bogong High Plains using aerial photography and ground-truthing. The area of each snowpatch in 1982 was calculated using shapefile versions of the vegetation maps40 and calculating the area of snowpatch sites in QGIS 3.22.6. The area of each snowpatch in 2022 was assessed by on-ground assessment. At each site, the extent of snowpatch vegetation was determined using structure and composition to delineate the boundary between snowpatch vegetation (e.g., dominated by short-statured forbs and graminoids, such as Luzula acutifolia, Carex hebes, Celmisia spp., Poa fawcettiae, Poa hothamensis) and more widespread grassland or heathland vegetation (e.g., dominated by characteristic species such as Poa hiemata, Grevillea australis). The boundary of snowpatch and non-snowpatch vegetation was recorded on a Garmin GPS 64, with area calculated in QGIS 3.22.6.
Floristic changes over time. We surveyed 14 early-melting snowpatches on the Bogong High Plains in austral summer (January-February) 2022 for their floristic composition, and compared these surveys to those conducted by McDougall40. McDougall40 used a single 4 x 5 m quadrat to sample the composition and abundance (using Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance ranks) of ten subalpine snowpatches as part of a landscape-wide vegetation survey to describe and classify the plant communities of the Bogong High Plains based on the presence and cover of species. These quadrats were classified as ‘short turf snowpatch’. We extracted the original two-way table data from McDougall40 to make comparisons to the current state. We sampled 14 subalpine snowpatches, selecting sites from vegetation maps generated by the McDougall40 survey. The original snowpatch quadrats were not named or geo-referenced and hence, we cannot directly compare site-to-site snowpatch vegetation change. Instead, we sampled all larger early-melting snowpatches (1200–13500 m2) in the Bogong High Plains landscape, using the vegetation map as a guide to the historic extent of the snowpatch community, and assume McDougall40 would have sampled most (probably all) of these snowpatches given their limited number in the landscape. Hence, we examine snowpatch floristic change on the Bogong High Plains at the community level rather than at the level of individual snowpatches.
Spatial heterogeneity in the vegetation can affect characterisation and quantification of change over time64,65. We tried to minimise false estimates of change due to inherent spatial heterogeneity by sampling (depending on snowpatch size) from two to four (mean 3.2) 20 m2 quadrats per site. Hence, the 2022 survey is more intensive than the original, allowing us (with some confidence) to detect losses of species from snowpatches. We assigned all species a Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance rank as was done by McDougall40.
Taxonomic changes have occurred between the two surveys. We updated all species names to current nomenclature (, but where species have been split into several taxa since the original survey (e.g. Craspedia), we subsume these new species into their original synonyms. This, unavoidably, underestimates total species richness in snowpatches.
Functional diversity. Data on four continuous traits (leaf dry matter content, specific leaf area, height, seed mass) for all species observed across the two surveys (n = 80; Table S3) were collected. Leaf area, the one-sided projected surface area of a single leaf, is related to light harvesting strategy and the amount of mass allocated to that purpose66. It has important consequences for leaf energy budgets and whole-plant water balance67. Leaf area was scanned for each species using University of Sheffield Leaf Area Measurement program (version 1.3). We measured 10–20 mature, fully-expanded leaves from 5–10 individuals of each species to obtain average leaf area. Plant height at maturity is an indirect measure of the species’ overall competitive ability, mostly for light68. We quantified maximum height of canopy from measurements provided in local floras, combined with expert opinion. Seed mass, the mean dried mass of a seed67, has important implications for seed dispersal in space and time66. Often, small seeds can disperse further and tend to be buried deeper in the soil profile, aiding to their longevity in the soil seed bank67, but stored resources in larger seeds can help early seedling survival and establishment despite environmental hazards66. We estimated seed mass from published69 and unpublished datasets that we have assembled for the regional species pool. We standardized all traits using Z-scores so that each trait had the same weight in the functional diversity estimation and the units used to measure traits had no influence70.
Shrub demography in early-melting snowpatches (1990 to 2019). McDougall40 estimated that mean shrub cover in early-melting snowpatches was 5%. With climatic change, increases in shrubs (number, diversity, cover) are expected in snowpatches as growing season length increases; this may result in a structural change in the community with consequent effects on short-statured species. Due to the lack of long-term studies in snowpatch vegetation, few temporal patterns have been discerned. An effective means of documenting trends is to determine the population structural changes occurring at snowpatches. Population structure of shrubs (i.e. the frequency distribution of size or age in a population) can be a guide to regeneration status71. Changes in shrubs over time were therefore quantified using revisitation studies at seven early-melting snowpatches. The size-structure of shrub populations was surveyed in summer 1990 by Wahren72, and these same snowpatches were re-surveyed in the summer of 2019. The original plots were not permanently marked but Wahren72 provides sufficient detail to minimise relocation uncertainty.
In the centre of each snowpatch, a 10 x 16 m plot was established, and divided into forty 2 x 2 m quadrats. Within each quadrat, all shrubs were identified, and two widths and one height measurement recorded (to the nearest cm) for each shrub. We define a shrub as woody plant that typically has multiple stems or branches arising from near the base of the plant. The data were used to produce size-class frequency distributions for all shrubs, as well as individual species. Only maximum canopy width size-class frequency distributions are shown. Pimelea alpina was removed from the dataset due to inconsistent recording of this species.
Data analyses
All data analyses were carried out using R version 4.2.373.
Patterns of diversity. We quantified diversity indices between 1982 and 2022 using the floristic dataset. To investigate whether shrub encroachment is driving changes in diversity, we split the 2022 dataset (which included multiple quadrats per site) into two for further analysis. In each 2022 dataset, only one quadrat was taken per site to standardise sampling effort to the 1982 dataset. Only the quadrats at each site with the highest shrub cover (‘2022 high’ dataset) and lowest shrub cover (‘2022 low’ dataset) were selected for further analysis. Local scale diversity indices (alpha diversity, Hill-Shannon, Hill-Simpson) were calculated for each site and compared between 1982, 2022 high shrub cover and 2022 low shrub cover. Alpha diversity is the number of species per plot. Hill-Shannon and Hill-Simpson indices are modified versions of the traditional Shannon and Simpsons indices which give each index value in units of ‘effective species number’. Hill-Shannon is calculated as the exponential of Shannon’s entropy index74,75. Hill-Simpson is equivalent to the inverse of the traditional Simpson index74,75. These three indices were calculated using the ‘renyi’ function in the vegan package76. Differences were compared pairwise between the three groups for each index using an ANOVA (‘aov’ function) and Tukey’s Honest Significance Difference test (‘TukeyHSD’ in vegan).
To assess heterogeneity of local communities, we assessed beta-diversity of the three datasets (1982, 2022 high shrubs, 2022 low shrubs) using ‘beta.pair’ from the betapart package to create a distance matrix accounting for total dissimilarity77. We then implemented Anderson’s procedure for the analysis of homogeneity of group dispersions using ‘betadisper’ from the vegan package. Beta diversity can be compared between communities by comparing average dissimilarity from plots and their group community centroid78. To test differences in beta-diversity, we performed pairwise comparisons of group mean dispersions using Tukey’s Honest Significance Difference between groups using ‘TukeyHSD’ in vegan76.
Floristic changes (1982 to 2022). The variation in floristic composition among sites across sample periods (1982, 2022) was explored using ordination (Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling79). Dissimilarities between all pairs of samples were based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index for ordinal abundance data and Jaccard for presence/absence data79,80. For each ordination, the relationships between the biotic factors (total shrub cover, total dryland grass cover) and the floristic patterns were tested using vector fitting, a procedure which determines the direction and correlation of the variables with the configuration of the ordination 31,81,82.
Functional diversity change. We assessed functional diversity of early-melting snowpatches (1982 to 2022), using multiple continuous traits, with the indices proposed by Mason et al.83 and modified by Villeger et al.70 - functional richness, functional evenness and functional divergence. These functional diversity indices are complementary and describe the distribution of species and their abundances within the functional space and have the potential to reveal the processes that structure biological communities84. Functional richness represents the amount of functional space occupied by the community, functional evenness corresponds to how regularly species abundances are distributed in the functional space, and functional divergence defines how far high species abundances are from the centre of the functional space (see 70 for a full description of these indices). Analyses were performed in R using the functional diversity code provided by Villeger et al.70
Community trait-weighted means for four continuous plant traits (plant height, LDMC, SLA, seed mass) were calculated for the 1982 dataset and the 2022 dataset using 1) the lowest shrub cover quadrat at each site (low) and 2) the highest shrub cover quadrat at each site (high). Community trait-weighted means were computed using the ‘cwm’ function from the BAT package85. Trait data used in this analysis were standardised for each trait using the ‘scale’ function in R. This standardisation procedure scales the data by subtracting the mean from the original data and dividing by the standard deviation, shifting the centre of the distribution to 0 and scaling the standard deviation to 1.
Size-class distributions. While many studies use histograms to make inferences about recruitment dynamics, there is emerging evidence that histograms can be misinterpreted86,87. To overcome this, we regressed the number of individuals (pooled across all sites) for shrub species that contributed at least 1% of individuals in the 2019 survey against the size class mid-point (x-axis) and used the slope of the regression line as a measure of recruitment success37. We used eight shrub diameter size classes (modified from Condit et al.37): 1–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–100 cm. The mid-point value of each size class (di) was calculated. The number of shrubs within each class was divided by the width of the size class to obtain an adjusted total number of shrubs (ni) for each class (see Condit et al.37). We chose to retain the 0 values where a size-class had ni = 0, as the removal of 0 values can influence regression slopes creating an impression that a population is experiencing more or less recruitment than it is88. To retain values, 1 was added to all adjusted total shrub counts (ni + 1). Both ni + 1 and di were then log10 transformed. We then calculated a regression log10 (di) as the independent variable and log10 (ni + 1) as the dependent variable. The slopes of these regressions were then used to define recruitment type; all slopes are henceforth referred to as ‘Condit slopes’ which can be broadly defined as:
Type 1: Recruitment not limited: large numbers of small shrubs relative to larger shrubs suggesting ongoing recruitment over time - this might be evidence of climate release for shrubs in snowpatches; slopes are steeper with large negative values (− 1.0).
Type 2: Recruitment moderately limited: fewer smaller shrubs relative to larger shrubs; slopes are flatter, with values falling between 0 and − 1.0.
Type 3: Recruitment severely limited: few to no observable shrubs in the smaller size classes relative to larger shrubs, suggesting that recruitment has occurred in the past but is currently limited - this might be a signature of post-grazing disturbance recovery (bare ground gap regeneration) but with fewer recent opportunities as bare ground availability declines; the slopes are flat with positive values (> 0).