Structural characterization with STM and PES. We utilized STM to characterize the surface structures of layered PtTe2 before and after the treatment of Ar+ bombardment. The as-cleaved surface was generally very flat and had few defects, as illustrated in Fig. 1a. Several types of intrinsic defects observed previously with STM,55 such as Te and Pt vacancies, were also observed in the present sample (Figure S1). After Ar+ bombardment, the surface vacancies were evidently increased and some small clusters (white regions in Fig. 1b) were generated on the sample. Increasing either the bombardment time or the Ar+ kinetic energy roughened the surface and generated more structural variations (Figs. 1c, d). With the aim of correlating structures with reactivity, we chose a kinetic energy of 0.5 keV for incident Ar+ to control structural complexity — the vacancies were produced while the surface crystallinity (reflected in our RHEED measurements, Figure S2) was largely sustained at an appropriate Ar+ dosage. The high-resolution images and corresponding line profiles of the vacancies and clusters (Figs. 1e – 1h) revealed that the depth of the vacancies and the height of the clusters were about 0.1 and 0.15 nm, respectively. Accordingly, the vacancies were formed by the removal of the topmost Te atoms, i.e., Te vacancies, and the clusters likely corresponded to re-deposited atoms (one-atom high) after Ar+ bombardment. Our PES spectra shown below further characterized these surface defects.
Figure 2a compares the PES spectra of Pt 4f core level for the layered PtTe2 as cleaved and bombarded by Ar+. The spectrum from as-cleaved PtTe2 (upper panel of Fig. 2a) shows a doublet, Pt 4f5/2 and Pt 4f7/2, centered at the binding energies (BE) 75.9 and 72.6 eV respectively, which corresponds to intact Pt-Te chemical bonds in PtTe2. Meanwhile, the PES spectrum from Ar+-bombarded PtTe2 shows an additional feature at a BE slightly smaller than that of the main Pt feature, i.e., at 71.8 eV for Pt 4f7/2 and 75.1 eV for Pt 4f5/2 (indicated by red fitted curves in the bottom panel). The smaller BE for Pt 4f implies less oxidized Pt, corresponding to under-coordinated Pt (denoted as Ptuc), at the PtTe2 surface and therefore the removal of Te atoms by Ar+ bombardment, which agrees with the above Te vacancies observed with STM (Fig. 1). In contrast, the Te 4d signals were insensitive to the removal of neighboring Te atoms ― the line shape of Te 4d doublet altered little after Ar+ bombardment (Fig. 2b), since the surface Te is mainly bonded to the underlying Pt. Both the Pt 4f and Te 4d lines from Ar+-bombarded PtTe2 shifted negatively (approximately 0.1 eV as shown in Figs. 2a,b), likely because the bombardment induced a band-bending effect. The re-deposited atoms contributed less to the Ptuc signals because they could be Pt or Te and these atoms were present in small quantities. Our experiments show that the number or concentration of Ptuc can be controlled with Ar+ dosage (measured by the sample current multiplied by sputtering time) and Ar+ kinetic energy. Figure 2c plots the ratio of the Ptuc and total Pt signals (denoted as Ptuc/Pt), measured by the integrated intensities of the red and black fitted curves (Fig. 2a), as a function of the Ar+ dosage. The Ptuc/Pt ratio increased almost in a linear fashion with the Ar+ dosage, despite varied Ar+ kinetic energies. As about 90% of the Pt signals came from the top two PtTe2 bilayers (according to the escape depth of the Pt 4f photoelectrons) and as Ar+ bombardment removed primarily the surface Te (Fig. 1), each Ptuc/Pt ratio corresponds to a derivable concentration of surface Ptuc or surface Te vacancies. Notably, the rate of increase of the Ptuc/Pt ratio depended on the Ar+ kinetic energy, since the cross section of removing surface Te varied with the Ar+ kinetic energy. As the Ar+ at 0.5 keV exhibited the best controllability at small Ptuc/Pt ratios and prevented structural complexity (Fig. 1), it was chosen to prepare different Ptuc concentrations for our catalytic studies.
Methanol decomposition monitored with PES, NAP-PES and NAP-MS. The methanol reactions were characterized primarily with PES spectra; with the spectra, we monitored the evolution of surface species with temperature and Ptuc concentrations. Figures 3a,b compare the C 1s spectra for methanol adsorbed on as-cleaved and Ar+-bombarded PtTe2 at 145 K and annealed stepwise to selected temperatures. The dominant feature at 145 K on either surface, centered about 286.5 eV, is assigned to the C 1s line of monolayer methanol adsorbed on PtTe2 (top in Figs. 3a,b), since multilayer methanol desorbed near 130 K.34, 56, 57 On the as-cleaved PtTe2 surface, the methanol signals decreased with increased temperature and vanished at 200 K, reflecting the desorption of methanol (Fig. 3a). In contrast, on the PtTe2 with a number of surface Ptuc produced by Ar+ bombardment, new features grew at 283.8–285.1 eV above 160 K, at the expense of attenuating methanol feature at 286.5 eV (Fig. 3b). The results suggest that with increased temperature, a fraction of methanol desorbed whereas the other fraction decomposed and produced new carbon species. As the as-cleaved PtTe2 has very limited surface defects, the contrasting results indicate that the structurally perfect basal plane of layered PtTe2 is catalytically inert but the surface Ptuc sites, the Te vacancy sites, are reactive toward methanol decomposition. The products at elevated temperature consisted of three carbon species: CHxO* (x = 1–3), CHx* (x = 1–3) and atomic carbon (C*), corresponding to the C 1s lines centered at 285.1,58–64 283.865–67 and 284.2 eV (Figure S3), respectively. CO* was not expected because our adsorption experiments showed no CO adsorbed on such a defective PtTe2 surface even at 145 K. Figures 3c,d exemplify the fits to the C 1s lines (at 180 and 260 K) with characteristic fitted curves representing C 1s signals from adsorbed monolayer methanol and the proposed products. CHxO* (red curve in Figs. 3c,d) and CHx* (blue) were the primary products at 160–260 K but C* became notable above 260 K, implying that further decomposition of CHxO* and/or CHx* occurred at elevated temperature. Figure 3e plots the integrated intensities of these fitted C 1s curves, used to measure the quantities of produced CHxO*, CHx* and C*, as a function of temperature. The produced CHxO* (red circles) and CHx* (blue) increased to maxima near 180 K and decreased at even higher temperature, whereas C* (purple) began to emerge above 200 K and became the major species at and above 300 K. The formation of CHxO* and CHx* indicates that dehydrogenation and C-O bond scission, the two competing processes of methanol decomposition,30, 34, 35, 68 were both catalytically activated at such low temperature on the surface Ptuc sites. A fraction of CHxO* and CHx* must have desorbed at elevated temperature, since the quantity of the remaining C* was not comparable to that of the produced CHxO* and CHx* (Fig. 3e). Our NAP experiments presented below indicated that the desorbing carbon species consisted largely of CH2O(g) and CH4(g).
To reveal how the catalytic properties of PtTe2 surface vary with the concentration of surface Ptuc, we plot the probabilities of the conversion of adsorbed monolayer methanol to CHxO* (red circles) and CHx* (blue) as a function of the concentration of surface Ptuc, shown in Fig. 4a. The conversion probability was derived from the ratio of the C 1s intensities of CHxO* (or CHx*) to monolayer methanol (145 K); the former was measured at 180 K because the maximum quantity of CHxO* (or CHx*) was produced around 180 K; only monolayer methanol was considered because it was directly in contact with the PtTe2 surface. The concentration of surface Ptuc was estimated according to the measured Ptuc/Pt ratios (Fig. 2), the limited escape depth of photoelectrons and the fact that the Ar+ bombardment removed primarily the surface Te; the percentage corresponds to the fraction of Ptuc in the total amount of Pt in the top PtTe2 bilayer. For CHx* (blue circles), the conversion probability of monolayer methanol increased almost in linear proportion to the Ptuc concentration, corroborating that Ptuc served as reactive sites for the C-O bond scission. Nevertheless, the trend becomes complicated for CHxO* (red). The conversion probability increased linearly at a Ptuc concentration ≤ 10%, and became saturated (10% − 20%) or even decreased at a greater Ptuc concentration (> 20%). A fraction of the Ptuc sites at greater Ptuc concentrations must have different structures and thus different catalytic properties although these structures were not resolved in the Pt 4f spectra; they could prefer a separate reaction pathway, in which the C-O bond scission was more facilitated.
The conversion probability of methanol adsorbed on the Ptuc sites (denoted as methanol/Ptuc) as a function of the Ptuc concentration shows clearly the evolving catalytic selectivity (Fig. 4b). The fraction of methanol/Ptuc in total monolayer methanol was estimated to be that of Ptuc in total amount of Pt in the top PtTe2 bilayer (the Ptuc concentration), by assuming that monolayer methanol adsorbed uniformly on the PtTe2 surface. As shown in Fig. 4b, the conversion probability of methanol/Ptuc to CHx* varied little with the Ptuc concentration, remaining near 35%; in contrast, that to CHxO* was approximately 60% at a Ptuc concentration ≤ 10% but decreased continuously at a Ptuc concentration > 10%. The dehydrogenation to CHxO* was selectively obstructed at a Ptuc concentration > 10%. Nevertheless, we note that the total reaction probability was remarkably great — about 95% at a Ptuc concentration ≤ 10% and remaining greater than 80% even at a concentration near 20%. In either case, the reaction probability exceeded that for methanol on either Pt single-crystal surfaces (10%)22, 25 or supported Pt clusters (60–70%).34 Additionally, the probability of conversion to CHx* (35%) was also evidently greater than that on Pt clusters (< 10%);34 the C-O bond scission pathway apparently played an important role in the present reaction.
The above experiments demonstrate that the catalytic reactivity of layered PtTe2 is controllable by the surface Ptuc under UHV conditions. To unveil their catalytic performance under “real-world” conditions,69 we investigated methanol reactions on layered PtTe2 near ambient pressure. Figure 5a exemplifies the NAP-PES spectra of C 1s core level from PtTe2 bombarded by Ar+ (Ptuc/Pt ratio = 0.10) and subsequently exposed stepwise to selected pressures of methanol at 300 K; 300 K was used because the desorption and further decomposition of products (intermediates) already occurred (Fig. 3). The as-bombarded PtTe2 surface was free of carbon contamination, indicated by the absence of C 1s signals (the bottom of Fig. 5a); increasing methanol pressure to \({10}^{-4}\) mbar, a small C 1 s line arose around 284.2 eV and continued to grow with increased pressure; at \({10}^{-3}\) mbar and above, a shoulder centered about 283.0 eV (Figs. 5a,b) also grew. The former is assigned to C*, while the latter to CHx*, both of which resulted from decomposed methanol on PtTe2. The reactions must have occurred on the surface Ptuc sites, as the experiments on as-cleaved PtTe2 (with scarce surface Ptuc), as a comparison, showed negligible C 1s signals. This observation agrees with that on the Ar+-bombarded PtTe2 surface under UHV conditions, in which C* and CHx* were remaining primary species on the surface at 300 K (Fig. 3e). These C 1s signals increased with methanol pressure, since more methanol decomposed on the PtTe2 surface at greater methanol pressures. They decreased at 0.1 mbar (second from the top in Fig. 5a) as the photoelectrons were attenuated by the increased pressure; at such a great pressure, the C 1s feature resulting from gaseous methanol also appeared at 288.5 eV.35 Notably, the ratio of CHx* to C* signals increased with methanol pressure but altered little with the decreasing pressure from 0.1 to \({10}^{-7}\) mbar. The ratio was affected little by the pressure-induced signal attenuation but determined by the composition of carbon species on the surface. The fraction of CHx* in total surface carbon species became greater at a greater pressure or C* concentration. We speculate that a greater C* concentration at the Ptuc sites suppressed the dehydrogenation of CHx* by altering the electronic properties of Ptuc and/or adsorption configurations of CHx*.
The corresponding gaseous products from the methanol reactions near ambient pressure were monitored with NAP-MS. Figure 5c exemplifies the observed main products, including D2(g), D2O(g)/CD4(g) and CD2O(g), from Ar+-bombarded PtTe2 (Ptuc/Pt ratio = 0.10) at 300 K exposed to methanol-d4 (CD3OD) at varied pressures. Instead of methanol, methanol-d4 was used because these isotopic variants have similar chemical properties, such as the activation for desorption and decomposition (determined from their electronic structures), but methanol-d4 gave clearer signals of molecular deuterium (D2), an essential product to reveal the reaction mechanisms, in desorption experiments. These three desorbing species increased generally with methanol-d4 pressure, consistent with the above NAP-PES experiments, as more methanol-d4 interacted with the surface Ptuc at a higher methanol-d4 pressure. D2(g) came from recombinative desorption of D*, while D* was produced from dehydrogenated CD3OD*, CDxO* and CDx*; therefore, its formation as the major desorbing species reflects the essential role of dehydrogenation at different stages of methanol-d4 decomposition. Both D2O(g) and CD4(g) were possible products, reflecting the process of C-O bond scission, but they could not be resolved by our mass spectra. CD4(g) was formed through CDx* combining with D*, and D2O(g) through either O* or OD* combining with D*. The observed CD2O(g) suggests that CHxO* decreased above 180 K (Fig. 3e) through not only C-O bond scission but also desorption as CH2O(g). The formation of CD2O(g) and D2O(g) also rationalizes scarce O* remaining on the surface, as evidenced by vanishing O 1s signals above 200 K in the UHV PES experiments as well as absent O 1s signals in the NAP-PES spectra (300 K). The absence of CO(g) and CO* indicates that the dehydrogenation of methanol-d4 (or methanol) to CO, a process typically observed on Pt clusters or single crystals,22–24, 26, 30, 33–36, 42 did not occur on the surface Ptuc sites of PtTe2. The observed C* accordingly originated from dehydrogenated CHx*.
The gaseous products also confirm that the reactivity and selectivity of Ptuc sites depend on the Ptuc concentration. Figure 5d shows the gaseous products (at methanol pressure 10− 2 mbar) as a function of the Ptuc concentration. For a Ptuc concentration < 20%, the products increased generally with the Ptuc concentration, which is consistent with the trend shown in Fig. 4a. The production of CD2O(g) dropped dramatically when the Ptuc concentration increased above 20%, in agreement with the decrease of CHxO* (Fig. 4a). The produced D2(g) also decreased, indicating the selectively suppressed dehydrogenation to CHxO*. In contrast, CD4(g)/D2O(g) decreased only slightly at a Ptuc concentration > 20%, as CDx* increased at 180 K (Fig. 4a); the proportion of CDx* desorbing as CD4(g) could vary with the Ptuc concentration.
DFT modeling. Our first-principles DFT modelling aimed to elucidate the key mechanisms behind the observed reactions. We established a Te divacancy model by removing two adjacent Te atoms at the topmost layer in order to mimic a PtTe2 surface with a small Ptuc concentration (5–10%). A divacancy site has five Ptuc: one is coordinated to four Te, corresponding to two missing Te-Pt bonds in the bilayer structure (denoted as Ptuc2), and the other four are coordinated to five Te (Ptuc1). We considered three main reaction processes in the methanol decomposition: dehydrogenation from either oxygen (red arrows) or carbon (green arrow), and C-O bond scission (deoxygenation and dihydroxylation; black arrows), illustrated in Fig. 6. The adsorption configurations and energies of methanol and its decomposition fragments are presented in Figure S4. The modelling shows that a methanol molecule adsorbs on a Ptuc site with an O-Pt binding configuration and an adsorption energy − 1.02 eV, which is evidently stronger than that (− 0.41 eV) on pristine PtTe2 basal plane (Figure S4). The surface Ptuc therefore has the potential to serve as a reactive center on PtTe2. The three main decomposition processes at varied stages at the divacancy sites were calculated and compared. For the first step of decomposition, the barrier for dehydrogenation from oxygen (0.66 eV) of CH3OH* was significantly smaller than those for dehydrogenation from carbon (1.42 eV) and dehydroxylation (1.82 eV). The comparison suggests the preferential formation of methoxy (CH3O*), agreeing well with the observed selectivity that methanol decomposed via a pathway to produce more CHxO* than CHx* at a small Ptuc concentration (Fig. 4a). The great difference between the energy barriers for desorption and dehydrogenation to CH3O* (1.02 vs. 0.66 eV) also explains the great conversion probability for methanol adsorbed on the Ptuc site (Fig. 4b). CH3O* is expected to undergo further dehydrogenation (with a barrier 1.08 eV) to formaldehyde (CH2O*), because of the considerably greater activation energies for the two competing processes, namely desorption (2.58 eV) and deoxygenation (2.29 eV). CH2O*, due to its planar structure with sp2 hybridized carbons, has an adsorption energy (− 1.52 eV) smaller than those of the other intermediates, that impedes subsequent decomposition. Compared to the greater barriers for its C-O bond cleavage (3.33 eV) or further dehydrogenation (to CHO*, 1.56 eV), CH2O* would prefer desorption (as CH2O(g)) to decomposition at elevated temperature, as observed in our NAP-MS experiments (Figs. 5c, d). Alternatively, if H* from the dehydrogenation is nearby (not yet desorbed as H2(g)), then CH2O* could also combine with H* to form CH2OH* (with a small barrier 0.12 eV), which provides a feasible pathway for further reactions. CH2OH* would decompose via dehydroxylation to CH2* and OH*, instead of dehydrogenation to CHOH* and H*; the latter process does not occur because the inverse process (CHOH* + H* → CH2OH*) has a negligible barrier (< 0.01 eV) and CH2OH* has a lower total energy. As the barrier for the dehydroxylation (1.27 eV) of CH2OH* is evidently smaller than those for the C-O bond scission of CH3O* and CH2O* (2.29 and 3.33 eV), the observed CHx species resulted from decomposed CH2OH*. As a result, the observed CHxO* species in our PES spectra correspond to CH3O* and CH2O* and the CHx species mainly to CH2* and CH1*. The CH2* species may undergo either further dehydrogenation to yield C* or combination with H* to produce CH4(g), as observed in NAP-PES spectra (Fig. 5a) and NAP-MS spectra (Figs. 5c,d) respectively. Details of the calculated energy barriers are provided in our Supplementary Information (Figures S4 – S17).
After the C-O bond scission of CH2OH*, the produced OH* either diffuses away from the active sites or combines with H* to desorb as H2O(g) (Figs. 5c,d), so its “poison effect” is insignificant. The calculated activation energy for OH* to migrate to an intermediate adsorption site on Te at the edge of divacancy amounts to 0.95 eV; their diffusion barrier on the basal plane is even smaller (0.36 eV), as shown in Figure S18. These diffusion barriers are smaller than that for the C-O bond scission of CH2OH*, so with the progress of methanol decomposition, the produced OH* can diffuse readily to other sites to prevent the active sites from obstruction. We should note that the present model is not applicable on the PtTe2 surface with a Ptuc concentration > 10%, for which the generation of CHxO* was suppressed but that of CHx was sustained (Fig. 4). At a great Ptuc concentration, the new Ptuc structures could have an raised barrier for dehydrogenation to CHxO* but promote the C-O bond scission of CH2OH*, or even open a new channel for the C-O bond scission to yield CHx.
The above modelling shows that Ptuc in this divacancy model activates the decomposition in a coordinative manner; the adsorbates (CH3OH*, its decomposition intermediates and fragments) are bonded mostly to two or three Ptuc in varied decomposition processes (Figures S4 –S17). Nevertheless, Ptuc2 appears to be more active than Ptuc1, indicated by that the processes are mostly centered around Ptuc2 in spite of varied reaction pathways (Figures S4 –S17). The Ptuc at the PtTe2 surface are like separated Pt single atoms, triangularly positioned and oxidized to different extents dependent on their bonding to Te. The coordination (to Te) number of Pt in PtTe2 determines its electronic properties and hence catalytic properties. To illuminate the effect of the coordination number of Ptuc on the activity, a tri-vacancy model with a Ptuc3 in the middle of the tri-vacancy site, which was also likely formed on the Ar+-bombarded PtTe2 surface, was introduced to model the reactions. The results show that the adsorption energies of CH3OH*, CH3O* and CH2O* on the tri-vacancy site were slightly increased by 0.05 ~ 0.10 eV, and the energy barrier for dehydrogenation of CH3OH* to CH3O* remained similar, whereas that of CH3O* to CH2O* was reduced by 0.12 eV (Figures S19 - S21). Consequently, the formation of CH2O* on this tri-vacancy became more probable. Reducing the coordination to Te enhances the activity of Pt. The densities of states of Ptuc1−3 near the Fermi level reflect the same trend. We compare the local density of states (LDOS) of Ptuc1−3 at PtTe2 surface to that of Pt at Pt single-crystal surface and find that with the decreased coordination number, the Ptuc1−3 at PtTe2 surface become more metallic (Figure S22) and their d-band centers shift toward higher energies, shown in Fig. 7, indicative of enhanced catalytic reactivity.70, 71 The LDOS of Ptuc1−3 at PtTe2 surface and Pt at Pt(111) surface are evidently different (Figure S22), accounting for their different catalytic behaviors. Previous studies indicate that the spatial distribution and orientation of frontier orbitals of single-atom catalysts are well correlated with adsorption and catalytic activities.72 We note that the spatial distributions of frontier orbitals (in the energy ranging from − 0.25 eV to the Fermi level) of Ptuc at PtTe2 surface expanded with decreased coordination number, as plotted in the insets of Fig. 7. The expansion reflects a promoted probability of wave-function overlap, which is required for adsorption and catalytic activities,72 so agrees with the enhanced reactivity indicated above. Thus, the characteristic reactivity of the defective PtTe2 arises from not only the peculiar structural (geometric) effect — triangularly positioned Ptuc, but also the electronic effect — differently oxidized Ptuc.