4.1 Reagents
Key reagents and their sources were as follows: azoxymethane (AOM), 1,1,3,3-tetramethoxypropane, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2-thiobarbituric acid, 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox), chlorobenzene, hexanal, 1-octanol and formaldehyde were supplied by Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) and dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol and sulfuric acid by AppliChem GmbH (Darmstadt, Germany). All solvents used in this work were HPLC grade. Chlorobenzene was used as internal standard (IS) in the HS-GC–MS analyses. This was prepared by diluting 2 µL of chlorobenzene in 25 mL of dimethyl sulfoxide to obtain a concentration of 80 µL/L. Polyphenol-rich extract was obtained from PROSUR SAU (Murcia, Spain), commercialized as NATPRE T-10 HT S (20% of total polyphenols).
4.2 Animal study design
Twenty-eight rats (F344/DuCrl), between 4 and 5 weeks of age, were obtained from Charles River Laboratories (St Germain l’Arbresle, France). The animals were housed in cages by pairs under controlled light conditions (12 h light-dark cycle) and controlled temperature/humidity conditions in accordance with the animal experimentation guidelines. The animals were maintained in the Animal Facilities at the University of Murcia (authorized facility No. ES 300305440012) and both the experimental design and methods performed followed ARRIVE guidelines for animal research. All animal experiments were approved by Ethical Committee for Animal Experimentation of the University of Murcia (authorization code: A13211206) in accordance with the EU Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. After seven days of acclimatization, twenty-four rats received a single i.p. injection of AOM (20 mg/kg) diluted in 0.9% m/v sodium chloride aqueous solution and were randomly allocated to two groups (nitrite-meat diet n = 12 and polyphenol-meat diet n = 12). Four animals were fed with meat-free diet as controls. The remaining animals were fed with a specific diet based upon the group of study (nitrite-meat diet or polyphenol-meat diet). Body weights were monitored every week during the study (90 days after AOM injection). Between days 78 and 80, each rat was put in a metabolic cage and stools and urine were collected and frozen at -20°C. At day 90, animals were killed by CO2 asphyxiation in a random order and colons were removed and fixed in 4% buffered formaldehyde (Panreac Química, Barcelona, Spain).
4.3 Animal diets
The experimental diets were elaborated using modified AIN76 powered diet according to Santarelli et al13. Both meat-free diet and base diet used for cooked ham diets were made by Research Diets Inc. (New Brunswick, NJ) and their composition was balanced for protein, iron and fat. The composition of meat-free diet was (g/100 g): casein, 46.7; sucrose, 27.8; corn starch, 5.9; cellulose, 5.0; lard, 5.2; safflower oil, 5.00; mineral mix S10001, 3.5; vitamin mix V10001, 1.0; DL-methionine, 0.6; choline bitartrate, 0.20. The composition of base diet without ham was (g/100 g): casein, 5.0; sucrose, 27.8; corn starch, 5.0; cellulose, 5.0; safflower oil, 5.00; mineral mix S10001 calcium free, 3.5; dicalcium phosphate, 0.21; vitamin mix V10001, 1.0; DL-methionine, 0.3; choline bitartrate, 0.20.
Cooked hams were elaborated from pig shoulder meat at the PROSUR Meat Laboratory. Nitrite ham was cured with 1.8 g of salt, 0.012 g sodium nitrite (120 ppm NaNO2) and 0.03 g sodium ascorbate per 100 g of meat, meanwhile polyphenol ham was cured with 1.4 g of salt and 1 g polyphenol rich extract (NATPRE T-10 HT S) per 100 g of meat. Hams were then cooked until reach 68°C core temperature (maximum oven temperature was 73–75°C). Cooked hams of 1.3 kg were stored at -20 ºC in vacuum sealed plastic bags with low-oxygen permeability until their use. Before mix with powered diet base to elaborate cooked ham diets, slices of cooked hams were air exposed at 4°C in the dark for 5 days for their oxidation according to Santarelli et al13. The cooked ham diets were elaborated by mixing 53 g of powered base diet with 187 g of ham.
4.4 Hexanal analysis of cooked hams
Hexanal was analyzed by headspace with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) consisting of a 7890A GC-System gas chromatograph from Agilent Technologies (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, California, USA), equipped with a temperature-controlled vaporizer (PTV) model CIS4-C506 and an automatic injector (Headspace model Multipurpose Sampler MPS), both from Gerstel (Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany) following a chromatographic protocol described by Mandić et al29. The GC system was coupled to a mass spectrometer (5975C inert MSD-triple axis detector from Agilent Technologies). Briefly, cooked ham samples (1 g) placed in 10 mL vials containing 10 µL of 80 µL/L chlorobenzene (IS) solution were heated in the HS sampler at 80°C for 30 min, and then injected (12 mL/min for 10 s) into the GC system with a split ratio (1:25) while the inlet was maintained at 250°C. Hexanal in samples was separated by a DB-624 column (60 m, 0.25 mm, 1.4 µm), applying a temperature programme consisting of an initial temperature of 40°C for 5 min, which was increased by 10°C/min to 150°C, held for 2 min, and next was increased at 25°C/min to 240°C and then maintained at 240°C for 10 min. The mass spectrometer was operated using electron-impact (EI) mode (70 V) and the temperature of the ion source was 230°C. Analyses were carried out using selected ion monitorization (SIM) mode. Standard solutions in the 0.030–0.158 µg/mL concentration range were used for calibration purposes. The Mass Hunter Workstation Data Acquisition software (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, California, USA) was applied for data processing.
4.5 Nitrosyl-haem content analysis of cooked hams
Nitrosyl-haem content of cooked hams was analyzed according to Hernández et al30. Briefly, 15 g of cooked ham was homogenized with 5 g of ice and 12 mL of water at 7000–9000 rpm using a homogenizer (IKA, t25 digital Ultraturrax), then the mixture was centrifuged at 1125 x g for 5 min at 10°C. An aliquot of 8 mL of supernatant was transferred into a 20 mL vial and then, 8 µL of 1-octanol and 4 mL of 20% v/v sulfuric acid were added. The vial was immediately sealed and gently shaken for 30 s. The samples were incubated for the headspace analyses at 30°C for 45 min, then injected into the 7890A GC system equipped with an Agilent 5973 mass spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, California, USA).
4.6 Radical scavenging capacity of cooked ham
The radical scavenging capacity of cooked hams was determined by DPPH assay according to Cheng et al31. Briefly, 5 g of cooked ham was homogenized with 10 mL of methanol using a homogenizer (IKA, t25 digital Ultraturrax) at 3000–4000 rpm for 2 min and then, the mixture was centrifuged at 1620 x g during 15 min. The supernatant was used to determine radical scavenging capacity and the absorbance at 515 nm was monitored using a UV-visible spectrometer plate reader (Multiscan GO, Thermo Scientific, USA).
4.7 Tissue collection, processing and histopathological analysis of colon tissue
The whole colon was extracted and fixed in 4% buffered formaldehyde (Panreac Quimica, Barcelona, Spain) for 24 h. The whole organ was divided in 3–4 sections which were placed into histologic cassettes. The samples were then processed and paraffin embedded. To determine the number of MDF, three micrometers-thick sections of the samples were stained with Alcian blue pH 2.5 histochemical procedure by using a commercial kit (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, California) following the commercial recommendations. Briefly, after deparafination and rehydration, sections were treated with acetic acid for 3 min, and incubated with Alcian Blue solution for 30 min at 37 ºC. The sections were then discolored with acetic acid and counterstained with Fast Red solution. Positive stain was identified as a light-blue cytoplasmic stain. MDF were identified according with the criteria described previously by Caderni et al. (2003)32: little or absence of crypt mucin in more than 3 crypts, distortion of the lumen of the crypts and/or elevation of the lesion in comparison with normal mucosa. Numbers of MDF per colon and their multiplicity (crypts per MDF) were counted under a light microscope at high magnification x400.
The media length of the colonic villous was determined by measuring villous length in x100 magnified images from longitudinal sections of the specimens stained with a standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain procedure in 20 random fields. The number of goblet cells were determined by counting all goblet cells in 5 random fields (x100) from longitudinal sections of the specimens stained with Alcian Blue. The result was expressed by the median of goblet cells per field. All the slides and morphometric determinations were performed by using a standard Zeiss Axio Scope AX10 light microscope (Carl Zeiss) with a high resolution digital camera (AxioCam 506 color) with a commercial digital analytic software (Zeiss Zen, Ver. 3.0).
4.8 TBARS analysis in fecal water
Fecal water was prepared according to Pierre et al8 by reconstituting freeze-dried stools by adding 1 mL of distilled water to 0.5 g of freeze-dried stools. Samples were incubated at 37°C for one hour, mixed thoroughly during the incubation time and then centrifuged for 15 min at 13200xg. The supernatant (fecal water) was analyzed immediately. TBARS were measured in fecal water according to Ohkawa et al33. The amount of TBARS was determined as MDA equivalents by measure of the absorbance of the butanol extract at 532 nm using a UV-visible spectrometer plate reader (Multiscan GO, Thermo Scientific, United States) against a standard (1,1,3,3-tetramethoxypropane at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 µM).
4.9 Analysis of fecal volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Fecal VOCs were analyzed by HS-GC-MS on a 7890A GC-System gas chromatograph from Agilent Technologies (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, California, USA), equipped with a temperature-controlled vaporizer (PTV) model CIS4-C506 and an automatic injector (Headspace model Multipurpose Sampler MPS), both from Gerstel (Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany). The GC system was coupled to a mass spectrometer (5975C inert MSD-triple axis detector from Agilent Technologies). Fecal samples (1 g) placed in 10 mL vials containing 10 µL of 80 µL/L chlorobenzene (IS) solution were heated in the HS sampler at 80°C for 30 min, and then injected (12 mL/min for 10 s) with a split ratio (1:10) into the GC system through the inlet maintained at 250°C. VOCs in samples were separated in a DB-624 column (60 m, 0.25 mm, 1.4 µm), by applying a temperature programme at an initial temperature of 40°C for 5 min, which was increased by 10°C/min to 150°C for 2 min, then the temperature was increased 25°C/min to 240°C and then maintained at 240°C for 10 min. The mass spectrometer was operated using electron-impact (EI) mode (70 eV) and the temperature of the ion source was 230°C. Analyses were carried out using scan mode from 29 to 150 m/z. The Mass Hunter Workstation Data Acquisition software (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, California, USA) was applied for data processing.
4.10 Data processing and statistical analysis
For fecal VOCs processing, MS-DIAL software (rev. 4.80 Windows) was used to detect and identify the markers present in the samples. The mass range was set to 29–160 m/z based on the acquisition method. In order to perform markers detection, 1000 amplitudes were set as the minimum height, using a level of 3 scans and an average peak width of 20 scans. The data points were smoothed with a linear weighted average. A peak resolution of 0.5 was set for peak deconvolution, as lower values could lead to signal noise being misinterpreted as peaks and higher values could reduce the number of resolved chromatographic peaks. To identify the metabolites, the software uses the retention indexes calculated by the Kovats method, which requires the injection of a mixture of alkanes. The injected mixture of alkanes containing C8 to C40 was provided by Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) and was analysed at a concentration of 2 µg mL− 1 under the same conditions as the fecal samples. A tab-delimited file of the number of carbon atoms of the alkanes detected and their retention time was then created and inserted into the identification programme. The deconvoluted spectra were compared with a GC-MS metabolomic MSP spectral library from RIKEN. For the identification purposes, tolerances of 0.5 min, 20, and 0.5 Da were set for retention time, retention index and m/z, respectively. A match criterion of more than 70% was taken into account. Finally, the alignment was carried out using a tolerance of 70% for the spectral similarity and a tolerance of 0.075 min for the retention time.
All features obtained by MS-DIAL were used to build chemometric models using SIMCA version 14.1 software (Umetrics, Sartorius Stedim Biotech AS, Umea, Sweden). The chemometric models (PCA and OPLS-DA) were built on the set of all samples using UV scaling. The success of the model was assessed using the following parameters: Q2(cum) (cumulative ability to predict) and percentage of cross-validation.
In order to evaluate histopathological changes and the formation of genotoxic molecules, normal distribution was evaluated by Shapiro-Wilk test. Mann-Whitney or Kruskal-Wallis tests were applied for two-group or more than two-group comparisons, respectively. Data processing, statistical analysis and graphics were performed using, Prism software (Graph-Pad Software, Inc) and R Studio version 1.4.1717 software. P-value is indicated as *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001; p > 0.05 not significant (ns).