Several efforts on analysis and resolving issues of the flickers based on the flexoelectro-optic effect in nematic LCs have been reported that the reason is mainly caused by the electrode structure in the FFS mode at low-refresh-rate driving as shown in Fig. 1a. Because the electric fields which couple with LC deformation are formed between one and another conducting layer by sandwiching an insulation layer, temporally asymmetric fields are formed in each positive (+) and negative (-) frame as previously verified23,25. With one of our starting LC mixtures, named as LC0 (Table 1), obvious brightness deviation in time and space is observed in POM images and the brightness profiles over the electrode location as shown in Fig. 1b. As conducting FEM simulation of the normal mode (es = eb = 0, no flexoelectricity) in an FFS mode, we can visualize the director fields of twist deformation as shown in Fig. 1c. The twist deformation is mostly originated near the electrode edge and propagated around this region because of the elastic torque. The transmittance in the FFS mode can be described as \(T={\text{sin}}^{2}2\phi \left(V\right) {\text{sin}}^{2}\left(\frac{\pi d\varDelta n\left(V\right)}{\lambda }\right)\), where j is an angle between the optic axes of LC and one of polarizers, d is the LC thickness, Dn is birefringence, and l is the wavelength. In the absence of an electric field, j = 0° and theoretical value of T = 0. As applied voltage overcomes the threshold voltage, and LC rotates to twist deformation in which j ~ 45° and \(d\varDelta n=\frac{\lambda }{2}\), T becomes maximal. In flexoelectro-optic mode (es = eb ≠ 0), the spatial brightness profile changes, compared to that in the normal mode depending on how the flexoelectric coupling occurs. In the region that the flexoelectric coupling is constructive, splay and/or bend deformation occurs more than in the normal mode, which leads to the locally reduced brightness. In the coupling-destructive region, on the contrary, the splay and/or bend deformation is suppressed as much as the flexoelectric coupling occurs less. Then, the left unpaid dielectric energy is mostly paid by the twist deformation, and the local brightness increases. Consequently, the overall brightness becomes uneven between (+) and (-) frames21. This phenomenon is clearly verified in the time-dependent transmittance curves of another LC mixture, LCref (Table 1) as shown in Fig. 1d. Each curve shows different aspects of brightness change. The transmittance difference Tdiff at the frame-transient moment (mostly within the LC response time t < 50 ms) is flexoelectric contribution. The transmittance drop Tdrop over designated time in each frame is caused by the failure of the voltage-holding. The rate of the Tdrop is different with respect to applied voltage.
Common molecular shapes that can exhibit flexoelectric effect in splay and bend deformations are illustrated in Fig. 1e,f. However, most of LC constituents in our sample mixtures are not in the pear or banana shapes. Also a single molecule can have different conformations over time as the molecular simulation results were previously reported25. We schematically illustrated how the splay and bend deformations can give rise to flexoelectric effect when LC molecules are rod-like shape in Fig. 1g,h. Assuming dipoles (dark arrows) that are exactly perpendicular to the long axis of rod-like molecules to represent our LC molecules that are negative dielectric anisotropy37, bend deformation is more suitable for the contribution to the flexoelectric polarization (purple arrows) than that with splay deformation. In case of splay deformation, on the other hand, as Prost and Marcerou proposed38, the flexoelectricity can be arisen when quadrupoles are embraced as illustrated in Fig. 1h. In the left column, there is no charge or dipole. Although some portion of plus charges enters the adjacent layer, they are canceled out. When splay deformation is imposed, the volume charge symmetry is broken, and spontaneous volume dipole occurs as illustrated in the right column. Our LC samples contain both dipole and quadrupole as shown in Table 1.
To verify the flexoelectro-optic effect based on the materials properties of nematic LCs, we measured flexoelectro-optic properties: voltage-dependent transmittance (Figure S1) and time-dependent transmittance curves (Fig. 2a). And then we extracted Tdiff of samples LCref,a,b,d,e,g,h as shown in Fig. 2b. As determined in Fig. 1d, the Tdiff between (+) and (-) frames is indicated by the dark arrows, and the Tdrop is measured as shown in Fig. 2a and S2. Among the samples, LCa,b show relatively smaller Tdrop but greater Tdiff whereas LCd,g show relatively smaller Tdiff, but greater Tdrop. In case of the samples LCref,e,h, both Tdrop and Tdiff are bad. From these results, unfortunately, we were not able to see that their elastic constants were correlated with the Tdrop and Tdiff, and thus it is insufficient for the verification of the connection, neither Tdiff nor Tdrop to the flexoelectric coefficients. The rotational viscosity g1 and dielectric anisotropy De, however, both seem to have some similar effects on the curves.
For example, the magnitude of De seems matter to the Tdiff because the higher e⊥ can suppress the LC tilt in response to the vertical component of the fringe electric fields as it is previously reported by FEM simulation results25. However, on the other hand, Tdrop becomes more significant as De gets higher because the ion impurities can be generated more from the strong polar groups in LC molecules for the high dipole moment. The g1 can also be higher as following the tendency of De. In either reason, it is obvious that avoiding this direction is encouraged because increasing De can cause reduction in Tdiff but may increase in Tdrop.
We rather focused more on verification of the flexoelectric effect. The Tdiff was extracted from the time-dependent transmittance curves with respect to applied voltages as shown in Fig. 2b-d. The values correspond to 5, 20, 40, 60, 80, 95% of transmittance to the maximum transmittance, and we respectively indicated the values as T05, T20, T40, T60, T80, T95. We set the LC parameters of LCref with some constants for quantitative comparison between LC samples. To examine the effect of De and g1 on the Tdiff, we compared LCb,e,h (Fig. 2b) of which the dielectric anisotropy varies as De = 0.4e, 1.0e, 1.2e, respectively, (e is a constant, see Table 1 for parameters) and the ratio of bend to splay elastic constant is maintained as K33/K11 ~ 0.8k31 (k31 is a constant). Although the Tdiff above T80 reaches similar Tdiff for LCb,e,h, LCe,h show lower Tdiff than LCb at the voltages lower than T80 because of higher De. By comparing LCd,e,ref, (Fig. 2c), we varied K33/K11 as 1.2k31, 0.8k31, k31, respectively, while maintaining De. The result shows that Tdiff of LCe and LCref behaves similarly with respect to the voltage. If the K33 is close to or below K11, the Tdiff does not change much. In case K33 is greater than K11, on the other hand, the Tdiff is reduced overall as shown in Fig. 2c. We verified the consistency of this result by comparing LCa,d,g as shown in Fig. 2d. The LCa,d,g have similar K33/K11 (~ 1.2k31), but De (0.4e, 1.0e, 1.2e) and g1 (0.7g, 1.4g, 1.6g) are different. Here, the Tdiff of LCa,d,g is reduced although the effect is relatively less in LCa. From this result, we learned that optimization of the ratio of bend to splay elastic constant can reduce the Tdiff.
To adjust the flexoelectric coefficients, we facilitated the measurement method of the es and eb as demonstrated in Fig. 3. The measured coefficient difference (es – eb) of the newly developed LC0-4 (Table 1) is shown in Fig. 3a-d. To minimize errors from various factors, such as ion effects, surface anchoring strength difference between vertical and planar alignments, and inconsistency of electric field formation to FFS cells, we maintained the FFS cell structure, but changed the LC alignment vertical instead of the planar alignment as illustrated in Fig. 3e. As voltage is applied, fringe-electric fields are formed, and the vertically aligned LCs are slightly tilted near the electrode edges because of the relatively intensified vertical component of electric field strength. In this field formation, we can avoid the twist deformation unless the applied voltage reaches some critical voltage that leads to deformed LC director field, which has topological defects. Beyond this defect-generating threshold voltage, topological defects will be populated, which can be originated in which the LC is tilted towards in opposite direction to the adjacent electrode and crashed each other by failing of nematic head-to-tail continuity (Figure S3). We thus put our voltage application limited below the threshold voltage that generates such defects. After obtaining Tdiff with respect to the applied voltages, we conducted FEM simulation and extract the Tdiff with various es and eb. The measured values are in a good agreement with the voltage-dependent Tdiff curves for LC0 (at es – eb = -11), LC1 (at -1.5), LC2 (at -1), and LC3 (at -0.5) as shown in Fig. 3a-d, respectively. From this result, we learned that minimization of (es – eb) is important, which is encouraging and meaningful from the engineering perspective. Previously reported measurement methods, which typically gives the sum or the difference of the coefficients, require preceding knowledge of the materials parameters, for example, anchoring strength of surfaces, Dn, and De32,39,40. In our method, the LC tilt is very slight, and the top and bottom surfaces are all vertical alignments. Also, no twist deformation is involved. Thus, the errors caused by different anchoring strength of the top and bottom alignments and by involvement of twist deformation when applying lateral field to the hybrid-aligned cell to get (es – eb) can be prevented.
We then verified the agreement between FEM simulation and experimental measurement as shown in Fig. 3f-o. The POM images of LC0-4 at V = 4.5 V are shown in Fig. 3f-i. With crossed polarizers whose optic axes are 45° to the electric field direction, we were able to observe the light transmitting the crossed polarizers via experiencing the effective birefringence based on the slight tilt of LCs near the electrode edge. We produced POM-like images of LC0 (es = 2, eb = 13), LC1 (2, 3.5), LC2 (2, 3), LC3 (2, 2.5) by using the FEM simulation (Fig. 3j-m). The produced images are in a good agreement with the POM images (Fig. 3f-i). To understand the flexoelectric contribution in this system, we calculated LC director fields of LC0 and LC3 (Fig. 3n and 3o), which correspond to the POM-like images from Fig. 3j,m.
The solid circles indicate the region where the flexoelectric coupling is constructive whereas the dotted circles indicate the destructive region. For the sake of clarity, the contribution of splay and bend flexoelectric polarizations to the constructive and destructive couplings are separately illustrated in Fig. 3p. In the positive frame, assuming the splay deformation as illustrated in the first column (in the purple solid box (i)), the splay flexoelectric coupling is constructive because the vertical components of the splay polarization and electric field are in the same direction. In contrast, in the second column (in the bluish dotted box (ii)), the vertical component of the electric field is inverted, so the splay flexoelectric coupling is destructive in this region. Assuming the bend deformation under the same electric field formation in the third column (iii), the bend flexoelectric coupling is destructive because the bend flexoelectric polarization and the lateral component of the electric field is in opposite direction. In the fourth column (iv), the bend flexoelectric coupling is constructive because of the lateral component of the bend flexoelectric polarization is reverse. Likewise, we can illustrate the splay and bend flexoelectric couplings in the negative frame. This analysis manifests that the splay and bend flexoelectric couplings in the region (i, iii) contribute to the free energy of the system oppositely those in the region (ii, iv). This implies that if (es – eb) converges to zero, those splay and bend flexoelectric couplings would be mostly canceled out. (Figure S4)
From the measurement result of the flexoelectric coefficient difference (es – eb), we can know the minimization of (es – eb) allows us to suppress the Tdiff. First, based on the rationale about es from Fig. 1g,h, we deduced that the splay flexoelectric polarization of the sample mixtures is from the contribution of quadrupole. There might be small contribution of the perpendicular dipole moment in dipoles, but the fraction would be small. If so, in our sample mixture, es would be mostly dependent on the concentration of the constituent C3. Thus, once the concentration of es is determined, we could control the (es – eb) by adjusting the eb. In case of eb, we must consider that LCs have the perpendicular dipole. Note that, to control eb, we must be aware that increasing K33 also increases eb according to the Helfrich model. Despite the Helfrich model cannot perfectly predict each splay and bend flexoelectric coefficient of mixed constituents with different LC molecular shapes, we could utilize it for estimation of the flexoelectric coefficients because considering the concentration of each constituent may provide a quite simple way for the development.
To estimate eb dependent on parameters, we assumed three mixtures (A, B, C), which contain three-different constituents with concentrations (f1, f2, f3), those are, mixture A: f1 = 0.25, f2 = 0.50, f3 = 0.25; mixture B: f1 = 0.15, f2 = 0.60, f3 = 0.25; mixture C: f1 = 0.05, f2 = 0.70, f3 = 0.25. (See Table S1 for the assumption of materials and physical parameters for the estimation.) The mixture A shows that eb reaches about 12 pC/m by increasing K33 up to 20 pN. On the other hand, the mixture C shows eb reaches about 4.5 pC/m by increasing K33 up to the same value as shown in Fig. 4a. Based on this theoretical estimation, we tuned the LC parameters and evaluated the electro-optic properties of LC0-3 in the fabricated FFS cells as shown in Fig. 4. The measured and simulated voltage-dependent transmittances of LC0-3 are in a good agreement as shown in Fig. 4b. We also measured time-dependent transmittances in Fig. 4c and Figure S5. The coefficient difference of LC0 was measured as (es – eb = -11), which shows large Tdiff whereas LC1 (es – eb = -1.5) and LC2 (es – eb = -1) show reduced Tdiff, but the Tdrop of LC1,2 is huge. However, The LC3 shows enhanced Tdiff and Tdrop (es – eb = -0.5).
The FEM simulation of the time-dependent transmittance curves of LC3 shows similar Tdiff to the result we measured where es < 2 as shown in Fig. 4d. In the simulation results, even if the difference of coefficients is maintained, the Tdiff increases as es and eb increase, which is slightly deviated from result obtained by the FFS cell structure with the vertical alignment in Fig. 3. We believe this proves that the es and eb cannot be increased without consideration of K33 and K11 or other Helfrich parameters. The POM images were observed as shown in Fig. 4e-h, which can visualize the Tdiff measured in Fig. 4c. LC3 shows similar brightness whereas LC0 shows significant brightness difference between (+) and (-) frames. We also noticed that the brightness measured at 60Hz is less than that at 1Hz. Such higher transmittance can also be an advantage when adopting 1Hz refresh rate. For LC3, we verified that the splay and bend deformations are almost evenly occur at the region of interest via the calculated LC director fields as shown in Fig. 4i. The spatial transmittance curves proved the similarity in transmittance between the (+) and (-) frames.
Finally, we demonstrate the 1Hz-refresh-rate driving 13.4-inch WUXGA FFS-LCD in a laptop as shown in Fig. 5. The measured voltage-dependent luminance is shown in Fig. 5a. As we optimized the LC alignment material to high resistivity and improve the ion impurity of LCs, the VHR of LC0-4 was measured as 92, 94.7, 95.7, and 96.3%, respectively. The power consumption P was measured 0.36W at 60Hz and 0.06W at 1Hz as shown in Fig. 5c which we confirmed about 83% reduction. We verified the image quality is well-maintained as shown in the left panel of Video S1,2. The flicker of each sample was measured as LC0 (-47dB), LC1 (-55dB), LC2 (-58dB), and LC3 (-68dB) as shown in Fig. 5d. (See Video S1,2 for verification of the human eye perception to the quantified flicker level, and Methods for the determination of the flicker level.) We adopted so-called dot-inversion driving method to further reduce the flicker level as shown in Fig. 5e,f. The POM image shows R1, G2, B1 at (+) frame while R2, G1, B2 at (-) frame as shown in Fig. 5e and Video S3,4. The driving scheme is illustrated in Fig. 5f. As the oxide TFTs were adopted, we measured the voltage drop at a pixel depending on the off-current Ioff with respect to refresh rates 120, 60, 30, 10, 1Hz as shown in Fig. 5g. The oxide TFT shows the excellent voltage-holding property, which is one of the essential conditions for the 1Hz-refresh-rate driving. The time-dependent luminance curves of the developed panel were measured, which shows excellent Tdiff and Tdrop properties as shown in Fig. 5h. The developed panel is driven at 60Hz and 1Hz in Fig. 5i,j, respectively. In Video S1,2, the left screen clearly demonstrates the flicker-free prototype panel (the sample LC3) at 1Hz-refresh-rate and the right screen is a conventional panel (the sample LC0) driven at 1Hz-refresh-rate. Additionally, we played high-quality videos on both LCDs with 60Hz- and 10Hz-refresh-rates in the left and the right side respectively in Video S5, which shows almost indistinguishable video quality.