3.1. Change of temperature in the reactors
It has been proven that the optimum temperature is a stimulating factor on microbial growth rate, generally (Sigee, 2005). Some of the researchers reported that the effect of temperature (in the low range of changes, especially) on the category of kind and community of bacteria is not noticeable. The community of microorganisms can be affected by other main factors, such as pH, total phosphorus concentration, and, BOD loading rate than the temperature (Zhang et al., 2019, Liu et al., 2018b).
The differences between the temperature (°C) of the wastewater in the feeding container, the case 1 (after exposure of SMFs for one hour), case 2 (without exposure of SMFs) and, control samples during the time of the operation is demonstrated in Fig. 2.
There was a statistical difference (p < 0.05) between the mean temperature of MLSS in the feeding container (22.86 ± 0.80°C) and, the case 1 (29.75 ± 2.02°C) samples, between the case 1 and, control (23.74 ± 0.70°C) samples and, case 2 (24.37 ± 0.60°C). However, there weren't any differences between the mean of feeding container temperature with case 2 and control samples.
In the operation of the biological wastewater treatments processes, the maintenance of temperature in the recommended ranges is the basic challenge (Obaid et al., 2015). Furthermore, the microbial growth rate and degradation of organic matters caused generation of heat (Gostomski et al., 1997). However, as the pattern of flow in our study was continuous, the mean temperature raised in control samples was only 0.88°C more than feeding container.
Due to the passage of electricity through the solenoid and the generation of internal resistance, heat generation is inevitable. This mechanism is known as Joule heating (Agarwal et al., 2014). Since the only difference between three groups of samples was the exposure of the SMFs, it can be concluded that the application of SMFs causes the higher temperature in the case 1 samples (6.89°C), (6.04°C) and, (6.01°C) more than case 2 and, control samples, respectively. It seems that this increase in the temperature due to the effect of SMFs in case 1 (one hour of 24 hours) in the aeration reactors is a weak stimulus for the growth rate of microorganisms. However, increasing the reactor temperature can affect the dissolution of dissolved oxygen in bioreactors, too.
Finally, it seems that the interaction between the SMFs in increasing the liquid temperature of the aeration reactors in the short period of time and, according to the continuous flow pattern and keeping the concentration of dissolved oxygen between 2–3 mg/L during the operation of the systems in the aeration reactor, has no significant effect on the changes of the effective parameters.
3.2. DO concentration in the reactors
Microbial processes can be divided into aerobic and anaerobic processes in wastewater treatment. However, aerobic processes are more widely applied than anaerobic. Oxygen is the most important element for the metabolic and growth rate of aerobic microorganisms (Liu et al., 2006). The concentration of oxygen in water is called dissolved oxygen (DO) and, in the biological process, this amount of oxygen due to low solubility has the main role to control of bioprocess (Karimi et al., 2013). It has been proven that DO concentration is a factor that can limit the community and distribution of microorganisms (Tang et al., 2017). Operation of aeration reactor higher than 2 mg/L of DO concentration has a positive effect on floc formation. Nevertheless, providing this amount of oxygen in the aeration reactors is costly (Wilén and Balmér, 1999, Wilén, 2010).
The mean DO concentration in the case samples was 2.6 ± 0.32 (mg/L) and, in the control, samples was 2.6 ± 0.31(mg/L), during the operation of reactors, intentionally. This parameter in the feeding container was 0.38 ± 0.15 (mg/L). Based on statistical analysis, there were differences between the DO concentration in the feeding container compared to the case and control samples (p‹0.05), however, this difference between the case and control samples was not observed (p = 1.000). The concentration of DO (mg/L) in the feeding container and the aeration reactors is demonstrated in Fig. 3.
The main aim of this study was to increase the transfer of DO from wastewater into the biomass by applying SMFs to make optimal use of oxygen in an aeration reactor at the proposed concentration of DO (2–4 mg/L), which is discussed in the following section.
3.3. Oxygen mass transfer (OMT)
In the discussion of the operation and design of an aerobic bioreactor, one limiting factor is the growth rate of microorganisms, also known as the mass transfer of oxygen (Moucha et al., 2003). Some parameters can affect the rate of oxygen mass transfer (OMT) such as biomass concentration, type and rate of the aeration, hydrodynamic qualification, solids retention time (SRT) and, biofilms conditions (Tang et al., 2015, Garrido-Baserba et al., 2017). OMT and volumetric OMT coefficient (KLa) are the two most important parameters to evaluate biofilms quality in the wastewater treatment processes (Guimerà et al., 2016, Liu et al., 2018a). In this way, KLa and α-factor (0.25–0.65) are used to estimate the OMT quality in the wastewater (Pino-Herrera et al., 2018).
In AS process, MLSS (mg/L) is the main propellant agent for controlling KLa and α-factor. MLSS must be between 10–15 g/L to have a basic efficiency in the transfer of oxygen (Germain et al., 2007, Liu et al., 2018a). The range of α-factor on air diffusers is 0.3–0.85 (Baquero-Rodríguez et al., 2019).
α-factor can be estimated from the following equation:
α = \(\frac{{\text{K}}_{\text{L}}\text{a} \left(\text{p}\text{r}\text{o}\text{c}\text{e}\text{s}\text{s} \text{w}\text{a}\text{t}\text{e}\text{r}\right)}{{\text{K}}_{\text{L}}\text{a} \left(\text{c}\text{l}\text{e}\text{a}\text{n} \text{w}\text{a}\text{t}\text{e}\text{r}\right)}\) (4)
KLa is a volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (1/h)
One equation to estimate the α-factor is based on the concentration of MLVSS. This is a contrary correlation between the α-factor and MLVSS. When MLVSS is 1–12 g/L, equation five is proposed to calculate α-factor (Henkel et al., 2011) :
α-factor = \(-0.062 \text{M}\text{L}\text{V}\text{S}\text{S}+0.972\pm 0.070\) (5)
There is a linear relationship between the α-factor, and SRT (1–25 days). The relationship between three main parameters (MLSS, α-factor and SRT) in the case samples of the aeration reactor is shown in Fig. 4.
As consumption of substrate by microorganisms increasing SRT during the operation of system, so the rate of α-factor increases with increasing sludge age. Equation six is suggested to measure this relationship (Henkel et al., 2011):
α-factor = \(0.019 \text{S}\text{R}\text{T}+0.533\pm 0.093\) (6)
The correlation between MLSS (mg/L) and α-factor is negative linear equation (y = -0.003x + 0.9269). Morever, this correlation with SRT (d) is positive linear equation (y = x).
In Fig. 5. the relationship between MLSS, α-factor, and SRT in the control samples is demonstrated.
The relationship between the MLSS, α-factor, and operation time of the system in the control samples was like the case samples, too.
The aeration methods in WWTPs is a costly process (about 15 to 49% of total energy consumed by a plan) and, saving energy, especially in the discussion of increasing the efficiency of oxygen to generate higher biomass must be considered (Drewnowski et al., 2019). Nowadays, the operation of the aeration reactors with a low concentration of DO for saving energy suggested (Fan et al., 2017). These methods are not suitable for diffuser aeration, as the agitation of the MLSS, has been supplied by the force of air which entering the depth of the reactors.
By exposure of MFs in biological processes, the rate of oxygen transfer into the cell of microorganisms increases. This impact was on the increasing amount of α-factor. When the differences between the two figures (4 and 5) were carefully evaluated, it was found that the slope of the regression equation was different, especially, through the application of SMFs in the intensity of 15 mT for one hour, daily. At the beginning of the processes, the amount of α-factor in both reactors was − 48.63 and over time it decreased. However, the decrease of α-factor at the end of one-month operation of the systems in the case reactor was − 131.243 (slop of line was − 0.003) and, in the control was − 107.032 (slop of line was − 0.002), therefore α-factor at the end of the operation in the case samples − 24.211 unit was less than the control samples and, the rate of the slop decreased by -0.001 in the case samples, approximately.
Fan et al. reported that with increasing SRT in the process of AS, the rate of α-factor is reduced. In this condition with increasing sludge age, the size of flocs gets smaller than the start-up of a system (Pendry and Salvatore, 2015).
3.4. Changes of pH in the reactors
MFs could increase the pH of water when the intensity of MFs is 0.15 and 0.2 T. This phenomenon is related to the increases the concentration of carbonate in water (Alabdraba et al., 2013). Dissociation of bicarbonate (calcium and magnesium) and, water happened by exposure of MFs. The result of this interaction is hydroxide calcium and magnesium (strong bases) which causes an increase in pH (AbdelHady et al., 2011). As MFs stimulated the rate of bacterial growth rate in the wastewater, a fall in pH in the solution or the external of bacteria (such as E.coli) by decomposition of glucose, happened (Sánchez-Clemente et al., 2018). So it seems that the changes in wastewater pH are unimpressive when the intensity of SMFs is 15 mT and the flow pattern is continuous.
Based on statistical analysis, no significant changes were observed in the pH of all samples in the aeration reactors (p›0.05). Changes in pH value during 30 days of the operation in the feeding container, the case, and, control samples in the aeration reactors are illustrated in Fig. 6.
It must be considered that the intensity of 15 mT of SMFs for one hour in the continuous flow pattern of CMAS, was not in such a way to cause major changes in the pH of the solution between the case and, control samples. According to this, there is no need to adjust the pH of MLSS in the aeration reactors, as the SMFs did not change the pH of aeration contents more than the recommended range. Moreover, the typical pH for the most biological processes is 6 to 9 (Metcalf et al., 2014).
In 1987, McMeekin et al suggested the gamma hypothesis for microbial growth rate. Based on this hypothesis which has been later confirmed by other researchers, the effect of environmental conditions on the growth of the microorganisms, has an independent role (Chandler and McMeekin, 1989, Leroi et al., 2012).
3.5. Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)
According to the result of the analysis of data in terms of evaluation of MLSS in the aeration reactors, the concentration of MLSS (mg/L) in the case and, control samples was not statistically different (p = 0.107), as shown in Fig. 7, however, In both reactors, the concentration of MLSS increased, daily.
Removal of BOD in the aeration reactors is based upon first-order kinetic, however, changes of BOD in the reactor with the application of SMFs were similar to second-order kinetic.
At the beginning of the experiments (first 10 days), the changes in MLSS concentration were similar in both reactors. However, a trend changes of MLSS concentration in the second and third 10 days was growing. This correlation is illustrated in Fig. 8.
The relationship between MLSS, pH, and temperature in both reactors is illustrated in Fig. 9. The red dots of the places indicate the concentration of MLSS. As it is clear, at a temperature of about 30 (°C) and pH of around 7.8, the concentration of MLSS was more than in the other area in the case samples (Fig. 9 on the right). However all the red dots (concentration of MLSS) for control samples accumulated at temperatures under 25.34 (°C) and pH around 7.75 (Fig. 9 on the left).
Zieliński et al in their research reported that SMFs could improve MLSS in the aeration reactors of AS by about 470 ± 20 mg/L in the case samples (3420 ± 710 mg/L) higher than the control samples (2950 ± 670 mg/L) (Zieliński et al., 2017b).
3.6. Mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS)
In AS process, the density of microorganisms in the aeration reactor can be estimated by measurement of the concentration of MLVSS (mg/L), approximately (Gerardi, 2011).
In Fig. 10. effect of SMFs (15 mT) on MLVSS in the case samples compared to the control samples, was illustrated. Although the changes in MLVSS at the beginning of the process were imperceptible, however, the difference between the mean of MLVSS in two groups of samples increased and becomes statistically significant, over time (p‹0.05).
The correlation between the concentration of MLSS in both groups (the case and control) was not statistically significant. However, in terms of MLVSS, this difference is significant. The SMFs, have the properties to affect on the growth rate of living components of MLSS, not the non-living components. The relationship between the improvement of MLVSS over time in both groups is shown in Fig. 10.
There was a linear correlation between MLVSS and the time of the operation of the systems in the control samples. However, the paterrn of the growth of MLVSS in the case samples was look like a second-order reaction. Therefore, it can be said that the rate of growth in the average concentration of the microorganisms or MLVSS in the case samples was higher than in the control samples.
The correlation between MFs and the growth rate of microorganisms is not linear. This phenomenon is called "biological window effect" (Křiklavová et al., 2014, Zieliński et al., 2018). It must be mentioned that the changes of MLVSS concentration in first 10 days of operation in the case and control samples were not observed as shown in Fig. 11.
In the second 10 days of the operation of the system, changes the MLVSS (mg/L) were observed. To determine the changes in trend and a correlation between temperature, pH value, and concentration of MLVSS, contour line diagrams have been used. The red dots were gathered around a pH of 7.89 and, temperature was gathered between 28.62 to 32.5 (° C) in the case samples, as shown in Fig. 12 on the right. These trends and correlations of pH and temperature are illustrated for the control samples, too (Fig. 12 on the left). As specified, the accumulation of data was between 22.8 and 25.32 (° C) and pH 7.75, approximately.
It seems that, despite the positive and incremental trend changes of MLVSS in the case samples, when compared to the control samples, no changes occurred in the pH of both groups. One main reason for this is related to a pattern of flow. As a continuous flow pattern was used in our study, changes in pH in two groups of samples were not significant.
3.7. Flocs density and bonds structures
In Fig. 13 the flocs structure (1000x magnification) at the outlets of the aeration reactors in the case and the control samples on the 30th day of the operation of systems by light microscope is shown.
As it is clear, the number and density of flocs on the case sample was higher than in the control sample. In Fig. 14 image of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in the case and, control samples on the 15th day of the operation of the system is illustrated.
The size of flocs (0.22 µm/div) in the case sample was 1.28 µm higher than the control sample (1.5 µm/div). Mikkelsen and Keiding (Mikkelsen and Keiding, 2002) reported that, the typical flocs' size is 129 ± 109 µm. SMFs could improve the density of flocs in the aeration reactors of CMAS when the intensity of SMFs was 15 mT (Asgari et al., 2021). MFs can improve sedimentation of sludge due to an inhibitory effect on the growth rate of filamentous bacteria (Zieliński et al., 2018).
In addition to the generation of higher flocs by SMFs, the size of flocs increased, too. By application of 15 mT SMFs for one hour daily on the aeration reactor density of flocs could be increased. An interesting point in this section of the study was that the surface of flocs when exposed to SMFs was rough. However, the surface of the flocs without the application of SMFs was not so uneven.
In order to determine possible chemical changes in the sludge properties FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) spectra was used for flocs in output of settled sludge in the clarifier reactors in two groups of samples that were demonstrated in Fig. 15.
FTIR analysis is a method to determine the functional variation of the chemical groups in flocs of MLSS. Based on analyses of wavenumbers, the percent of transmittance in the sharp peaks of the case (17 sharp peaks) was higher than the control (10 sharp peaks) sample in all bonds of the chemical substances. These sharp peaks indicated that the density of materials in the case samples was higher. It can be concluded that by application of SMFs (15 mT) the ultimate target of the wastewater treatment in the aeration reactors is obtained by generating a higher density of flocs for higher settling in the clarifier.
Ren et al reported that intensity of 15–25 mT of MFs improves the metabolism of bacteria by the effect of more generation of dehydrogenase and, more consumption of substrate (Ren et al., 2018). In this study, The spectra of amid I' (1440 cm-1) and II' (1650 cm-1) areas related to hydrogenase bonds in the case samples were higher than in the control samples and, this indicates that the microbial growth rate in the samples in which the SMFs applied was higher due to higher production of hydrogenase enzyme.