Patient selection and sample calculation
The trial was carried out at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Pernambuco (FOP/UPE), Camaragibe, PE, Brazil. Patients seeking orofacial pain treatment or referred to treatment at the FOP/UPE were screened. The inclusion criteria were: pain in the TMJ for > 3 months, pain on palpation at the TMJ, the presence of joint noise during mandibular function (clicking and/or crepitation), limited mouth opening (< 40 mm), limitation of mouth lateral movements and protrusion (< 8 mm), and a visual analog scale (VAS) score between 20 and 90 mm. The exclusion criteria were: patients who had received treatment in the last 3 months for TMD; inability to maintain dental occlusion or poorly adapted prosthodontics, and patients with primary complaints of orofacial pain clearly not directly related to TMD. This initial screening resulted in a total of 215 patients presenting signs and symptoms of TMD as the chief complaints (Flowchart 1).
The sample size for the trial was calculated a priori with the BioEstat 5.0 software based on an independent pilot study with 12 patients divided into two groups of six subjects each. Considering Student's t-test for independent samples to assess the pain variable (the mean and standard deviation), an α level (significance) of 5%, and a β level (power) of 80%, each group would require 20 patients.
A second line of exclusion criteria was applied to avoid patients not eligible for the DC/TMD protocol and also to avoid those who presented TMD as well as comorbidities that could generate confounding bias. Of the original 215 subjects, 141 were excluded for the following reasons: odontalgia (n = 32), missing anterior teeth without proper rehabilitation (n = 31), chronic primary cephalgia (migraine/tension type headache; n = 21), neuropathic pain (n = 18), cervicalgia (n = 13), bruxism (n = 10), sinusitis (n = 9), repetitive ear infection (n = 3), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 2), and fibromyalgia (n = 2). The 74 remaining subjects presented clear signs and symptoms and no major comorbidities; however, 8 subjects were children and, therefore, were excluded from the sample.
The DC/TMD was then applied to 66 participants. Panoramic radiography, laminography, and/or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) were performed on all patients to assist the proper DC/TMD classification and imaging interpretation was performed by one calibrated radiologist. In addition, a calibrated digital algometer was used to aid in physical examination (FPX10 Algometer, 5 0.005 kgf; Wagner Instruments, Greenwich, CT, USA). Eleven subjects, with minor signs and symptoms, were excluded because they had no indication for occlusal splints or pharmacological treatment. They were informed about their benign condition and responded well to simple self-management techniques. Three other subjects did not want to be part of the randomization process. The remaining 52 patients were selected for randomization and made up a relatively homogenous sample of patients presenting persistent and clinically relevant TMD, with a significant impact to quality of life and no clear identifiable comorbid at this point.
Randomization and group allocation
Randomization was carried out through the program available on the website A total of 27 subjects were allocated to Group 1 (G1), which consisted of standard multifactorial care under the biopsychosocial paradigm of TMD/orofacial pain, and 25 subjects were allocated to Group 2 (G2), which consisted of a medical model of joint pathology investigation applied to the field of TMD, based on measurable neurophysiological data, laboratory tests, and nuclear MRI for both the diagnosis and the treatment management.
G1: The biopsychosocial model
Patients in G1 underwent an intense educational process about their condition. They were informed about the non-malignant nature of their disease and the importance of treatment as a fundamental point of clinical improvement, and they were required to watch a video about self-management of orofacial pain. They were also instructed on how to apply moist heat for muscle pain and how to perform ROM exercises and ice application for joint pain. An upper arch Michigan-type myorelaxant plate/stabilization splint, described in the literature as a flat occlusal plate made of hard acrylic or polycarbonate material and designed to promote occlusal stability and decrease muscle tension[37–39], was produced for all patients in this group. Bite registration was obtained by mandibular manipulation; the occlusion registration was taken in wax, not exceeding 3 mm (preferably between 2 and 3 mm). The cast models were mounted in a semi-adjustable articulator with the corresponding bite registration. The splints were then constructed of thermo-polymerized acrylic and adjusted according to the standard, with evenly distributed occlusal contacts from the lower jaw teeth as well as proper canine and incisal guidance during excursive movements (Fig. 1). Analgesic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were also prescribed as necessary. Physical therapy, dry needling, and acupuncture was also applied as needed.
Figure 1
G2 group: mensurable model of neurophysiology and TMJ pathology for diagnosis and treatment
Patients in G2 also underwent the same educational process about self-management of symptoms and alternative treatments. However, considering that the taxonomic nature of DC/TMD classification is insufficient for the differential diagnosis in terms of TMJ pathology[32, 40–45], a more detailed assessment was performed to identify evidence of infection, autoimmunity, inflammation, and/or biomechanical problems (trauma, microtrauma/occlusion). Therefore, only patients in G2 underwent nuclear MRI before and after treatment; blood serological tests for known arthritogenic pathogens such as antistreptolysin O (ALSO) for beta-hemolytic Streptococcus and immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM for Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia/Chlamydophila pneumoniae; signs of inflammation such as FAN-HEp-2 (antinuclear factor), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein [hs-CRP]), and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR); and extensive neurophysiological and pathological screening with biometric tools such as surface electromyography (EMG), jaw tracking, and mastication analysis.
Once the data were collected, a differential diagnosis of arthropathy in regard to infection, autoimmunity, inflammation, and biomechanical problems was performed. The patients were then informed of the nature of their condition, allowing them to understand treatment goals and limitations, and the importance of their commitment to treatment according to their specific arthropathy.
G2 treatment protocols
Treatment for patients in G2 was designed to reestablish orthopedic craniomandibular homeostasis by means of decompression obtained with electronic deprogramming and maintained by an anatomic-functional orthotic[32, 46, 47], fitted in the lower arch, combined with an intervention targeting the main etiological factors (infection, autoimmunity, and inflammation), according to the differential diagnosis. Due to limitations in the study design and resources, it was not possible to diagnose and treat possible underlying microcirculation, vascular, endocrine, and metabolic problems that may have been implicated.
Orthopedic decompression and three-dimensional (3D) alignment of the mandible
All patients in G2 underwent electronic deprogramming of the mandibular muscles with a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device (BioTENS™, BioResearch Associates Inc. Milwaukee, WI USA), in conjunction with a jaw tracking device (JT-3D™, BioResearch Associates Inc. Milwaukee, WI USA) to assist in determining the neuromuscular rest position of the mandible and to evaluate the freeway space and the 3D position of the jaw. This functional information was combined with MRI data to help determine the craniomandibular relationship with optimized biomechanics and less joint nociception. Then, an orthopedic bite registration was made with polyvinyl siloxane. The casts were mounted in a simple articulator with the corresponding orthopedic registration. A lower anatomical and functional acrylic orthotic was constructed based on the 3D craniomandibular relationship (Figs. 2 and 3). The patients were asked to use the anatomical-functional orthotic at all times, including for mastication, removing it only for cleaning. As mentioned previously, the purpose was to support the decompression achieved by the electronic deprogramming and to establish orthopedic homeostasis, which was impaired by structural damage to the TMJ[31, 40, 48–50]. The patients were informed about the implication of the impact of orthopedic maxillary-mandibular change in occlusion due to prolonged use, as well as its goals and limitations.
Figure 2 and 3
Temporomandibular arthropathy of infectious origin
Based on a combination of imaging, serological and biometric data, the patients in G2 who were considered to have active temporomandibular arthropathy of an infectious origin were treated by proper antibiotic treatment, a slightly modified version of the protocol by Carter et al. (2010). Patients presenting TMJ damage attributed to previous infection that appeared to have resolved or were in a non-active situation were not treated with antibiotics. They were informed about their condition and oriented to recognize and report any sign of arthritogenic activity that could indicate reinfection from either endogenous or exogenous origin. This is important because some intracellular arthritogenic pathogens may assume a long-lasting latent state[51–54] or induce autoimmune reactive arthritis[53, 55–58]. They were also informed about the impact of this diagnosis on TMJ stability over time and their commitment to treatment and awareness of the aforementioned circumstances.
Temporomandibular arthropathy of autoimmune origin
Based on a combination of imaging, blood analysis markers, and biometric data, the patients in G2 who were considered positive for autoimmunity were subsequently evaluated by rheumatologists to determine whether they fulfilled the criteria for any specific rheumatic disease. The decision to use or not use disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD) or other anti-rheumatic drugs was left to the rheumatologist, according to the severity, arthritogenic activity, and, eventually, a medical diagnosis of a rheumatic disease. Subclinical to mild autoimmune manifestation, with either local (TMJ) or systemic (other joints and/or organs) symptoms, were treated conservatively with supplements that have been described in the literature as immunomodulators and clinically indicated to control oxidative stress, such as vitamin D3, omega 3, and resveratrol[59–62]. In addition, basic nutritional information was provided to avoid dietary toxins associated with autoimmunity[63]. In some cases, low doses of naltrexone[46, 64–66] were prescribed by a preventive medicine physician.
Patients with this diagnosis were informed about the progressive nature of autoimmune conditions, especially the fluctuation between flare-ups and silent periods of arthritogenic activity. It was explained how this process impacts TMJ stability over time and, consequently, the occlusion. The patients were also informed about the importance of their own commitment to nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle changes to gain control in terms of immunomodulation and deceleration of autoimmune activity.
Biomechanical (related to trauma and microtrauma/occlusion) and inflammatory arthropathies
Biomechanical and inflammatory components of temporomandibular arthropathy were identified both alone and in combination with infection and/or autoimmunity, because trauma is a completely independent variable (as an etiological factor), while inflammation may be found in any type of temporomandibular arthropathy. In subjects with only biomechanical components, the treatment focused only on the orthopedic aspect of the treatment. When possible, inflammation was preferably managed from an etiological perspective instead of by palliative care. However, all accessory palliative and pharmacological medicines (analgesic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, myorelaxants, antidepressants, etc.) were available for patients in G1 were also available for patients in G2, if needed.
In summary, all patients in G2 were informed about the etiological and pathophysiological nature of their diagnosis and the goals and limitations of their individualized treatment, which consist of three pillars: (1) the orthopedic realignment and maintenance with an anatomical-functional orthotic; (2) cause-focused etiological treatment for both local (TMJ) and systemic (biological terrain) factors, and (3) biometric data and imaging monitoring to evaluate how the TMJ is responding to treatment, recalibrating or changing the orthotic every time the measured neurophysiological parameters demonstrated a need, due to joint nociception or remodeling.
Data collection and assessment tools for all patients
The parameters described below were evaluated in three stages for both groups: time one (T1), before treatment and after the initial exams, time two (T2), 2–3 months after the start of the treatment with intraoral appliance, time three (T3), 6–9 months after beginning of treatment. Pain intensity evaluation was carried out with a standard 100 mm VAS with a numerical order from 0 (without pain) to 10 (maximum possible pain). ROM measurements at maximum mouth opening without assistance, right and left lateral excursion, and protrusion were recorded with a digital caliper, duly calibrated and measured by a trained evaluator (Table 1).
Masticatory muscle recruitment was recorded using a computed surface EMG unit (BioEMG™, Bioresearch Associates Inc. Milwaukee, WI USA). Six channels were used for the anterior temporalis, masseter, and anterior digastric muscles for both sides. The tests were dynamic, consisting of opening and closing, maximal clenching, swallowing, and the EMG decompression test with cotton rolls[40].
Blinding and calibration
Aside from being aware that intraoral devices were an integral part of treatment, patients were blind to the inherent procedures of each group and to the specific features of the appliances. Each patient was scheduled so that they had no contact with any other patient.
Patients in G1 were treated by a certified orofacial pain specialist who could perform all standard procedures to adjust the Michigan splint, as well as prescribe alternative therapy (pharmacological, physical therapy, dry needling, counseling, etc.). This specialist did not have access to the patients in G2 and was blind to all data related to G2. Patients in G2 were treated by a certified TMJ pathology professional, who could perform all procedures to calibrate the anatomical-functional orthotics under the TMJ pathology and neurophysiology paradigm and prescribe complementary treatment targeting etiological factors. This professional did not have access to the patients in G1 and was blind to all data related to G1. A third independent evaluator, blind to the patient allocation, was in charge of collecting the VAS, ROM, and EMG decompression test data at the three evaluation times (T1, T2, and T3).
MRI and blood test analysis
This evaluation was only done for the G2 group because it is an integral part of TMJ pathology screening protocol[32, 46, 47]. One calibrated radiologist, blind to the treatment, analyzed the TMJ MRI scans at diagnosis and after treatment and described the morphology; the disc and condyle positioning; the tissue features of the disc; the retrodiscal area and ligaments; and the presence of facets, erosions, joint effusion, and bone marrow abnormalities such as necrosis and sclerosis.
Blood laboratory results and interpretation
Patients with FAN-HEp2 titers equal or above 1/160 were considered positive. The FAN-HEp2 pattern was also considered. An ASLO titer ≥ 150 IU/mL was considered positive. The CRP test was considered high (positive) with values between 1.0 and 4.0 mg/dL, and the ESR was positive for values > 19 mm for women and > 9 mm for men. Quantitative indirect immunofluorescence (IFI) for IgG and IgM was performed to detect serum antibodies against most known arthritogenic pathogens such as Chlamydia trachomatis, C. pneumoniae, and M. pneumoniae. The serological IgG and IgM results were interpreted according to the kinematics and half-life of the antibodies. IgG was interpreted as indicative of previous contact with antigens and IgM was interpreted as indicative of recent contact and active infection. However, non-detection by IFI did not necessarily imply the absence of the antibody: The timing for detection may not have been appropriate. In addition, the absence of IgM does not rule out infection when IgG is positive, because some metabolically active intracellular arthritogenic pathogens may downregulate antigen expression by the host cell[56, 67]. Due to these particularities, IgG and IgM IFI was repeated in a timely manner. The interpretation is summarized below:
IgG (-) and IgM (-) means the patient is negative for an infection. The test should be repeated in 45 days.
IgG (-) and IgM (+) means that the patient is positive for a recent/acute infection. Specific antibiotic therapy is indicated.
IgG (+) and IgM (+) means that the patient is positive for an ongoing infection. Specific antibiotic therapy is indicated.
IgG (+) and IgM (-) with a high IgG titer (two times the threshold cutoff) means that the patient has an ongoing infection. It is possible that the test was done just after the half-life of IgM. A paired test should be performed* for confirmation in 60 days. If other clinical parameters indicative of infection are present, antibiotic treatment may be indicated.
IgG (+) and IgM (-) with a low IgG titer means that the patient has been exposed to pathogens and has recovered. The patient is less likely to have an active infection, but a paired test* is required in 60 days.
*An increase in the IgG titer in a paired test is indicative of an active infection, independently of the IgM titer.
Statistical analysis
Inferential analyses were considered significant when the p-value was < 0.05. The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to determine whether the data followed a normal distribution. Student’s t-test for independent samples was used to analyze normally distributed data. For data without a normal distribution, the Mann–Whitney U test was used for intergroup evaluation and the Wilcoxon test was used for intra-group evaluation.