During postnatal development the various components of the core axial and appendicular skeleton generally show positive allometry with body size in giraffes (Mitchell 2021). The components of the axial and appendicular skeleton exhibit a high degree of morphological integration as determined by shared developmental origins and functional integration (Randau and Goswami, no date; Hanot et al., 2017; Arlegi, Veschambre-Couture and Gómez-Olivencia, 2020; Mallo, Buffetaut and Diaz, 2021). Within those constraints specific components can be modified for specialized functions such as the change in forelimb function of hominids from locomotion to grasping (Pouydebat et al., 2008; Stamos and Alemseged, 2023) and the extension of the neck in giraffes. However, the length of the neck, particularly compared to the forelegs, grows proportionally faster (Mitchell, 2021). These specialized adaptations of core skeletal components require compensatory changes in other skeletal components to maintain overall functional integration. For example, to maintain balance and locomotion the evolutionary extension of the giraffe’s neck required shortening the trunk and shifting the neck to be more posteriorly positioned above the forelegs. Giraffes’ lofty stature is not only contributed by their long neck but also by extending the legs and lengthening the scapula and thoracic dorsal spines compared to other artiodactyls. The morphological integration of these changes places considerable allometric constraints on individual variation. Nonetheless, we found significant sexual dimorphisms in core axial and appendicular skeletal components in Masai giraffes. Specifically, adult females have proportionally longer necks and trunks, whereas males have proportionally longer forelegs and wider necks. These BpSD are seen in captive and wild adult Masai giraffes and their magnitudes are virtually identical. This finding supports the hypothesis that the BpSDs are largely, if not entirely, genetically determined and justifies the use of captive giraffes to interrogate postnatal development of these traits.
At birth we found no differences in core body proportions between captive female and male calves. The growth rate of male calves is faster than females during the first year, but BpSDs do not become statistically significant until sometime after the third year when giraffes are beginning to reach sexual maturity. These BpSDs are therefore likely to be determined by hormonal differences between the sexes that arise during puberty in a similar manner for sexual dimorphisms in other species (Cox, Stenquist and Calsbeek, 2009).
We speculate that the adaptive function of the body proportion dimorphisms in Masai giraffes are twofold: (1) The extension of the axial skeleton in female giraffes serves to expand the browsing lateral range by lengthening the neck and to provide sufficient space for prenatal development by lengthening the body trunk. Observation of feeding behavior of female giraffes indicates that their long necks are advantageous in reaching deep into acacia thickets horizontally(Mitchell, 2021) rather than reaching at the tops of trees. Thus, female giraffes, through the proportional extension of the axial skeleton, have increased the horizontal dimension to effect higher reproductive capacity. (2) The proportional extension of the forelegs and increased withers height serves to enhance male mating competitiveness by increasing the vertical height of the anterior body trunk. As a result, the proximal base of the neck is elevated, and the forelegs are longer potentially providing increased leverage during body-pushing competitions. Additionally, the slope of the back increases which accentuates the appearance of size and dominance. The shortening of the body trunk in males compared to females also further enhances this appearance. These BpSDs combined with the large body size sexual dimorphism results in an overall imposing stature of a mature adult male.
Male giraffes establish a dominance hierarchy by dominance display behavior and through physical contact with each other. Male-male physical contact includes body-pushing (e.g., shoulder-shoulder engagement) and neck sparring behavior (Coe, 1967; Pratt and Anderson, 1985). Dominant males are usually but not always larger (Dagg and Foster, 1976; Pratt and Anderson, 1985), and we speculate that withers height is likely to be more advantageous than longer necks. Once dominance relationships have been established, male giraffes remember and recognize males of higher rank by sight (Pratt and Anderson, 1985). Most male-male interactions are low intensity involving behavioral displays, body pushing, and neck sparring behavior (Coe, 1967; Pratt and Anderson, 1985). High intensity neck-fighting is rare, and usually involves individuals that are unknown to each other (Pratt and Anderson, 1985). Whether females choose mates based upon size and appearance is unknown because copulation in the wild is rarely observed and paternity is never known.
We propose that the male-biased BpSD are evolutionarily tied to the large male-biased body size sexual dimorphism (SSD) seen in giraffes. Male biased SSD evolved primarily in ungulate species with comparatively large body size and that are polygynous, social, and occur in open habitats (McPherson and Chenoweth, 2012, Pérez-Barbería, et al, 2002, Polák and Frynta, 2009; Roylance-Casson, 2021; Cameron and du Toit, 2007). The presence of male-biased SSD in giraffes but not in Okapia johnstoni, the giraffe’s closest existing relative, is largely consistent with these trends. Giraffes are larger, more social, and occur in open habitats, whereas okapis are exclusively found in closed canopy forests (Stanton et al., 2014). Male biased SSD is argued to be the product of sexual selection particularly in polygynous species where all females will be reproductively successful but not all males will be (McPherson and Chenoweth, 2012). Female giraffes begin reproduction as early as the third year and may continue to produce offspring throughout their lives. By contrast male giraffes have a much shorter window for reproduction because males are not successful in mating until they become large enough to outcompete other males, and their lifespan is approximately 25% shorter than females in captivity and in the wild (Lacky and LaRue, 1997; Berry and Bercovitch, 2012; Bercovitch and Berry, 2017). The much shorter lifespan of male giraffes is almost certainly due to the considerable cost to their skeletal health of having 30–40% higher body mass (Hall-Martin, 1977; Mitchell, 2021; Roylance-Casson, 2021). The increase in body mass, with the largest fraction compressed on top of the forelegs, results in foreleg joint and hoof dysfunction as male giraffes reach 15 years of age. In addition to poorer skeletal health, adult males are less likely than females to survive severe droughts because they require proportionally more nutrition to survive (Mitchell, van Sittert and Skinner, 2010). Mitchell (Mitchell, 2021) has persuasively argued that giraffes, and particularly male giraffes, have pushed the limits of the skeletal system to withstand the gravitation force exerted by the mass of the anterior trunk, neck, and head stacked on top of their long, spindly forelegs. The elevation of the forelegs and wither height and trunk shortening in adult males as reported herein exacerbates this physical challenge by shifting additional body mass over the forelegs. Differential niche occupation has been proposed as a potential explanation for SSD in giraffes and other large herbivores (Ruckstuhl and Neuhaus, 2002). Male and female giraffes do tend to browse at different levels and may select different types of browse (Ginnett and Demment, 1999; Cameron and du Toit, 2007; Mramba et al., 2017). However, the substantial cost of male giraffe stature to longevity and resilience argues against this hypothesis as the primary selective pressure that resulted in SSD. We assert that dominance competitions and access to mating are the major drivers of sexual selection for male-biased SSD and BpSD. For male giraffes, having an elevated anterior body trunk and appearing to be bigger is believed to determine the degree of reproductive success (Pratt and Anderson, 1985), but has yet to be proved with genetic evidence of reproductive success differences among male phenotypes.
While we favor sexual selection as the explanation for the size and body proportion sexual dimorphisms in giraffes, the overwhelming evidence supports the hypothesis that the giraffe’s long neck and tall stature evolved through natural selection by foraging competition with other ungulate browsers (Cameron and du Toit, 2007; Wilkinson and Ruxton, 2012) and not by sexual selection. While the necks for sex hypothesis has been refuted (Mitchell, Van Sittert and Skinner, 2009; van Sittert, Skinner and Mitchell, 2010; Mitchell, 2021) and amended by authors (Simmons and Altwegg, 2010), it remains a more appealing explanation to the public and popular science (Luntz, 2022; Wang et al., 2022). The cornerstone of the necks for sex hypothesis is the prediction that male giraffes should have proportionally longer necks (Simmons and Scheepers, 1996). However, Mitchell and coworkers (Mitchell, Van Sittert and Skinner, 2009; Mitchell et al., 2013; Mitchell, 2021) have shown that for the South African giraffes (G.c. giraffa) females have proportionally longer necks than males. Our study on Masai giraffes (G.c. tippelskirchi) confirm their finding that adult females have proportionally longer necks than adult males. But in contrast to South African giraffes where males apparently have longer trunks (Mitchell et al., 2013; Mitchell, 2021), we found that body trunks are proportionally longer in female Masai giraffes than males. In addition, we found that mature adult male giraffes have proportionally longer forelegs, consistent with the findings for South African giraffes as well as and Angolan giraffes, G.c. angolensis (Silberbauer, Strydom and Hoffman, 2021). It is important to note that in addition to these body proportion sex differences, mature adult male giraffes have greatly thickened secondary ossicones, and the primary ossicones are enlarged and more extensively ossified (Pratt and Anderson, 1985) than in females. In addition, the male neck is thicker laterally due to increased muscle mass. While we observed some variation in these secondary sex characteristics in males, we did not observe any females that displayed these male-specific secondary sex characteristics.
Although our studies on Masai giraffes and previously published studies on South African giraffes refute the major claims and predictions of the necks for sex hypothesis for the evolution of the giraffe’s long neck, male neck fighting almost certainly has an important function, and this form of male combat requires an extraordinarily long neck. Evidence from the fossil record of ancestral species to giraffes indicate that long legs evolved first followed by elongation of the neck (Mitchell, 2021). Mitchell has proposed that long legs evolved to compete for browse at higher levels but were allometrically constrained to extend their legs further and then evolutionary pressures elongated the neck (Mitchell, 2021).
The mean body proportion sex differences define stereotypical male and female giraffe phenotypes: females with long necks and trunks and males with long forelegs and wide necks. However, we discovered some individuals of both sexes that displayed opposite-sex body proportion phenotypes in captive and wild giraffes. Captive males exhibited the largest fraction of discordant phenotypes. In the majority of these exceptional cases, a departure from expected sex phenotype was due to a difference in the axial to appendicular ratio, and not to just one part of the skeleton. Differential growth regulation of the giraffe’s axial and appendicular skeleton is suggested by the discovery and characterization of two wild giraffes that displayed disproportionate dwarfism characterized by shortened legs but normal neck and trunk (Brown and Wells, 2020). Under this model, downstream axial and appendicular specific growth factors would need to regulate the additional expansion of neck in females and forelegs in males. That captive male giraffes exhibit a much higher sex phenotype discordancy suggests that the underlying selective forces may be relaxed in captivity. We postulate that sexual selection is the most obvious candidate for maintaining these BpSDs in the wild, whereas males mating in captivity is entirely arranged. Individuals exhibiting opposite-sex body proportion phenotypes may be indicative of an underlying parental competition for growth control. Several growth control genes in humans and other mammals have been discovered to be genomically imprinted such that either the maternal or paternal allele is repressed (Bartolomei and Tilghman, 1997; Wu et al., 2004; Ishida and Moore, 2013). The balance in parental competition for growth control can also be impacted by nutrition through epigenetic mechanisms.