Half of the world's wetlands have been lost since 1900. Degradation and reclamation of coastal wetlands are global phenomena. The rate of natural coastal wetland loss has remained high since the 1980s and is many times faster than that of inland wetlands (Davidson 2014). Coastal areas have rapidly developed and are now occupied by large populations, resulting in the global loss of tidal flats. Since 1984, 16.02% of this area has been lost (Hood 2004; Kirwan and Megonigal 2013; Murray et al. 2019). Tidal flats are major wetlands with high productivity and biodiversity in both marine and terrestrial areas. Asia has 44% of the global tidal flats, but they have been lost due to urban and industrial land reclamation and weir construction. Between the 1950s and 2000s, 65% of the tidal flats were lost around the Yellow Sea coastline, the most important shorebird habitat in the EAAF (Moores et al. 2016; Murray et al. 2014; 2019). The degradation of tidal flat ecosystems in Taiwan is similar to that observed in Asia and other parts of the world. In Taiwan, there were 45% artificial coastlines, and in the western part, less than 10% of the natural coastlines in 2017. From the 1950s to the 2010s, 57.79% of the tidal flat area was lost.
During the first period (1920s–1950s), the area of the tidal flat ecosystem increased. However, the ecosystem area declined rapidly between the 1980s and 2010s. In the recent decade (2010s–2020s), the degradation pattern stopped, and the area began to increase again. Our research provides information on the speed and progress of mudflat accumulation before systematic human development. The results also showed that more than half of the tidal flats in Taiwan have disappeared in the last 60 years, a pattern similar to that observed in the Yellow Sea (65%) in North Asia, which is the most important migratory bird habitat in the EAAF (Murray et al. 2015). The changes in socioeconomic patterns in East Asia were similar to those in Taiwan, but Taiwan experienced these changes a decade earlier. We also found that the disappearance of the mudflat area slowed down with the reduction in human disturbance after the 2010s.
Previous research focused only on inland areas without discussing coastline development (Chen et al. 2019). Our results reconstructed the spatial and temporal changing patterns of the coastal area over the last 100 years, and we conducted local and regional coastline long-term assessments. Furthermore, in the process of our research, we enhanced the spatial resolution of regional mapping, avoiding situations of image misinterpretation such as misidentifying fishponds as intertidal mudflats, as seen in other global-scale research (Murray et al. 2022).
Satellite images have been available since the 1960s, and historical topographic maps must be used to obtain past land cover information. Despite the potential impact of cartographic generalization, maps are valuable documents that provide information about historical environments. Overlapping historical maps can provide evidence of environmental change. Using this information, we estimated the changes in the distribution and area of tidal flats over the last century. However, comparisons with historical mapping should be interpreted with caution (Murray et al. 2014). The original maps from 1921 to 1956 were topographic maps that employed precise survey techniques (Academia Sinica 2003; Chen et al. 2019).
Shin (1980) compared maps published in 1904, 1924, 1954, and 1975, and found that the area of tidal flats in western Taiwan has continually increased. According to maps and field studies, 538.7 km2 of tidal flats existed during the 1970s. In our research, the quality and coverage of the Landsat images were insufficient to estimate the entire area of tidal flats in Taiwan in the 1960s and 1970s. However, Shin's (1980) research showed that the area of tidal flats in western Taiwan continually increased before 1975.
According to the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems criteria, the tidal flat ecosystem in Taiwan has reached EN status. This assessment is useful for evaluating the impact of human activities on ecosystems and the major direct threats to the tidal flat ecosystem in Taiwan: (1) residential and commercial development, (2) agriculture and aquaculture, (3) natural system modifications, and the potential threat of (4) energy production and mining.
The systematic reclamation of tidal flats began in 1947, and the government published a development plan that included the construction and allocation of tidal flats; 10% of the area of tidal flats was transferred for agricultural, fishery, and salt production purposes over 30 years (Shin 1980). Since the 1960s, broad coastal plains have been reclaimed as fishponds and saltpans (Ho 2016), and the landscape has already changed due to agriculture and aquaculture. Heavy, petrochemical, and shipbuilding industries and large public construction projects, such as transportation and electric power, have developed in coastline areas since the 1970s. Nine commercial and industrial harbors, six thermal power plants and industrial factories, and seven major agricultural and aquaculture developments have been built in the western coastal region since the 1900s.
Tidal flats are typically located near estuarial delta areas supplemented with sediments from rivers. The erosion of coastlines and disappearance of tidal flats have been attributed to a decrease in sand supply (Chang and Chen 2001). In Taiwan, mountainous buildings have transported sufficient sediment to the western coastal area, resulting in broad tidal flats (Hsu et al. 2007). While the area of tidal flats increased during the first three-quarters of the 20th century, it has continually decreased since the 1970s. This reduction in the sediment supply may be due to sediment deposition, dams, or upstream reservoirs. Tidal flats in Taiwan depend heavily on ongoing sediment supply. However, at least 48 reservoirs and river dams in 17 major western river systems have caused a substantial decline in sediment output from rivers. The number of existing tidal flats has slightly increased in recent years. After the Jiji Weir was built in 2002, the construction broke down the sediment transport from upstream, thus threatening the last and only surviving tidal flat, located on the north side of the Choshui River estuary. As the Choshui River is the largest river in Taiwan, the Jiji Weir also threatens the southwestern part of the tidal flats and leads to coastal erosion (Huang 2010; Hsu et al. 2007).
Human activities such as the construction of harbors or fishing ports and land reclamation for agricultural, aquacultural, and industrial areas have directly reduced the area of tidal flats. Indirect impacts include sand mining from riverbeds for construction materials and upstream construction of reservoirs or dams (Hsu et al. 2007) that decrease sediment fluxes downstream. Sediment transport by upstream rivers is the most important source of tidal flats (Walling and Fang 2003; Walling 2006).
The extent of tidal flat loss is alarming and irreparable. The loss of these flats has resulted in the disappearance of important stopover sites for migratory shorebirds over the last 100 years. Our findings are consistent with those of other sources of information regarding the loss of coastal wetlands in East Asia. Half of the lost tidal flat areas have been converted into aquaculture farms, these parts of aquaculture farms and abandoned salt ponds have become alternative habitats for migratory shorebirds in the coastal region. There are 20 (37%) Important Bird Areas (IBA) in the tidal flat region that protect migratory bird habitats (Taiwan Wild Bird Federation 2001).
The last remaining patch of complete tidal flats in Taiwan is located in the central region (Fig. 1A). This area covers the tidal flats on the Chang-Hua coastline, which is also part of the IBA (Dadu River Estuary Wetland). Based on our findings, this area is the largest and most complete tidal flat in Taiwan. As Taiwan is a crucial stopover site for migrating birds in the EAAF, the tidal flats in Taiwan serve as essential refueling sites for these migrations. A huge industrial project called the Kuokuang Petrochemical Project was conducted in this area in the 2000s, which stopped in 2011. This project included refineries and petrochemical midstream/downstream factories, and the expected development area was approximately 1,900 ha. However, there is another threat to the horizon in the form of solar panels, a new type of energy-producing building, and coverings on tidal flats that are also the cause of wetlands being endangered in recent years.
The number of migratory shorebirds that use the EAAF has declined dramatically over the last few decades. Evidence suggests that this decline is due to habitat loss at important stopover sites in the Yellow Sea (Murray et al. 2014). The rapid decline in the tidal flat area may have led to habitat and niche loss. The degradation of Taiwan’s tidal flat ecosystem is not only a local threat but also a threat to migratory shorebirds in the EAAF (Lin et al. 2023).