Panel (a) The impact of technology innovation on environmental degradation | Ganda (2019) | Economic Co-operation and development countries | 2000–2014 | CO2, TI, RD, GDP, REC, RES, FDI, PEC, FD, POP | OLS, FE, System-GMM | REC decrease CO2; GDP, EC, FDI and PEC increase CO2; TI, RES, RD, HC and FD mixed CO2 | Not investigated |
Gormus and Aydin (2020) | Top 10 innovative economies | 1990–2015 | EF, GDP, TIR, REC, KOF, | MG, AMG | TIR decrease CO2 | Not investigated |
Luo et al. (2021) | Selected Asian Countries | 2001–2019 | CO2, TI, GDP, EC, GIN, FDI, TO, POP | FMOLS, DOLS, AMG, CCEMG; Granger causality | TI and GIN decrease CO2; GDP, EC, FDI, TO and POP increase CO2 | GIN, EC and TO ↔ CO2; TI, GDP, FDI and POP → CO2 |
Adebayo et al. (2022) | BRICS countries | 1990–2019 | CO2, TI, GDP, FDI, REC, NRR | CS-ARDL; Dumitrescu-Hurlin causality | TI, FDI, REC and NRR decrease CO2; GDP increase CO2 | GDP and REC ↔ CO2; FDI, REC and NRR → CO2 |
Celik and Alola (2022) | Hightech investing economies | 2000–2018 | CO2, GDP, LP, EC, TI, RD, ICT, CS | POLS, GLS; Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality | CS decrease CO2; GDP, EC, TI, RD and ICT increase CO2; LP mixed CO2 | TI, ICT and CS → CO2 |
Esquivias et al. (2022) | Emerging Asian Economies | 1990–2019 | CO2, COR, GCF, HDI, GDP, GTI, TI, REC, NREC, NRR, POP | Panel quantile regression | GCF, HDI, TI, REC, NREC, decrease CO2; GDP, GTI, POP and NRR increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Jianguo et al. (2022) | OECD economies | 1998–2018 | CO2, GDP, EC, IQ, TI, FD | SYS-GMM | TI and IQ decrease CO2; GDP, EC, FD increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Khan et al. (2022) | Belt and road initiative countries | 1979–2019 | CO2, GDP, FDI, FD, TO, RD, TIR, TINR, REC, POP | OLS, FE, Two steps diference GMM, Two steps SYS-GMM | TO, TIR, REC and POP decrease CO2; FD, FDI, TINR increase CO2; GDP, RD mixed CO2 | Not investigated |
Liu et al. (2022) | E-7 countries | 1996–2018 | CO2, GDP, REC, TI, IQ, POP | FGLS, Panel quantile estimations | REC, TI and IQ decrease CO2; GDP and POP increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Ma et al. (2022) | BRICS countries | 1991–2019 | CO2, GDP, TI, FDI, TMA | ARDL, NARDL; Panel Granger causality | GDP, FDI and TMA increase CO2; TI mixed CO2 | GDP, TI and TMA ↔ CO2; CO2 → FDI |
Obobisa et al. (2022) | African countries | 2000–2018 | CO2, GDP, TI, REC, NREC, IQ | AMG, CCEMG; | REC and TI decrease CO2; GDP, NREC and IQ increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Udemba et al. (2022) | China | 1980–2018 | CO2, GDP, FD, REC, TI | NARDL, DOLS; Hacker and Hatemi-J causality | FD, REC, TI, GDP(-) FD(+), REC(+) and TI(+) decrease CO2; GDP, GDP(+), FD(-), REC(-) and TI(-) increase CO2 | GDP, FD ↔ CO2; TI and REC → CO2 |
Raihan and Voumik (2022) | India | 1990–2020 | CO2, GDP, TI, FD, REC, URB | ARDL, FMOLS, DOLS, CCR | REC and TI decrease CO2; GDP, FD and URB increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Wei and Lihua (2023) | ASEAN countries | 1995–2018 | CO2, GDP, TI, TOR | CSARDL, CCEMG, AMG | TOR and TI decrease CO2; GDP increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Wenlong et al. (2022) | 10 Asian economies | 1995–2018 | GHG, EEF, TI, TO, IQ | CSARDL, CCEMG, AMG | EEF and TI decrease GHG; IQ and TO increase GHG | Not investigated |
Zhao et al (2022b) | G-7 economies | 1995–2018 | CO2, GDP, TI, REC | CSARDL, CCEMG, AMG | REC and TI decrease CO2; GDP increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Chen et al. (2023) | Bangladesh | 1972q1-2020q4 | CO2, GDP, TI, PC | ARDL, FMOLS; Granger causality | TI decrease CO2; GDP and PC increase CO2 | GDP, TI and PC → CO2 |
Panel (b) The impact of green technology innovation on environmental degradation | Destek and Manga (2021) | BEM countries | 1995–2016 | CO2, REC, NREC, GTI, FD | FE, CUP-FM, CUP-BC | GTI and REC decrease CO2; NREC and FD increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Hussain and Dogan (2021) | BRICS countries | 1992–2016 | EF, GDP, EC, GTI, IQ | CS-ARDL, AMG, CCEMG | GTI and IQ decrease EF; GDP and EC increase EF | Not investigated |
Abbas et al. (2022) | BRICS countries | 1990–2020 | CO2, GTI, GDP, REC, MR, TO, FDI | MG, PMG, ARDL | GTI, REC and MR decrease CO2; GDP and TO increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Afshan and Yaqoob (2022) | China | 1990–2017 | EF, GDP, GTI, FD, NRR | QARDL; Granger causality | GTI decrease EF; GDP, NRR and FD increase EF | GDP, GTI, NRR and FD ↔ EF |
Chu (2022) | OECD countries | 1995–2015 | EF, GDP, GTI, INE, TO, EC, REC | Panel quantile estimation; Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality | GTI, REC, INE, TO decrease EF; EC increase EF; GDP mixed EF | GTI, EC and REC ↔ EF; INE, TO and GDP→ EF |
Esquivias et al. (2022) | Emerging Asian Economies | 1990–2019 | CO2, COR, GCF, HDI, GDP, GTI, TI, REC, NREC, NRR, POP | Panel quantile regression | GCF, HDI, TI, REC, NREC, decrease CO2; GDP, GTI, POP and NRR increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Habiba et al. (2022) | Twelve top emitting countries | 1991–2018 | CO2, GDP, FD, GTI, REC, NREC, TO, POP | AMG, CCEMG; Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality | GTI and REC decrease CO2; GDP, FD, NREC, TO and POP increase CO2 | FD, GTI, REC and POP ↔ CO2; GDP, TO, NREC → CO2 |
Hao and Chen (2022) | E-7 countries | 1990–2020 | CO2, REC, GDP, GTI, FDI, TO, FD, INF, GOE | ARDL, FMOLS, DOLS, CCR | REC, FD decrease CO2; GDP, INF, GOE increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Hussain et al. (2023) | BRICS economies | 1992–2020 | EF, GDP, POP, REC, GTI, EPU | CSARDL, CCEMG, AMG; Pair-wise causality | REC and GTI decrease EF; GDP, POP and EPU increase EF | GDP and POP ↔ EF; GTI → EF, EF → REC and EPU |
Razzaq et al. (2022) | China | 1990–2018 | EF, GDP, IDI, URB, GTI | QARDL | High: GTI decrease EF; GDP, IDI and URB increase EF | Not investigated |
Saleem et al. (2022) | Asian economies | 1990–2018 | CO2, REC, GDP, GTI, GEG, FD, ETAX | CSARDL, AMG Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality | FD, ETAX, GEG and GTI, decrease CO2; GDP increase CO2; REC mixed CO2 | REC, GTI, ETAX and GEG ↔ CO2; GDP and FD → CO2 |
Serener et al. (2022) | Sweden | 1995q1-2019q4 | CO2, GDP, GTI, FD, REC | FARDL; Fourier TY causality | REC and GTI decrease CO2; GDP and FD increase CO2 | GDP, EC and REC → CO2 |
Udeagha and Muchapondwa (2022) | South Africa | 1960–2020 | CO2, GDP, EPU, GTI, KOF, FIS | FMOLS, DOLS, CCR; Frequency-domain causality | GTI and FIS decrease CO2; GDP, EPU and KOF increase CO2 | GDP,EPU, GTI, KOF and FIS → CO2 |
Panel (c) The impact of ICT on environmental degradation | Park et al. (2018) | EU countries | 2001–2014 | CO2, GDP, ECC, FD, ICT, TO | PMG, FMOLS, DOLS; Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality | FD, GDP and TO decrease CO2; ECC and ICT increase CO2 | TO ↔ CO2; GDP, ICT, ECC and FD → CO2 |
Avom et al. (2020) | Sub-Saharan Africa | 1996–2014 | CO2, GDP, ICT, EC, FD, TO | OLS, FE, RE | TO decrease CO2; ICT, GDP, EC and FD increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Celik and Alola (2022) | Hightech investing economies | 2000–2018 | CO2, GDP, LP, EC, TI, RD, ICT, CS | POLS, GLS; Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality | CS decrease CO2; GDP, EC, TI, RD and ICT increase CO2; LP mixed CO2 | TI, ICT and CS → CO2 |
Dogan and Pata (2022) | G-7 countries | 1986–2017 | LCF, GDP, RD, ICT, REC | CSARDL, AMG | GDP, RD, REC and ICT increase LCF | Not investigated |
Zhang et al. (2022) | Developing countries | 1996–2019 | CO2, ICT, GDP, KOF, FD, ED | Cup-FM, Cup-BC; Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality | ICT decrease CO2; GDP, KOF, FD and ED increase CO2 | ICT, KOF, FD, GDP and ED ↔ CO2 |
Panel (d) The impact of R&D on environmental degradation | Churchill et al. (2019) | G-7 countries | 1870–2014 | CO2, GDP,RD, POP, TO | CCEMG | RD decrease CO2; POP and TO increase CO2 | Not investigated |
Celik and Alola (2022) | Hightech investing economies | 2000–2018 | CO2, GDP, LP, EC, TI, RD, ICT, CS | POLS, GLS; Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality | CS decrease CO2; GDP, EC, TI, RD and ICT increase CO2; LP mixed CO2 | TI, ICT and CS → CO2 |
Dogan and Pata (2022) | G-7 countries | 1986–2017 | LCF, GDP, RD, ICT, REC | CSARDL, AMG | GDP, RD, REC and ICT increase LCF | Not investigated |
Yunzhao (2022) | E-7 economies | 1995–2018 | CO2, REC, ETAX, RD | CUP-FM, CUP-BC; Dumitrescu-Hurlin causality | REC, ETAX and RD decrease CO2 | REC, ETAX and RD ↔ CO2 |