To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the distribution of RE in older adults of different ethnicities in China. Most ethnic minorities have different living habits and biological parameters. The RE frequency was distributed differently in the minority and Han populations in the present study. Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Yi and Yugur ethnicities were less likely to have myopia, and Mongolian and Yugurs ethnicities were less likely to have high myopia than Han individuals. Compared to the Han population, the ethnicities of Korean and Manchu had no significant influence on myopia in this epidemiological investigation.
The distribution of RE in different ethnicities could be explained using the gene‒environment interaction model of myopia formation. Geographically, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur and Yugur populations live in West China, where grassland is the main ecosystem, and the four ethnicities all have a nomadic lifestyle. That environment provides more outdoor activity time and less near working periods during childhood, and these two points have been proven to be protective factors against myopia in childhood[18, 19].
However, the Korean and Manchu ethnicities are distributed in Northeast China. The Manchu population settled in Hebei Province during the Qing Dynasty, and societal and behavioral fusion with the Han population of this ethnicity occurred hundreds of years ago. Korean individuals mostly subsist on aquaculture and agriculture. In a study of present-day genetic patterns in East Asians, principal component analysis showed different gene compositions in different ethnicities[20]. More gene fusion and cultural exchange with the Han population occurred in the middle and northeast areas of China. The Mongolia, Uyghur and Yugur populations in Middle Asia have an admixture of genes from European ancestors[21–23]. These genetic and environmental differences may influence the formation of myopia, corresponding to previous studies[16].
A high prevalence of myopia and high myopia in the Han population in younger adults has been observed throughout the world. However, the differences in myopia frequency in older adults \(\ge 50\) years in different countries were not as obvious[24]. In the present study, the total myopia frequency was 22.9% in older Han adults, which was similar to that of the Europe Eye Epidemiology (E3) Consortium study (27.5% in those aged 55–59 years)[25] and the Gutenberg Health Study (29.3% in those aged 55–64% years)[26] and even lower in some epidemiological studies in the US (ranging from 30.7% in those aged 46–60 years to 36.1% in those aged 50–59 years)[27, 28]. Another reason for the relatively low myopia frequency in the Han population in the present study compared to other epidemiological studies is that this epidemiological investigation used a large multiethnic population-based sampling strategy. In the areas with large ethnic minorities, the living environment of the Han population is more similar to that of minorities. A previous study revealed that there was no well-defined evidence of fundamental differences in the genetic background of myopia risk between Asian and European populations[29]. However, a more rapid myopia progression in childhood-onset myopia in Asians than in Hispanics, Blacks and Native Americans has been reported[30, 31]. Genetic influences may play a more important role in childhood-onset myopia.
Other risk factors for myopia in this study were consistent with previous studies. Individuals in the 55- to 64-year-old age group were less likely to have myopia, and after reaching 70 years, an increase in myopia occurred because of primary nuclear cataract formation. Rural residence provided more outdoor activity time, and higher education levels implied more near work time. The influence of diabetes on myopia in older adults in this study may have resulted from lens expansion caused by high blood glucose levels[32]. However, studies on the relationship between diabetes and myopia remain controversial. Some studies found a positive relationship between diabetes and myopia[33, 34], while no significant relationship was revealed in other studies[35, 36]. The reasons for these diverse results may be the different blood glucose control levels of the patients included in the different studies. In the present study, we also found an interesting relationship between latitude and myopia formation. Individuals in higher latitude area was less likely to have myopia in the present study. Higher latitude area means less sunshine duration in day time especially in winter and longer sunshine duration in summer. A study of the prevalence and possible factors of myopia in Southeast Norway (60\(^\circ\) latitude North) showed an extremely low myopia prevalence (13% in 16-19-year-old Norwegian Caucasians). The reverse of myopia trend in Norway couldn’t be explained by the difference of sunshine duration compared to Asian area, that may be explained by the different education pattern and culture. Preschool and school children in Norway spent 3–5 hours outdoors per day at school[37], and additional outdoor time after school for outdoor activity is a part of Norwegian culture[38]. The significant influence of latitude to myopia in our study may simply show the distribution of myopia in different latitude area.
The rapid increase in high myopia-induced vision impairment in adults has become a social problem and economic burden worldwide, especially in East Asia[4]. The prevalence of high myopia in university students in East Asia was 16%-28% in recent studies[39, 40]. Preventing moderate myopia progression to high myopia has become an important research issue[18]. In the present study, the risk factors for high myopia were different from those for myopia. Except for ethnicity, only sex, high education level and living in rural areas were associated with high myopia. An education level of university or higher as a risk factor for high myopia indicated that strong education stress and more study time could promote the formation of high myopia. Living in rural areas can guarantee more outdoor activity time. More outdoor activity and less near work could also provide protection against myopia progression to high myopia. Avoiding the early onset of myopia and slowing myopia progression would be critical to diminish the epidemic of high myopia in younger populations.
In the mixed effects model, the risk factors for hyperopia also showed an ethnic difference. The Mongolian, Yi, Uyghur and Yugur populations were more likely to have hyperopia, and Manchu ethnicity was less likely to have hyperopia compared to the Han population. In a study of ethnicity differences among Chinese and other races for hyperopia in the US, a lower prevalence of hyperopia was observed in Chinese people[28]. A lower frequency of hyperopia is consistent with a higher frequency of myopia in the Chinese population. A higher education level was negatively related to hyperopia, and older age was positively related to hyperopia in the present study, which is consistent with previous studies[28, 41]. The significant risk factors for hyperopia are the reverse of the risk factors for myopia.
The strengths of our study include a large multiethnic population-based sampling strategy, a detailed questionnaire and a high response rate. However, there are limitations of the present study. Due to the nature of its cross-sectional design, conclusions about causal effects regarding risk factors for myopia could not be reached. The study population was only older adults, and thus, the external validity was limited. Ocular axial length and other biometric data were not measured in our study. Finally, in the present study, myopia caused by primary cataracts was not excluded, and the mixed sample may influence the prevalence as well as the estimation of the association of risk factors and axial myopia, especially in the older group.