i. Study design
The study was conducted in conjunction with a cross-sectional (i.e., single-scan), double-blinded, semi-randomized, placebo-controlled study (see Supplementary Fig S2) on the cognitive effects of escitalopram (29) preregistered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT04239339). The study was conducted at the Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, between May 2020 and October 2021. Approval was granted by the Danish ethics committee for the capital region of Copenhagen (journal ID: H-18038352, with amendments 71579, 73632, and 78565).
All participants were recruited from a database of individuals who had expressed interest in participating in brain imaging studies. Following information about the study, including potential side effects of escitalopram, participants gave their written consent. Next, participants underwent a screening procedure, including medical history, physical and neurological examination, and screening for current or previous psychiatric disorders according to in- and exclusion criteria (see Supplementary file for complete list). Following the screening procedure and neuropsychological testing of IQ and reaction time, participants were semi-randomized to receive either escitalopram (20 mg daily in capsules of 10 mg) or a placebo in identical capsules that were manufactured and distributed by the Capital Region Pharmacy. Randomization balanced with regards to age, sex, and IQ was done by a research administrator not otherwise involved in data collection or analysis. Participants were instructed to take one capsule daily by mouth for three days and then increase to two capsules daily (i.e., full dose). The aim was an intervention period of minimum 3 weeks, and for logistical purposes and to allow room for unforeseen events (e.g., illness or technical issues), participants could continue the intervention for up to 5 weeks. After the intervention period, all participants came in for extensive neuropsychological testing and MRI examination. On intervention day 10 and the day of neuropsychological testing and MRI, a blood sample was collected to measure s-escitalopram steady-state levels as confirmation of drug adherence. Participants were instructed only to take their daily dose of medication after the blood sample had been drawn. S-escitalopram was measured with ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS; Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital, Dianalund, Denmark).
The main study included 66 healthy participants, for which we have reported the neuropsychological outcomes (29). A subset of 32 participants underwent [11C]UCB-J PET scanning after the main study program was completed and while still double-blinded to the intervention. Participants were asked at the time of inclusion whether they, in addition to the described study program, agreed to undergo a PET scan. The sample size for the PET cohort (16 participants in each group) was calibrated to detect a 10% change (Cohen's d ≅ 1) in [11C]UCB-J VT in the hippocampus, at 80% power and a significance level of 0.05, based on data from Finnema et al. (30). The data presented here are based on these 32 participants.
ii. MRI acquisition and preprocessing
All participants underwent MRI scans in a Siemens Magnetom Prisma 3T scanner (Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) using a Siemens 32-channel head coil. Structural T1- and T2-weighted images were acquired (T1 protocol: Isotropic 0.9x0.9x0.9 mm3 resolution, repetition time = 2000 ms, echo time = 2.58 ms, inversion time = 972 ms, and flip angle = 8°; T2 protocol: Isotropic 0.9x0.9x0.9 mm3 resolution, repetition time = 3200 ms, echo time = 408 ms). Grey matter masks for PET processing were extracted from T1- and T2-weighted images using the multispectral segmentation routine in SPM12 (Functional Imaging Laboratory, the Wellcome Trust Centre for NeuroImaging, London, UK). Cortical thickness and hippocampal volume were derived from the T1-weigthed images using the standard anatomical processing stream (recon-all) from FreeSurfer (v. 7.2, https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/) (31), with manual refinement of the pial surface using the T2-weighted images.
iii. PET acquisition
Radiosynthesis of [11C]UCB-J was modified on the basis of Nabulsi et al. (32), as described in detail in the Supplementary file. All participants were scanned with a high-resolution research tomography (HRRT) PET scanner (CTI/Siemens, Knoxville, TN, USA). Following a six-min transmission scan, a 120 min PET scan was started at the time of intravenous [11C]UCB-J bolus injection (over ~20 sec). PET data were acquired in 3D list mode and reconstructed into 40 frames (8 x 15 s, 8 x 30 s, 4 x 60 s, 5 x 120 s, 10 x 300 s, 5 x 300 s) using a 3D OP-OSEM algorithm with modeling of the point-spread-function (33,34), and attenuation corrected using the HRRT maximum a posteriori transmission reconstruction method (MAP-TR) (35). Each image frame consisted of 207 planes of 256 x 256 voxels of 1.22x1.22x1.22 mm3.
iv. Arterial blood acquisition and analysis
For determination of the arterial input function, arterial blood samples were collected from a 20G catheter which had been placed in the radial artery under local anesthesia. For the first 15 min of each scan, whole blood radioactivity was continuously measured (2-sec intervals, flow = 8 mL/min) using an Allogg ABSS autosampler (Allogg Technology, Mariefred, Sweden). In addition, manual blood samples were drawn at 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 40, 60, 90, and 120 min for measuring radioactivity in blood and plasma using a gamma counter (Cobra II auto-gamma, Packard, Packard Instrument Company, Meriden, CT, USA) that was cross-calibrated to the PET scanner biweekly. Plasma was extracted after centrifugation of arterial blood at 2246xg for 7 min at 4 °C. To measure intact tracer and radiolabeled metabolites, plasma samples up until 90 min were analyzed using radio-HPLC (see the Supplementary file for full detail).
The plasma free fraction (fP) of [11C]UCB-J was determined by the equilibrium dialysis method as described in the Supplementary file.
v. PET image processing
All PET images were motion corrected using the AIR software with the reconcile command (Automated Image Registration, v. 5.2.5, LONI, UCLA, http://bishopw.loni.ucla.edu/air5/). Tissue time-activity curves were extracted from automatically defined ROIs using the PVElab software (https://nru.dk/index.php/testmenu/category/37-pvelab). The PVElab pipeline used an unfiltered summation PET image that was automatically co-registered to the participant's T1-weighted MR image using SPM12. Segmented T1- and T2-weighted MR images were then used to extract grey matter values from each ROI defined with a brain atlas, as previously described (36). Co-registration and ROI placement were visually inspected for each subject; no manual correction was needed. No correction for partial volume effects was applied. The ROI for the centrum semiovale (white matter) was obtained from the PVElab region with the Müeller-Gartner partial volume correction method, and was further eroded twice with a 3D erosion operator to minimize partial volume effects. Final volume had a mean (SD) of 7.45 (2.63) mL.
vi. Kinetic modeling
Kinetic modeling of [11C]UCB-J PET data was performed in R (v. 4.2.2, R Foundation, Vienna, Austria) using the kinfitr package (v. 0.6 (37). Time-activity curves from all ROIs were fitted to the one-tissue compartment model (1TCM) using the subject's metabolite-corrected arterial input function to estimate the total volume of distribution (VT), an index of SV2A binding. The fraction of blood volume (vB) was excluded from the model as it did not improve the model fits or change VT estimates, which is in agreement with previous kinetic evaluations (30). In addition, time-activity curves from the hippocampus and neocortex were fitted to the simplified reference tissue model 2 (SRTM2) using the white matter region centrum semiovale as the reference region, and the median k2 from 1TC modeling of centrum semiovale as a global k2’ (0.035 min-1).
vii. Statistical analyses
The distributions of demographic variables and PET scan parameters were visually compared between the groups and formally tested with a Welch two-sample t-test for continuous variables and Chi squared tests for group sex ratios. Our primary hypothesis of higher [11C]UCB-J VT in the hippocampus and the neocortex in the escitalopram group compared to the placebo group was tested using Welch two-sample t-tests. BPNDs from the SRTM2 model were likewise compared with two-sample t-tests.
As a secondary analysis, we investigated if there was an effect on [11C]UCB-J VT dependent on escitalopram intervention duration: using a likelihood-ratio test, we compared a linear regression model including a group-by-intervention duration interaction term to a nested model where the group term was excluded. We further investigated the effect of s-escitalopram concentration on [11C]UCB-J VT using linear regression. Here, the values were divided by 60 (~1 SD) to make estimates easier to interpret. Effects of age and sex have not been established for [11C]UCB-J binding estimates, and because of our relatively narrow age range and balanced randomization, we did not include age and sex in the analyses of [11C]UCB-J binding.
Group means for [11C]UCB-J VT estimates for other regions are listed in the Supplementary file. These include neocortical ROIs: Orbital frontal, anterior cingulate, insula, superior temporal gyrus, parietal, medial inferior temporal gyrus, superior frontal, occipital, sensory-motor, dorsolateral prefrontal gyrus, ventrolateral prefrontal gyrus. Subcortical ROIs: Centrum semiovale, thalamus, caudate, putamen, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, raphae nuclei.
As exploratory analyses, we investigated effects of escitalopram versus placebo, and s-escitalopram on hippocampus volume adjusted for age, sex, and intracranial volume (ICV). Lastly, for the neocortical subregions frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, and insular cortex, we examined if there was a group effect on cortical thickness using linear regressions, as described for [11C]UCB-J VTs. As cortical thickness varies with age and sex (38,39), these parameters were included as covariates in the models.
All tests were performed as two-sided tests. Secondary and exploratory analyses were corrected for comparisons across multiple brain regions when applicable, using the Bonferroni-Holm method. Statistical analyses were performed in R (v. 4.2.2).