Sensory evaluations such as color, smell, and texture of tested silage were complete similarities among the different types of ensiled RS and consistent with well-fermented silage characteristics as recommended by Oladosu et al. (2016). The three silages tested are high-quality silage, the content of WSC in the ensiled RS confirms fermentation quality according to the results of Ni et al. (2018) who recommended that more than 50g/kg content of DM is instructed. All experimental silages had similar pH values (ranged 3.87 to 3.98) and thus classified as very good silage (Oladosu et al., 2016). The final pH of silage is affected by many factors but is most related to the concentration of lactic acid and buffering capacity of the crop (Ni et al., 2018). These results were consistent with Jahanzad et al. (2014) who concluded that the pH value in silage was conjugated with the content of WSC and N levels. Previous studies by Beauchemin (2006) noted that the ammonia-N level decrease with an increased level of SB in silage, these results are compatible with the results of the present study. Oladosu et al. (2016) attributed that an ammonia-N level in silage might be influenced by the activity of polyphenol oxidase. The silage of HSB contained a higher population of LAB than other silages. Concomitantly with a slight increase in LAB count, a little decrease in the count of yeast and aerobic bacteria was shown particularly with increased incorporation of SB, which is consistent with the fact that lactic acid bacteria can inhibit other microorganisms (Abedo, 2006). The microbiological results were within the normal, which indicates the quality of the different types of ensiled RS.
The slight differences in some nutrients among experimental silage mixtures may be attributed to the change in the chemical composition of the ingredients and additives. The results of the present study were coherent with typical values reported by Gurbuz and Kaplan (2008); Beauchemin,(2006) concerning the values of DM, OM, CP, EE, NFC, and TCH contents of sugar beet silage. The slightly higher content of aNDFom and ADFom for ensiled RS included SB compared with the CG is consistent with a previous statement by Gurbuz and Kaplan (2008), who reported that NDF and ADF were slight when SB was incorporated with stalks of a corn hybrid. Further, the higher content of ash in HSB and LSB compared with SCG is presumably due to the high ash content of the SB plants and/ or to some soil contamination during harvesting (Evans and Messerschmidt, 2017). Differences in DM intake due to the palatability and nutritional value of the experimental diets could be reflected in increased content of DM, OM, EE, NFC, and TCH with D1 compared to D2 and D3, as well as increased contents of aNDFom, ADFom, and ash in D3 compared with D1.
The highest values of silage consumption and lowest values of silage refused may attribute to higher palatability as shown in Table 3. A similar effect is communicated by Evans and Messerschmidt (2017) who suggest that DMI for lactating cows increased with feeding SB. A higher DMI of the HSB-containing diet than that of the LSB-containing diet might show that high-level incorporation of SB in ensiled RS was preferable to low-level because ruminants generally prefer sweet-flavored forages. (Gurbuz and Kaplan (2008). The improvement in DMI for the D2 and D3 diets containing LSB and HSB, respectively, compared to SCG-containing diet may be due to the improvement in the digestion parameters of these tested diets, as indicated by the results of Table 3, whose indices agree with the results of Beauchemin, (2006).
The higher digestibility coefficient of aNDFom and ADFom with diet D3 which included HSB may be due to higher of ruminal degradability, also results shown in Table 1 indicate that non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in the diet did not reduce rumen pH and this is consistent with the results of Clark and Armentano, (1997). Moreover, Abedo, (2006) stated that the higher aNDFom and ADFom digestibility may be due to that pectin fermentation results in less lactate and a higher acetate-to-propionate ratio without affecting the digestibility of cellulose and hemicellulose. In addition, the high digestibility coefficient of some nutrients in D3 compared to D1 could be interpreted by three explanations: 1) the decrease in the outflow rate of feed in the rumen because of their higher structural carbohydrates contents, especially pectin substances (Poorkasegaran and Yansari, 2014). 2) the content of NDF in sugar beet is considered unique because it has been shown to feature a very high cation exchange capacity (Evans and Messerschmidt, 2017), which tends to promote pH stewardship and a more stable rumen environment. 3) by the SB's ability to increase the efficiency of utilization of various components of diet and microbial N synthesis (Oladosu et al., 2016) due to their suitable protein and energy contents which made it completely available in the gastrointestinal tract (Clark and Armentano, 1997).
Similarly, Sorathiya et al. (2015) concluded that the aNDFom in SB has a higher digestibility rate as a partial replacer to green fodder. Morover, Abedo (2006) showed that DM, OM, CP, and CF digestibility and nutritive value as TDN increased with using dried SB pulp in animal diet. Furthermore, Suliman et al. (2013) showed the best TDN or DCP values achieved for a diet containing concentrate feed mixture plus SB tops silage compared with the control diet which contains CFM plus berseem hay.
Increased milk production, fat-corrected milk, and energy-corrected milk for cows fed D3 compared with fed on either D2 or D1 may be attributed to higher DMI and this is consistent with the results of (Clark and Armentano, 1997). In a study, Sorathiya et al. (2015) confirmed an increase in daily MY with no significant difference between cows fed SB or when partially replaced with green fodder. The high values of milk fat and other milk parameters with a diet containing ensiled RS included SB could be due to the relative enough protein input and the high content of neutral detergent soluble fibre, chiefly pectin. Rather than fermentation of pectin produces less lactate and more acetate to propionate ratio in the rumen (Abedo, 2006).
The values of FCR as kg DM/kg FCM and kg TDN/kg FCM in cows fed diet D3 were 9.99 and 7.94% respectively better, with significantly different (P < 0.05) than cows fed the D1 diet. This improvement in FCR with HSB is related to the improvement of MY production. These results agree with Abedo (2006) that FCR was significantly higher for lambs fed a diet that contained dry SB pulp compared with the other diets.
The values of total protein, albumin, globulin, and urea remained unchanged and were within the normal ranges reported in the reference values by Radostitis et al. (2000). Moreover, The means values of AST and ALT obtained were within the normal activity range recorded in the blood (78–132 U/L and 11–40 U/L., respectively) for healthy cattle by Ingvartsen (2006); Silanikove and Tiomkin (2010). Per contra, the mean values of glucose in group D3 and D2 of cows were much higher and statistically significant compared with the control group D1, this might attribute to SB plants, which have more readily hydrolysable sugar content than CG (Oladosu, et al., 2016). The plasma glucose values found are contrary to the previously obtained values in lactating dairy cows by Gurbuz and Coskun (2011) which decreased with SB content. The absence of significant differences in the blood metabolites of the experimental animals indicates a similarity in terms of the quality and quantity of diet (Ndlovu et al., 2009), thus all animals had the same good health and nutritional status.