Endodontic instruments tend to diverge from the long axis of root canal during preparation [22]. This tendency increases with increasing canal curvature. Root canal transportation increases the risk of ledging, zipping, and perforation, particularly in the apical third, and weakens the tooth structure [20].
In order to ensure creating enough space for irrigation solution and instrument, comprehensive removal of the bulk of obturation material is mandatory. Regardless of the morphology of the root canal systems, the reciprocating files are just as effective in retreatment as the rotary ones [36].
The reciprocating instruments R, RB, WO, and WOG employed in this investigation were not specifically developed for retreatment but have been already tested for this purpose in other studies [8,28,29,2,27] with controversial results.
In the present study, GuttaCore were investigated which consists of cross-linked gutta-percha carriers that can be removed during retreatment by simply trephining through the core [38]. The brittleness of GuttaCore’s carrier, insolubility in solvents, heat resistance, and inability to remove the core in one piece are all potential drawbacks to its retrieval [18].
In this study for standardization, the same tip size of 0.25 of the four file systems was used since the larger file of the four systems have different tip sizes. Additionally, the removal of too much dentine could induce dentinal defects that may lead to vertical root fracture [42]. Nevertheless, the use of the same file tip size or larger than that used for the initial canal instrumentation is mandatory for the retreatment procedures [8,14].
In the present study, mesial roots of Vertucci’s class IV mandibular molars that have two separated mesial canals were analyzed which are particularly interesting not only because of the anatomical difficulty of the usually curved and narrow canals but also because of the possibility to test both systems in the same root. This strategy reduces the bias related to canal selection. [23]
To precisely mimic and simulate the clinical practice, the crowns were maintained and used as a reference for working length and the dentine could create tensions on the files while negotiating the curved part of the canal [24].
The samples have been mounted in silicone impression material to simulate periodontal ligaments. The Silicon layer allows limited freedom of movement while avoiding external reinforcement [26].
Micro-computed tomography is utilized in this study for assessing the residual filling material, as it is a non-destructive technology that accurately reproduces the tooth in three dimensions without destroying the specimens or losing root material during sectioning [1].
In the present study, Apical preparation was limited to size 25, i.e., the choice of the size of the file of each system was based on the fact that with apical preparation larger than size 25, the measurement of apical transportion also tends to increase [41]. Thus, consequently, higher apical transport values would be obtained, bringing a bias to the research.
The file systems that are used in reciprocating movement have been implemented in this study to increase the centralization of the preparation and to reduce the risk of deformation of the canals. These points are all related to the relief of the torsional and flexural tensions that occur during reciprocating motion [33]. Instruments with this movement have exhibited the ability to maintain the original axis of curved canals [11].
Numerous studies have compared the apical transportation caused by different instruments during the preparation of root canals for initial treatment, but only a few have been evaluated for retreatment [29,6,37].
This study aimed to evaluate the morphological alterations of severely curved root canals represented in apical transportation, resulting from the removal of single cone and GuttaCore obturation materials with four reciprocating single file systems that have different designs and metallurgical properties.
All the files used in this study induced apical transportation to some extent which is in line with previous studies (35, 27,16,29].
The mean apical transport observed in this study ranged from − 0.02 to 0.127 mm, which are within the limit considered acceptable of 0.15mm as exposed by Pinto et al., 2019 [32] who evaluated lower molar mesial canals through micro-CT. Some studies in the literature have shown that the prognosis of the canal treatment is not negatively affected when the apical transportation is less than 0.3 mm [46]. The maximum transportation value in the present study was 0.127 mm. This indicates that the four reciprocating single files used in this study did not pose risks in terms of complications, such as perforations, stepping, and zipping, in the curved root teeth during the retreatment.
In the current study, three different levels in the apical third of the canals were evaluated, in order to review the apical transportation, which were analyzed in levels: 2, 3 and 4 mm from the apical foramen.
Based on the finding of this study when the four file systems were compared statistically for apical transportation as general (Table 3), and also when single- cone obturation group compared (Table 1), the M-wire files Reciproc and WaveOne files caused statistically significantly greater transportation than the heat-treated Reciproc Blue and WaveOne Gold files at the 2mm, 3mm and the 4mm sections. Files with more flexible structure seem to be less likely to cause transportation (46). However, the results of the current study on the contrary to those of the studies conducted by Romeiro et al., 2020 [35]; Kırıcı et al., 2020 [27] in their study they found no significant difference between Reciproc and Reciproc Blue files in term of apical transportation induced by the two files after the removal of single cone obturation materials.
In the removal of GuttaCore no significant differences were observed between the groups at 4mm level. At 3mm level only WaveOne file group was significantly different from Reciproc Blue. At 2mm level Reciproc and WaveOne files significantly caused more apical transportation than the Reciproc Blue and WaveOne Gold files. However, to date, no research has evaluated the effect of those files on inducing apical transportation during the removal of GuttaCore obturation materials.
Comparing the apical transportation induced in the three levels of apical third of the teeth (Table 5), the lowest apical transportation occurred at 2 mm from the apex and this was significantly different from that occurred in the 3mm and 4mm in this study and in other studies [16,29] which probably is due to the action of the instruments in the cervical third, having been able to result in more direct access to the apical portion of the canal and reducing transport in this level.
Although there was no significant difference between the removal of two obturation materials at 3mm and 4mm, the groups filled with GuttaCore (Table 2) showed a tendency to transport higher at 2mm region which can be explained by the fact that GuttaCore had higher rigidities (indentation resisting ability) as it is stated by Patel and Owen, 2016 [31] and this might have caused the file to deviate the obturation materials and the original path of the canal in the more apical location.