In this study, an easy-to-use chip was cast from a reusable mold that was produced using 3D-printing. The chip enabled fluorescence-based visualization and quantification of doxorubicin (DOX) diffusion in biomimetic tumor cell-laden hydrogels formulated to model cirrhotic liver tissue and early stage HCC. Biomimetic hydrogels can exhibit extensive background absorbance when using UV-based imaging techniques, making the quantitative study of drug diffusion from solution to gel challenging [12, 37]. In addition, extended UV-light exposure may be detrimental for the drug and the hydrogels as well as any added human cells [12, 38]. By using a fluorescence-based technique and developing a miniaturized drug diffusion and cellular uptake chip, these limitations were mitigated. The relatively simple operation of the chip, avoiding the need for pumps, tubing, flow control and repeated pipetting was an advantage when working with a toxic, highly potent and material-adsorbing drug such as the cytotoxic DOX [39]. Notably, the chip may also be employed to investigate diffusion and gradient formation of other molecules with inherent or labelled fluorescence. It could therefore be applied to assess diffusion and uptake characteristics of other drugs designed for locoregional treatments of solid tumors in other organs, such as prostate, bladder or ovarian cancers [40–42]. Lower concentration LMPA gels (0.5% w/v) as well as gel preparations without fibrinogen were also evaluated in the chip, but displayed inadequate gelation properties and subsequently increased the risk of acceptor or donor solutions flushing through the gel reservoirs upon addition to the solution reservoirs (data not shown).
The lower apparent diffusion coefficient for DOX in cirrhotic gels (373 ± 108 µm2/s) compared to LMPA gels (501 ± 77 µm2/s) was in line with our previous findings (Fig. 3). Fibrin gels (30 mg/mL) and 1% LMPA gels have reported mesh sizes of approximately 50 nm and 600 nm, respectively, which suggests size-exclusion effects may contribute to the lower DOX diffusion in cirrhotic gels [43, 44]. However, for molecules below the mesh size, such as DOX monomers (diameter ≈ 1.5 nm [12]), electrostatic interactions have been suggested as the main determinant of diffusion in the ECM as well as in biological hydrogels [45–47]. At the physiological pH employed in these gels, pH = 7.41 in LMPA gels and 6.86 ± 0.07 in cirrhotic gels, DOX is expected to be positively charged (primary amine pKa between 8 and 9) [12, 48–50]. Even if the net charge of collagen gels at physiological pH was proposed to be zero [51], there may be pockets of negatively charged residues in the cirrhotic gels that can interact with the positive charge on DOX to slow down diffusion through the biomimetic ECM.
The larger magnitude (approximately factor 2) of the apparent DOX diffusion coefficients in this study compared to our previous results was somewhat surprising [12]. We considered a number of explanations for this apparent disparity, including that the temperature in the fluorescence microscope incubator (37°C, Supplementary Fig. 1b) was higher than that in the UV-imaging instrument (ca. 30°C) in which the previous experiments were performed. According to the Stokes-Einstein equation, the predicted free diffusion in water for a molecule should increase by 18% by increasing the temperature from 30°C to 37°C (from 362 µm2/s to 427 µm2/s for doxorubicin specifically). Additionally, studying diffusion from a gel to a solution [12] or to a gel from a solution (as described here) may play a part since DOX retention in the gel may be higher than in the aqueous solution, which would then reduce the diffusion. Finally, the lower DOX concentration employed (20 µM here in contrast to 1000 µM previously) may also impact diffusion. DOX is amphiphilic and self-associate trough one or more hydrogen bonds at around 1000 µM [52]. Therefore a lower drug concentration in solution should result in a larger fraction of monomeric DOX available to diffuse, and accordingly a higher observed diffusion rate. The 20 µM DOX donor concentration also provides more clinically reasonable drug concentration gradients (1–20 µM) in the chips gel reservoir. In a clinical context, the local (vena cava) and systemic Cmax for DOX was reported to be 2.21 and 1.77 µM respectively, following a 50 mg dose of DOX in a lipiodol-based emulsion to HCC patients (via conventional TACE) [53].
The apparent diffusion coefficient of DOX was further lowered (Fig. 3) when the gel medium was changed from PBS (373 ± 108 µm2/s) to DMEM cell media (256 ± 30 µm2/s), which was necessary to support the tumor cells that were subsequently added. The cell media contained 10% fetal bovine serum, which contains albumin that binds DOX and subsequently leads to a lower free drug concentration available for diffusion. The plasma protein binding of DOX in vivo has been found to be in the range of 74–82% [54]. This was also in line with previous in vitro reports where the diffusion rate of DOX was reduced by 17% when increasing the amounts of fetal bovine serum (from 5 to 50%) in cell media [55]. Additionally, using DMEM cell media instead of PBS to prepare the cirrhotic gels resulted in a pH increase from 6.86 ± 0.07 to 8.61 ± 0.27 which will result in a lower degree of charged DOX monomers in these gels. In this study we observed a clear trend towards a reduction of the apparent DOX diffusion coefficients as the total protein concentration in the gels increases, which is also in line with a previously described interaction filtering mechanism [45, 47]. Interestingly, the addition of two different types of liver tumor cells (Huh7 and HepG2), at two different densities, to the cirrhotic gels had no significant effect on the determined apparent diffusion coefficients (Fig. 3). Tortuosity is a concept used to describe the increased effective path length that molecules diffusing through an extracellular matrix between tumor cells will encounter [56, 57]. Ramanujan et al. used tortuosity to explain the observed difference between their obtained diffusion coefficients in collagen gels compared to those measured in mouse xenograft tumors [56]. Additionally, the fraction of a tumor accounted for by the extracellular space has been reported to range from 20 to 60% [58, 59]. In this study, the fraction of extracellular space in the gels was > 90%, which led us to conclude that this relatively low density of tumor cells present in the gel could not influence the diffusion of DOX. The spatio-temporal tissue concentration model (Fig. 6a) employed a value of 40% for the extracellular space fraction of the tumor. Based on the in vitro determined apparent DOX diffusion coefficients, the performed simulations suggested that negligible concentration differences would be observed at 10 and 100 µm from the nearest blood vessel, both in the tumors intracellular and extracellular locations (Fig. 6b). Based on the simulations in this study the DOX diffusion would have to be reduced by an additional factor of 25 to create a more distinct concentration gradient across the tumor tissue consistent with in vivo observations where the DOX concentration was halved 40–50 µm from the nearest blood vessel 5 min after IV administration [60].
In all diffusion and cellular uptake experiments, a quantifiable DOX concentration gradient (1–20 µM) across the gel was established within one hour. This allowed us to examine the effect of the concentration gradient on the human liver tumor cells for the remaining experimental time (in total three hours). The concentration gradient resulted in higher relative cellular DOX intensities for the cells located closer to the donor reservoir (> 2000%). During the same time, the NucBlue cellular intensities decreased by 50% in the same zone (Fig. 5d). This was in line with a previous report by Hovorka et al. where the decreasing H33342 signal was used to indirectly determine the intracellular uptake of DOX [29]. Similarly, Matsuba et al. studied the association of MS-247 (then a novel anti-cancer agent) with the minor groove of DNA by measuring the reduction in fluorescence intensity of H33342 in both cell-free and cellular assays [61]. Our findings therefore suggest that DOX is rapidly internalized in the cells, where it competes with NucBlue for DNA binding, and likely displaces it. NucBlue, which is a type of Hoechst dye, has a reported binding affinity to DNA of 1–10 nM and a molecular mass (M) of 452.6 g/mol [62], while the reported binding affinity to DNA for DOX (M = 543.5 g/mol) is in the range of 200–2000 nM [63, 64].
To assess this further we determined intracellular uptake rates (µM / min) based on the average cellular DOX concentrations. As expected the intracellular uptake rate was higher for cells closer to the donor solution (0.22 µM / min), e.g. in gel zones with higher extracellular drug concentrations. There was a slight effect of cell density such that a lower density of HepG2 cells resulted in higher maximum uptake (0.29 µM / min). This is in line with studies by Kobayashi et al. where the effect of reducing cytotoxicity by increasing tumor cell density (called the inoculum effect) was investigated in detail [65]. There, 106 MOLT-3 tumor cells exhibited higher cellular content of DOX (pmol/106 cells) than 108 cells after a one hour exposure to approximately 2 µM of DOX. Here, the single cell analysis (Fig. 5b-c) suggests that while clearly internalizing DOX, its fluorescence immediately upstream and downstream of a cell are similar, indicating that the cells do not detectably deplete it from their surroundings. This further strengthens the theory that a substantially increased cell density would be required to further study any inoculum or tortuosity effects in this assay.
The determined apparent cell permeability of DOX in HepG2 cells was similar between experiments with low and high cell densities, 6.49 ± 1.25 x 10− 4 µm/s compared to 9.00 ± 0.74 x 10− 4 µm/s. In comparison, the cell permeability of DOX from a 10 µM solution flowing through a cylindrical microvessel coated with a MDCK cell monolayer was reported to be 32 ± 23 x 10− 4 µm/s [66]. Since the apparent cell permeability determined here relies on DOX fluorescence signals in the tumor cell nuclei there are some important limitations worth scrutinizing. Firstly, we assume that the fluorescence signals completely originate from DOX and not potential degradation products that have been reported previously [27, 29]. Next, in this study, the overall intracellular DOX fluorescence signal was clearly enhanced over time (Fig. 5). This distinct intracellular uptake of DOX has been observed for both Huh7 and HepG2 cells previously in a 2D cell model, but then quantified by LC-MS [25]. However, binding to DNA is expected to quench the DOX fluorescence signal [27, 67], therefore the overall cellular signal enhancement observed in this study is most likely due to a combination of nucleus specific accumulation of the DOX monomer as well as unintended DOX binding to other cellular components. Similar signal magnification was observed by Chen et al. where the DOX fluorescence increased in the nuclei of HeLa cells by a factor of 20 over approximately 2 hours when using fluorescence lifetime imaging [68]. The molecular self-quenching effects observed in this study are also consistent with the literature, as we observe a deviation from linearity between fluorescence and DOX concentration at around 25 µM (Supplementary Fig. 2a), a level, which was reached by the tumor cells closest to the donor solution within 90 min. This all suggests that we are more likely to underestimate rather than overestimate the determined DOX apparent cell permeability. When simulating DOX tumor concentrations using the in vitro determined apparent cell permeability a sharp decrease (from approximately 5 to 0.5 µM) of intracellular concentration was observed (Fig. 6b-c). In addition, we aimed to investigate the viability of liver tumor cells resulting from exposure to a DOX concentration gradient over time, to determine a cut off value for a “lethal concentration” for each cell type. However, as DOX fluorescence unfortunately interfered with both the conventional staining propidium iodide as well as the more far-red staining NucRed Dead 647, it made cell death studies using these stains technically impossible.
In conclusion, the combined diffusion and cellular uptake chip model developed here allowed for formation of a clinically relevant and quantifiable DOX concentration gradient (1–20 µM) within one hour in biomimetic gels with or without tumor cells. The early parts of each experiment, when the concentration gradient was under establishment, were used to study the drug diffusion process meanwhile the latter parts allowed for investigations into the intracellular uptake rate of DOX. Future applications for this type of model will be to establish theoretical models to better understand and translate the contribution of tissue drug diffusion and resistance mechanisms to the rate and extent of drug response in tumor tissues as well as in other complex and dynamic diseases. The combination of tumor cell uptake and in silico modelling will be an important tool to develop dose planning strategies for locoregional therapies, such as TACE in HCC, that aim to avoid strategies resulting in tumor tissue areas with sub-therapeutic drug exposure. For instance, such in vitro and in silico models are planned to be used in an on-going phase II study in patients with HCC as it is expected to improve the understanding of interactions between local pharmacology, tumor targeting, HCC pathophysiology, hypoxia, metabolomics and molecular mechanisms of drug resistance [69].