Climate shifts and the occurrence of extreme meteorological events are accelerating, resulting in climate change-driven alterations to seasonal drivers of aquatic systems, especially in northern and temperate regions (Filazzola et al. 2020). These shifts in climate have resulted in the reduction of lake ice coverage and duration thereby altering the lake ice continuum (Benson et al. 2012; Dugan 2021; Cavaliere et al. 2021; Oleksy and Richardson submitted). In the region where Petit-lac-Saint-François has experienced long-term increases in average winter air temperatures and subsequently, a decrease in FDD over the past several decades potentially marking a shift in climatic conditions (Fig. 3). Concurrent with these changes in winter climatic conditions, the ice cover on Petit-lac-Saint-François has become more dynamic (Fig. 2). Duration in ice cover is driven by the interplay between global climate change and teleconnections that influence local weather drivers and therefore lake ice dynamics (Oleksy and Richardson submitted).
Winter climate teleconnections
Climate processes like the ENSO, and climate trends can drive interannual variation in water budgets in catchments (Maity and Nagesh Kumar 2009). Climate variability can be a significant driver of lake ecosystems ranging from changes in water quality, thermal characteristics, internal processes, and succession of biotic communities (Schindler and Donahue 2006; Bonsal et al. 2006; Vogt et al. 2018). In North America, this climatic variability is caused by the interaction of three major climate systems and air masses (Arctic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico) that influence precipitation and seasonal temperature patterns (Shabbar et al. 1997; St. Jacques et al. 2010). Generally, PDO and ENSO influence the influx of Pacific precipitation and thereby run-off patterns, with ENSO having periods of years and PDO decades. Meanwhile, NAO regulates the annual cyclonic activity and movement of the Arctic air mass affecting the timing of ice melt, lake clarity, and in-situ nutrient cycling, thereby affecting aquatic biota production, composition, and abundance (McGowan et al. 2005b, a; Vogt et al. 2018). A positive NAO index is associated with cool/dry temperature anomalies in eastern Canada on the order of weeks (Hurrell et al. 2003).
How lake limnological characteristics vary with climate systems/climate indices depends on the duration of climate cycles, geographic location, its contribution to climatic variability, in-situ processes, and synergistic interactions of long-term and short-term teleconnections relative to shifting global climate forcing factors. Therefore, there is some variability in how limnological characteristics relate to the various climate cycles. However, there are some consistencies in how total and dissolved nutrients relate to the different climate indices observed at PLSF (Fig. 4). Generally, nutrient concentrations and climate indices are correlated at different time steps (i.e. lag) potentially indicating that climate either directly or indirectly affects nutrient concentrations depending on the timing of climate shifts that also interact with other processes to drive nutrient concentrations. Generally, TN, DIN, and SRP are positively correlated with AMO at the Lake Inlet potentially, albeit at different time scales (Fig. 4) suggesting that warmer and wetter climatic conditions are driving local water quality within the watershed. These climatic drivers of nutrient concentrations are also apparent for in-lake processes with short-term strong cyclic patterns of lagged correlations between AMO and nutrient concentrations observed at the Lake Outlet location (Fig. 4) but also within the lake. However, nutrient concentrations relative to longer-term climate indices such as PDO (Fig. 4) result in slightly different patterns but what is consistent is that these correlations occur at a lagged state, typically much longer and smoothed relative to the shorter-term AMO correlations.
Shifts in climate and changes to climate cycles can be major drivers of nutrient transport and forcing factors in aquatic systems as observed in this study and others (McGowan et al. 2005b; Bonsal et al. 2006; Maity and Nagesh Kumar 2009; Vogt et al. 2018). Furthermore, nutrient concentrations and factors that influence them can have a significant impact on within-season conditions, but also on the following seasons and years. This change in seasonal conditions and available nutrients can cascade to change the timing of the seasonal occurrence of various species, altering the formerly synchronized interactions between species, life cycles, and their environment (Peeters et al. 2007).
Lake Ice Continuum Biogeochemistry: N &P Dynamics
Ice cover substantially changes the physicochemical environment, benthic foodwebs, biotic assemblages, and therefore biogeochemical processes (McGowan et al. 2005a; Bertilsson et al. 2013) in lake ecosystems important to cycling of N (Powers et al. 2017)d (Nicholls 1998; Kleeberg et al. 2013; Schroth et al. 2015). The transformations of N species, more specifically the oxidation of ammonium to nitrate and nitrite facilitated by microbial processes (N mineralization and nitrification) is a predominate N cycling pathway across different ecosystems (Wetzel 2001; Bernhardt et al. 2002; Reddy and DeLaune 2008; Schlesinger and Bernhardt 2013). In lake ecosystems that experience cold/freezing conditions, nitrification can be a major seasonal influence on N speciation providing an ammonium sink and nitrate source leading to the accumulation of nitrate during ice-on periods (Voytek et al. 1999; Pettersson et al. 2003; Powers et al. 2017; Kincaid et al. 2022).
Consistent with prior studies (Powers et al. 2017; Kincaid et al. 2022), DIN accumulation, of which nitrate is a component, was strongly related to the number of days since ice-on and the severity of the winter period (Fig. 5). Powers et al (2017) reported nitrate accumulation rates ranging from 0.15 to 2.70 µg N L− 1 d− 1, indicating a consistent net accumulation of nitrate during the ice-on period. Moreover, Kincaid et al (2022) reported reduced rates of -11.2 to -0.42 µg N L− 1 d− 1 (Kincaid et al. 2022). Based on these two studies it appears that accumulation rates may be depth-dependent and could be influenced by the occurrence of stratification and/or turn-over (Dugan 2021). In PLSF, near-surface DIN accumulation rates range from − 8.04 to 1.31 µg N L− 1 d− 1 dependent on days since ice-on (Fig. 5) and initial concentration (Fig S4). However, contrary to Powers et al (2017) and Kincaid et al (2022), shorter ice-on periods in PLSF correspond with DIN consumption (negative accumulation rates) rather than accumulation (Fig. 6). Since NOx, more specifically nitrate, makes up a predominant fraction of DIN, the “consumption” could be the result of the lack of nitrification, or slower rates of nitrification, or coupled nitrification-denitrification. For PLSF, NOx accumulation rates ranged from − 6.53 to 2.62 µg N L− 1 d− 1 (Table S4), consistent with DIN accumulation rates. Based on the limited data, it would appear that an ice-on period longer than 155 days would result in positive DIN accumulation rates. However, due to ice-on periods getting shorter with climate change, this possibility would appear to be weakening (Fig. 2).
Our current understanding of under-ice P dynamics in lake ecosystems is primarily limited to resuspension/settling, flux from lake sediments, and potential flux of P from groundwater (i.e. seepage) (Nicholls 1998; Kleeberg et al. 2013; Kidmose et al. 2013; Schroth et al. 2015). Broadly speaking, P cycling is much more simplistic than N cycling, with P existing in two basic forms dissolved and particulate, and available as organic and inorganic fractions (Reddy and DeLaune 2008). Inorganic fractions of P can be associated with or loosely bound to minerals such as aluminum, iron, manganese, calcium, or magnesium and be pH dependent (Reddy and DeLaune 2008; Schroth et al. 2015). Mineralization of organic P is regulated by several biotic and abiotic factors including microbial activity, oxidation-reduction conditions, pH, and temperature to name a few, all of which vary along the lake ice continuum (Reddy and DeLaune 2008; Cavaliere et al. 2021). In this study, near-surface TP and SRP accumulation rates were not correlated with days since ice-on (Fig. 5). Furthermore, TP and SRP accumulations were generally negative, with a few exceptions, suggesting consumption or settling of P during the ice-on period. Moreover, PLSF is a hyper-eutrophic lake (Husk et al., In Prep) with relatively high sediment P concentrations (Personal communications, Barry Husk), therefore it would be expected that during exclusion of mixing due to ice cover, hypoxic conditions would develop (Dugan 2021; Cavaliere et al. 2021) facilitating P release from lake sediments to the water column causing an accumulation of P during the ice-on period as observed in other studies (Smith et al. 2011; Schroth et al. 2015). It is possible that sediment iron concentrations and redox conditions are such that P tends to be sequestered in this lake, ultimately retarding the flux of P to the water column. Conversely, P may be fluxing to the water column but since PLSF is a predominately P-growth limited system, it is likely that biotic uptake, while limited is occurring, thereby modulating P accumulation rates during the ice-on period.
Under ice biota
As identified by the lake ice continuum concept, factors that regulate planktonic communities under lake ice may differ dramatically from open water seasons. As expected during ice-on periods, light availability, metabolic activity due to low ambient temperatures and mixing/stratification can be reduced (Levasseur et al. 1984; Winder and Sommer 2012). Interactions between climate and plankton communities are complex due to confounding factors such as resource availability, density dependant community dynamics, and predation effects. However, despite these complexities, some climate-related responses have been noted, mostly concerning seasonality, species composition, and population size structure (Richardson 2008; Adrian et al. 2009; Winder and Sommer 2012; Hrycik and Stockwell 2021). As observed in PLSF during this study, despite some data limitations, variance in phytoplankton biovolume has increased over time concurrently with shifts in ice coverage and compositional variability (Figs. 3, 6, and S6).
The controlling factors of phytoplankton under ice could be bottom-up controls such as changes in light limitation and/or nutrient supplies or top-down controls such as zooplankton grazing. Using an in-situ under-ice mesocosm, Hrycik and Stockwell (2021) evaluated top-down and bottom-up controls of phytoplankton succession during ice-on periods. Hrycik and Stockwell (2021) determined that bottom-up controls (i.e. light) were an important factor in regulating phytoplankton biovolume and community composition more so than top-down controls. Although zooplankton did affect particular taxonomic groups, more specifically, diatoms and cryptophytes contrasted with the commonly accepted assumption that zooplankton grazing has negligible effects under ice-on conditions. Moreover, they also demonstrated that variation in light can also lead to changes in nutrient cycling via the uptake of phytoplankton and also waste excretion by zooplankton. Therefore, changes in snow and ice dynamics relative to climate change can influence basal food web dynamics by altering the light environment in ice-covered systems, significantly influencing the community structure, nutrient cycling, and intra- and inter-annual variation in plankton biomass (Hrycik and Stockwell 2021; Hrycik et al. 2022). Despite relatively limited data, these dynamics are apparent in PLSF with changes in phytoplankton biovolume, high variability in zooplankton biomass during ice-on periods, and shifts in nutrient accumulation rates (Figs. 5 and S7). Something less explored is the role of protozoa in nutrient cycling in lake ecosystems, a prior study (Bloem et al. 1989) suggests that protozoa can influence nutrient cycling. Unfortunately, due to limited data, it is currently unknown how or if protozoa affect nutrient cycling and/or interact with the foodweb structure at PLSF.