Structure of tension sensors
In this study, we used two types of FRET-based tension sensors, Actinin-sstFRET-GR3 (denoted as S1 hereafter) and ActTS-GR4 (S2), to produce two series of ROSA26 reporter knock-in mice (Fig. 1a and b). These two sensors have similar structure except for their linker proteins. S1 uses a DNA fragment of a spectrin repeat as the linker protein whereas S2 uses a DNA fragment of spider flagelliform silk protein. The DNA fragment of each linker was cloned into the EcoRI/BamHI site of a plasmid. DNA fragments of mCherry (AgeI/EcoRI) and EGFP (BamHI/NotI) were inserted into the N and C-termini of the linker to create a sensor module. This module was fused between the actinin-head (1-300aa) and actinin-tail domains (301-892aa). EGFP and mCherry were selected as the FRET fluorophore pair because FRET signals from both fluorophores can be observed with excitation at 488 nm, which is available in conventional fluorescence microscopes, as well as confocal microscopes.
In this paper, we described our experimental results from reporter mice expressing S2 sensors, unless otherwise noted. This is because reporter mice expressing S2 sensors were raised successfully first, and therefore, the data presented in this paper were obtained with them. In selected experiments, we also used the mice expressing S1 sensors and confirmed that the two sensors exhibited similar phenomena. Therefore, there should be few differences in their cellular tension-sensing capabilities.
Generation of ROSA26 reporter knock-in mice
The conditional R26R-S1 (Accession No. CDB0054E: and R26R-S2 (Accession No. CDB0055E) knock-in mice were generated by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in C57BL/6N zygotes as previously described27. For CRISPR-mediated knock-in, donor vectors consisting of homology arms, CAG promoter28, a loxP-flanked STOP sequence (PGK Neo tpA)29, sensor sequence (S1 or S2), and poly-A sequence (bpA) were generated to insert the cassette into the ROSA26 locus. After microinjection, F0 mice were screened by PCR, and the resulting knock-in mice were crossed with wild-type (C57BL/6N) to obtain the next generation and were crossed with the same littermate to generate the homozygous mice. PCR primers were used as follows; R26 FW1 (5’-GCT CCT CAG AGA GCC TCG GCT AGG-3’) and CAG REV (5’-CAA TGT CGA CCT CGA GGG-3’) for 5’-side of R26R allele (1.2 kbp), bpA FW (5’-GGG GGA GGA TTG GGA AGA CAA TAG C-3’) and R26 REV1 (5’-AGA ACT GCA GTG TTG AGG-3’) for 3’-side of R26R allele (0.76 kbp for S1 and 0.71 kbp for S2). To establish the conventional R26-S1 (Accession No. CDB0362E: and R26-S2 (Accession No. CDB0363E) that ubiquitously express the FRET sensor, R26R mice were crossed with a CAG-Cre transgenic mouse (RBRC01828, RIKEN BioResource Research Center)30, and homozygous R26 mice that is Cre transgene negative were obtained, respectively. The routine genotyping PCR was performed using the following primers: P1 (5’-GTT TCA CTG GTT ATG CGG CGG-3’) and P2 (5’-TTC CAG GGC GCG AGT TGA TAG-3’) for the detection of the Cre transgene (450 bp)30, R26 FW2 (5'- TCC CTC GTG ATC TGC AAC TCC AGT C-3') and R26 REV2 (5'- AAC CCC AGA TGA CTA CCT ATC CTC C-3') for the wild type allele (217 bp), and bpA FW and R26 REV2 for R26R and R26 alleles (342 bp for S1 and 297 bp for S2). All procedures performed on these animals were approved by the Animal Care Committee of Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering (Nos. 19-2, 20-5, GS220011), the Nagoya University Committee for Recombinant DNA Experimentation (No.17-3), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of RIKEN Kobe Branch (A2001-03), and a genetic recombinant experiment safety committee of RIKEN Kobe Branch (H17-04).
To perform experiments described below, tissue and cell specimens were isolated from male R26 reporter mice at 4 weeks or older. Mice were sacrificed with CO2 gas, and the thoracic aorta, heart, tail tendon, skin (dermis), diaphragm, and intestines were removed and kept in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at 4°C until use. For cell isolation, a portion of the aorta or tail tendon fascicles was cut into small pieces. These pieces were cultured in Dulbecco's modified eagle’s medium (DMEM, Wako, Japan) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Biowest, France), penicillin (100 unit/mL), and streptomycin (100 μg/mL, Sigma, USA) in a plastic dish to allow smooth muscle cells in aortic media or tenocytes to migrate from the tissue fragments to the bottoms of the dishes. Isolated cells were maintained until passage 2 before storage at -80°C or use in experiments. Wild-type tissues and cells were isolated from C57BL/6N mice (male, 18-week-old) separately purchased using essentially similar procedures described above.
Confirmation of FRET in tissues and cells isolated from R26 reporter mice
To confirm that EGFP and mCherry are functionally expressed, isolated tissues and cells were observed with a confocal laser scanning microscope. Tissue specimens were prepared from aorta, tail tendon, heart, skin, diaphragm, and intestine in hydrated conditions. Aortic specimens were prepared by embedding isolated aortic segments with a length of 5 mm in an agar gel and cutting out rings 200 µm in length. Tendon specimens were prepared by teasing out tendon fascicles. Heart specimens were prepared by embedding the left ventricle in an agar gel and cutting 200-µm transverse sections. Skin specimens were prepared by dissecting abdominal skin, removing subcutaneous tissues. These were observed from the dermal side. Intestine specimens were prepared by embedding the whole intestine in an agar gel and cutting it into 200-µm rings. All cutting procedures were performed with a microslicer (DTK-1000, Dosaka-EM, Japan).
For tissue observation, cell nuclei were labeled with Hoechst 33342 (Molecular Probes, USA). Tissue samples were placed on glass-bottomed dishes and covered with a coverslip while kept hydrated with PBS at room temperature (25°C). They were observed with a confocal laser scanning microscope (FV1200+IX81, Olympus, Japan) and a 40× silicone immersion objective (UPLSAPO40XS, N.A. = 1.25, Olympus). Cell nuclei were observed at 2% power with an excitation laser at 405 nm and emission was detected between 430 nm and 470 nm. EGFP fluorophores were excited at 2% power of an excitation laser at 488 nm and emission was detected between 505 nm and 525 nm. Emission from mCherry was detected between 560 nm and 660 nm. For cell observation, tissue samples were laid on plastic dishes and incubated in culture medium to isolate cells. Cells attached to the plastic dish were observed in similar fashion with a 20× objective lens (NA = 0.45). A series of z-stack images of tissues and cells were obtained at a z-interval of 1 µm for tissues and 5 µm for cells, respectively. Maximum intensity projection images were also created following acquisition with ImageJ/Fiji (ver.1.53c, NIH, USA). The same observations were also carried out with wild-type tissues and cells (C57BL/6N mice) as negative controls.
Acceptor photobleaching experiments were also performed to confirm whether FRET occurs between two fluorophores in our tension sensor, EGFP and mCherry. Theoretically, inactivation of an acceptor by photobleaching increases the fluorescence of the donor if FRET occurs. In contrast, in the absence of FRET, photobleaching of the acceptor has no effect on donor fluorescence intensity. Acceptor photobleaching was performed on specimens prepared from tail tendon fascicles, the aorta, heart, and diaphragm from transgenic mice as described above, using a confocal laser microscope (LSM880, Carl Zeiss, Germany) and a 63× oil immersion objective (PLAN-APOCHROMAT, N.A. = 1.40, Carl Zeiss). A 543-nm excitation laser at 100% power was applied to small rectangular regions of interest (ROIs) 100 times, ranging from 1 µm×3 µm to 4 µm×4 µm square regions, set within cell body on the tissues to photobleach mCherry. The fluorescence intensity of EGFP (495-550 nm) and mCherry (580-624 nm) was measured before and after photobleaching. To obtain negative control data, the same procedure was performed in regions without cells, or no photobleaching was performed in regions around cells, but the sample was held for a period corresponding to the bleaching period.
Tension sensor FRET functionality test
Chemical modification of cellular tension
To test whether tension sensors respond to changes in intracellular and extracellular mechanical environments, chemical and mechanical stimulation were applied to vascular smooth muscle cells isolated from aortas of R26 reporter mice. To examine chemically induced changes in the intracellular mechanical environment, distilled water, calyculin A, or ROCK inhibitor Y27632 was applied to cells. Distilled water and calyculin A were applied to increase cellular tension passively and actively, respectively, whereasY27632 was applied to decrease cellular tension actively. Cells were seeded on a glass-bottomed dish coated with fibronectin (100 μg/mL, Sigma) and cultured for 24 h before stimulation. Time lapse observation of EGFP and mCherry fluorescence was performed with a confocal microscope (Zeiss) and 63× oil immersion lens at 1-min intervals for 1 h at room temperature. A volume of distilled water at room temperature equivalent to half the culture medium was added to dilute the medium and to increase cellular tension under exposure to hypotonic stress. For active elevation of cellular tension, calyculin A was supplied to the medium at a final concentration of 10 µM. To actively decrease cellular tension, Y27632 was added to the medium at a final concentration of 20 nM. In each experiment, the stimulating reagent was added at a designated time point during the 1-h imaging period.
Application of tensile strain to tissues and cells
To examine responses of tension sensor proteins to mechanically induced cellular tension, the aorta, tendon fascicles and vascular smooth muscle cells isolated from the aorta were subjected to tensile stretching and unstretching while FRET observation was performed. A rectangular aortic specimen was prepared by cutting the isolated aorta into 1-mm rings, which were then cut transversely, resulting in a 1 mm × 2.5 mm (circumferential length) specimen. After staining of cell nuclei in Hoechst 33342 in PBS, specimens were attached to a tensile tester (STB 150W NK, Strex, Japan) using custom-made jigs31 (Supplementary Figure S2), parallel to the stretching direction and the intima side facing the objective lens. The testing device was mounted on the motorized stage of the confocal laser microscope system (Zeiss) using the 63× objective lens. Tensile strain was applied up to ~40% at room temperature while the specimen was kept hydrated with PBS. Positional changes of three pairs of cell nuclei in fluorescent images in each strain step were manually recorded and used for local strain calculations relative to their initial, 0% strain positions. At each strain step, a z-series of fluorescent images of cell nuclei, EGFP, and mCherry was obtained with a z-interval of 0.5 µm. Cell nuclei were imaged with a 405-nm wavelength laser. Fluorescence emissions of EGFP (emission 495–550 nm) and mCherry (emission 580–624 nm) were obtained separately, but simultaneously only with a 488-nm wavelength laser at 2% power. After reaching the prescribed maximum level of tensile strain, the tissue was unloaded to 0% strain, and fluorescent images were again obtained.
Tendon fascicles were teased from mouse tails. Experimental samples 20 mm in length were cut from fascicles and labelled with Hoechst 33342 in PBS. Specimens were attached to the same tensile tester using a set of custom-made jigs. Tensile strain ≤10%was applied and fluorescent images of cell nuclei, EGFP, and mCherry were obtained as described above at room temperature. Cell nuclei were used as strain markers. Taking collagen fiber dynamics into account, tendon fascicles were first stretched at ~2 to 4% tensile strain to straighten crimped collagen fibers and fluorescent images were acquired. This was followed by additional stretching of tendon fascicles and acquisition of fluorescent images.
VSMCs were first seeded in a PDMS chamber (STB-CH-0.2, Strex) in an incubator and allowed to attach to the elastic membrane for 24 h. Before the stretching experiment, cells were labelled with Hoechst 33342. The chamber was attached to the same tensile tester and mounted onto the confocal microscope (Zeiss). Tensile strain was applied to 20%, and fluorescent images of cell nuclei, EGFP, and mCherry were obtained as described above at room temperature. The length of the cell body was also measured to calculate the global strain on the cell.
Changes in the FRET ratio by application of mechanical strain were determined from images obtained at each strain step. In each set of z-stack images, the z-position in which the fluorescent image of EGFP can be seen best was selected. In the selected z-position, the FRET ratio in the region where cell nuclei were visible was calculated by dividing the signal intensity of the acceptor ImCherry by that of the donor IEGFP (ImCherry/IEGFP). Relationships between the FRET ratio and local tissue strain were examined, where the latter was calculated from cell nuclear positions. We expected that the FRET ratio would decrease during tensile stretching and would increase during unstretching.
Statistical analysis
Comparisons between two groups were performed with Student’s t-tests (two-sided) using the statistical language R (version 4.3.0). The assumption of the normal distribution of data and the equality of variance were confirmed with Shapiro-Wilk tests and Bartlett tests, respectively. In all analyses, the statistical significance level was set at P < 0.05.