Classifying wetland plant communities:
Overall, the RF classification yielded the most accurate results i.e. 0.81 overall accuracy, and 0.78 kappa (see Table 1) for summer images, which is consistent with other vegetation mapping exercises comparing RF and SVM (Sehic and Latifi 2019, Boori, Vozenilek and Choudhary 2019, Chen, Li and Wang 2019, Lu and Weng 2007). With few exceptions, this trend also holds for user's and producer's accuracy, and sensitivity per target vegetation class. SVM on a summer image sometimes produced slightly higher results, such as a Producer's Accuracy of 90.6% for Prionium serratum compared to 86% for RF and Fynbos (see Table 1). Previous research has demonstrated the utility of summer images for wetland classification in winter rainfall areas (Rebelo 2017) which supports our findings. Specificity results are less conclusive. Similarly, the Class Probability map has an overall accuracy of 82.7% (Table 2) which is a moderately good accuracy. The high producer’s and user’s accuracy for Prionium serratum and Psoralea pinnata for the binary classifiers (Table 1) and Class Probability classification (Table 2) indicate that these two peatland vegetation classes are well separated which is confirmed by Rebelo et al. 2019.
Analysis of the occurrence of plant communities in this wetland using both binary classifiers (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) on summer and winter images and the Class Probability map (Fig. 6) showed that the head and centre of the wetland where the main channel flows are dominated by peatland vegetation (Prionium serratum and Psoralea pinnata) on inundated soils that are rich in organic material or sediment (consistent with field observations). These two vegetation types also occur sporadically southward adjacent to the middle wetland channel, with smaller plants such as Zantedeschia aethiopica growing underneath their dense canopies. Prionium serratum was also classified as occurring in patches further southwest and southeast of the wetland, likely where narrow tributary channels occur.
Table 1. Overall summary statistics of how each classifier (RF and SVM) performed using Sentinel-2: MSI, Level-2A imagery (S2A). Top scorers are in bold, and top scores and those within 2% thereof are shaded light grey.
| | | Random Forest | Support Vector Machine Linear |
| | | S2A Winter | S2A Summer | S2A Winter | S2A Summer |
| OA: | | 0,76 | 0,81 | 0,69 | 0,73 |
| KS: | | 0,72 | 0,78 | 0,64 | 0,68 |
Landcover class: | Prionium serratum | User’s Accuracy | 78 | 83,1 | 79,7 | 81,4 |
Producer's Accuracy | 79,3 | 86 | 85,5 | 90,6 |
Sensitivity | 77,9 | 83 | 79,6 | 81,3 |
Specificity | 96 | 97 | 97,3 | 98,3 |
Psoralea pinnata | User’s Accuracy | 81,7 | 86,7 | 78,3 | 78,3 |
Producer's Accuracy | 83,1 | 85,2 | 83,9 | 81 |
Sensitivity | 81,6 | 97 | 78,3 | 78,3 |
Specificity | 96,7 | 97 | 97 | 96,4 |
Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation | User’s Accuracy | 68,4 | 82,5 | 57,9 | 75,4 |
Producer's Accuracy | 63,9 | 69,1 | 62,3 | 57,3 |
Sensitivity | 68,4 | 82 | 57,9 | 75,4 |
Specificity | 92,8 | 93 | 93,5 | 89,6 |
Fynbos | User’s Accuracy | 72,3 | 70,2 | 61,7 | 74,5 |
Producer's Accuracy | 29,2 | 91,7 | 50 | 77,8 |
Sensitivity | 72,3 | 70 | 61,7 | 74,4 |
Specificity | 95,6 | 99 | 90,1 | 96,8 |
Bare soil/sandstone | User’s Accuracy | 80,4 | 80,4 | 57,1 | 65,2 |
Producer's Accuracy | 80,43 | 75,5 | 65,3 | 63,8 |
Sensitivity | 80 | 80 | 70 | 65 |
Specificity | 97 | 96 | 95 | 95 |
Degraded | User’s Accuracy | 75 | 85,4 | 69,4 | 63,3 |
Producer's Accuracy | 72 | 83,7 | 61,5 | 70,5 |
Sensitivity | 75 | 85 | 67 | 71 |
Specificity | 96 | 97 | 94 | 97 |
Water | User’s Accuracy | 77,6 | 75,5 | 84,2 | 70,8 |
Producer's Accuracy | 86,36 | 80,4 | 79,1 | 77,3 |
Sensitivity | 77,5 | 76 | 69,3 | 63,2 |
Specificity | 98,1 | 97 | 97,1 | 95,9 |
OA = Overall Accuracy; KS = Kappa Statistic
High probabilities of Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation were observed toward the middle sections of the wetland (seen in Figs. 4,5 and 6), surrounding the Prionium serratum and Psoralea pinnata (east and west edges), and occurred toward the southern (‘nearest’) edge (toe) of the wetland approaching the open dam water. Additionally, Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation was found abutting the outer Fynbos edges as the soils dry out in the transition from peatland to upland Fynbos vegetation. At a local scale within the wetland, the Sclerophyllous Wetland group may be regarded as the transitional area from pure peat wetland conditions to the drier, sandier Fynbos conditions. These areas have a mixture of damp or sometimes dry, and sandy to sandy loam soil conditions, which are very different from those in the pure peatland areas where Prionium serratum and Psoralea pinnata are found on deeper, wetter, peat-accumulated soils. Fynbos vegetation was classified as having high probabilities toward the outer edges of the wetland boundary, with distinct soil conditions (drier, coarser, and sandier soils). However, there were instances where Fynbos was found next to the peatland communities. There was some spectral confusion between the sclerophyllous wetland vegetation and Fynbos classes, with around 50% of Fynbos reference data being misclassified as Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation by the Class Probability map (Table 2). Patches of Degraded and Bare soil classes (only in the binary classifications) occur almost throughout the wetland, but predominantly on the drier areas towards the eastern or western wetland edges.
Table 2
Confusion matrix with accuracy metrics for the four vegetation classes, Class Probability classifier using Sentinel-2 MSI: Level-2A, summer 2020/2021 imagery (Fig. 6).
| | Classified data |
| | Prionium serratum | Psoralea pinnata | Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation | Fynbos | Row Totals | EO % | PA % |
Reference data | Prionium serratum | 98 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 104 | 5.8 | 94.2 |
Psoralea pinnata | 2 | 98 | 0 | 2 | 102 | 3.9 | 96.1 |
Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation | 0 | 0 | 44 | 7 | 51 | 13.7 | 86.3 |
Fynbos | 0 | 0 | 52 | 91 | 143 | 36.4 | 63.6 |
Column Totals | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 400 (TP) | | |
| EC % | 2 | 2 | 56 | 9 | | | |
| CA % | 98 | 98 | 44 | 91 | | | |
| Overall Accuracy %: | 82.75 | | | | | | |
| Kappa: | 0.77 | | | | | | |
EO = Errors of Omission; PA = Producer’s Accuracy; EC = Errors of Commission; CA = User’s Accuracy; TP = Total Pixel
Ecotones between plant communities within the wetland on probabilities:
The ecotones between plant communities in this wetland were identified based on their locations and nature. Each plant community class was assigned a colour: Prionium serratum (red), Psoralea pinnata (green), Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation (blue), and terrestrial Fynbos (medium sand colour). Pixels presenting mixed coloration or very dark hues (sometimes black) were considered mixed pixels. The probability map (Fig. 6) shows the presence of mixed pixels with hues that vary between the designated class colours. In remote sensing literature, mixed pixels are generally considered a problem when using coarser (30m or larger pixel) resolution data as they are less sensitive to spatial complexity or heterogeneity (Rocchini 2007). However, in this study, mixed pixels in the probabilistic classification are suggested to be a mixture of classes with varying probability values of at least two vegetation types (or more), identifying an ecotone pixel where there is a transition from one vegetation type to another over the space of a pixel width (10 m). This is consistent with observations in the field. For example, in the multi-layered raster with four band layers (one band per plant community), a pixel may have a 55% probability value for the red band (Prionium serratum) and a 44% probability value for the green band (Psoralea pinnata), indicating that the pixel represents an ecotone that has high probabilities of both peatland species present, with transitions occurring sharply and abruptly from Prionium serratum to Psoralea pinnata within the 10 m resolution of Sentinel-2 pixel. The probabilistic approach supports the identification of co-occurrence of species within the frame of medium spatial resolution data, and their rapid turnover within the same geographical space over a very fine spatial scale, i.e., an ecotone pixel. Another example is a pixel that includes probability values for all four classified classes: Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation (blue) = 4%, Psoralea pinnata (green) = 43%, Prionium serratum (red) = 50%, and Fynbos (alpha band) = 2%. This example indicates an abrupt and rapid turnover from sclerophyllous wetland conditions into high-probability peatland conditions, and then into lower-probability Fynbos conditions.
Ecotones in this alluvial fan wetland are patchy, narrow, generally sharp, and abrupt, which leads to nonlinear behaviour, emphasizing that these transitions are ecotones in the strict sense di Castri, Hansen and Naiman 1988. The probability graphs (Fig. 7, see Appendix E for the code developed to generate the graphs) reveal how the dominance of vegetation types change along the length of the identified transects. Three types of ecotones were identified: 1) abrupt, sharp ecotones between peatland vegetation groups (Transect 5 and 6); 2) sharp, narrow ecotones under 10m between high probability peatland, sclerophyllous and fynbos communities (Transect 3 and 4); and 3) complex ecotones with both slow and rapid turnover between sclerophyllous wetland vegetation and fynbos vegetation (Transect 1 and 2).
In Transect 1 (Fig. 7a), which was located in the far south-eastern corner of the wetland and focused on sclerophyllous, and fynbos dominated areas, the graph shows high probability values for Fynbos vegetation as expected. At the western-most point of the transect, there are negligible probability values for Prionium serratum and Psoralea pinnata, followed by a few hundred meters of high probabilities of peatland occurrence at approximately 500–800 m of the transect. This abrupt transition may be due to hidden channels and tributaries, leading to spatial plant community shifts over different elevations, water levels, and peat soils. Field observations support this argument as narrow, hidden channels were observed within the wetland. The presence of Prionium serratum in random patches reinforces what the graphs suggest: species turnover occurs rapidly, and dominant vegetation zones transition abruptly, indicating spatial heterogeneity. Transect 2 (Fig. 7b), which occupies similar geographical space as Transect 1 shows the same complex transitions between sclerophyllous wetland vegetation and Fynbos. This may be due to the two vegetation types having similar structural traits such as growth form and architecture (Sieben, Mtshali & Janks 2014) which from remote sensing may be difficult to differentiate at medium to coarse scales of 10 m.
Transect 3 (Fig. 7c) and Transect 4 (Fig. 7d) were positioned to cover all four vegetation types but were predominantly situated in large patches of Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation, as noted from field observations. In Transect 3, the graph corroborates this observation, with high probability values for Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation and Fynbos in the western section of the transect. Moreover, the transitions in this transect reveal different patterns along the transect length, where there is a gradual shift from high Prionium serratum values to low values for Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation, followed by an abrupt and sharp transition into Psoralea pinnata, before gradually moving back into high probabilities of Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation. The graph shows an almost rippling effect, with an intricate range of sharp changes between Prionium serratum, Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation, and Fynbos occurring between 0-300 m of the transect length. Moderate occurrences of Fynbos are present around 20–400 m, and there is no occurrence of Fynbos approaching the easternmost point.
Transect 4 shows considerably low probability values for Fynbos, with a sudden surge in occurrence at around the 1500 m mark. Within this transect, there are greater instances of peatland vegetation, which undergo an abrupt transition into Sclerophyllous Wetland Vegetation for several hundred meters, before sharply transitioning back into areas of high Fynbos, interspersed with patches of Psoralea pinnata. This occurrence is likely due to the presence of 'sediment islands' formed between meandering alluvial channels.
The classified map and associated graphs suggest that transitions between and within wetland vegetation, i.e. Prionium serratum and Psoralea pinnata, are abrupt with high probability values for either vegetation type. This phenomenon is most prominent in the main wetland channel (northern area of the wetland in Fig. 7), where ecotone pixels occur over several pixels (mixed green and red pixels in Transect 5 and Transect 6). Transect 5 (Fig. 7e) shows an abrupt transition line from high probabilities of Prionium serratum to higher probabilities of Psoralea pinnata across the length of the transect. At approximately 1500 m, this transitions rapidly from high occurrence of Psoralea pinnata into abrupt high occurrence of Prionium serratum. When another vegetation type such as the sclerophyllous class intersects (at approximately 100–200 m), a sudden island of sclerophyllous conditions is present, followed by very high probabilities of Psoralea pinnata. This may indicate that wetland species such as Priounium serratum and Psoralea pinnata are clustering wetland vegetation types, which often cause monodomination in a system (Gallant 2015) and spatially compete with smaller, finer wetland vegetation species.
Soils in the peatland areas are distinctly different, with a layer of damp, accumulated peat generally forming due to decaying animal and plant matter (Job 2014), which may account for the low probability value of Fynbos vegetation within this transect. Upland Fynbos and terrestrial species may not survive in these permanently wet and peat conditions. Transect 6 (Fig. 7f), occurring in the same geographical space as Transect 5 shows similar ecotonal conditions for the peatland vegetation group. Here, the graph shows relatively high probabilities for both peatland vegetation types interchanging across the transect, with low occurrences of sclerophyllous wetland vegetation. These interchanging inferences may be related to the main channel being deepest in Transect 5, possibly resulting in higher erosion control, sediment trapping, and increased accumulation of peat than in adjacent areas. Together these transitions help us understand spatial interactions of wetland plant communities, and we can gain insights into how they contribute to important ecosystem functions such as silt deposition and soil formation. There are also hidden channels where peatland communities ‘show up’ as patches of peatland plant communities between sclerophyllous areas. This further highlights the relationship between the hydrological patterns, specifically the flow of the river, and the formation and changes in these ecosystem functions. For some wetlands, it can be challenging to distinguish where one patch ends and another begins, while for others, it is more apparent (Holland, Whigham & Gopal 1990). In the case of the Du Toits River wetland, internal ecotones are intricate but distinguishable, as shown by the probability graphs and the mixed pixels. Prionium serratum and Psoralea pinnata have distinct spectral properties that differentiate them from other vegetation, enabling a clear distinction between peatland vegetation, sclerophyllous wetland vegetation, and fynbos communities. Holland, Whigham, and Gopal (1990) refer to these types of transitions as wetland-wetland ecotones, where surficial or diffuse flow transfers across vegetation zones with each zone dominated by a specific species. This study suggests that ecotonal areas in the wetland may have distinct hydrological and sedimentary properties due to their varying probabilities of comprising at least two vegetation types. This contrasts with areas with low species diversity that are dominated by one vegetation community. The different hydrological and sedimentary properties of ecotonal areas may affect the ecosystem services provided by this peatland system, such as water flow regulation (e.g., storage and flood attenuation), climate regulation (e.g., carbon storage, energy exchange), and water quality regulation (e.g., retention/removal of excess nutrients or pollutants, and biogeochemical transformations) (Rebelo et al. 2019). Flood attenuation and sediment trapping (and peat accumulation) properties may be entirely different in peatland vegetated areas, due to the extensive root systems of Prionium serratum, than in sclerophyllous and Fynbos areas, where smaller and finer plants belonging to these communities may not efficiently attenuate flows or trap sediment. Therefore, these results highlight the importance of understanding wetland-wetland (i.e. internal) ecotones to ensure the preservation of the valuable ecosystem services they provide.
As hydrology is recognized as the primary driving force in wetland ecosystems, changes in hydrologic conditions can have significant impacts on both biotic and abiotic characteristics such as salinity, nutrient availability, soil anaerobiosis, and vegetation composition (Holland, Whigham & Gopal 1990; Tiner 1999). In this alluvial fan peatland, several factors including flow velocity, flow direction, and the zones of vegetation and their associated ecotones through which it flows can affect wetland ecological processes. During periods of high flooding, water may move across the ecotones between peatland, sclerophyllous, and fynbos areas, potentially altering the regulating ecosystem services such as water flow regulation, erosion control, and sediment trapping. To better understand these distinct properties, in-situ measurements of water flow and quality, sediment, and nutrient levels are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. Wetland ecotones can also act as important buffers in a landscape by regulating and reducing water flows through the wetland. They can slow down overland runoff, soak, and store rainwater to replenish the groundwater table, bind soil together, reduce soil erosion, and intercept or trap sediment and silt from land runoff, thereby filtering and purifying water flowing through the wetland (Richards 2001).