The analysis of variance revealed that the effects of irrigation levels, cultivar, and their interactions were significant at the 1% level for the number of seeds per capsule, the number of capsules per plant, the weight of 1000 seeds, yield, and water use efficiency (Table 4). These findings matched those of the study conducted by Dargahi et al., (2014); Khani et al., (2011); Shokoufar and Yaghoobinejad, (2012).
Table 4
Comparison of mean squares and significance level of yield and yield components and water productivity
Sources of changes | Degrees of freedom | the number of grains per capsule | Number of capsules per plant | the weight of one thousand seeds | yield | water productivity |
Year | 1 | 105.7 ns | 244.0 ns | 0.0398 ns | 7050.9 ns | 0.001 ns |
Repeat | 4 | 2.5 ns | 4.9 ns | 0.0036 ns | 976.8 ns | 0.000 ns |
Irrigation | 3 | 2788.3** | 6505.7** | 3.8363** | 1006427.9** | 0.008** |
Year * Irrigation | 3 | 1.7 ns | 2.5 ns | 0.0008 ns | 198.4 ns | 0.000 ns |
Error | 12 | 3.8 | 8.1 | 0.0062 | 2786.7 | 0.000 |
Variety | 2 | 520.2** | 1907.6** | 0.7298** | 220145.5** | 0.009** |
Year * Variety | 2 | 0.1 ns | 2.2 ns | 0.0000 ns | 7.2 ns | 0.000 ns |
Variety * Irrigation | 6 | 52.1** | 129.9** | 0.1041** | 52175.9** | 0.002** |
Year * Irrigation* Variety | 6 | 0.0 ns | 0.1 ns | 0.0000 ns | 5.4 ns | 0.000 ns |
Error | 32 | 4.9 | 7.8 | 0.0097 | 3082.8 | 0.000 |
Coefficient of variation | | 4.06 | 2.95 | 5.097 | 6.83 | 7.55 |
**:Significant difference at 1% level, *:Significant difference at 5% level, ns: There was no significant difference |
Table 4 Comparison of mean squares and significance level of yield and yield components and water productivity
According to Table 5's findings and a comparison of the average interactions between yield and irrigation, the Darab1 cultivar's 100% water requirement treatment, which had a yield of 1314.5 kg.ha− 1 and contained 73.3 seeds per capsule, 125.7 capsules per plant, and 2.703 grams of 1000-seed weight, was the best. Treatments that used 100% and 80% of the water needed in Darab1 yielded, respectively, 0.244 and 0.222 cubic meters per hectare, which did not differ considerably in terms of water usage efficiency (Table 5). Results from Table (5) and analysis of the yield and water productivity columns showed that the superior yielding Darab1 consumed an average of 5378.3 and 4748.6 m3. ha− 1 of water over two years in treatments using 100 and 80% of the water requirements. In comparison to treating 100% of the water demand, the treatment of 80% of the water requirement consumed less water, or 638.6 m3.ha− 1, which resulted in a decrease in yield of 260.3 kg.ha− 1. In other words, the yield was lowered by 19.8% due to the 11.8% decrease in water needed for the 100% water requirement treatment. As a result, by accepting a 19.8% decrease in yield, 11.8% of water usage can be reduced in years of low rainfall and drought (Table 5). In line with the findings of Kasab et al., (12) reducing water use did not reduce water productivity. On the other side, cutting back on water use decreased grain yield. which was in line with the study's findings (Dargahi et al., 2014; Kassab et al., 2012; Shokoufar and Yaghoobinejad, 2012;).
Table 5
Comparison of the mean of some quantitative traits and water productivity on interactions between irrigation levels and cultivar
Interaction of treatments | the number of grains per capsule | Number of capsules per plant | the weight of one thousand seeds (gr) | yield (kg.ha− 1) | water productivity (kg.m− 3) |
Irrigation levels | Variety |
40% water requirement | Daarab1 | 48.0h | 86.2e | 1.374ef | 517.7i | 0.149de |
dashtestan2 | 32.7i | 60.0f | 1.286f | 497.6i | 0.143e |
Shevin | 33.8i | 61.7f | 1.507de | 589.4hi | 0.169bcde |
60% water requirement | Daarab1 | 54.8ef | 96.7c | 2.037c | 787.6ef | 0.191b |
dashtestan2 | 49.9gh | 87.6de | 1.621d | 678.2gh | 0.165cde |
Shevin | 52.1fg | 91.8d | 1.637d | 705.8fg | 0.172bcd |
80% water requirement | Daarab1 | 62.4bc | 109.7b | 2.404b | 1054.2b | 0.222a |
dashtestan2 | 57.1de | 96.9c | 1.966c | 811.1e | 0.171bcd |
Shevin | 59.4cd | 100.4c | 1.986c | 861.0de | 0.181bc |
100% water requirement | Daarab1 | 73.3a | 125.7a | 2.703a | 1314.5a | 0.244a |
dashtestan2 | 63.6b | 106.6b | 2.309b | 940.1cd | 0.174bc |
Shevin | 65.2b | 109.8b | 2.377b | 996.6bc | 0.185bc |
Numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly differentness (P < 0.05) |
Table 5 Comparison of the mean of some quantitative traits and water productivity on interactions between irrigation levels and cultivar
Table 6 displays the findings of the regression model's analysis of variance, and Table 7 displays the coefficients of the variables that make up the regression equation for the performance trait. The findings revealed that the analyzed factors for the yield trait at a level of 40% water demand were: number of seeds per capsule, number of capsules per plant, and weight of 1000 seeds: 15.6% (R2 = 0.156). Sesame yield's degree of variance, the regression's lack of significance, and the variables' linear relationship to one another were all explained (P < 0.05) (Table 6). Table 7 displays the equations taken from the final multivariate regression model for the water requirements of 40, 60, 80, and 100%. According to Table 6, the number of seeds per capsule had a negative effect on sesame yield while the variables number of capsules per plant and 1000-seed weight had positive effects (Table 6). As a result, the number of seeds per capsule's absolute beta coefficient (Beta) was negative (1.100), which was higher than the beta coefficients of the other two variables (Table 7). At a 60% water demand, the examined variables (number of seeds per capsule, number of capsules per plant, and weight of 1000 seeds) explained 0.47% (R2 = 0.470), 64.9% (R2 = 0.649), and 80.9% (R2 = 0.809) of the variations in the sesame yield. The influence of grain on the capsule was considerable at the 5% level at a 60% water requirements, while the effect of the other two parameters was not (Table 6).
At a 40% water requirement level, the grain beta coefficient's detrimental impact on yield was reversed. The effect of the capsule beta coefficient per plant on yield was adverse (-0.131). However, this impact was insignificant. Regression significance and the linear association between the variables were also established at the level of 80% of the water requirement (P < 0.01) (Table 6). The effect of 1000-seed weight had a significant positive effect at the level of 1%, with the capsule beta coefficient per plant having the highest favorable impact on yield (0.622). In other words, the two parameters of capsule per plant and 1000-seed weight had the most significant positive influence at the level of 1% on grain yield at the level of 80% water demand. Regression significance and the linear association between the variables were also established at 100% water requirement (P < 0.01) (P 6). At this point, the only influence on grain yield that was noteworthy was 1,000 seed weight at a 5% level. The other two characteristics had no discernible impact on grain yield. However, at the level of 1%, a linear relationship between variables and significant regression were brought about by the positive beta coefficient of three independent parameters. This means that the combined impact of all three variables produced a significant regression and a linear association between variables at the level of 1% (Tables 6 and 7). At this point, the most notable beneficial impact on yield was provided by the beta coefficient of 1000-seed weight (0.465) (Table 7).
Table 6 Analysis of variance in regression model for yield adjective
Table 7 Coefficients of variables in the regression equation for yield adjective
Table 6
Analysis of variance in regression model for yield adjective
Irrigation levels | Sources Change | DF | Mean squares | F Value | The regression coefficient | R2 | Corrected R2 | . Sig |
40% water requirement | Model | 3 | 7310.119 | .862 | 0.395 | 0.156 | -0.025 | 0.484 ns |
Error | 14 | 8485.244 | | | | | |
Total | 17 | | | | | | |
60% water requirement | Model | 3 | 12174.431 | 4.142 | 0.686 | 0.470 | 0.357 | 0.027 * |
Error | 14 | 2939.011 | | | | | |
Total | 17 | | | | | | |
80% water requirement | Model | 3 | 33276.722 | 11.537 | 0.863 | 0.745 | 0.649 | 0.000** |
Error | 14 | 2884.232 | | | | | |
Total | 17 | | | | | | |
100% water requirement | Model | 3 | 74081.496 | 19.703 | 0.899 | 0.809 | 0.787 | 0.000** |
Error | 14 | 3759.816 | | | | | |
Total | 17 | | | | | | |
:** Significant difference at 1% level, *: Significant difference at 5% level, ns: There was no significant difference. |
Table 7
Coefficients of variables in the regression equation for yield adjective
Irrigation levels | Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t Value | Sig. |
B coefficient | The standard error | Beta |
40% water requirement | constant number | 460.301 | 350.728 | - | 1.312 | 0.210 |
the number of grains per capsule = X1 | -15.878 | 11.148 | -1.100 | -1.424 | 0.176 ns |
Number of capsules per plant = X2 | 8.707 | 5.926 | 1.091 | 1.469 | 0.164 ns |
1000-grain weight = X3 | 54.669 | 178.085 | .091 | .307 | 0.763 ns |
Y = 460.301–15.878 X1 + 8.707 X2 + 178.085 X3 |
60% water requirement | constant number | -20.075 | 375.846 | - | − .053 | 0.958 |
the number of grains per capsule = X1 | 15.088 | 6.211 | .613 | 2.429 | 0.029 * |
Number of capsules per plant = X2 | -2.627 | 5.811 | − .131 | − .452 | 0.658 ns |
1000-grain weight = X3 | 111.499 | 107.520 | .265 | 1.037 | 0.317 ns |
Y=-20.075 + 15.088X1+-2.627X2 + 111.499X3 |
80% water requirement | constant number | -311.629 | 309.953 | - | -1.005 | 0.332 |
the number of grains per capsule = X1 | -7.275 | 6.419 | − .224 | -1.133 | 0.469 ns |
Number of capsules per plant = X2 | 11.004 | 2.991 | .622 | 3.680 | 0.002 ** |
1000-grain weight = X3 | 246.127 | 79.238 | .562 | 3.106 | 0.008 ** |
Y=-311.629-7.275X1 + 11.004X2 + 246.127X3 |
100% water requirement | constant number | -902.353 | 277.733 | - | .279 | 0.006 |
the number of grains per capsule = X1 | 9.583 | 6.233 | .279 | .241 | 0.146 ns |
Number of capsules per plant = X2 | 4.264 | 3.291 | .241 | .465 | 0.216 ns |
1000-grain weight = X3 | 342.633 | 153.159 | .465 | .279 | 0.042 * |
Y=-902.353 + 9.583X1 + 4.264X2 + 342.633X3 |
:** Significant difference at 1% level, *: Significant difference at 5% level, ns: There was no significant difference. |
Table 8 displays the findings of the regression model's analysis of variance, and Table 9 displays the coefficients of the variables in the regression equation for the attribute of water use efficiency. The results showed that at a level of 40% water need, the analyzed variables in the attribute of water productivity were the number of seeds per capsule, the number of capsules per plant, and the weight of 1000 seeds, which accounted for 15.6% of the total (R2 = 0.156). Water productivity's degree of fluctuation, as well as the regression's non-significance and the variables' linear relationship, were all explained (P < 0.05). (Table 8). Table 9 displays the equations taken from the final multivariate regression model for the water requirements of 40, 60, 80, and 100%. None of the independent characteristics had a substantial impact on water production at the 40% water requirement level. Water production was negatively impacted by the number of seeds per capsule and positively impacted by the number of capsules per plant. Since the beta coefficients for the number of seeds per capsule, which is equivalent to (-0.098), and the number of capsules per plant, which is comparable to (1.089) (Table 9). The studied variables (number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, and weight of 1000 seeds) explained 48.8% (R2 = 0.488) of the variance in the dependent variable sesame water productivity at the level of 60% water requirement, 72.7% (R2 = 0.727) at 80% water requirement, and 82.5% (R2 = 0.825) at 100% water requirement. The effect of grain per capsule was significant at the 5% level at a water requirement of 60%, while the influence of the other two parameters was no longer significant. Regression significance and a linear relationship between the variables were also discovered at 80% water requirement (P < 0.01).
The maximum 1000-seed weight (0.543) and capsule beta coefficient per plant (0.633) both significantly improved water productivity at the 1% level. The significance of regression and the linear relationship between variables were likewise established at the level of 100% water requirement (P 0.01), and the derived beta coefficient for each of the three independent factors was favorable for water productivity. At the level of 1%, this additive effect of all three components led to substantial regression and linear relationships between variables. The grain weight beta coefficient had the greatest positive impact on water productivity at this point (0.439) (Tables 8 and 9).
The results of Tables 6, 7, 8, and 9 at all irrigation levels clearly demonstrated that the independent variables of grain in capsule, grain in capsule, capsule in plant, and 1000-seed weight were the most sensitive at levels 40, 60, 80, and 100% of water requirements. The beta coefficients for the aforementioned variables are equivalent to -1.100, 0.613, 0.622, and 0.465 for performance, and − 0.098, 0.614, 0.633, and 0.439 for water productivity, respectively. In other words, intense anxiety the grain in the capsule exhibited the greatest reduction in 40% of the water requirements, and mild stress also had the strongest lowering effects. Low stress and a 60% water requirement, no stress and an 80% water requirement Grain characteristics per capsule, capsule per plant, and 1000-seed weight all showed 100% water requirements. The findings demonstrated that the independent variable with the largest absolute value of the beta coefficient in comparison to other variables was the one that was the most sensitive to changes in yield and water productivity. It was clear how cutting back on water productivity affected the beta coefficient. The beta coefficient in the grain numerical capsule turned negative as a result of extreme stress during the treatment of the 40% water requirement. In order to alleviate severe stress, water productivity was reduced to 40% of the required amount. This had such a profound impact that it caused the beta coefficient grain in the capsule, which was positive at levels of 80 and 60, to change to a negative value. Therefore, by consuming less water and lowering the beta coefficient, the effect of yield component dropping was made visible.
In accordance with the findings of Sakila et al. (2000) and Mehrabi and Ehsan Zadeh, (2010) the drop in water productivity resulted in a fall in beta coefficient, which in turn produced a decrease in yield and a decrease in water productivity. According to research findings by (Dargahi et al., 2014; Saeidi et. al., 2012; Kassab et al., 2012; Shokoufar and Yaghoobinejad, 2012;), reduced water consumption at different levels of drought stress led to fewer grain per capsule, capsule per plant, and 1000-grain weight, resulting in lower yield and water productivity.
Table 8 Analysis of variance in regression model for water use efficiency adjective
Table 9 Coefficients of variables in the regression equation for water use efficiency adjective
Table 8
Analysis of variance in regression model for water use efficiency adjective
Irrigation levels | Sources Change | DF | Mean squares | F Value | The regression coefficient | R2 | Corrected R2 | Sig. |
40% water requirement | Model | 3 | .001 | .861 | 0.395 | 0.156 | -0.025 | 0.484 ns |
Error | 14 | .001 | | | | | |
Total | 17 | | | | | | |
60% water requirement | Model | 3 | .001 | 4.452 | 0.699 | 0.488 | 0.379 | 0.021 * |
Error | 14 | .000 | | | | | |
Total | 17 | | | | | | |
80% water requirement | Model | 3 | .002 | 12.447 | 0.853 | 0.727 | 0.669 | 0.000** |
Error | 14 | .000 | | | | | |
Total | 17 | | | | | | |
100% water requirement | Model | 3 | .003 | 22.002 | 0.908 | 0.825 | 0.788 | 0.000** |
Error | 14 | .000 | | | | | |
Total | 17 | | | | | | |
:** Significant difference at 1% level, *: Significant difference at 5% level, ns: There was no significant difference. |
Table 9
Coefficients of variables in the regression equation for water use efficiency adjective
Irrigation levels | Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t Value | Sig. |
B coefficient | The standard error | Beta |
40% water requirement | constant number | .129 | .101 | - | 1.274 | 0.223 |
the number of grains per capsule = X1 | − .005 | .003 | -1.098 | -1.409 | 0.181 ns |
Number of capsules per plant = X2 | .003 | .002 | 1.089 | 1.466 | 0.165 ns |
1000-grain weight = X3 | .017 | .051 | .099 | .335 | 0.743 ns |
Y = .129-.005X1 + .003X2 + .017X3 |
60% water requirement | constant number | − .024 | .091 | - | − .265 | 0.795 |
the number of grains per capsule = X1 | .004 | .001 | .614 | 2.476 | 0.027 * |
Number of capsules per plant = X2 | .000 | .001 | − .082 | − .286 | 0.779 ns |
1000-grain weight = X3 | .024 | .026 | .236 | .938 | 0.364 ns |
Y=-.024-.004X1 + .000X2 + .024X3 |
80% water requirement | constant number | − .079 | .064 | - | -1.239 | 0.236 |
the number of grains per capsule = X1 | − .001 | .001 | − .196 | -1.018 | 0.326 ns |
Number of capsules per plant = X2 | .002 | .001 | .633 | 3.846 | 0.002 ** |
1000-grain weight = X3 | .050 | .016 | .543 | 3.081 | 0.008 ** |
Y=-.079-.001X1 + .002X2 + .015X3 |
100% water requirement | constant number | − .176 | .050 | - | -3.557 | 0.003 |
the number of grains per capsule = X1 | .002 | .001 | .301 | 1.736 | 0.105 ns |
Number of capsules per plant = X2 | .001 | .001 | .257 | 1.448 | 0.170 ns |
1000-grain weight = X3 | .060 | .027 | .439 | 2.210 | 0.044 * |
Y=-.176-.002X1 + .001X2 + .060X3 |
:** Significant difference at 1% level, *: Significant difference at 5% level, ns: There was no significant difference. |
The independent variables were negatively impacted when the amount of water used in the drip irrigation method was decreased from 80–40% at various levels of water requirement. Reduced yield components had a significant impact on yield, which in turn had a negative impact on water productivity. As a result, limiting the amount of water used to grow sesame has decreased yield and water productivity, which is consistent with study findings by Jain et al. (2010), Kumar et al,(1996), and Eskandari et al, (2010). When the assessed attributes in Table 10 were correlated using the Pearson correlation coefficient, it was determined that:
There was no statistically significant association between yield and water productivity and any of the independent factors at a 40% water requirement. With the grain variable in the capsule per plant, the highest significant correlation coefficient of yield and water productivity was calculated at 60% of the water requirement at rates of 0.655 and 0.674, 80% of the water requirement at rates of 0.712 and 0.730, and 100% of the water requirement at rates of 0.858 and 0.861 with 1000-seed weight. The yield and water productivity at levels of 60, 80, and 100% of the required water supply, respectively, had positive and significant correlations with the aforementioned variables at the 1% level (Table 10). The investigated independent factors had a very substantial impact on yield and water productivity in the non-stress phase, which required 100% water. The overall correlation coefficient therefore exceeded 0.783 (Table 10). In other words, decreased water productivity at various irrigation levels led to decreasing trends in the Pearson correlation coefficients of 1000-grain weight, grain per capsule, and capsule per plant (Table 9). This strong link between yield and yield components under mild stress (80% water requirements) and no stress (100% water requirement) conditions demonstrated the value of yield components, such as 1000-seed weight, in boosting sesame production. The research by Hassanzadeh et al., (2009) and El-Serogy et al.,(1997) revealed that 1000-grain weight and yield components were crucial for boosting grain output. As a result, drought stress and deficit irrigation consistently decreased sesame yield and yield components.
Without stressing 100% water requirements, the strongest correlation of 1000-grain weight with grain production was estimated as r = 0.858 **, suggesting the very effective role of 1000-grain weight in enhancing grain yield (Table 10). According to the research's findings, all yield factors at 100% water requirements and no stress level had positive correlations with one another, suggesting that reducing any one of these factors could harm sesame yield in the field. (Kumar et al, 1996), (Eskandari et al, 2010). The sesame plant is sensitive to deficit irrigation stress, so it is important to pay attention to optimal water management in sesame cultivation, according to a positive and significant correlation between water productivity, in which the amount of water consumed is hidden, and grain yield components (Table 10). Therefore, applying deficit irrigation in sesame has lowered yield and yield components, which is consistent with the findings of research by (Jain et al, 2010), (Kumar et al, 1996), (Eskandari et al, 2010) and as a result, the development of drought stress.
Table 10 Pearson correlation coefficient calculated for the studied traits
Table 10
Pearson correlation coefficient calculated for the studied traits
Irrigation levels | N = 18 5%=0.590 1%=0.468 | Seed yield )kg/ha( | Seeds in a capsule | Capsule in the bush | 1000-grain weight (gr) | water productivity (kg/m3) |
40% water requirement | Seed yield )kg/ha( | 1.000 | -0.120 | 0.009 | 0.154 | 0.999** |
Seeds in a capsule | | 1.000 | 0.943** | -0.551 | -0.116 |
Capsule in the bush | | | 1.000 | -0.497 | 0.013 |
1000-grain weight (gr) | | | | 1.000 | -0.358 |
water use efficiency (kg/m3) | | | | | 1.000 |
60% water requirement | Seed yield )kg/ha( | 1.000 | 0.655** | 0.426 | 0.470 | 0.998** |
Seeds in a capsule | | 1.000 | 0.631** | 0.472 | 0.674** |
Capsule in the bush | | | 1.000 | 0.643** | 0.458** |
1000-grain weight (gr) | | | | 1.000 | 0.473 |
water productivity (kg/m3) | | | | | 1.000 |
80% water requirement | Seed yield )kg/ha( | 1.000 | 0.444 | 0.712** | 0.656** | 0.999** |
Seeds in a capsule | | 1.000 | 0.526* | 0.607** | 0.466 |
Capsule in the bush | | | 1.000 | 0.369 | 0.730** |
1000-grain weight (gr) | | | | 1.000 | 0.657** |
water productivity (kg/m3) | | | | | 1.000 |
100% water requirement | Seed yield )kg/ha( | 1.000 | 0.790** | 0.783** | 0.858** | 0.999** |
Seeds in a capsule | | 1.000 | 0.671** | 0.749** | 0.803** |
Capsule in the bush | | | 1.000 | 0.763** | 0.795** |
1000-grain weight (gr) | | | | 1.000 | 0.861** |
water productivity (kg/m3) | | | | | 1.000 |