Spatial information on flying birds has long been of academic and social interest [1-5], In today's world, when society as a whole has become more conservation-minded towards wildlife, spatial information has been utilized in risk assessment with artificial objects including aircraft [6-8]. With the rapid increase in wind power generation projects since the 2000s [9], collisions between birds and wind turbines have become a major worldwide concern [10-14], increasing the need for detailed information on the density of birds in flight and greater accuracy for the assessment of the risk of bird collisions with infrastructure. Until the 2000s, visual observation was the predominant means of conducting spatial bird surveys for environmental impact assessments (EIA) [15]. With the subsequent development of technology offering more accurate methods, such as telemetry, ornithodolite, and radar, these have been introduced into EIA surveys [15]. Telemetry is excellent for obtaining species-specific flight parameters (e.g., height and speed); however, capture is necessary to attach telemetry equipment, and capture methods have not been established for all species. Furthermore, capture is not possible in all periods of the year; for example, for most seabirds capture is only possible during the breeding season when they visit their nests [15-17]. In contrast, it has been practical to apply visual and radar surveys to a wider range of species over a wider range of seasons. Few studies have addressed the use of radar to obtain individual-level information (e.g., species, sex, and behavior) [18], yet radar allows monitoring at night and over long periods, which is difficult by visual observation [19,20]. In addition to these advantages, the ability to quantify the number of flying birds at any given distance [21,22] has led to radar being widely used in risk assessment for wind power projects.
The detection of birds by radar in the 1940s led to widespread research and since the 1950s attempts have been made to monitor migratory birds and validate detection accuracy [23-28]. Currently, the primary radar systems used for spatial bird surveys in general are: weather, marine, and bird-specific radars (hereafter referred to as "bird radar") such as MAX® and IRIS® offered by Robin Radar Systems [29,30]. Weather radar uses C-band frequencies to scan three-dimensionally and estimate bird density and speed over a wide range (5–25 km). Marine radar uses X or S-band frequencies to scan two-dimensionally and track individual flights within a short, local range (0.1–3 km). Bird radar is an integrated system used primarily at airports, that includes X-band scanning and tracking software, and yields 3D trajectories. In selecting the type of radar to be used for avian research, financial costs, data characteristics, and local radio laws regulating the use of such equipment must all be taken into consideration.
In incorporating radar into bird surveys, it is essential to identify factors that affect echo performance and quantification of flying birds to ensure survey accuracy [21,31,32]. Bird radar has echo-tracking software built into it, making it possible to align survey criteria between surveyors. However, the high installation cost and strict radio laws and regulations make it inapplicable for widespread use. In contrast, X-band marine radar, the least expensive and least regulated, has been used widely for bird surveys and validated for observation accuracy [18,21,32-35]. However, most previous validation studies of radar accuracy have focused on the trajectory output produced by the respective tracking software [21,22,31,35]. In general, the initial data obtained from the radar is two-dimensional signal intensity data (hereafter referred to as "raw data"). This raw data is converted as an echo image using radar manufacturer-specific standards and displayed on the terminal. The tracking software predicts and extracts flight trajectories from the echo data. Tracking algorithms vary from operator to operator and software to software, so previous validation studies are not necessarily universal. For example, if the number of non-detected echoes allowed in generating a trajectory is large, the trajectory length will be overestimated. Therefore, validation using raw data and echo images (pre-tracking data) is considered essential for a more accurate understanding of radar detectability, as well as important in developing and improving algorithms for more stable and accurate tracking software.
In recent studies generating trajectories of flying birds, echo images from marine radar have been used more generally than raw data [18,21,32-36]. The reason for this may be the difficulty in acquiring and handling raw data, as it cannot be acquired by a radar system alone but requires additional equipment, and the volume of raw data is much larger than that of images. Therefore, we have focussed on echo images, rather than raw data, in keeping with the reality of recent data usage.
In this study, we clarify the effects of four factors (two location-related and two biological) on the probability of detection (POD) and the area of bird echoes (pixel size) obtained from X-band marine radar. The location factors were distance and elevation and the biological factors were species differences in body size and soaring (soaring bird or not), and flock size (for waterfowl). By clarifying the factors that influence the echoes, we provide estimates of survey ranges and species-specific detection performance for quantitative bird surveys by means of marine radar.