5.1. Particle Temperature and Size Reduction
To assess the particle heating and consuquent size reduction, three particle sizes of D10:57 µm, D50:74 µm, and D90:97 µm were tracked. As shown in Figure 3, due to exposure to high temperature plasma, the particle temperatures increase to reach the melting point, where the tempereture remains constant since the heating is spent on the latent heat of fusion. Particles heat up beyond this point to reach the boiling point, where the particle size strats shrinking. This shrinking continues as long as the particle is in the heating zone. Once the particle leaves the heating zone, the particle size remains constant while the particle starts cooling down (particle temperature is less than the boiling point). Figure 3(a) compares the temperature history for the three particle representatives; due to its smaller diameter, the 57 µm particle was heated up to the melting and boiling points faster, followed by 74 and 97 µm particles. Likewise, the 57 µm particle showed a faster cool-down.
The particle shrinkage was measured by tracking the particle diameter. As shown in Figure 3(b), once the 57 µm particle reached the boiling point (15.6 ms), its diameter started decreasing until the particle left the heating zone (30 ms), with around 16% diameter reduction. The 74 and 97 µm particles showed a similar pattern and started shrinking at 18 and 25 ms, with 6.8% and 0.62% diameter reduction, respectively (Figure 3(c) and (d)). These diameter reductions were used to characterize the particle geometry, results of which are discussed in the next section.
5.2. Particle Aspect Ratio
Figure 4 shows the particle aspect ratio per diameter reduction that the particle with specific size, i.e., 57, 74, and 97 µm, experienced. As mentioned earlier, per diameter reduction, the shown values of aspect ratio were the mean aspect ratio of 10 randomly selected particles with the specific size; thus, the appearance of horizontal error bars is attributed to the standard deviation of aspect ratio measurements of 10 different particles. For the 57 µm particle, as shown in Figure 4(a), the 16% diameter reduction improved the particle sphericity by decreasing the aspect ratio from 1.023 (initial particle geometry) to 1.008 (spheroidized particle geometry). The 6.8% diameter reduction for 74 µm particle reduced the aspect ratio from 1.024 to 1.013 (Figure 4(b)). The diameter of 97 µm particle reduced by 0.62%, resulting in improvement of aspect ratio from 1.025 to 1.018. Comparing these values across different particle sizes, it can be observed that for larger particles, the particle evaporation results in improving particle geometry (mostly by reshaping the particle outer surface) while for smaller particles, the particle evaporation results in decreasing particle size.
The proposed method of particle geometry evaluation resulted in generating the graphs shown in Figure 4, which can be used for predicting the particle aspect ratios; one may use the particle residence time to find the corresponding diameter reduction, based on which the particle aspect ratio can be determined. The proposed method was capable of evaluating the particle geometry for the first time in literature as no other research work has investigated it.
Thus far, to simplify the explanation of measurement procedure, the evaluation of particle geometry was limited to three sizes of 57, 74, and 97 µm. Following the same procedure, the aspect ratio of simulated particles was measured for the rest sizes in the particle size range of as-received powder (for the size range, look at the horizontal axis of charts in Figure 6). By incorporating the aspect ratio results from experiments [23] into the results of simulations, Figure 5 compares the aspect ratio of spheroidized powder, processed with experiments and simulation; the aspect ratio of as-received powder has also been included as a reference. Firstly, it can be observed that the results from both experiments and simulation show great improvement in the sphericity of particles compared to their as-received condition. Most importantly, the simulation results matched well with the experiments. These findings suggest that the proposed method for quantifying the particle geometry has contributed to predicting the particle sphericity without performing experiments. In addition, future researchers can use this proposed technique as a basis for advancing the particle geometry quantification.
5.3. Particle Size Distribution
The particle size distribution of spheroidized powder collected from the collection bin was measured both experimentally and numerically, results of which are shown in Figure 6. The particle size distribution of as-received powder was also shown in Figure 6(a) as a reference. As can be seen, the percentage of smaller particles were reduced after the spheroidization process due to the material melting and evaporation. The particle size distribution of spheroidized powder out of simulation was shown in Figure 6(c). By comparing the results of experiments and simulation, it can be observed that the particle size distribution of simulation matched well with that of experiments for medium and larger sizes. The size distribution of simulation differs from the experiments only for very small particles, which could be due to the simplifying assumptions in the simulation software.