The volcanic succession for the central Ethiopian plateau can be broadly separated into lower fissure-fed basalts and rhyolites overlain by upper point-sourced shield basalts. We used the formal stratigraphic term “Formation” to classify the different unit types which are mappable at this scale (Fig. 2). All units are formally named using a geographic name, followed by a lithic designation which is more descriptive than the generic term “Formation” (Reidel et al. 2013). The geographic designators were derived from the type locality/area where a complete sequence of each unit is exposed. Five formations are identified from base to top: Zaro Basalt, Gawna Rhyolite, Sasit Basalt, Alaji-Molale Rhyolite and Tarmaber-Guassa Basalt (Figs. 3 and 4), which are partially placed into an existing stratigraphic framework (Zanettin and Justin-Visentin 1973; Justin-Visentin et al. 1974). The formation ascriptions given in Table 1 are taken from the results of traverse and areal/local field mapping. The stratigraphic scheme constructed from this work is summarized as follows.
Zaro Basalt
The oldest in the stratigraphic sequence is here named the Zaro Basalt. The Zaro Basalt lies in contact with the underlying Mesozoic sandstone (Debre Libanos Formation, Asefa, 1991). The unconformity is described by an uneven (undulating) surface as indicated by frequent lava ponding. The Zaro Basalt occupies the lowest elevations (<2000 m above mean sea level) in the westward draining river valleys in the study area (Fig. 2). It has a total thickness of about 400 m (Fig. 4).
The Zaro Basalt forms subdued relief and the flows are poorly exposed. It consists dominantly of dark, basalt lava flows with a thin intercalation of rhyolite ignimbrite towards the top. Basalt flow thicknesses commonly vary between 10 and 40 m. The flow top of the lavas is typically scoriaceous. Individual flows are commonly columnar (Fig. 5). The flows are intensely fractured, typically with alteration surfaces.
The basalt flows exhibit variable textural features including aphyric and porphyritic varieties. The porphyritic varieties contain phenocrysts (up to 10 vol. %) of plagioclase (up to 2.8 mm in size) and olivine (1.5 mm in length) set in a microcrystalline groundmass consisting of plagioclase, olivine and opaque minerals (Fig. 6, Supp. Material). Olivine is often altered to iddingsite. The Zaro Basalt flows are variably altered and contain amygdales of quartz, calcite, chlorite and zeolite that are replacing phenocrysts and groundmass.
There is an intercalated sedimentary layer, dominantly sandstone with variable grain size and degree of weathering, in the middle of the succession (Fig. 3). A similar intercalation within basalts has been observed in the Jema River valley, farther west of the study area (Abbate et al. 2014; Passey et al. 2021). The presence of inter-lava sediments in these two localities and many other places suggests a considerable volcanic quiescence in the middle of the eruption of the Zaro Basalt. This also means that some areas were at lower elevation than others.
Gawna Rhyolite
The early Zaro Basalt is unconformably overlain by thick rhyolite lavas (Gawna Rhyolite) in the western side of the mapped area. This is the first reported occurrence of glassy rhyolite lava flows associated with the Ethiopian basalt pile. These silicic lavas appear to find no equivalent in the northern Ethiopian plateau. The Gawna Rhyolite forms prominent vertical cliffs (Fig. 7) and comprises a pile up to 170 m thick (Fig. 4).
The rhyolite lava sequence displays variable textural features (Fig. 8). In the lower and middle portions, the flows exhibit vertically oriented, regular colonnade-like structures (Fig. 8a). In contrast, towards the top the lava flows consist of randomly oriented joints forming entablature (Fig. 8b). The Gawna Rhyolite lavas exhibit flow banding and flow folding texture. Rhyolite flow thicknesses vary between 5 and 50 m. The rhyolite lavas frequently show perlitic cracks, implying hydration of obsidian.
The Gawna Rhyolite is dark in color and is typically porphyritic containing quartz and alkali feldspar phenocrysts set in a glassy matrix (Fig.6, Supp. Material). Towards the top, the Gawna Rhyolite is intensely altered and contains brown opals, white agate and green jasper/chert. The glassy (vitrophyre) texture of the Gawna Rhyolite possibly relates to rapid loss of dissolved gas by viscous lava fluxing at a higher rate to a cooler surface air condition (Hefferan and O’Brien 2010). The Gawna Rhyolite extends laterally for at least tens of kilometres, indicating that it was fluidal and mobile due to perhaps reduced viscosity as a result of compositional factor.
Sasit Basalt
Whole rock Rb-Sr isochron on intercalated rhyolites from this formation gave an age of ca. 20.7 Ma (Ayalew 2011). The Sasit Basalt is composed of dense, dark basalt flows with numerous thin intercalations of rhyolite ignimbrite, especially towards the upper portion (Fig. 4). It is preserved over much of the plateau, making the Sasit Basalt the most voluminous of this region. The basalt succession reaches to 440 m thick (Fig. 4).
The Sasit Basalt comprises of at least nine basaltic flows that extend subhorizontally for at least tens or more kilometers (Fig. 9). The flows are between 15 and 50 m thick. Individual flows are very extensive, lithologically uniform, consistent with sheet flow geometry. The flow top of Sasit Basalt commonly consists of a vesicular to scoriaceous basalt or a ruby to brecciated basalt (Fig. 10). It typically occupies up to 50% of the entire thickness of a flow. Flow top breccias typically consists of angular, vesicular fragments of basaltic rubble that lie above a zone of nonfragmented, vuggy basalt displaying entablature-like cooling joints with fan-shaped base (Fig. 10). It is likely created by autobrecciation process. The flow bottom of the flows typically consists of sparsely vesicular, fine-grained basalt, suggesting lava flowage on relatively dry ground (Fig. 10). Although the great majority of the Sasit Basalt flows are sheet flow, there are a few compound flows with numerous small distinct lobes (Supp. Material). Individual lobes are affected by shpheroidal weathering.
The Sasit Basalt flows are variably porphyritic (up to 12 vol. %) with phenocrysts of dominantly plagioclase (up to 3 mm in size) with subordinate olivine (about 1.5 mm long) and pyroxene (<1 mm in length) set in a microcrystalline groundmass comprising of lath-shaped plagioclase microlites, olivine, clinopyroxene and opaque minerals (Fig. 6, Supp. Material). The phenocrysts often form glomerophyric aggregates. The basalts are locally altered and that an agate-bearing basaltic layer has been identified at an elevation of ca. 2585 m above base level.
It is important to note that the Sasit Basalt includes numerous thin (up to 20 m thick) intercalations of silicic tuff and ignimbrite (Fig. 4), but are not mappable at this scale. This unit is conspicuous for containing carbonized tree trunks/branches (Fig. 11), indicating wet environment during the deposition of this unit. Towards the top, there is a thin rhyolite level which bears precious opal (Ayalew et al. 2020). Inter-lava sediments (conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone) are common between basalt lava flows (Supp. Material). Their presence implies there was considerable volcanic quiescence between the eruptions of successive lava flows.
Alaji-Molale Rhyolite
The Alaji-MolaleRhyolite is dated at ca. 15.4 Ma (K-Ar dating, Zanettin et al., 1974 and Rb-Sr isochron, Ayalew et al. 2002). It comprises of silicic (rhyolite) ignimbrite and rests directly on the Sasit Basalt. The Alaji-MolaleRhyolite is widely distributed over the plateau, forming the flat terminal surface with typical pyramidal topography (Supp. Material). The thickness of the rhyolite succession attains about 120 m (Fig. 4) which pinches out westward away from the Afar rift margin. The Alaji-MolaleRhyolite serves as a marker horizon to separates the sheet flow sequence from the overlying shield-like pile.
The Alaji-MolaleRhyolite is dominated by pyroclastic deposits with a thin intercalation of basaltic lava flow. Individual flows are between 10 and 35 m thick. The ignimbrite sequence maintains a similar thickness over kilometers and includes both welded and unwelded units. The welded varieties show a well-developed eutaxitic texture, implying their emplacement at relatively high temperature. Individual prominent flows are identified over a distance of a few tens of kilometers which form typical landscape elements such as steep walls and pyramids (Supp. Material).
The Alaji-MolaleRhyolite consists of an alternance of alkaline to peralkaline large ignimbrites and tuffaceous levels. It is variably porphyritic, containing phenocrysts of alkali feldspar and quartz enclosed within a glassy matrix (Fig. 6, Supp. Material). The peralkaline varities include comendites; pantellerites are uncommon (Ayalew et al., 2002). The interbedded basalt flow is lithologically indistinguishable from underlying Sasit Basalt.
Tarmaber-Guassa Basalt
The Tarmaber-Guassa Basalt is dated at ca. 10.4 Ma (K-Ar technique, Chernet et al. 1998), terminating the central Ethiopian magmatic event. It overlies unconformably the Alaji-MolaleRhyolite ignimbrites, separated by about 30 m thick sediments with variegated conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones. The Tarmaber-Guassa Basalt crops out close to the rift margin in the more elevated places (their elevation can reach to 3315 m above mean sea level) of the mapped area. It locally fills ancient erosional channels. The thickness of this formation is highly variable, in places reaching up to 410 m (Fig. 4).
The Tarmaber-Guassa Basalt forms still-preserved edifices (shield volcanoes), made up of more localized, lenticular basalt flows with scoriaceous flow top. The flows are frequently separated by red paleosol. They dip 3-5° away from the summit. The lavas are commonly scoriaceous and that vesicles are often filled with amygdales. Pyroclastic layers are abundant in some sequences. Although basalt flows dominate the sequence, differentiated products are also frequent.
The Tarmaber-Guassa Basalt flows are distinctive by being porphyritic (phenocrysts comprise up to half, sometimes more, of the rock volume); plagioclase, pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts characterize the flows (Fig. 6, Supp. Material). Nevertheless, there are also aphyric varieties. The character of the basalts is decidedly alkaline. More evolved products include dominante plagioclase- or olivine-phyric hawaiite/mugearite and subordinate aphyric trachyte and tephrophonolite.