Little is known concerning the microglia’s influence on mPFC development and its function, such as social behavior [53]. As such, microglia are receiving significantly more attention in psychiatric research [54, 55]. In particular, understanding microglia’s role in the mPFC circuit formation is essential due to the critical implication of the mPFC in the pathobiology of neuropsychiatric disorders [53, 56–58]. In this study, we first demonstrated that j-SI mice during p21–p35 had increased MG-Bdnf expression and reduced sociability, consistent with previous studies [12, 14]. Next, we investigated the impact of these microglial changes on social behavior and mPFC function using MG-BDNF-overexpressing mice. Sustained MG-BDNF overexpression resulted in impaired social behavior, a reduced firing capacity of mPFC layer V pyramidal cells, and reduced excitatory inputs and enhanced inhibitory inputs to mPFC layer V pyramidal cells, implying an altered excitatory/inhibitory balance. Notably, the post-weaning normalization of MG-BDNF (from p21) ameliorated the impairment of social behaviors and the firing and abnormal excitatory/inhibitory balance in mPFC layer V pyramidal cells. These results suggest that MG-BDNF during the juvenile period is crucial to developing social behaviors and mPFC function. In contrast, when MG-BDNF was normalized from adulthood (p45–p50), the firing and excitatory/inhibitory balance of mPFC layer V pyramidal cells remained abnormal. These findings indicate that MG-BDNF has a critical window of effects on social behavior and mPFC function. The mPFC complement system might be implicated in a possible underlying mechanism, consistent with previous findings that microglial experience-dependent synaptic pruning depends on its related complement system [1, 2, 7].
We used BdnftetO/+ mice as the control group and Iba1-tTA::BdnftetO/+ mice as the experimental group. Our BdnftetO/+ mice were derived from ES cells of 129/SvEv mice for homologous recombination and backcrossed to C57BL/6J mice for more than five generations. While Iba1-tTA mice were originally developed in fertilized eggs of C57BL/6J, they were maintained as breeders with our BdnftetO/+ mice. Accordingly, the alleles near the transgene Iba1-tTA are expected to be enriched with those of C57BL/6J and alleles in the rest of the genome contained randomly mixed 129/SvEv and C57BL/6J alleles originating from BdnftetO/+ mice. Thus, the expected impacts of a systematic genetic background bias between the control and experimental groups are minimized, as the alleles near Iba1-tTA transgene are those of C57BL/6J in both control and experimental groups and the rest of the genome contained a random mixture of 129/SvEv and C57BL/6J alleles; the mixed genetic backgrounds of BdnftetO/+ mice were present in both the control and experimental groups [34]. Moreover, if the phenotypes reflected genetic background differences between control and experimental groups instead of or in addition to MG-BDNF overexpression, some phenotypic differences between the two groups should have remained after normalizing MG-BDNF levels; no phenotypic difference was seen in social behavior (Fig. 5b) or electrophysiological recordings (Fig. 5c-l).
Recently, Schalbetter et al. reported that microglia affect mPFC function and its relative cognition in a time-specific manner [24]. Although microglia are reportedly related to social behavior [20–22], no study has examined the relationship between sociability and time-specific development of the mPFC with microglia. The j-SI mouse with robust impairment of social behavior is a potential model for human neglect [11, 12]; however, it also makes it possible to elucidate the mechanism of social circuit formation in a limited social experience-dependent window, similar to that of sensory deprivation [59]. Social experience deprivation during the juvenile period (p21–35) has been suggested to affect the excitatory/inhibitory balance in mPFC [16–18], mPFC–pPVT neural circuits [14], and glial cells, such as oligodendrocytes [12] and microglia [13], all of which may be responsible for reduced sociability in these mice. Following the current finding that juvenile social experience deprivation elevates MG-BDNF expression in mPFC, a novel mechanism could elucidate the experience-dependent development of social behaviors. In mice overexpressing MG-BDNF, we demonstrated that higher MG-BDNF expression reduced social behaviors, suggesting that MG-BDNF may be critical in developing social abilities. In addition to a robust social assessment, i.e., the three-chamber social test, we also applied the AR-LABO, in which multiple mice were simultaneously traced under free-moving conditions to confirm their social behavior. MG-BDNF-overexpressing mice exhibited fewer approaches to other mice and received fewer approaches from others. This might be due to MG-BDNF-overexpressing mice emitting lower levels of chemical communication, such as ultrasound, urine, and pheromones [60, 61].
Furthermore, MG-BDNF modulates the excitability and excitatory/inhibitory input of mPFC layer V pyramidal cells in a limited window from the juvenile period (p21) to adulthood (p45–50). This is consistent with the critical period for social ability acquisition in mice, which is from p21 to p35 [12]. In contrast, normalizing MG-BDNF during adulthood did not improve the excitability and excitatory/inhibitory balance of mPFC layer V pyramidal cells, although impaired social behavior was ameliorated. MG-BDNF is implicated in learning-dependent neural plasticity [29] and may modify social circuit formation in brain regions other than the mPFC, even in adulthood [62]. Previous studies have also reported that microglia are related to mPFC circuit formation and cognitive maturation in adolescence [24]; thus, normalizing MG-BDNF after p45–50 may be sufficient to restore sociability.
The excitability of layer V pyramidal cells in the mPFC of MG-BDNF-overexpressing mice is similar to that observed in j-SI mice [16, 18]. This reduction in the excitability of layer V mPFC neurons may be associated with the hypoactivity of mPFC neurons that project subcortically to regulate social behavior [14], leading to reduced sociability. The relationship between MG-BDNF and the development and maturation of inhibitory neuronal circuits is poorly understood; however, enhancing inhibitory neuronal circuits, as in this study, is likely consistent with a known function of BDNF: promoting the formation and maintenance of inhibitory neural synapses during brain development [25, 63–65]. Particularly, BDNF regulates the critical visual cortex period, and overexpressed BDNF leads to the premature maturation of inhibitory neural circuits, leading to early closure of the critical visual cortex period [25]. Juvenile PFC development strengthens inhibitory neurotransmission within the brain, altering the excitatory/inhibitory balance [66, 67], which is implicated in the social function of the mPFC [19]. Overexpressed MG-BDNF might similarly close the critical social development window, disrupting mPFC development and reducing sociability by strengthening inhibitory neural circuits. In this study, normalizing MG-BDNF from adulthood (p45–p50) did not ameliorate the enhanced inhibitory neuronal circuitry. In the rodent neocortex, inhibitory synapse formation primarily occurs postnatally and rapidly (before adolescence) reaches adult-like inhibitory synapse density [68, 69]. The time course of rodent inhibitory synapse functional maturation is similar to that of inhibitory synapse formation. Specifically, IPSC frequency becomes prominent postnatally and displays adult-like properties before adolescence [70]. Enhancing inhibitory neuronal circuits via overexpressed MG-BDNF may increase the density and function of inhibitory synapses. Previous studies have also revealed increased inhibitory inputs in mPFC layer V pyramidal cells in j-SI mice and other abnormalities in inhibitory interneuron functions in the mPFC [11, 15, 17, 18]. Abnormalities in inhibitory circuits induced by juvenile isolation and changes in MG-BDNF expression might be a potential mechanism for the experience-dependent impairment of social development.
In this study, we performed RNA-seq of the mPFC; our findings suggested the involvement of the complement system as a mechanism of MG-BDNF-induced reduction of sociability. The relationship between BDNF and the complement system has not previously been reported; nevertheless, complement C3 signaling starting at C1q is crucial for the experience-dependent synaptic pruning of microglia [2, 7]. Thus, decreased C1q and C3ar1 [71–74] expression may reduce microglial pruning and inhibit mPFC circuit purification. In addition, the relationship between the complement system and psychiatric disorders is gradually becoming more evident [75, 76], indicating that further investigations are needed. Our experiments with mice have a limitation. The duration during which MG-BDNF overexpression remained suppressed may be critical rather than the timing of the DOX administration initiation. However, we have shown that resocialization after P35 in j-SI mice does not improve either sociability or mPFC function [12, 16–18], which may support the timing specificity in the current study.
Childhood experiences were also associated with BDNF expression in human peripheral M2 macrophages in this study. Microglia and macrophages should be considered separately [48] as primitive myeloid progenitor cells (microglia’s origin) migrate from the yolk sac into the brain from the embryonic period [77]. Thus, results in mice and humans cannot be directly compared; however, a relationship exists between childhood experiences and BDNF expression in macrophages that share similarities in CD11b expression and phagocytic capacity with microglia [48, 49] (the resident macrophages in the brain [49, 50]). M1 macrophages have high antigen-presenting activity and pro-inflammatory cytokine-releasing capacity. In contrast, M2 macrophages have multiple roles aside from inflammation, including anti-inflammatory responses and tissue remodeling, and secrete numerous growth and neurotrophic factors [78–80]. M2 macrophages are also implicated in the pathobiology of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders [81–83]. Whether high levels of BDNF in M2 macrophages are associated with reduced sociability remains unclear; however, BDNF abnormalities have been identified in humans with autism spectrum and posttraumatic stress disorders [84–86]. They may also be associated with the reduced sociability of these disorders [87, 88].
In conclusion, these findings indicate that MG-BDNF is critical in developing social behaviors and mPFC function in a time-specific manner, potentially related to juvenile social experience-dependent social development. Our results provide new insights into experience-dependent social behavior formation and mPFC development.