Our results revealed that all ROM and functional scores were significantly improved 12 months after MUC in both the success and refractory groups. On comparing the groups, although all ROM and functional scores before MUC did not differ significantly between the two groups, those in the refractory group 12 months after MUC were significantly inferior than in the success group. Age and the presence of DM were significantly higher in the refractory group. Higher age and the presence of DM were negative prognostic factors of MUC.
While MUC provides improvements in shoulder pain and function (15–17), to our knowledge, no studies have focused on the relationship between patient’s age and clinical outcomes of frozen shoulder treated with MUC. Regarding factors affecting clinical outcomes of frozen shoulder after ACR, Rizvi et al. reported that regression analysis revealed that younger patients, females, and those with greater preoperative restrictions in ROM benefited the most from this procedure (25). In the present study, success group has significantly superior ROM and functional scores 12 months after MUC and patient’s age was significantly lower than in the refractory group. This is consistent with the result of Rizvi’s study, although the procedure is different. It is difficult to know the precise mechanism of the inferior clinical outcomes in the refractory group, but stiffness of the muscles, fascia, and subcutaneous tissues due to higher age might affect the outcomes.
DM has been associated with refractory outcomes of MUC and ACR for frozen shoulder in previous studies (4–7, 26, 27). Saito et al. compared patients with an ASES score of < 80 (poor clinical result group) with those with an American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) score of ≥ 80 (good clinical result group) and concluded that the initial numeric rating scale (NRS) score and the presence of DM were significantly higher in the poor clinical result group than in the good group. Moreover, multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that DM was the only independent risk factor for poor clinical outcomes after MUC (5). Ando et al. compared the clinical outcomes of MUC between patients with and without DM, and reported that patients with DM showed inferior recovery of Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), ROM, and functional scores compared to the non-DM group (4). Jenkins et al. reported that the patients with frozen shoulder showed that repeat MUC was required in 36% of patients with DM versus 15% of patients without DM (26). Our previous study compared the clinical outcomes of MUC between patients with and without DM and concluded that in patients with DM, ER at 12 months after MUC was significantly inferior to that in patients without DM (6). Yanlei et al. investigated the relationship between DM and ACR, and concluded that patients with DM had a higher rate of refractory postoperative improvement in ROM and shoulder function than those without DM (7). Cho et al. investigated the clinical outcomes after ACR of refractory frozen shoulder with and without DM, and concluded that although ACR showed satisfactory clinical outcomes with and without DM at the final follow-up, patients with DM had slower postoperative functional recovery until 12 months postoperatively (2). Mehta et al. reported that the clinical score 6 months post-ACR was significantly lower in patients with diabetes than in those without diabetes, with a tendency toward persistent limitation of motion 2 years postoperatively (3).
Patients with DM have a high risk of developing pain or other shoulder symptoms, and poor glycemic control may increase the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder (28–30). Its mechanism is known to involve persistently high levels of glucose leading to the accumulation of advanced glycosylation end products that form cross-links with collagen, making it inelastic and more susceptible to degenerative processes (31). The amount of collagen produced in patients with diabetes is estimated to be at least twice the amount produced in non-diabetic patients of a similar age, leading to progressive changes that affect joint elasticity (32). All of these studies attempted to provide a rationale for the delay in response to treatment in patients with diabetes. Overall, existing research results indicate that the cause of frozen shoulder in patients with diabetes may be multifactorial.
Inferior clinical outcomes in patients with DM and the importance of perioperative glycemic control have been reported in other types of orthopedic surgeries. Our previous study investigated the association between perioperative glycemic control and clinical outcomes in patients with diabetes following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) (30). This study reported that the clinical outcomes of patients with poor postoperative glycemic control were significantly inferior to those of patients who successfully achieved glycemic control. However, some authors have reported that clinical outcomes after ARCR in diabetic patients with perioperative glycemic control are comparable to those in non-diabetic patients (33, 34). Patients with uncontrolled diabetes are more commonly admitted to the hospital for intensive glycemic control prior to surgery. These studies concluded that intensive glycemic control, both perioperatively and postoperatively, is imperative for the prevention of complications and optimization of success clinical outcomes after ARCR. In the present study, DM was found to be a negative prognostic factor for MUC in frozen shoulder. Therefore, we believe that intensive glycemic control, both perioperatively and at least 12 months postoperatively, is imperative to achieve successful clinical outcomes after MUC; this is consistent with the results of previous studies. A long-term follow-up study is necessary to evaluate the efficacy of MUC and comparison of patients with and without DM and patients with controlled and uncontrolled DM.
Our study has several limitations. First, this study had a retrospective design. Second, the sample size was small and the mean follow-up period was short, limiting the generalizability of the results. Third, we did not evaluate the duration of DM, glucose levels, or HbA1c levels, all of which may have influenced the clinical outcomes. Fourth, we did not evaluate other medical comorbidities.
In conclusion, we found that patients with frozen shoulder treated with MUC showed significantly improved ROM and functional scores 12 months after MUC. The ROM and functional scores were significantly inferior in the refractory group than in the success group 12 months after MUC. Age and the presence of DM were significantly higher in the refractory group. Higher age and the presence of DM are negative prognostic factors for MUC in frozen shoulder. We hope that these results could be applied to the future clinical management of patients with frozen shoulder treated by MUC.