Sensor Type
Sensor Location
Processed Sensor Outcome
Biofeedback Trigger
Biofeedback Type
Afzal et. al, 2015
Investigate whether a haptic feedback system is effective in reducing postural sway in young healthy subjects and in improving mean velocity displacement and planar deviation in stroke patients
Young healthy and clinical (stroke patients)
Smartphone with accelerometer and magnetometer)
1 sensor (attached to waist via leather belt)
Projection of trunk tilt; Mean Velocity Displacement; Planar Deviation; and the ML and AP Trajectories
When a subject exerted any force in the Yp axis of the haptic device
Our kinesthetic haptic feedback system was effective to reduce postural sway in young healthy subjects regardless of posture and the condition of the substrate (the ground) and to improve MVD and PD in stroke patients who assumed the Romberg stance
Small sample size; relatively slow update rate; simplified estimation of trunk tilt projection in upright posture which cannot include the possible effects of motion at hip; lack of measurement of changes in dynamic balance; and no long-term follow-up
Afzal et al., 2018
Assess the efficacy of using a wearable biofeedback device that generates light-touch biofeedback in aiding balance maintenance in stable and unstable conditions
Healthy young individuals
IMU (on-board inertial measurement unit)
1 sensor (4 RW's) worn on back (2 shoulder straps 1 waist strap)
Torso tilt angle in mediolateral plane
±1° about the vertical
Experimental trials supported the feasibility of the system as a balance training aid
Small sample size (7); heavy weight of sensor backpack can be uncomfortable for subjects; only provides balance cues in ML direction; study didn't identify balance recovery effects from added weight of sensor backpack
Bao et al., 2018
Assess the efficacy of long-term balance training with and without sensory augmentation among community-dwelling healthy older adults.
Community dwelling older (65-85 y/o) adults
IMU (iphone)
1 sensor (L4/L5 region) + 4 tactors (navel, lumbar spine, L/R sides of torso)
Trunk acceleration/displacement
The tilt angle plus one half times the tilt angular rate for Categories 1, 2, 4 and 5, and as the tilt angle for Category 3 exercises
The findings of this study support the use of sensory augmentation devices by community-dwelling healthy older adults as balance rehabilitation tools, and indicate feasibility of telerehabilitation therapy with reduced input from clinicians.
First, vibrotactile SA was only provided during a subset of exercises under the gait category; Second, correctness of exercise performance was not monitored during training; Third, small sample size; Finally, the information provided to the physical therapist by the smart phone balance trainer was limited to the number of step-outs in the six repetitions and the stability perception ratings from the participants.
Breen, Nisar & ÓLaighin, 2009
Comparing the efficacy of using a wearable sensor that detects bad cervical posture in healthy subjects for reducing percentage of time spent in bad cervical posture at computer with and without biofeedback
Regular computer users (no history of neck/back pain)
1 sensor (C7)
Percentage of time spent outside cervical posture threshold with and without biofeedback
Visual feedback continuous; auditory outside range of -5° to 10 °
Auditory and visual
The results from data collected during this study suggest that participants were able to maintain better cervical posture when working with the biofeedback system.
Did not take lumbar or thoracic regions into account; cervical movement only monitored in sagittal plane
Brodbeck et al., 2009
Address limitations of current conservative therapy, by automatically monitoring movement exercises in real time, generating a motivating, game-like visual feedback, and storing patients’ performance data for later assessment.
Clinical (chronic LBP or undergone back surgery)
Inertial sensor modules
2 sensors (T12/L1 and L5/S1)
Mobilization and stabilization exercises: the ratio of number of times that the range of motion limit was reached to the total number of attempts of a particular performance of the mobilizing exercise; Game exercises: The ratio of caught vs. missed balls is displayed as a score, and the final score is recorded as the success level of this exercise in the patients’ therapy history.; Clinical evaluation: subjective satisfaction of system questionnaire
Ranges determined by therapists (adjustable range enabling therapist to set difficulty for an exercise unique to each patient)
Visual and ambient (lightbulb)
The abstract visual feedback that we designed was considered helpful. Ambient feedback in the form of the Lightbulb proved to be a very useful addition to the computer screen in a real-life therapy setting.
Cerqueira, Ferreira Da Silva & Santos, 2020
Aims to empower operators with posture awareness and provide objective data to ergonomists
5 subjects ("users")
IMU (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis magnetometer)
4 sensors (T4, each upper arm, back of head)
Ergonomic risk level (each sample is converted from an analog angular value to a state)
When user exceeds recommended time outside threshold (individualized thresholds)
The results showed that providing real-time biofeedback to the subject improves posture awareness, and has a significant impact on reducing the ergonomic risk, with reductions of up to 39.8% of the time spent in hazard postures.
Chiari et al., 2005
Describe the architecture and the functioning principle of this ABF system, and examine if that ABF benefits normal, healthy subjects most when sensory information is partly compromised
Normal, healthy individuals
Linear uniaxial accelerometer
1 sensor (L5 region)
Trunk acceleration
Moving outside of the 'reference region' (defined as a function of an individuals height)
This acoustic information helped subjects reduce postural sway, especially when visual and sensory information were compromised by eye closure and stance on foam.
Franco et. al, 2012
To assess the effectiveness of a system that monitors the trunk angular evolution during bipedal stance and helps the user to improve balance through a configurable and integrated auditory-biofeedback loop
Young healthy individuals
IMU sensors on smartphone (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer)
3 sensors on smartphone mounted on L5
(1) the root mean square trunk tilt in the ML and AP directions (RMS in dregree), (2) the energy of the angulation signal in the ML and AP directions (in deg), (3) the 95% spectral edge frequency of the trunk tilt in the ML and AP directions (SEF95 in Hz), and (4) the duration of instability expressed as the time elapsed outside the DZ (error time in s)
ML trunk sway moving outside the deadzone (set to 1°)
Healthy individuals were able to efficiently use ABF on sagittal trunk tilt to improve their balance in the ML direction.
Gopalai et al., 2011
Integrate an intelligent vibrotactile biofeedback system with wobble board training for ankle proprioception rehabilitation and conditioning
Healthy, young individuals
1 sensor (trunk + wobble board)
Trunk angles
Minor or severe violation (A-P direction only)
The results observed an improvement in postural control with biofeedback intervention, demonstrating successfulness of the prototype
The current setup only allows for monitoring and feedback to be provided along a single plane.
Kent, Laird & Haines, 2015
(i) test the hypothesis that modifying patterns of painful lumbo-pelvic movement using motion-sensor biofeedback in people with low back pain would lead to reduced pain and activity limitation compared with guidelines-based care, and (ii) facilitate sample size calculations for a fully powered trial
Clinical (sub-acute and chronic LBP)
2 IMU's 2 EMG's
2 sensors (thoraco-lumbar junction and upper sacrum)
Self-reported pain intensity (Quadruple pain Visual Analogue Scale) and activity limitation (Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire and Patient Specific Functional Scale)
Exceeded a pre-determined angle for a sustained pre-determined period of time by the clinician
Visual and auditory/vibrotactile
Individualised movement retraining using motion-sensor biofeedback resulted in significant and sustained improvements in pain and activity limitation that persisted after treatment finished
Pilot trial involved co-funding and participation by the device manufacturer; Over the 12-month follow-up period the Guidelines based Care Group improved minimally; difference in the reference time period for QVAS at baseline compared with the reference period used at the follow-up time-points; the applicability of the results outside of the research context is constrained by the need for clinicians to be trained in the use of the ViMove system
Kentala et al., 2003
Evaluate the impact of a vibrotactile balance prosthesis on the performance of balance-impaired subjects on a moving platform
Clinical (Vestibular disorders)
IMU (accelerometer and gyroscope)
1 sensor (L2-L3 region)
Body tilt angle
A tilt angle range is set individually for each subject, based on his or her maximum forward and backward tilt angles (on average, the maximum tilt angles were 10° forward and 8° backward)
Vibrotactile and visual (for some trials)
Able to reduce the AP body tilt in subjects with vestibular deficits using a simple precur- sor to a "balance prosthesis,"; vibrotactile feedback enabled our vestibulopathic subjects to remain standing in- stead of falling.
The prosthesis precursor is too bulky to be of use in everyday life
Matheve et al., 2018
(1) to assess whether sensor-based feedback is more effective to improve lumbopelvic movement control compared to feedback from a mirror or no feedback in patients with chronic low back pain and (2) to evaluate whether patients with CLBP are equally capable of improving lumbopelvic movement control compared to healthy persons
Clinical (chronic LBP)
IMU (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer)
3 sensors (L1, S1, 20cm above lateral femoral condyle)
Effectiveness of feedback between baseline and post-intervention kinematics (lumbar spine and hip angles) for patients; comparing kinematics between healthy participants and patients
Sensor-based feedback is an effective means to improve lumbopelvic movement control in patients with CLBP.
Motor learning was assessed only by transfer test, not retention; mobility of lower limb joints was not evaluated at baseline; only 3 sensors were used for measurement (only 2 for feedback)
Nanhoe-Mahabier et al., 2012
To investigate the short-term carry-over effects of one training session involving real-time vibrotactile biofeedback, as compared to a similar session of non-biofeedback training in PD patients
Clinical (Parkinson's disease)
Angular velocity sensors
2 sensors (L1 and L3) + headband for biofeedback
AP and ML displacement of the trunk (angular velocity and sway angle)
40% of the 90% ranges of pitch and roll sway angular velocity derived during the second balance assessment of the first session
One session of balance training in PD using a biofeedback system showed beneficial effects on trunk stability
First, the present intervention was brief and not very intensive; examined a small number of PD patients with a mild disease severity and without cognitive decline; patients had a relatively good balance as indicated by the high Tinetti scores, limiting the generalizability of the findings
O'Sullivan et. al, 2013
To investigate how sitting behaviour is related with seated LBD, and whether using postural biofeedback which is matched to the individual clinical presentation can reduce LBD among people with NSCLBP during a standardised seated task
Clinical (Non-specific CLBP)
"Bodyguard" posture monitor with strain gauge
Spinal levels of L3 and S2
Mean lumbopelvic posture and postural variation expressed as a percentage of total lumbopelvic ROM
Individualised threshold for each subjects biofeedback was established
This study demonstrated that using postural biofeedback to facilitate a more neutral and less variable sitting posture significantly reduced seated LBD in a single session among people with NSCLBP
Choosing a two-point increase for categorising participants as PDs was somewhat arbitrary; LBD and OBD still increased significantly over time on both days suggesting that intermittent periods of physical activity may be needed; as PDs reported significantly greater baseline disability than NPDs it suggests that greater central sensitisation among PDs contributed to the increased LBD reported during T1; No follow-up of the participants was included; participant blinding was almost impossible from nature of postural biofeedback so possibility of an enhanced placebo effect; Using a stool without a backrest does not reflect the type of seat most commonly used; Possible that discomfort may have been reduced simply due to task familiarity; Other potentially relevant parameters like muscle activation were not measured; assessor of seated discomfort was not blinded; Angular data are not provided with the posture monitor and increased forward lean can result in data exceeding the calibration value of 100% ROM
Ribeiro et al., 2020
The aim was to assess the effectiveness of a lumbopelvic postural feedback device for changing postural behaviour in a group of healthcare workers
Adult healthcare workers
Triaxial accelerometer
1 sensor (waistband)
Total number of times the postural threshold was exceeded per hour in a working week
45° lumbar spine flexion (lasting 5+ sec OR less than 25sec following first sustained posture)
Findings indicate that audio feedback provided by a postural monitor device did not reduce the number of times healthcare workers exceeded the postural threshold.
Monitor was attached to waistband; monitor had to be replaced if monitor had significantly changed position
Sienko et. al, 2010
To investigate the effect of vibrotactile feedback during continuous multidirectional perturbations of a support platform using frequency-domain techniques and stabilogram diffusion analysis
Clinical (vestibular deficits)
2-axis IMU
1 sensor (lower back)
Power spectral density functions of body sway in the anterior–posterior (A/P) and medial–lateral (M/L) directions and transfer functions between platform motion and body sway
Tilt angle plus half the tilt rate exceeded a threshold of 1◦ (1 subject used a 0.5◦threshold instead)
The reduction in gains of the frequency transfer functions computed for body sway responses in the A/P and the M/L directions suggests that the vibrotactile feedback improves the sensitivity of the human postural control system to external platform disturbances
Sienko et. al, 2013
To characterize the effects of two real-time feedback displays on locomotor performance during four gait-based tasks ranging in difficulty
Clinical (vestibular deficits)
1 sensor (lower back)
The root-mean-square (RMS) trunk tilt and percentage of time below the tilt thresholds
Subject-specific predefined tilt threshold; A tilt exceeding 1° (0.75° for one subject) activated the lowest tactor (low level); a tilt exceeding 50% of the subject’s M/L limit of stability activated all three tactors (high level)
This preliminary study demonstrated that use of continuous vibrotactile feedback during challenging locomotor tasks allowed subjects with vestibular deficits to significantly decrease M/L RMS trunk tilt
Small sample size and a short training session
Stollenwerk et al., 2019
To systematically analyze geometric changes in posture as a result of postural training by a Gokhale Method teacher
Users (no info on age etc.)
5 sensors (lumbar spine)
Compared snapshots of an unguided-guided posture pair based on features computed from the 2D spine curve geometry
For all three positions, sitting, standing, hip hinging, we found a significant change in posture between the sets of guided and unguided snapshot pairs
No info on participants gender, age, height or weight; number of clusters suggested by the geometry does not necessarily reflect the number of clusters found by the posture trainer; showed several samples per cluster to only one professional posture trainer for postural change evaluation
Stredova et al., 2017
Elucidate if there is a significant difference between the ability to maintain balance with or without the biofeedback while standing and identify specific segments that takes place of motion solutions of postural problems
Healthy individuals (without CNS, rheumatoid or other disease)
Triaxial accelerometer
6 sensors (2 lower leg, 2 thigh, processus spinosus vertebrae L5 and C7)
Parameter SD VPG (sum of scatter of the acceleration in measured segments in 3D which shows changes in acceleration in every directions of Cartesian system) from the VBF tasks
Tasks with VBF shows greater SD of VPG than without VBF which shows that the conscious correction of the COP interfere to cortical system of motoric control; in eyes closed are deviations of the posture are bigger compared to open eyes. The biggest accelerations were detected in C7 in eyes closed; detected that in open eyes majority of probands used ankle strategy for maintaining balance, eyes closed preferred knee and hip strategy
Can´t compare 2D and 3D data, which could cause disagreements with studies conducted in 2D
Vignais et al., 2012
Introduce an innovative and practical system for ergonomic assessment of a worker’s activity in realtime
Healthy males
7 sensors (1 IMU for each upper arm, 1 IMU for each forearm, 1 IMU for the head, placed on the STHMD, 1 IMU for the trunk, located on the chest, and 1 IMU for the pelvis, placed on the sacrum)
Percentage of time spent in pre-defined RULA score ranges (global) and percentage of time spent at or above a pre-defined threshold per articulation or segment (local)
Visual (when local score was exceeded the following thresholds; shoulder and upper arm: 5, elbow and lower arm: 3, wrist and hand: 5, neck and head: 4, pelvis and trunk: 4) and auditory (when global score was 7 for a period of at least 0.5 s or when global score was between 5 and 6 for a period of at least 5 s)
Visual (local scores) and auditory (global score)
Real-time ergonomic feedback significantly decreased the outcome of both globally as well as locally hazardous RULA values that are associated with increased risk for musculoskeletal disorders.
Epidemiological data supporting the suggested patterns is missing; RULA table lacks precision; RULA table uses basic calculations which can be considered as a weakness for some specific anatomical areas like the lumbar zone; this system is not able to individually evaluate a lift and it has not yet been tested in an industrial environment; not possible to know the influence of the cumulative time spent at each range on the risk of MSDs exposure; inertial sensors and magnetometers can suffer from drawbacks such as magnetic disturbances
Volpe, Giantin, Fasano, 2014
To test the feasibility and effectiveness of a balance training program in association with a wearable proprioceptive stabilizer (Equistasi) that emits focal mechanical vibrations in patients with PD
Clinical (Parkinson's disease and history of at least one fall in the past)
"Equistasi" devices (wearable postural stabilizer)
3 sensors (over the 7th cervical vertebra and on each soleus muscle tendons)
Static posturography
A physiotherapy program for training balance in association with focal mechanical vibration exerted by a wearable proprioceptive stabilizer might be superior than rehabilitation alone in improving patients’ balance
Cannot rule out the bias introduced by fluctuations in levodopa plasmatic concentration; sample size is small and results have to be replicated by larger trial; the execution of exercises were influenced by therapists expertise and patients’ motivation; WPS were only tested on the neck and soleus muscles and not in other muscles involved in posture control
Wong & Wong, 2008
Introduce a method of using tri-axial accelerometers and gyroscopes to detect postural change in terms of curvature variation of the spine on the sagittal and coronal planes and demonstrate the performance of the posture monitoring system during daily activities
Healthy individuals
Inertial (1 tri-axial accelerometer and 3 uni-axial gyroscopes per sensor)
3 sensors (upper trunk T1, mid-trunk T12 and pelvic level S1)
Tilting angles and trunk angles of the thoracic and lumbar regions, and angular velocity of trunk movements
Day 2 (sagittal plane: <10°; coronal plane: ±10°); day 3 (sagittal plane: <5; coronal plane: ±5°)
Subjects could improve their posture when feedback signals were provided
Yoon et. al, 2015
To investigate the effects of visual feedback on internal oblique, external oblique, multifidus, and erector spinae and the kinematics of the trunk and pelvis between healthy and chronic low back pain
Healthy and clinical (CLBP)
Smart-phone (Clinometer software (Plaincode) and Mobizen software (Rsupport) were downloaded from the Google store and installed on the smart phone and computer)
1 sensor (T10-T12)
Net angular displacement of the trunk (flexion/extension in sagittal plane, lateral bend in frontal plane, and axial rotation in transverse plane) and pelvis (anterior tilt/posterior tilt in sagittal plane, left pelvic drop/hike in frontal plane, and anterior/posterior axial rotation in transverse plane)
VF applied through wireless smart-phone mirroring system has a selective positive effect on trunk muscles and pelvic movement and may be beneficial for CLBP patients.
Only the static phases of trunk muscle stabilization exercises were investigated; compensatory movement or subtle differences in the degree of arm and hip lift were not fully controlled; a cross-sectional method with a relatively small sample size in young subjects was used; an order effect and 2 repetitions per condition (increasing variability and random error)