Electric vehicles (EV) have become an important alternative to reduce contamination and atmospheric pollution in the environment caused, in part, by cars, due to their emissions of carbon dioxide. The broad dissemination of EV's in society involves the solution of challenges related to EV charging and travel times, which still must be overcome. Some proposals have pointed to wireless charging while the EVs are driven (CWD) with wireless power transfer (WPT) technology through magnetic induction. However, there are some concerns over security and access control in the system due to the particularities of VANET-based scenario, which requires high performance for offering a safe and quality service. This paper introduces an authentication and access control protocol for a CWD-WPT charging system based on bilinear pairing and trust management. When compared to another one, the protocol shows good performance in terms of computational, energy, and communication costs. A comparative security analysis performed revealed an improvement by our proposal regarding security functionalities.