The present study analyzed changes in lung function occurring after usual training flights in a typical tactical fighter aircraft under real-life conditions. Outcome measures were the concentration of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), the lung diffusing capacity for nitric oxide (DLNO) and carbon monoxide (DLCO), alveolar volume (VA), and the concentration of 8-OHdG in urine. In 145 flights performed by 35 pilots, statistically significant reductions in FeNO, DLNO, DLCO and VA, and a significant increase in the level of 8-OHdG occurred. When comparing repeated flights, baseline values prior to the first flight were restored before the second flight. Among the parameters that either directly described Gz-forces, or indirectly the action of the positive pressure breathing and oxygenation support, the combination of long flight duration and high altitude appeared to be linked to greater changes in DLNO and DLCO, while there were no associations with Gz-forces. There were also no significant associations between flight parameters and FeNO or 8-OHdG. Importantly, we found no indication of persistent effects in flights repeated on subsequent days. Taken together, the changes observed under real-flight conditions were small and could not be considered as clinically relevant [15, 25, 26, 27] but demonstrated the induction of physiological changes detectable by non-invasive procedures.
We used the fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) as a potential indicator of stress exerted on the bronchial mucosa. The exhaled NO primarily originates from the bronchi, and the contribution from the alveoli is very small [28]. FeNO depends on bronchial NO production but also on properties of the mucosa including its ability to transport NO and the presence of oxidants as potential scavengers, thereby rendering FeNO informative beyond its common use in asthma diagnostics [29]. This is particularly true when considering that changes linked to Th2-like immune responses need more time than the short interval between the flight and the assessments in this study [30]. If the transport barrier should be disturbed by, for example, increased mucus production as a response to inhalation of dry air, FeNO would probably decrease, similar to one of the mechanisms underlying reduced FeNO in cystic fibrosis [31]. The same would happen with increased production of oxygen radicals, possibly due to oxygen from the supply system of the aircraft [32]. Assuming that the endogenous NO production did not change within about 2 hours, the observed reductions in FeNO pointed towards these two mechanisms. We thus expected a correlation with the duration of the flight but possibly the minimum duration of 48 min was already long enough to elicit the effects so that there was no additional change with increasing flight duration. Symptoms, especially those of the upper airways, were low before and after the flights and there was no correlation with FeNO.
Diffusing capacity of the lung was assessed for three purposes. First, to determine the alveolar volume Va via helium dilution. The aim was to detect potential reductions of the volume accessible to gas transport, possibly due to atelectasis, either attributable to the action of G-forces or the resorption of high-oxygen breathing gas [33]. Indeed, VA decreased after the flights, suggesting that at least one of these mechanisms was involved.
Second, DLNO and KNO were chosen as outcome variables, since they are capable of indicating changes in the alveolar transport barrier independent from capillary blood volume, and in case of KNO, independent from changes in alveolar volume as far as these are not too large [34, 35]. This is based on the extraordinarily high affinity of NO for haemoglobin, so that the haemoglobin content of the lung becomes secondary [34]. DLNO and KNO significantly decreased after flights, whereby the percent change of KNO was smaller than that of DLNO but still greater than zero. This corresponded to the observation that the percent reduction in VA was smaller than that of DLNO and thus a residual effect regarding KNO and consequently the diffusion barrier remained.
Third, the conventional DLCO and KCO were measured and compared with NO diffusing capacity. DLCO and KCO should be sensitive to additional changes in the available haemoglobin and thus pulmonary capillary volume. The percent changes of DLCO and KCO were slightly larger than those of DLNO and KNO, respectively, suggesting a tiny additional effect on the vascular bed, through either G-forces or oxygenation. However, about 3 h prior to the post measurement, the pre assessment of DLCO involving inhalation of CO had been performed, and this inhalation might have been responsible for the difference. In the tight schedule, we did not determine the levels of carboxyhemoglobin or exhaled CO for the calculation of correction factors of DLCO. In previous exposure studies [24, 36], however, we had found that for time intervals of slightly more than 2 h the correction of DLCO and KCO was about 0.7%. A similar effect might explain that in the present data the reductions of the uncorrected CO diffusing capacity were slightly larger than those of NO diffusing capacity. Thus, conclusions on additional effects regarding the vascular bed are hypothetical.
Oxidative stress was assessed via the determination of oxidized guanosine species in urine. In order to be sensitive to a spectrum of changes, we used a kit comprising the several related molecular species, among them the well-known 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) [14, 37], which we took pars pro toto for this type of alterations. While the concentrations of both, 8-OHdG and creatinine, decreased after the flights, the decrease in creatinine levels was stronger, leading to a significant increase in the ratio of 8-OHdG and creatinine. This increase was larger when restricting our analysis to flights before noon, i.e., without previous flights on that day and/or potentially variable pre-flight behaviour of the pilots. Whether the slight increase in normalized 8-OHdG was due to the general stress exerted by the flight or should be specifically attributed to the inhalation of oxygen, cannot be derived from our findings. There were no significant associations with flight parameters, either as single indices or in combination.
Differences between pilots were apparent regarding absolute FeNO values, as some of them had a history of allergic rhinitis, although without symptoms during the time of the study. There were also differences in absolute values of alveolar volume and other parameters of diffusing capacity that are naturally related to height and body size [25]. In the analyses addressing the associations between flight parameters and percent changes, there also appeared differences between pilots, some of them showing virtually no and other markedly larger than average changes, as indicated by the minima and maxima in Table 3. Despite similar ranges, the association with the pilots was, however, statistically significant only for alveolar volume, possibly because this volume was determined via helium dilution only, i.e. without involvement of NO and CO, and could be measured with the highest accuracy.
Previous data from studies performed in centrifuges [38] have already demonstrated effects of high G-forces on the lung, especially on lung volumes. Centrifuges have the advantage of providing highly standardized and reproducible exposure conditions, but most available studies involved variations in only one type of exposure parameters, not in three of them (duration, altitude, Gz-force) and with support system. The novelty of our findings is the assessment under real-flight conditions comprising the whole variety of flight characteristics encountered in training scenarios. This was possible owing the ability to incorporate measurements into routine flight schedules. It is also relevant that the fighter jet used by the squadron, the Eurofighter Typhoon, is a typical high-performance fighter aircraft of the 4th generation, with capabilities similar to those of other aircrafts that are in international use for similar purposes [39, 40]. Assuming that the differences in flight characteristics and support systems between jets are secondary compared to the requirement to master the challenge from exposures, the present results should be applicable to other airplanes, too. Thus, the results are of interest not only from a physiological point of view, as the flights provided a unique opportunity for real-life physiological challenges, but also from the perspective of occupational medicine.
Limitations of the study
The study had the limitation that we could not implement further assessments including sampling from the respiratory tract and blood, due to their invasive nature and the restrictions by the time schedule. We also had to estimate the correction factor regarding carboxyhemoglobin and the assessment of DLCO after the flights from previous studies. Although 22 pilots performed at least 4 flights and one pilot even 10 flights, a higher number of pilots with a high number of flights might have allowed to identify systematic differences between pilots regarding their response pattern. The delay between the end of the flight and the measurements was about 28 min on average, with a minimum of 13 min, and this delay might already have been long enough for some acute effects to disappear, especially regarding micro-atelectasis [33] or oxygen-induced effects on pulmonary capillaries. Despite this, we still found hints on atelectasis from the changes in VA. From a clinical perspective, it might be argued that effects disappearing in very short time bear a lower potential to become clinically relevant over long time than more persistent effects.