Construction of the ISF in Futaba town and Okuma town began in 2017, with storage facility for removed soil set up in three areas in Futaba town and five areas in Okuma town7,8,11. The total capacity for contaminated soil was 3.1 million m3 in Futaba town and 10 million m3 in Okuma town. As of March 2023, two storage facilities in Futaba town and one in Okuma town have been completed11. From October 2021 to November 2022, the ambient dose rates and radiocesium detection points were significantly higher in the ISF than in the evacuation-order-lifted area and SRRB in Futaba town and Okuma town (p < 0.001). Additionally, the values at the ISF in Okuma town were significantly higher than those in Futaba town (p < 0.001). Immediately after the FDNPP accident, various radionuclides, including radiocesium, were released from around the FDNPP into the atmosphere, eventually being deposited on land and at sea in the surrounding areas5. The amount of artificial radionuclides released from nuclear reactors and diffusion scales absolutely differed between Futaba town and Okuma town4,6. Therefore, the difference in the initial contamination in Futaba town and Okuma town are considered to provide a direct reflection of the ambient dose rates and radiocesium detection points, even after the decontamination process, because whole contamination materials such as deposits, soil, and trees were not completely removed and storaged6,7,11. Moreover, the ISF remains a restricted area and decontamination work has not yet been carried out7. In our previous study in Tomioka town, Fukushima Prefecture, a significant difference in ambient dose rates since 2017 was observed between the decontaminated and non-decontaminated areas12–14. According to another report, the average ambient dose rate in decontaminated locations was about 20% lower than that in non-decontaminated areas15. In Futaba town and Okuma town, the decontamination processes at the SRRB started on September 12, 2017 and March 9, 2018, respectively, with total areas of approximately 860 and 555 ha, respectively6,7,9,10. The decontamination process in the evacuation-order-lifted area in Futaba town started much earlier than that at the SRRB and was completed in March 2016, well before the evacuation order was lifted on March 4, 20206. According to reports from the Ministry of the Environment, decontamination reduced the ambient dose rates by 60% at 1 m above ground level in residential areas and by 42% on roads6,16. Therefore, a more effective and thorough decontamination process could reduce the ambient dose rates as a result of the removal of radiocesium (environmental remediation) in the affected areas. Moreover, in our previous study, decontamination was carried out effectively in Tomioka, reducing the ambient dose rates in the decontaminated area by 71.9% (from 1.0 µSv/h to 0.32 µSv/h within 1 year)12. Other studies have also reported the effectiveness of decontamination for reducing ambient dose rates to a low level13,14,17. Therefore, our findings suggest that the environmental radioactivity in the SRRB and evacuation-order-lifted areas was continuously stable at extremely low levels as a result of decontamination.
On the other hand, the radiocesium (mainly 137Cs) detection points in the SRRB remained at a consistently lower level (< 7.8%). In our previous study, accident-derived 137Cs levels in the SRRB in Tomioka were observed in airborne dust samples, which suggested that the 137Cs radioactivity in the airborne dust was primarily associated with particles that were resuspended by localized winds and the transfer of construction vehicles as opposed to the decontamination and demolition operations (Supplementary Table S4)18. Furthermore, human activities such as the transportation of contaminants (removal of soil and radioactive waste) and land restoration might have caused some fluctuations in the ambient dose rates12,18. According to another report, weekly changes in vehicular traffic tends to affect the accumulation of airborne dust particles and radioactive materials resuspended in the air, thereby contributing to temporary variation in the concentration of radiocesium19. The findings of the present study suggest that the radiocesium detected was from not only materials derived from the FDNPP accident, but also the subsequent resuspension of radiocesium in the air. In addition, wind direction, wind speed, and other meteorological factors can also cause changes in radiocesium concentrations20–23. According to previous studies in Fukushima, the wind can affect the deposition level of 137Cs, with high concentrations in the air associated with areas of high 137Cs deposition20. Radiocesium resuspension and deposition can also be influenced by meteorological events such as rain out (washout), which can transfer radiocesium in the surface layer to the lower layer21. According to reports of the Chernobyl accident, a positive relationship was found between airborne radiocesium concentrations and wind speed22,23.
However, the estimated annual effective doses for decontamination workers and residents of the decontamination area were lower than the recommended limit set by the Japanese government based on the recommendation of the International Commission on Radiological Protection24–26 (Supplementary Tables S2 and S3, Figure S2 and S3). Nevertheless, to control artificial radioactivity and avoid unnecessary radiation exposure due to the FDNPP accident in these areas, environmental radioactivity monitoring and special education, including radiation safety for workers who engage in decontamination work and residents who will return to the SRRB, are necessary.
In the present study, changes in the ambient dose rate by season and weather were difficult to identify through a horizontal comparison based on car-borne surveys. However, the main artificial radionuclides derived from the FDNPP accident, such as 137Cs, could be analyzed to sufficiently low levels. Moreover, the combination of radionuclide analysis of environmental samples such as soil and extensive monitoring via a car-borne survey could accurately evaluate the decontamination effects and external and internal exposure levels. These findings suggest that long-term follow-up monitoring is extremely important for the reconstruction of affected areas, including the SRRB, around the FDNPP.