Study Design, Period and Area
A cross-sectional study was conducted among primary school children from October to December, 2019 in ANRS. The ANRS consists of 10 zones and 157 districts and is divided into three major ecological zones: the highlands, midlands and the lowlands. The annual mean temperature is between 15°C and 21°C. The mean annual rainfall is also 1,165 mm. According to the economic and finance office of the ANRS 2017 report, the total population of children (5-14 years) in the region is 5,996,074 [17].
Six districts and twelve primary schools (two primary schools in each district) were selected by simple random sampling technique and a systematic random sampling technique was used to select the study participants in each selected primary school as class roster was used as a sampling frame. The sample size was proportionally allocated for each school by taking the total number of students in each category into consideration.
Students who fall in the age range 6-14 years, gave consent and volunteered to participate were included whereas, students who took anti-helminthic drugs for the last 2 months prior to data collection or during data collection time were excluded from the study.
Data collection and processing
Approximately, 10 g of fresh stool sample was collected with 25.0 ml stool cups from each study participant and transported to the nearby health institution within an hour. The fresh stool samples were processed with FEC, KK, STS and APC methods to detect STHs.
In the modified Richie’s method, approximately 0.5 g fresh stool sample was added in the sample collecting tube containing 2.5 ml of formalin and 1 ml of ethyl acetate. The test tube was mixed well and centrifuged at 1500 revolutions for three minutes. Finally, the supernatant was discarded and the sediment was mixed and put on the microscope to detect the ova and the larva of STHS [18]
In the KK technique, a stool sample was pressed through a mesh screen to remove large particles. About 41.7mg of sieved stool was transferred to the templates which was put on a slide till the template whole is filled. Then, the template was removed and the stool sample was covered and pressed with cellophane which is previously immersed with Glycerol-malachite green. The KK thick smears were examined within 30 minutes for hookworm and after one hour up to 24 hours for other intestinal parasites [11].
In the STS technique, approximately 3g of fresh stool sample was weighed and homogenized in 10 ml of normal saline solution. The mixture was filtered through surgical gauze into a 50 ml plastic tube which was then filled with more saline solution to 50 ml gauge, plugged, and shaken vigorously. The tube was left to stand for 45 minutes, and then discard the supernatant. A sample was taken from the bottom and put on a microscope slide and seen for ova and larva of STHs [9].
In APC technique, about 3g of fresh stool was placed on the centre of a primary APC in a 100 x 15 mm Petri dish. The Petri dish was sealed with adhesive tape and incubated at26 ºC) for two days. The surface of the agar-plate was analyzed daily with an inverted microscope for the presence of tracks of moving larvae. Then after, 5 ml of a 10 % formalin solution was added to the agar surface and waited for 5 minutes. The excess formalin was collected with a conical test tube and centrifuged at 1,500 for 5 minutes. Finally, the sediment was first seen for larvae of hookworm with microscope [19].
Performance evaluation
The detection rate and performance of FEC, STS, KK and APC methods to STHs was checked. The diagnostic agreements of methods were evaluated by Kappa value, number of observed agreements, number of agreements expected by chance and standard error of Kappa. Kappa result was interpreted as follows: values ≤ 0 as indicating no agreement and 0.01–0.20 as none to slight, 0.21–0.40 as fair, 0.41– 0.60 as moderate, 0.61–0.80 as substantial, and 0.81–1.00 as almost perfect agreement[20].
Data quality control
Training was given for laboratory personnel about the study, data collection, and detection. The quality of reagents and instruments were checked. The stool samples were also checked for serial number, and quantity. To eliminate observer bias, each stool sample was examined immediately by two laboratory personnel. To maintain the reliability of the study findings, 15% of the results of each method were randomly selected and re-examined by a third laboratory personnel who was blind for the first stool examination. The principal investigator checked the discordant results and put the final result.
Data analysis
Data was entered in Epi-data version 3.1 and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 statistical software for descriptive statistics. The sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value and positive predictive values for each diagnostic method in STHs detection was calculated against the combined results as a “Gold” standard method. Kappa values were estimated at 95% CI to determine the strength of agreement of the diagnostic methods. P-value <0.05 were considered as statistically significant.
Ethical consideration
Ethical clearance was obtained from College of Medicine and Health Science ethical review committee, Bahir Dar University and permission letter was obtained from ANR health bureau. Supporting letters were also obtained from ANR education bureau, Zonal and district education offices. Written informed consent was secured from parents/guardians of each study participant. Study participants infected with intestinal parasites were referred to doctors at the nearby health institution.