In the present study, we developed 3D CNN-based models named the OCDAc-Net and the OCDAs-Net using DL to predict automatic diagnostic classification and staging of OC patients with routine clinical PET/CT data. A review of clinical symptoms was recommended by the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO), along with examining patients physically, which needs to be performed after the initial treatment for OC with radiographic imaging (CT, MRI, or PET) and an optional CA125 test every three months in patients with suspected recurrence. These patients commonly have an incremented level of CA125 and results on clinical examination or suspicious symptoms [29]. More accurate information can be provided by 18F-FDG PET/CT examination on surveillance and staging to detect recurrent high-grade OC. Though, surgical staging is still conducted owing to its higher false negative rate for micro lesions or cystic lesions [9].
DL has been used in a few studies on gynecological imaging. A systematic review was performed by Akazawa and Hashimoto for elucidating the state of AI studies on gynecologic cancers. They concluded that cervical cancer had been studied highly compared to endometrial and OC. Moreover, prognoses were used mostly in the investigation of cervical cancer, while diagnoses were used primarily to study OC [17]. Recently, an automated framework was constructed by Schwartz et al. to identify OC in transgenic mice based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) recordings [24]. A two-stage supervised 3D CNN was developed by Potočnik and Šavc based on the U-Net established to automate detecting ovarian follicles in ultrasound images [25].
Several other AI algorithms exist for PET image detection and classification. A DL model was constructed by Shen et al. to forecast distant metastasis and local relapse after concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT). Distant and local failures were experienced by 26 and 21 patients between 142 patients with cervical cancer in the median 40 months of follow-up, respectively. The distant metastasis and local relapse were predicted by their model from the PET/CT images with accuracies of 0.87 and 0.89, respectively [30]. A system based on CNN was developed by Kawauchi et al. to categorize whole-body FDG PET as 1) benign, 2) equivocal, or 3) malignant. They classified 1280 (37%), 755 (22%), and 1450 (42%) patients as benign, equivocal, and malignant, respectively. In the analysis results, benign, equivocal, and malignant images were predicted by CNN with accuracies of 0.99, 0.87, and 0.99, respectively [31].
To our knowledge, this is the first staging and image classification study for recurrence/post-therapy surveillance of OC utilizing PET images via DL. It should be noted that the predictions were made for each patient using 3D images. We reported the final performance of the models. In diagnostic classification, the cancerous and non-cancerous classes were correctly predicted by the neural network with an overall accuracy of 92%. However, the accuracy was 85.8% for cancerous patients. Thus, according to the average probability of all metrics, 3D CNN can effectively predict 2-class classification from PET images. Moreover, it was classified correctly with an accuracy of 95.3% for stage III, and 91.7%, for stage IV for predicting the staging with an overall accuracy of 94%. It was suggested that the system might potentially assist radiologists in preventing misdiagnosis and oversight. The automatic 3D CNN-based classification and staging has sufficient accuracy. Hence, valuable assistance can be provided by our approach for PET/CT readers in the diagnosis and staging of patients with OC. Although the process is automated, the physician expert should still supervise the final report. Thus, the possibility of assisted reading is offered by our approach, which may help PET/CT readers in training. As a double-checking system, the current system could help physicians. The 3D CNN would also present experience from experts performing 18F-FDG PET/CT regularly for gynecological diseases. Inter-observer agreements could be increased between institutions (such as clinical trials).
It should be mentioned that when CNN directly learns with 3D images, the computational complexity becomes enormous [31]. The lack of data is typically the key factor causing 3D CNN-based detection approaches to perform less efficiently [25]. However, we proved that an effective 3D model can be developed through supervised learning appropriately, in spite of the relatively small training set. The accuracy could be further improved by some approaches. In the present study, a network based on ResNet-50 was used to decrease the learning cost [32], a type of the “ResNet” family. Indeed, ResNet systems can be technically built with deeper layers. Recently, different networks have been developed based on ResNet with higher performance [33, 34]. Considering the big-data science, the number of images must increase for further enhancement in diagnostic accuracy [35]. Using data augmentation methods, we increased the data sets in this study.
There were several limitations to this study. First, a black box was essentially the working mechanism of the DL algorithm. The feature extraction and selection processes are opaque and automated. This is a general problem for physicians to understand the model results intuitively and clearly. Therefore, it is challenging to determine the reasoning behind this phenomenon and the negative or positive effects of certain characteristics [36]. Second, our prediction model purely focused on PET images and could not benefit potentially from a larger cohort of data sets. Third, in the present study, we utilized only the data sets of patients with stages III and IV according to the review of recurrence/post-therapy surveillance and available data. In the future, it is essential to perform a large-scale, prospective study utilizing various 18F-FDG-PET/CT data.