Real-world studies of key health outcomes and care practices among patients with PH are crucial for understanding the economic and clinical burden of PH within the US. This retrospective, observational analysis investigated real-world patterns of HCRU and associated healthcare costs, as well as clinical measurements of disease progression among patients with PH who initiated dialysis treatment.
Healthcare costs associated with PH management were substantial, exceeding $200,000 per patient within the first year following the initiation of dialysis. Previous retrospective analyses of claims data from the IQVIA PharMetrics Plus Database, however, reported substantially lower annual healthcare costs of just $22,549 among patients with PH of any clinical stage.15 This may be due, in part, to differences in disease severity as this claims study reported notably lower rates of inpatient admissions (4%), kidney transplants (2.2%), and liver transplants (1.3%) indicating a lower disease burden compared with patients in the current study. The use of EMR data may also have led to the higher estimated costs reported in the current study, as EMRs allow for capturing data which may not be billed.
Clinical progression of disease was indicated in this study by the increasing volume of KSEs per patient, as the date of dialysis initiation approached. In addition, many patients had documented oxalate-related comorbidities such as diabetes, as well as high BMI values during the baseline period, both of which are associated with an increased risk of kidney stones. These findings may indicate progressive kidney damage among the cohort, likely due to PH-associated oxalate overproduction, and highlight the potential risk of subsequent kidney failure. Among patients who required an organ transplant, comorbidities such as mild liver disease and diabetes with chronic complications were prevalent and substantially exceeded rates among the general US population (1.7% and 11.3%, respectively).21–23
Although PH is considered a rare disorder, recent genomic sequencing data has suggested that the prevalence rate is far higher than reported, possibly indicating under- or delayed diagnosis. In the current study, considerable diagnosis delays were observed, with over half of all patients receiving a clinical PH diagnosis after initiating dialysis. Early diagnosis of PH is crucial for managing clinical outcomes among patients, as delayed diagnosis is associated with a higher risk of progression to ESKD and transplant failure.12,24,25 Indeed, of transplant recipients in the current study, approximately 65% experienced transplant failure during the follow-up period. Several previous studies support these findings. Observational analyses of the International Primary Hyperoxaluria Registry showed that among patients with a documented kidney or dual kidney/liver transplant (N = 58), 19% received a clinical PH diagnosis after their first kidney transplant. Patients with delayed diagnoses were subsequently more likely to have early transplant failure, although long-term failure rates were not significantly impacted by timely diagnosis.12 Similarly, a retrospective analysis of the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients database showed that 8.3% of patients with PH who received a dual liver/kidney transplant (N = 181) and 21.4% of those who received sequential liver/kidney transplants (N = 20) did not receive pretransplant dialysis. Overall, the cumulative 5-year kidney and liver survival was 78.4% and 86.8% among dual transplant recipients compared with 85.0% and 88.2% of sequential transplant recipients.13 Furthermore, a retrospective analysis of the Rare Kidney Stone Consortium PH Registry demonstrated that of patients with PH (N = 409), 32 were diagnosed after progression to ESKD. Interestingly, however, delayed diagnosis was not attributed to rapid onset of disease, as time from first symptoms to diagnosis was shorter for patients without than those with ESKD at diagnosis (median: 1.4 versus 3.5 years). Among patients without ESKD, 20% developed ESKD after diagnosis during a median follow-up of 3 years, however, 10-year renal survival remained high, according to PH subtype I, II, or III (79%, 100%, or 95%, respectively).6
The high proportion of transplant failure or rejection in this study substantially exceeds that shown in the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) 2021 annual data report in which the 12-month acute kidney transplant rejection was observed in 5.3–9.3% of a general patient population.26 One potential explanation for this difference is the high rate of comorbidities experienced by this study cohort, although further confirmation would be needed to establish causality. Another cause may be the limitations of identification of patients with PH and the resulting small dataset obtained for this analysis. Due to poor characterization and diagnosis of PH, patients who successfully receive a diagnosis may be more likely to demonstrate severe symptoms or advanced disease. Thus, patients who received a transplant in this study may have had poorer overall health compared with the general population of transplant recipients during this time.
The strengths of the study included the use of a real-word clinical dataset, the descriptive observation of a relatively large population of patients with PH, as well as the ability to observe real-world care journeys within the cohort. The study also had limitations. First, EMR data is susceptible to data entry errors, coding limitations, and missing data. Second, the ICD-10-CM code for PH was introduced on October 1, 2018, meaning underdiagnosis prior to dialysis initiation may have been overestimated. This code also does not distinguish between PH subtypes.27 Third, most dialysis encounters in the US occur at private dialysis centers, which are not captured in the TriNetX database.28 Identification and evaluation of patients undergoing dialysis was thus likely limited, leading to an underestimation of the volume of patients with PH and dialysis-related study measures. Similarly, certain lab data are not documented in the EMR and may have been subject to under-reporting. Fourth, KSEs may be underestimated as patients may not seek medical attention for all KSEs experienced. Fifth, patients were assumed to be covered by Medicare FFS or commercial insurance and other insurance types or specific benefit plan designs (e.g., coverage limits or benefit maximums) were not accounted for. Services documented in the EMR were assumed covered. Finally, only service costs within contributing HCO were imputed, and may have been overestimated if more than one encounter ID was created for a single encounter. Costs may also be underestimated as care received outside the contributing HCOs, such as prescription drug filling at retail pharmacies or services provided by home health aides, were not captured in the EMR.